{{ :nations:flags:LA_agartha.png?nolink|}} ====== LA Agartha, Ktonian Dead ====== ===== Lore ===== In dark caverns under the Roots of the Earth a strange kind of one-eyed humanoids once evolved. Untouched by the sun, they became known to humans as the Pale Ones. When humans first met these pale giants, it was in war. With the destruction of the false god of the Pale Ones, an ancient Seal was broken and vast powers of destruction were released. The Pale Ones were almost wiped out of existence and humans could move down into the caverns of Agartha. Here they found fabulous riches and ancient secrets. The humans replaced the Pale Ones and now all Agarthans are pale-skinned humans with large eyes. Everything left by the Ancients became subject to worship in Agartha. At first, statues of the Ancients were adored and animated by the Golem Crafters, but most of the statues were destroyed during the great war and new forms of worship have evolved. The mummified remains of the now-extinct Pale Ones are worshiped and reanimated by necromancer-priests. While the mummies of Pale Ones are sacred, the human dead are not treated with the same respect. Used for menial tasks and warfare, the dead of Agartha now walk side by side with the living. //Agartha is inspired by fantasy RPG's in general, and an Earth Dawn setting of my brother's imagination, ripe with mummified ancestors entombed in ancient cavern halls, in particular. Old ideas of a race of pale, cave-dwelling humanoids from my ideas of the game “Shepherds of Creation” completed the conglomerate. Think of opulent halls adorned with riches of the deeper earth in which reside ancient bloated oracles with pallid skins ruling their kin with increasing desperation; desperation because their proud race is dying. Agartha is perhaps the most tragic of the nations in Dominions. Surviving oracles cling to memories of a glorious past unable to stop the unavoidable disappearance of their ancient race. I wanted a sense of loss to permeate the nation.// - Illwinter ===== General Overview ===== If you are considering picking this nation to play, what should you know? ===== National Features ===== ^ Magic Access ^ Alt. Access ^ Unit Summary ^ Core Abilities ^ Buildings ^ | {{path>E3}} (Rare 4)\\ {{path>D3}} (Rare 4)\\ {{path>F2}} \\ {{path>W2}} \\ {{path>S1}} (Rare 2)\\ {{path>H2}} | **Hero:** \\ {{path>F2W2E2S1D1H1R31}} \\ **Summons:** \\ {{path>E3D3H3}} | Light and Heavy Human Infantry \\ Steel Crossbows \\ Cave Drake Knights | {{:abilities:darkvision.png?15&nolink}} [[Darkvision]] \\ {{:abilities:corpse_stitcher.png?15&nolink}} [[Corpse Stitcher]] | {{:misc:gui:fortress.png?20&nolink}} Standard Forts \\ {{:misc:gui:cave.png?15&nolink}}{{:misc:gui:fortress.png?15&nolink}}Cave Forts have extra {{:misc:gui:gold.png?15&nolink}}Gold and {{:misc:gui:resources.png?15&nolink}}Resources | **Capitol Gems: **{{gems>1F1E2D}} **Productivity Limit + 1** \\ **Death Limit + 1** {{:nations:la:agartha:agarthan_sapper.png?nolink }} The Agarthans are **cave-adapted humans** with **50% {{:abilities:darkvision.png?15&nolink}}[[Darkvision]]**. This means that, in the [[darkness]], their Attack Skill and Defence Skill are superior to that of regular humans. This is even more obvious in the magical darkness some [[Death]] Mages may beckon. However, their eyes have grown strange in an attempt to cope with the lack of light, leaving them only **8 Precision**; or 7 in caves, which is the same amount as what a normal human would have. They are otherwise identical to regular humans; [[Size]] 3, with zero [[Natural Protection]], 3 [[Encumbrance]], 12 [[Combat Speed]], 14 [[Map Movement]], and **10's** in everything else. ===== National Units ===== ==== Commanders ==== ^ Sprite ^ Unit Name ^ SpecialAttributes ^ Comments ^ | {{:nations:la:agartha:agarthan_scout.png?nolink}} | **??Agarthan Scout#1448??**\\ {{:misc:gui:gold.png?15&nolink}} 35\\ {{:misc:gui:resources.png?15&nolink}} 4\\ {{:misc:gui:recruitmentpoints.png?15&nolink}} 1 | {{:abilities:Darkvision.png?15&nolink}} [[Darkvision]] (50%)\\ {{:abilities:stealthy.png?15&nolink}} [[Stealthy]] (50)\\ {{:abilities:mountain_survival.png?15&nolink}} [[Mountain Survival]]\\ {{:abilities:forest_survival.png?15&nolink}} [[Forest Survival]] | Commentary here. | | {{:nations:la:agartha:cave_captain.png?nolink}} | **??Cave Captain#1445??**\\ {{:misc:gui:gold.png?15&nolink}} 95\\ {{:misc:gui:resources.png?15&nolink}} 22\\ {{:misc:gui:recruitmentpoints.png?15&nolink}} 1 | {{:abilities:Darkvision.png?15&nolink}} [[Darkvision]] (50%) | Commentary here. | | {{:nations:la:agartha:gate_lord.png?nolink}} | **??Gate Lord#1446??**\\ {{:misc:gui:gold.png?15&nolink}} 150\\ {{:misc:gui:resources.png?15&nolink}} 37 \\ {{:misc:gui:recruitmentpoints.png?15&nolink}} 2 | {{:abilities:Darkvision.png?15&nolink}} [[Darkvision]] (50%) \\ {{:abilities:castle_defence_bonus.png?15&nolink}} [[Castle Defence]] (10) | Commentary here. | | {{:nations:la:agartha:blindlord.png?nolink}} | **??Blindlord#1444??**\\ {{:misc:gui:gold.png?15&nolink}} 200\\ {{:misc:gui:resources.png?15&nolink}} 37 \\ {{:misc:gui:recruitmentpoints.png?15&nolink}} 1 | {{:abilities:sacred.png?20&nolink}} [[Sacred]] \\ {{:abilities:blind.png?15&nolink}} [[Blind Fighter]] (1) \\ {{:abilities:magic_being.png?15&nolink}} [[Magic Being]] \\ {{:abilities:spirit_sight.png?15&nolink}} [[Spirit Sight]] | Commentary here. | | {{:nations:la:agartha:drake_lord.png?nolink}} | **??Drake Lord#1451??**\\ {{:misc:gui:gold.png?15&nolink}} 220\\ {{:misc:gui:resources.png?15&nolink}} 36\\ {{:misc:gui:recruitmentpoints.png?15&nolink}} 2 | {{:abilities:Darkvision.png?15&nolink}} [[Darkvision]] (50%) | Commentary here. | | {{:nations:la:agartha:cave_drake.png?nolink}} | //??Cave Drake#3553??// | {{:abilities:Darkvision.png?15&nolink}} [[Darkvision]] (50%) \\ {{:abilities:smart_mount.png?15&nolink}} [[Smart Mount]] (100) \\ {{:abilities:undisciplined.png?15&nolink}} [[Undisciplined]] \\ {{:abilities:animal.png?15&nolink}} [[Animal]] \\ {{:abilities:cold_blooded.png?15&nolink}} [[Cold Blooded]] \\ {{:abilities:mountain_survival.png?15&nolink}} [[Mountain Survival]] | Commentary here. | | {{:nations:la:agartha:attendant_of_the_dead.png?nolink}} | **??Attendant of the Dead#1442??**\\ {{:misc:gui:gold.png?15&nolink}} 140\\ {{:misc:gui:resources.png?15&nolink}} 1\\ {{:misc:gui:recruitmentpoints.png?15&nolink}} 2 | {{path>E1D1H1R9}}\\ {{:abilities:sacred.png?20&nolink}} [[Sacred]]\\ {{:abilities:Darkvision.png?15&nolink}} [[Darkvision]] (50%) \\ {{:abilities:corpse_stitcher.png?15&nolink}} [[Corpse Stitcher]] (1) | Commentary here. | | {{:nations:la:agartha:ktonian_reanimator.png?nolink}} | **??Ktonian Reanimator#2456??**\\ {{:misc:gui:gold.png?15&nolink}} 185\\ {{:misc:gui:resources.png?15&nolink}} 1\\ {{:misc:gui:recruitmentpoints.png?15&nolink}} 2 | {{path>E1D2R11}}\\ {{:abilities:sacred.png?20&nolink}} [[Sacred]]\\ {{:abilities:Darkvision.png?15&nolink}} [[Darkvision]] (50%) \\ {{:abilities:resource_bonus.png?15&nolink}} [[Resource Bonus]] (10) \\ {{:abilities:corpse_stitcher.png?15&nolink}} [[Corpse Stitcher]] (3) \\ {{:abilities:summon_allies.png?15&nolink}} [[Summons in Battle]] (??Soulless#197??) | Commentary here. | | {{:nations:la:agartha:ktonian_alchemist.png?nolink}} | **??Ktonian Alchemist#2521??**\\ {{:misc:gui:gold.png?15&nolink}} 190\\ {{:misc:gui:resources.png?15&nolink}} 1\\ {{:misc:gui:recruitmentpoints.png?15&nolink}} 2 | {{path>F1W1E1,100%FWED}}{{path>R13}}\\ {{:abilities:Darkvision.png?15&nolink}} [[Darkvision]] (50%) \\ {{:abilities:alchemy.png?15&nolink}} [[Alchemy]] (50) | Commentary here. | | {{:nations:la:agartha:servant_of_the_oracles.png?nolink}} | **??Servant of the Oracles#1443??**\\ {{:misc:gui:gold.png?15&nolink}} 260\\ {{:misc:gui:resources.png?15&nolink}} 1\\ {{:misc:gui:recruitmentpoints.png?15&nolink}} 2 | {{path>E1D1H2,100%FESD}}{{path>R11}}\\ {{:abilities:sacred.png?20&nolink}} [[Sacred]]\\ {{:abilities:Darkvision.png?15&nolink}} [[Darkvision]] (50%) \\ {{:abilities:corpse_stitcher.png?15&nolink}} [[Corpse Stitcher]] (2) | Commentary here. | | {{:nations:la:agartha:ktonian_necromancer.png?nolink}} | **??Ktonian Necromancer#1438??**\\ {{:misc:gui:gold.png?15&nolink}} 415\\ {{:misc:gui:resources.png?15&nolink}} 1\\ {{:misc:gui:recruitmentpoints.png?15&nolink}} 4 \\ {{:misc:gui:fortress.png?20&nolink}} Capital Only | {{path>F1E2D2H1,100%FESD,10%FESD}}{{path>R17}}\\ {{:abilities:sacred.png?20&nolink}} [[Sacred]]\\ {{:abilities:Darkvision.png?15&nolink}} [[Darkvision]] (50%) \\ {{:abilities:corpse_stitcher.png?15&nolink}} [[Corpse Stitcher]] (5) | Commentary here. | ==== Units ==== ^ Sprite ^ Unit Name ^ SpecialAttributes ^ Comments ^ | {{:nations:la:agartha:agarthan_heavy_infantry.png?nolink}} | **??Agarthan Heavy Infantry#1354??**\\ {{:misc:gui:gold.png?15&nolink}} 10\\ {{:misc:gui:resources.png?15&nolink}} 27\\ {{:misc:gui:recruitmentpoints.png?15&nolink}} 9 | {{:abilities:Darkvision.png?15&nolink}} [[Darkvision]] (50%) | Commentary here. | | {{:nations:la:agartha:agarthan_infantry.png?nolink}} | **??Agarthan Infantry#1355??**\\ {{:misc:gui:gold.png?15&nolink}} 10\\ {{:misc:gui:resources.png?15&nolink}} 22\\ {{:misc:gui:recruitmentpoints.png?15&nolink}} 9 | {{:abilities:Darkvision.png?15&nolink}} [[Darkvision]] (50%) | Commentary here. | | {{:nations:la:agartha:agarthan_light_infantry.png?nolink}} | **??Agarthan Light Infantry#1447??**\\ {{:misc:gui:gold.png?15&nolink}} 10\\ {{:misc:gui:resources.png?15&nolink}} 10\\ {{:misc:gui:recruitmentpoints.png?15&nolink}} 9 | {{:abilities:Darkvision.png?15&nolink}} [[Darkvision]] (50%) | Commentary here. | | {{:nations:la:agartha:agarthan_light_crossbowman.png?nolink}} | **??Agarthan Light Crossbowman#1675??**\\ {{:misc:gui:gold.png?15&nolink}} 10\\ {{:misc:gui:resources.png?15&nolink}} 11\\ {{:misc:gui:recruitmentpoints.png?15&nolink}} 9 | {{:abilities:Darkvision.png?15&nolink}} [[Darkvision]] (50%) | Commentary here. | | {{:nations:la:agartha:agarthan_crossbowman.png?nolink}} | **??Agarthan Crossbowman#1676??**\\ {{:misc:gui:gold.png?15&nolink}} 10\\ {{:misc:gui:resources.png?15&nolink}} 19\\ {{:misc:gui:recruitmentpoints.png?15&nolink}} 9 | {{:abilities:Darkvision.png?15&nolink}} [[Darkvision]] (50%) | Commentary here. | | {{:nations:la:agartha:agarthan_heavy_crossbowman.png?nolink}} | **??Agarthan Heavy Crossbowman#1677??**\\ {{:misc:gui:gold.png?15&nolink}} 10\\ {{:misc:gui:resources.png?15&nolink}} 27\\ {{:misc:gui:recruitmentpoints.png?15&nolink}} 9 | {{:abilities:Darkvision.png?15&nolink}} [[Darkvision]] (50%) | Commentary here. | | {{:nations:la:agartha:entrance_guard.png?nolink}} | **??Entrance Guard#1352??**\\ {{:misc:gui:gold.png?15&nolink}} 16\\ {{:misc:gui:resources.png?15&nolink}} 37\\ {{:misc:gui:recruitmentpoints.png?15&nolink}} 23 | {{:abilities:Darkvision.png?15&nolink}} [[Darkvision]] (50%) \\ {{:abilities:castle_defence_bonus.png?15&nolink}} [[Castle Defence]] (2) | Commentary here. | | {{:nations:la:agartha:agarthan_sapper.png?nolink}} | **??Agarthan Sapper#1449??**\\ {{:misc:gui:gold.png?15&nolink}} 20\\ {{:misc:gui:resources.png?15&nolink}} 18\\ {{:misc:gui:recruitmentpoints.png?15&nolink}} 31 | {{:abilities:Darkvision.png?15&nolink}} [[Darkvision]] (50%) \\ {{:abilities:siege_bonus.png?15&nolink}} [[Siege Bonus]] (7) | Commentary here. | | {{:nations:la:agartha:cave_knight.png?nolink}} | **??Cave Knight#1450??**\\ {{:misc:gui:gold.png?15&nolink}} 75\\ {{:misc:gui:resources.png?15&nolink}} 36\\ {{:misc:gui:recruitmentpoints.png?15&nolink}} 37 | {{:abilities:Darkvision.png?15&nolink}} [[Darkvision]] (50%) | Commentary here. | | {{:nations:la:agartha:cave_drake.png?nolink}} | //??Cave Drake#3553??// | {{:abilities:Darkvision.png?15&nolink}} [[Darkvision]] (50%) \\ {{:abilities:smart_mount.png?15&nolink}} [[Smart Mount]] (100) \\ {{:abilities:undisciplined.png?15&nolink}} [[Undisciplined]] \\ {{:abilities:animal.png?15&nolink}} [[Animal]] \\ {{:abilities:cold_blooded.png?15&nolink}} [[Cold Blooded]] \\ {{:abilities:mountain_survival.png?15&nolink}} [[Mountain Survival]] | Commentary here. | | {{:nations:la:agartha:blindfighter.png?nolink}} | **??Blindlord#1437??**\\ {{:misc:gui:gold.png?15&nolink}} 26\\ {{:misc:gui:resources.png?15&nolink}} 37 \\ {{:misc:gui:recruitmentpoints.png?15&nolink}} 31 | {{:abilities:sacred.png?20&nolink}} [[Sacred]] \\ {{:abilities:blind.png?15&nolink}} [[Blind Fighter]] (1) \\ {{:abilities:magic_being.png?15&nolink}} [[Magic Being]] \\ {{:abilities:spirit_sight.png?15&nolink}} [[Spirit Sight]] | Commentary here. | ==== Heroes ==== ^ Sprite ^ Unit Name ^ SpecialAttributes ^ Comments ^ | {{:nations:la:agartha:master_of_alchemical_secrets.png?nolink}} | **??Eckhart von Kohlbrunn - Master of Alchemical Secrets??** | {{path>F2W2E2S1D1H1R31}} \\ {{:abilities:sacred.png?20&nolink}} [[Sacred]]\\ {{:abilities:resist_poison.png?15&nolink}} [[Poison Resistance]] (15) \\ {{:abilities:Darkvision.png?15&nolink}} [[Darkvision]] (50%)\\ {{:abilities:insane.png?15&nolink}} [[Insane]] (10)\\ {{:abilities:alchemist.png?15&nolink}} [[Alchemist]] (100)\\ {{:abilities:old_age.png?15&nolink}} [[Old Age]] | Commentary here. | ===== National Spells ===== ==== Summons ==== ==Ritual== ^ Summon Spell ^ Unit ^ Special Attributes ^ Comments ^ | **??Summon Penumbrals??** \\ // (Conjuration 3) // \\ {{path>E1D1}} and {{gems>6D}} | {{:nations:ea:agartha:penumbral.png?nolink}} \\ ??Penumbral#2497?? x 6 | {{:abilities:resist_cold.png?15&nolink}} [[Cold Resistance]] (15) \\ {{:abilities:resist_poison.png?15&nolink}} [[Poison Resistance]] (25) \\ {{:abilities:stealthy.png?10&nolink}} [[Stealthy]] (40) \\ {{:abilities:undead.png?15&nolink}} [[Undead]] \\ {{:abilities:ethereal.png?15&nolink}} [[Ethereal]] \\ {{:abilities:amphibious.png?15&nolink}} [[Amphibious]]\\ {{:abilities:need_not_eat.png?15&nolink}} [[Need Not Eat]] \\ {{:abilities:spirit_sight.png?15&nolink}} [[Spirit Sight]] \\ {{:abilities:spiritform.png?15&nolink}} [[Spiritform]] | Commentary here. | | **??Awaken Shard Wights??** \\ // (Conjuration 3) // \\ {{path>E1D1}} and {{gems>10D}} | {{:nations:ma:agartha:shard_wight.png?nolink}} \\ ??Shard Wight#2509?? x 5 + [1/2 per lvl] | {{:abilities:resist_cold.png?15&nolink}} [[Cold Resistance]] (25) \\ {{:abilities:resist_poison.png?15&nolink}} [[Poison Resistance]] (25) \\ {{:abilities:chill_aura.png?15&nolink}} [[Chill Aura]] (3)\\ {{:abilities:undead.png?15&nolink}} [[Undead]] \\ {{:abilities:amphibious.png?15&nolink}} [[Amphibious]] \\ {{:abilities:need_not_eat.png?15&nolink}} [[Need Not Eat]] \\ {{:abilities:spirit_sight.png?15&nolink}} [[Spirit Sight]] \\ [[Eyes]] (1) | Commentary here. | | **??Awaken Sepulchral??** \\ // (Conjuration 5) // \\ {{path>E1D2}} and {{gems>3D}} | {{:nations:la:agartha:sepulchral.png?nolink}} \\ ??Sepulchral#1500?? | {{:abilities:sacred.png?20&nolink}} [[Sacred]] \\ {{:abilities:resist_cold.png?15&nolink}} [[Cold Resistance]] (25) \\ {{:abilities:resist_poison.png?15&nolink}} [[Poison Resistance]] (25) \\ {{:abilities:chill_aura.png?15&nolink}} [[Chill Aura]] (3) \\ [[Eyes]] (1) \\ {{:abilities:undead.png?15&nolink}} [[Undead]] \\ {{:abilities:amphibious.png?15&nolink}} [[Amphibious]] \\ {{:abilities:need_not_eat.png?15&nolink}} [[Need Not Eat]] \\ {{:abilities:spirit_sight.png?15&nolink}} [[Spirit Sight]] | Commentary here. | | **??Summon Umbrals??** \\ // (Conjuration 5) // \\ {{path>E1D2}} and {{gems>8D}} | {{:nations:ea:agartha:umbral.png?nolink}} \\ ??Umbral#1490?? x 6 | {{:abilities:resist_cold.png?15&nolink}} [[Cold Resistance]] (15) \\ {{:abilities:resist_poison.png?15&nolink}} [[Poison Resistance]] (25) \\ {{:abilities:stealthy.png?10&nolink}} [[Stealthy]] (40) \\ {{:abilities:undead.png?15&nolink}} [[Undead]] \\ {{:abilities:ethereal.png?15&nolink}} [[Ethereal]] \\ {{:abilities:amphibious.png?15&nolink}} [[Amphibious]] \\ {{:abilities:need_not_eat.png?15&nolink}} [[Need Not Eat]] \\ {{:abilities:spirit_sight.png?15&nolink}} [[Spirit Sight]] \\ {{:abilities:spiritform.png?15&nolink}} [[Spiritform]] | Commentary here. | | **??Awaken Tomb Oracle??** \\ // (Conjuration 6) // \\ {{path>E3D3H3R17}} and {{gems>30D}} | {{:nations:la:agartha:tomb_oracle.png?nolink}} \\ ??Tomb Oracle#1476?? | {{path>E3D3H3R17}} \\ {{:abilities:sacred.png?20&nolink}} [[Sacred]] \\ {{:abilities:resist_cold.png?15&nolink}} [[Cold Resistance]] (25) \\ {{:abilities:resist_poison.png?15&nolink}} [[Poison Resistance]] (25) \\ {{:abilities:chill_aura.png?15&nolink}} [[Chill Aura]] (3) \\ {{:abilities:fortune_teller.png?15&nolink}} [[Fortune Teller]] (15%) \\ [[Eyes]] (1) \\ {{:abilities:undead.png?15&nolink}} [[Undead]] \\ {{:abilities:ethereal.png?15&nolink}} [[Ethereal]] \\ {{:abilities:amphibious.png?15&nolink}} [[Amphibious]]\\ {{:abilities:need_not_eat.png?15&nolink}} [[Need Not Eat]] \\ {{:abilities:spirit_sight.png?15&nolink}} [[Spirit Sight]] \\ {{:abilities:reanimator_priest.png?15&nolink}} [[Reanimator Priest]] | Commentary here. | | **??Hall of the Dead??** \\ // (Conjuration 8) // \\ {{path>1E5D}} and {{gems>25D}} | {{:nations:ma:agartha:shard_wight.png?nolink}} \\ ??Shard Wight#2509?? x 20 + [4 per lvl] | //See above.// | Commentary here. | | **??Iron Corpse Reanimation??** \\ // (Enchantment 2) // \\ {{path>E1D1}} and {{gems>2E}} | {{:nations:la:agartha:iron_corpse.png?nolink}} \\ ??Iron Corpse#1439?? x 5 + [1/2 per lvl] | {{:abilities:resist_cold.png?15&nolink}} [[Cold Resistance]] (15) \\ {{:abilities:resist_poison.png?15&nolink}} [[Poison Resistance]] (25) \\ {{:abilities:Darkvision.png?15&nolink}} [[Darkvision]] (50%) \\ {{:abilities:ambidextrous.png?15&nolink}} [[Ambidextrous]] (2) \\ {{:abilities:affliction.png?15&nolink}} [[Starting Affliction Chance]] (50%) \\ {{:abilities:poor_amphibian.png?15&nolink}} [[Poor Amphibian]] \\ {{:abilities:resist_pierce.png?15&nolink}} [[Pierce Resistance]] \\ {{:abilities:undead.png?15&nolink}} [[Undead]] \\ {{:abilities:inanimate.png?15&nolink}} [[Inanimate]] \\ {{:abilities:need_not_eat.png?15&nolink}} [[Need Not Eat]] \\ {{:abilities:mindless.png?15&nolink}} [[Mindless]] \\ {{:abilities:never_heals.png?15&nolink}} [[Never Heals]] | Commentary here. | | **??Reanimate Ancestor??** \\ // (Enchantment 2) // \\ {{path>E2D2}} and {{gems>3E}} | {{:nations:la:agartha:iron_ancestor.png?nolink}} \\ ??Iron Ancestor#619?? | {{:abilities:resist_cold.png?15&nolink}} [[Cold Resistance]] (15) \\ {{:abilities:resist_poison.png?15&nolink}} [[Poison Resistance]] (25) \\ {{:abilities:Darkvision.png?15&nolink}} [[Darkvision]] (50%) \\ {{:abilities:ambidextrous.png?15&nolink}} [[Ambidextrous]] (2) \\ {{:abilities:affliction.png?15&nolink}} [[Starting Affliction Chance]] (50%) \\ {{:abilities:poor_amphibian.png?15&nolink}} [[Poor Amphibian]] \\ {{:abilities:resist_pierce.png?15&nolink}} [[Pierce Resistance]] \\ {{:abilities:undead.png?15&nolink}} [[Undead]] \\ {{:abilities:inanimate.png?15&nolink}} [[Inanimate]] \\ {{:abilities:need_not_eat.png?15&nolink}} [[Need Not Eat]] \\ {{:abilities:never_heals.png?15&nolink}} [[Never Heals]] | Commentary here. | | **??Flame Corpse Construction??** \\ // (Enchantment 4) // \\ {{path>F1D1}} and {{gems>1F}} | {{:nations:la:agartha:flame_corpse.png?nolink}} \\ ??Flame Corpse#1441?? | {{:abilities:resist_cold.png?15&nolink}} [[Cold Resistance]] (15) \\ {{:abilities:resist_poison.png?15&nolink}} [[Poison Resistance]] (25) \\ {{:abilities:Darkvision.png?15&nolink}} [[Darkvision]] (50%) \\ {{:abilities:ambidextrous.png?15&nolink}} [[Ambidextrous]] (2) \\ {{:abilities:affliction.png?15&nolink}} [[Starting Affliction Chance]] (50%) \\ [[Explode on Death]] (10) \\ {{:abilities:poor_amphibian.png?15&nolink}} [[Poor Amphibian]] \\ {{:abilities:undead.png?15&nolink}} [[Undead]] \\ {{:abilities:inanimate.png?15&nolink}} [[Inanimate]] \\ {{:abilities:need_not_eat.png?15&nolink}} [[Need Not Eat]] \\ {{:abilities:mindless.png?15&nolink}} [[Mindless]] \\ {{:abilities:never_heals.png?15&nolink}} [[Never Heals]] | Commentary here. | | **??Nightmare Construction??** \\ // (Enchantment 5) // \\ {{path>F1D1}} and {{gems>2F}} | {{:nations:la:agartha:flame_barrel_nightmare.png?nolink}} \\ ??Flame Barrel Nightmare#2520?? | {{:abilities:resist_cold.png?15&nolink}} [[Cold Resistance]] (15) \\ {{:abilities:resist_poison.png?15&nolink}} [[Poison Resistance]] (25) \\ [[Explode on Death]] (20) \\ {{:abilities:poor_amphibian.png?15&nolink}} [[Poor Amphibian]] \\ {{:abilities:resist_pierce.png?15&nolink}} [[Pierce Resistance]] \\ {{:abilities:undead.png?15&nolink}} [[Undead]] \\ {{:abilities:inanimate.png?15&nolink}} [[Inanimate]] \\ {{:abilities:need_not_eat.png?15&nolink}} [[Need Not Eat]] \\ {{:abilities:mindless.png?15&nolink}} [[Mindless]] \\ {{:abilities:never_heals.png?15&nolink}} [[Never Heals]] | Commentary here. | | **??Ktonian Legion??** \\ // (Enchantment 6) // \\ {{path>E2D2}} and {{gems>15E}} | {{:nations:la:agartha:iron_corpse.png?nolink}} \\ ??Iron Corpse#1439?? x 30 + [5 per lvl] | //See Above.// | Commentary here. | ==== Other Spell ==== == Combat == * **??Iron Marionettes??** (Alteration 5) \\ {{path>E3}} and {{gems>1E}} \\ Commentary here. =====Magic Access===== //See [[Magic Access]].// These guides supplement the summaries at the top. === Multi-Path Boosters === The hero, ??Eckhart von Kohlbrunn - Master of Alchemical Secrets?? makes getting the major elemental boosters doable, and having both makes climbing all the elemental paths easy. ??Staff of Elemental Mastery#76?? or ??Crown of the Elements?? //Unique// \\ {{path>F2W2}} The hero, ??Eckhart von Kohlbrunn - Master of Alchemical Secrets?? + {{:misc:magic:fire.png?15&nolink}}{{:misc:magic:fire.png?15&nolink}}{{:misc:magic:water.png?15&nolink}}{{:misc:magic:water.png?15&nolink}} === Fire === Highest starting: {{path>F2}} ??Ktonian Alchemist#2521?? (1 in 4) ??Skull of Fire?? \\ {{path>F1D1}} is had by many mages. === Air === No national access. ??Troll King's Court?? \\ {{path>E3}} ??Ktonian Necromancer#1438?? (1 in 4) + {{:misc:magic:earth.png?15&nolink}} \\ ??Troll King?? has {{path>A1}} === Water === Highest starting: {{path>W2}} ??Ktonian Alchemist#2521?? (1 in 4) ??Orb of Atlantis?? //Unique// \\ {{path>W2E1}} ??Ktonian Alchemist#2521?? (1 in 4) + {{:misc:magic:water.png?15&nolink}}{{:misc:magic:water.png?15&nolink}} ??Streams from Hades?? \\ {{path>W1D1}} ??Ktonian Alchemist#2521?? (1 in 4) + {{:misc:magic:water.png?15&nolink}}{{:misc:magic:water.png?15&nolink}}{{:misc:magic:water.png?15&nolink}} \\ ??Kokythiad#1477?? has {{path>W3}} ??Trident from Beyond?? //Unique// \\ {{path>W2S1}} The hero, ??Eckhart von Kohlbrunn - Master of Alchemical Secrets?? + {{:misc:magic:water.png?15&nolink}}{{:misc:magic:astral.png?15&nolink}} === Earth === Highest starting: {{path>E3}} ??Ktonian Necromancer#1438?? (1 in 4) ??Ktonian Necromancer#1438?? potentially has the right paths for the ??Atlas of Creation?? //Unique//, but it's a lot of boosters to get there. === Astral === Highest starting: {{path>S1}} ??Servant of the Oracles#1443?? (1 in 4) or ??Ktonian Necromancer#1438?? (1 in 4) ??Coin of Meteoritic Iron?? \\ {{path>E2S1}} ??Ktonian Necromancer#1438?? (1 in 4) + {{:misc:magic:astral.png?15&nolink}} ??Golem Construction?? \\ {{path>E2S1}} ??Ktonian Necromancer#1438?? (1 in 4) + {{:misc:magic:astral.png?15&nolink}}{{:misc:magic:astral.png?15&nolink}} \\ ??Golem?? has {{path>S2}} ??Ether Gate?? \\ {{path>S1D1}} ??Servant of the Oracles#1443?? (1 in 4) or {{path>S1D2}} ??Ktonian Necromancer#1438?? (1 in 4) + {{:misc:magic:astral.png?15&nolink}}{{:misc:magic:astral.png?15&nolink}}{{:misc:magic:astral.png?15&nolink}} \\ ??Ether Lord#737?? has at least {{path>S3}}, 1 in 4 has {{path>S4}}. ??Hidden in Sand?? in Wasteland \\ {{path>E3D2}} ??Ktonian Necromancer#1438?? (1 in 4) \\ ??Dust Priest#1978?? has a 1 in 3 chance of {{path>S2}} Although LA Ulm has the crosspaths for ??Atlas of Creation?? (//Unique//) it requires a ton of boosters. === Death === Highest starting: {{path>D3}} ??Ktonian Necromancer#1438?? (1 in 4) === Nature === No national access. No simple summons. === Glamour === No national access. ??Troll King's Court?? \\ {{path>E3}} ??Ktonian Necromancer#1438?? (1 in 4) + {{:misc:magic:earth.png?15&nolink}} \\ ??Troll King?? has {{path>G1}} ??Summon Spectre?? \\ {{path>D3}} ??Ktonian Necromancer#1438?? (1 in 4) \\ ??Spectre?? has a 7 in 16 chance of at least {{path>G1}} === Blood === No national access. ??Ether Gate?? \\ {{path>S1D1}} ??Servant of the Oracles#1443?? (1 in 4) or {{path>S1D2}} ??Ktonian Necromancer#1438?? (1 in 4) + {{:misc:magic:astral.png?15&nolink}}{{:misc:magic:astral.png?15&nolink}}{{:misc:magic:astral.png?15&nolink}} \\ ??Ether Lord#737?? has a 1 in 4 chance of {{path>B1}}. ===== Strategy ===== How to win as the nation. Feel free to use the following sections, or delete them, or change them. ==== Expansion ==== Different expansion options. ==== Early Game ==== Early game options. ==== Mid Game ==== Mid game options. ==== Late Game ==== Late game options. ==== Example Pretender Builds ==== {{:pretenders:titan_of_crossroads_1.png |}} Format for putting a pretender build in. **Chassis:** Awake ??Titan of Crossroads?? \\ **Paths:** {{path>S4D5N7}} \\ **Bless:** MW/Arcane Finesse, Invuln 10, Regen. \\ **Scales:** {{scales>dom6T2P0H3D1M2M3}} {{:pretenders:titan_of_crossroads_1.png |}} Format for putting a pretender build in. **Chassis:** Awake ??Titan of Crossroads?? \\ **Paths:** {{path>S4D5N7}} \\ **Bless:** MW/Arcane Finesse, Invuln 10, Regen. \\ **Scales:** {{scales>dom6T2P0H3D1M2M3}} ===== Weaknesses ===== What are the nation's weaknesses? ===== See More ===== Add links to guides or other overviews for this nation here. {{template>dom6:nationindex}} {{tag>nation}}