[[dom6/yomi-ea|{{:wiki:dom5_version.png?100 }}]]{{ :nations:flags:ea_yomi.png?nolink|}} ====== EA Yomi, the Oni Kings ====== ===== Lore ===== Yomi is a nation based on Japanese mythology and especially in this age around the myths of the underworld (hell). Violent demons spew forth from their capital to bring death and misfortune to the human population, aided by evil sorcerers and other henchmen. The demons remain as national summons in later ages into Shinuyama and Jomon, but in this age they are prevalent and plentiful as they can be recruited from any fort with a lab and a temple. ===== General Overview ===== The lands of Oni Kings are primitive and poor, represented by several game mechanics. First, Yomi gets a 25% income penalty. Secondly, they can only build primitive forts with only 1 commander point so recruitment of mages is slower than other nations. Thirdly, all oni troops cause unrest which further decreases their gold income, and have turmoil power so picking turmoil scales on them is mandatory. Also, most of their gold recruitable troops have low tech weapons and armour, and shields are not used at all. The main strengths of the nation are strong demon commanders and troops, a good capital recruitable super-combatant chassis(with few weaknesses though), and access to good spell paths, especially in death magic. Even the most basic ko-oni hit hard in turmoil and survive because of their ethereal second shape. Later in the game your oni commanders can survive a lot of things that kill frail human mages. =====National Features===== ^ Race ^ Military ^ Magic Access ^ Priests ^ Buildings ^ | Some Humans\\ **Bakemono-sho** \\ Size 1 \\ -1 [[hit-points|HP]] & [[Magic Resistance|MR]] vs. Humans \\ -1 [[morale|MOR]] vs. Humans \\ -1 [[attack-skill|ATT]] vs. Humans \\ {{:abilities:darkvision.png?15&nolink}} Darkvision (50) \\ **Oni** \\ [[shapechanger|Two HP bars]] \\ - {{:abilities:demon.png?15&nolink}} 1st is [[Demon|Demonic]] \\ - [[Undead|{{:abilities:undead.png?15&nolink}}]] 2nd is [[Ethereal|Ghostly]] \\ [[Gluttony|{{:abilities:gluttony.png?15&nolink}}]] [[Unrest|{{:abilities:cause_unrest.png?15&nolink}}]] Unpleasant \\ [[chaos-power|{{:abilities:chaos_power.png?15&nolink}}]] Like Turmoil/Unrest | Size 1 troops\\ Bandit Raiders\\ Oni Raiders\\ Demon Thugs\\ Demon Supercombatant | {{path>F3}} (Rare 4) \\ {{path>A1}} (Rare 2) \\ {{path>E3}} (Rare 4)\\ {{path>D4}} (Rare 5)\\ {{path>N1}}\\ **Hero:** {{path>B1}} \\ **Summons:** \\ {{path>A3}} (req. {{path>A2E1}}) \\ {{path>W3N2}} (req. {{path>W2N1}}) | {{path>H1}} Priests\\ Temples cost 200 {{gold}}\\ Temples spawn Oni units \\ **Summons:** \\ {{path>H2}} (req. {{path>A2E1}}) | {{:misc:gui:palisades.png?30&nolink}} Primitive [[Fort | Forts]] (Palisades)\\ Starts with a Fortress\\ Temples cost {{gold}} 200 | * -25% income penalty * Halved income penalties from {{:misc:scales:heat.png?14&nolink}}heat and {{:misc:scales:cold.png?14&nolink}}cold scales. * Extra {{gold}} gold and {{resources}} resources from forts built in {{:misc:gui:cave.png?15&nolink}} caves. ==== Capital Sites ==== **Mountain of the Oni Kings**\\ {{ :sites:sites_0026.png?nolink }} \\ //Enables recruitment of// \\ {{:nations:ea:yomi:dai_oni.png?nolink}} \\ **??Dai Oni??** \\ \\ //Produces {{gems>1F1A1E3D}} per turn// *Capital is treated as a mountain province for the purpose of Oni summoning ===== Units ===== //Provide a brief overview of commanders and units and what tools they provide you with. Outline any peculiarities across the roster (e.g. the [[animal]] tag, [[cold blooded]]). Highlight any particular strengths of the roster and describe their roles (e.g. high-quality infantry, thugs, powerful mages).// ==== Commanders ==== ^ Sprite ^ Unit Name ^ Special Attributes ^ Comments ^ | {{:nations:ea:yomi:Bakemono_chief.png?nolink }} | **??Bakemono Chief#2467??**\\ {{gold}} 40\\ {{resources}} 6 \\ {{recpoints}} 1\\ {{:misc:gui:mountain.png?15&nolink}} + Highlands and Mountain Rec | {{:abilities:stealthy.png?15&nolink}} [[Stealthy]] (40)\\ {{:abilities:darkvision.png?15&nolink}} [[Darkvision]] (50%) \\ {{:abilities:mountain_survival.png?15&nolink}} [[Mountain Survival]] \\ {{:abilities:forest_survival.png?15&nolink}} [[Forest Survival]] | 40 leadership stealthy commander. Can lead raiding parties or scout, which combined with its mountain-recruit status is particularly valuable for the scout-deprived Early Ages. | | {{:nations:ea:yomi:bandit_leader.png?nolink }} | **??Bandit Leader??**\\ {{gold}} 45\\ {{resources}} 16 \\ {{recpoints}} 1 | {{:abilities:stealthy.png?15&nolink}} [[Stealthy]] (40)\\ {{:abilities:pillager.png?15&nolink}} [[Pillager]] (3) | 40 leadership commander. Low utility compared with the Bakemono Chief, and a bit more expensive. | | {{:nations:ea:yomi:demon_priest.png?nolink }} | **??Demon Priest??**\\ {{gold}} 50\\ {{resources}} 1 \\ {{recpoints}} 1\\ + Foreign Rec | {{path>H1,10%FAED}}\\ {{:abilities:sacred.png?15&nolink}} [[Sacred]] | 10 leadership lesser priest with a minor chance of becoming a mage. \\ Only your provinces with [[Temple|Temples]] spawn Oni, so this guy is very important. | | {{:nations:ea:yomi:namanari.png?nolink }} | **??Namanari??**\\ {{gold}} 65\\ {{resources}} 1 \\ {{recpoints}} 2\\ {{:misc:gui:mountain.png?15&nolink}} + Highlands and Mountain Rec | {{path>D1N1}} {{:misc:gui:research.png?15&nolink}}9\\ {{:abilities:supply_bonus.png?15&nolink}} [[Supply Bonus]] (10)\\ {{:abilities:swamp_survival.png?15&nolink}} [[Swamp Survival]] \\ {{:abilities:forest_survival.png?15&nolink}}[[Forest Survival]]\\ [[Female]] | Relatively gold-efficient researchers that can be recruited outside of forts. Can be upgraded with Yomi's national spells. | | {{:nations:ea:yomi:chunari.png?nolink }} | **??Chunari??**\\ ??Hannya Pact??\\ {{gems>6D}} | {{path>F1D2N1}}{{:misc:gui:research.png?15&nolink}}13\\ {{:abilities:demon.png?15&nolink}} [[Demon]]\\ {{:abilities:resist_fire.png?15&nolink}} [[Resist Fire]] (5)\\ {{:abilities:resist_poison.png?15&nolink}} [[Resist Poison]] (5)\\ {{:abilities:supply_bonus.png?15&nolink}} [[Supply Bonus]] (10)\\ {{:abilities:swamp_survival.png?15&nolink}} [[Swamp Survival]] \\ {{:abilities:forest_survival.png?15&nolink}} [[Forest Survival]]\\ Female | Namanari upgraded with the **??Hannya Pact??** ritual become Death 2 mages and gain a path in Fire.\\ A better chassis but now vulnerable to anti-demon attacks and nearly double in upkeep cost.\\ They can now ??Shadow Blast??, summon ??Corpse Candle??, ??Summon Lesser Fire Elemental??, and disease dangerous things with ??Seven Year Fever??. \\ ??Eagle Eyes?? helps with her aim. | | {{:nations:ea:yomi:hannya.png?nolink }} | **??Hannya??**\\ ??Greater Hannya Pact??\\ {{gems>12D}}\\ invested {{gems>18D}} | {{path>F2D3N1}}{{:misc:gui:research.png?15&nolink}}17\\ {{:abilities:demon.png?20&nolink}}[[Demon]]\\ {{:abilities:resist_fire.png?15&nolink}} [[Resist Fire]] (25)\\ {{:abilities:resist_poison.png?15&nolink}} [[Resist Poison]] (15)\\ {{:abilities:heat_aura.png?15&nolink}} [[Heat Aura]] (5)\\ {{:abilities:supply_bonus.png?20&nolink}}[[Supply Bonus]] (10)\\ {{:abilities:swamp_survival.png?20&nolink}}[[Swamp Survival]] \\ {{:abilities:forest_survival.png?20&nolink}}[[Forest Survival]]\\ [[Female]] | Chunari upgraded with the **??Greater Hannya Pact??** ritual gain 1 additional level in Death and Fire. Usually not worth the Death gems unless you really need to turn a Chunari into a bigger caster.\\ Not as strong as a Dai Oni, but given their high cost and slow recruitment, Hannya may take up that Fire-Death caster role. It helps that their Precision is actually good. \\ If you plan on [[Empowerment|Empowering]] a Naminari, empower a Hannya instead; the upgrading rituals wipe traditional Empowerments. | | {{:nations:ea:yomi:sorcerer.png?nolink }} | **??Sorcerer#1315??**\\ {{gold}} 115\\ {{resources}} 1 \\ {{recpoints}} 2 | {{path>E1D1,100%FAED}} {{:misc:gui:research.png?15&nolink}}11\\ {{:abilities:mountain_survival.png?15&nolink}} [[Mountain Survival]]\\ {{:abilities:old_age.png?15&nolink}} [[Old Age]] (66/50) | More suited for combat magic than the Namanari, especially the {{misc:magic:death.png?14&nolink}}death and {{misc:magic:earth.png?14&nolink}}earth randoms, but less efficient researchers per gold. \\ He is also your cheapest {{misc:magic:air.png?14&nolink}}air and {{misc:magic:fire.png?14&nolink}}fire access, and both paths have Research Boosters in [[Construction]]. | | {{:nations:ea:yomi:demon_general.png?nolink }} | **??Demon General??**\\ {{gold}} 125\\ {{resources}} 22 \\ {{recpoints}} 2 | {{path>D1}} {{:misc:gui:research.png?15&nolink}}7 | 120 leadership commander with 70 undead leadership and minor magic, which allows it to be kept safe behind the front line casting magic. | | {{:nations:ea:yomi:oni_shugo.png?nolink }} | **??Oni Shugo??**\\ {{gold}} 195\\ {{resources}} 38 \\ {{recpoints}} 2 | {{path>D2,100%FAE}} {{:misc:gui:research.png?15&nolink}}7 \\ {{:abilities:sacred.png?15&nolink}} [[Sacred]]\\ {{:abilities:resist_fire.png?15&nolink}} [[Resist Fire]] (5)\\ {{:abilities:resist_poison.png?15&nolink}} [[Resist poison]] (5)\\ {{:abilities:chaos_power.png?15&nolink}} [[Chaos Power]] (1)\\ {{:abilities:inept_researcher.png?15&nolink}} [[Inept Researcher]] (4)\\ {{:abilities:gluttony.png?15&nolink}} [[Gluttony]] (3)\\ {{:abilities:pillager.png?15&nolink}} [[Pillager]] (3)\\ {{:abilities:cause_unrest.png?15&nolink}} [[Cause Unrest]] (+2/month)\\ {{:abilities:wounded_shape.png?15&nolink}} [[Wounded Shape]] (??Oni Spirit#1277??)\\ {{:abilities:monster_summoner.png?15&nolink}} [[Summon in Battle]] (??Wolf??×1d6)\\ {{:abilities:oni_summoner.png?15&nolink}} [[Oni Summoner]] (25)\\ Heals Afflictions When Shapechanging\\ {{:abilities:need_not_eat.png?15&nolink}} [[Need not Eat]]\\ {{:abilities:demon.png?15&nolink}} [[Demon]]\\ {{:abilities:mountain_survival.png?15&nolink}} [[Mountain Survival]]\\ {{:abilities:snow_move.png?15&nolink}} [[Snow Move]]\\ {{:abilities:spirit_sight.png?15&nolink}} [[Spirit Sight]] | 35 leadership sacred mage with 100 undead leadership. Summons freespawn in {{misc:scales:turmoil.png?14&nolink}}turmoil scales, can be made into a thug or cast army support magic. | | {{:nations:ea:yomi:dai_oni.png?nolink }} | **??Dai Oni??**\\ {{gold}} 490\\ {{resources}} 45 \\ {{recpoints}} 4\\ {{:misc:gui:fortress.png?20&nolink}} Capital Only | {{path>F2E2D3H1,100%FAED,10%FAED}} {{:misc:gui:research.png?15&nolink}}9\\ {{:abilities:sacred.png?15&nolink}} [[Sacred]]\\ {{:abilities:resist_fire.png?15&nolink}} [[Resist Fire]] (5)\\ {{:abilities:resist_poison.png?15&nolink}} [[Resist poison]] (5)\\ {{:abilities:chaos_power.png?15&nolink}} [[Chaos Power]] (1)\\ {{:abilities:fear.png?15&nolink}} [[Fear]] (8)\\ {{:abilities:inept_researcher.png?15&nolink}} [[Inept Researcher]] (12)\\ {{:abilities:gluttony.png?15&nolink}} [[Gluttony]] (5)\\ {{:abilities:pillager.png?15&nolink}} [[Pillager]] (5)\\ {{:abilities:cause_unrest.png?15&nolink}} [[Cause Unrest]] (+2/month)\\ {{:abilities:wounded_shape.png?15&nolink}} [[Wounded Shape]] (??Oni Spirit#1317??)\\ {{:abilities:monster_summoner.png?15&nolink}} [[Summon in Battle]] (??Wolf??×1d6)\\ {{:abilities:oni_summoner.png?15&nolink}} [[Oni Summoner]] (50)\\ Heals Afflictions When Shapechanging\\ {{:abilities:need_not_eat.png?15&nolink}} [[Need not Eat]]\\ {{:abilities:demon.png?15&nolink}} [[Demon]]\\ {{:abilities:mountain_survival.png?15&nolink}} [[Mountain Survival]]\\ {{:abilities:snow_move.png?15&nolink}} [[Snow Move]]\\ {{:abilities:spirit_sight.png?15&nolink}} [[Spirit Sight]] | An expensive, 70 leadership mage with 210 undead leadership. They have excellent paths for heavy thug/supercombatant duty, which combined with their fear aura can very easily rout unprepared armies. Their demon tag is a rather significant liability, however. They are also capable of casting powerful combat magic as part of a larger army, especially the {{misc:magic:air.png?14&nolink}}air randoms.\\ \\ Unfortunately Dai Oni will transform into their Oni Spirit wounded shape before ??Phoenix Pyre?? activates, making this spell less impressive than it might seem at first. | ==== Troops ==== ^ Sprite ^ Unit Name ^ Special Attributes ^ Comments ^ | {{:nations:ea:yomi:bakemono-sho.png?nolink }} | **??Bakemono-Sho#1393??** (club)\\ {{gold}} 7\\ {{resources}} 1\\ {{recpoints}} 3\\ {{:misc:gui:mountain.png?15&nolink}} + Highlands and Mountain Rec | {{:abilities:darkvision.png?15&nolink}} [[Darkvision]] (50%)\\ {{:abilities:stealthy.png?15&nolink}} [[Stealthy]] (40)\\ {{:abilities:mountain_recruitment.png?15&nolink}} [[Mountain Recruitment]] (2)\\ {{:abilities:undisciplined.png?15&nolink}} [[Undisciplined]]\\ {{:abilities:mountain_survival.png?15&nolink}} [[Mountain Survival]] \\ {{:abilities:forest_survival.png?15&nolink}} [[Forest Survival]] | Exceptionally massable size 1 militia. They have low morale and are undisciplined, but have high unit density, have darkvision and are stealthy. The yari variant costs just one more {{resources}} resource but has a much better weapon which deals more damage and can potentially repel some enemy attacks. | | {{:nations:ea:yomi:bakemono-sho_2.png?nolink }} | **??Bakemono-Sho#1394??** (yari)\\ {{gold}} 7\\ {{resources}} 2\\ {{recpoints}} 3\\ {{:misc:gui:mountain.png?15&nolink}} + Highlands and Mountain Rec | {{:abilities:darkvision.png?15&nolink}} [[Darkvision]] (50%)\\ {{:abilities:stealthy.png?15&nolink}} [[Stealthy]] (40)\\ {{:abilities:mountain_recruitment.png?15&nolink}} [[Mountain Recruitment]] (2)\\ {{:abilities:undisciplined.png?15&nolink}} [[Undisciplined]]\\ {{:abilities:mountain_survival.png?15&nolink}} [[Mountain Survival]] \\ {{:abilities:forest_survival.png?15&nolink}} [[Forest Survival]] | ::: | | {{:nations:ea:yomi:bakemono_archer.png?nolink }} | **??Bakemono Archer#1395??** \\ {{gold}} 7\\ {{resources}} 2\\ {{recpoints}} 3\\ {{:misc:gui:mountain.png?15&nolink}} + Highlands and Mountain Rec | {{:abilities:darkvision.png?15&nolink}} [[Darkvision]] (50%)\\ {{:abilities:stealthy.png?15&nolink}} [[Stealthy]] (40)\\ {{:abilities:mountain_recruitment.png?15&nolink}} [[Mountain Recruitment]] (2)\\ {{:abilities:undisciplined.png?15&nolink}} [[Undisciplined]]\\ {{:abilities:mountain_survival.png?15&nolink}} [[Mountain Survival]] \\ {{:abilities:forest_survival.png?15&nolink}} [[Forest Survival]] | Massable archers that can be recruited from any mountain province. Somewhat anti-synergistic with Yomi's low protection, shieldless units and freespawn. \\ Supported by ??Flaming Arrows?? access, but they cannot be scripted. | | {{:nations:ea:yomi:bandit.png?nolink }} | **??Bandit#1311??**\\ {{gold}} 9\\ {{resources}} 11 \\ {{recpoints}} 5 | {{:abilities:stealthy.png?15&nolink}} [[Stealthy]] (40)\\ {{:abilities:pillager.png?15&nolink}} [[Pillager]] (1) | Light infantry. More expensive than the Bakemono-sho for better prot, but much worse attack density and deals only marginally higher damage. | | {{:nations:ea:yomi:bandit_2.png?nolink }} | **??Bandit#1312??**\\ {{gold}} 9\\ {{resources}} 16 \\ {{recpoints}} 5 | {{:abilities:stealthy.png?15&nolink}} [[Stealthy]] (40)\\ {{:abilities:pillager.png?15&nolink}} [[Pillager]] (1) | Short bow archers in light armor. Can be scripted, unlike the Bakemono Archers. | ==== Heroes ==== Note that Yomi's Demonic heroes can also be instakilled by ??Banish Demon??, in addition to the usuals. ^ Sprite ^ Unit Name ^ Special Attributes ^ Comments ^ | {{:nations:ea:yomi:ghost_general.png?nolink }} | **??Masatora - Ghost General??** | {{path>D2}} {{:misc:gui:research.png?15&nolink}}9\\ {{:abilities:resist_cold.png?15&nolink}} [[Resist Cold]] (25)\\ {{:abilities:resist_poison.png?15&nolink}} [[Poison Resist]] (25)\\ {{:abilities:chill_aura.png?15&nolink}} [[Chill Aura]] (3)\\ {{:abilities:fear.png?15&nolink}} [[Fear]] (7)\\ {{:abilities:salt_vulnerability.png?15&nolink}} [[Salt Vulnerability]] (2)\\ {{:abilities:undead.png?15&nolink}} [[Undead]]\\ {{:abilities:ethereal.png?15&nolink}} [[Ethereal]]\\ {{:abilities:amphibious.png?15&nolink}} [[Amphibious]]\\ {{:abilities:need_not_eat.png?15&nolink}} [[Need not Eat]]\\ {{:abilities:floating.png?15&nolink}} [[Floating]]\\ {{:abilities:spirit_sight.png?15&nolink}} [[Spirit Sight]] | 120 leadership ??Shura?? with 180 undead leadership and {{misc:magic:death.png?14&nolink}}death magic. \\ He has elevated Vulnerability to Salt, which is kinda weird. | | {{:nations:ea:yomi:master_of_the_shadow_Blossom.png?nolink }} | **??Kurofumi - Master of the Shadow Blossom??**\\ | {{path>F1E2D4B1}} {{:misc:gui:research.png?15&nolink}}21\\ {{:abilities:resist_fire.png?15&nolink}} [[Resist Fire]] (15)\\ {{:abilities:demon.png?15&nolink}} [[Demon]]\\ {{:abilities:mountain_survival.png?15&nolink}} [[Mountain Survival]]\\ {{:abilities:eye_vengeance.png?15&nolink}} [[Sight Vengeance]] (1) | Provides high {{misc:magic:death.png?14&nolink}}death magic as well as minor {{misc:magic:blood.png?14&nolink}}blood magic for minor [[blood hunting]] operations. | | {{:nations:ea:yomi:Devourer_of_demons.png?nolink }} | **??Tsunekage - Devourer of Demons??**\\ | {{path>F1D1}} {{:misc:gui:research.png?15&nolink}}9\\ {{:abilities:regeneration.png?15&nolink}} [[Regeneration]] (10%)\\ {{:abilities:Inspirational.png?15&nolink}} [[Inspirational]] (1)\\ {{:abilities:demon.png?15&nolink}} [[Demon]] | A ??Demon General?? with 125 leadership, 110 undead leadership, and some \\ extra {{misc:magic:fire.png?14&nolink}}fire magic. \\ He can cast ??Bane Fire Dart?? at range, and ??Fire Shield?? for light thugging. | ==== Freespawn ==== Oni will appear in all temples that are inside Yomi’s dominion. A high {{misc:scales:turmoil.png?14&nolink}}Turmoil scale will increase the number of Oni that spawn in the temples. The spawn rate is not affected by your Dominion Strength but does require at least 1 candle to be present. The location of the temple determines what type of Oni might appear – mountains or highlands are required to get the most powerful types. Cold or Warm provinces will occasionally spawn Ao-oni or Aka-oni respectively as each thrives in that particular type of climate. Temples in temperate provinces without mountains or highlands will only produce Ko-Oni. [[Disciples]] to Yomi do not get this dominion feature. Specifics by Loggy: Friendly dominion and a temple is required. "Terrains" is true in any combination of caves/mountains/highlands, otherwise false. "Your cap" also technically includes Shinuyama's cap, both of them have the flag used for this for some reason. The number of spawn attempts is {{misc:scales:turmoil.png?14&nolink}}Turmoil + 1 (Max 4 attempts in {{misc:scales:turmoil.png?14&nolink}}3 ). If ??End of Culture?? is up, add Turmoil again (so it becomes 2×Turmoil + 1) (Max 7 attempts in {{misc:scales:turmoil.png?14&nolink}}3). While the number of spawn attempts > 0: * 66% to just flat out fail (-1 spawn attempt). * If (terrains or your cap) and a 2% (total 0.66%) chance: ??Amanojaku?? (-2 spawn attempts) * If (terrains or your cap) and a 80% (total 25.872%) chance: ??Kuro-Oni?? (-2 spawn attempts) * If (terrains or your cap) and a 70% (total 4.5276%) chance: ??Oni#1272?? (-2 spawn attempts) FIXME double check odds math. * 30% chance per cold scale: ??Ao-Oni#1264?? (-1 spawn attempt) * 30% chance per heat scale: ??Aka-Oni#1266?? (-1 spawn attempt) * Otherwise: 1d4 (non-exploding) ??Ko-Oni?? (-1 spawn attempt) (Once a single check succeeds, go spawn the units, subtract the spawn attempts, and then go back to the top of the bullets) Shared Traits: {{:abilities:demon.png?20&nolink}}[[demon]](If Alive) or {{:abilities:ethereal.png?20&nolink}}[[Ethereal]] and {{:abilities:undead.png?20&nolink}}[[undead]](If Ghost), {{:abilities:Undisciplined.png?20&nolink}}[[Undisciplined]], {{:abilities:chaos_power.png?20&nolink}}[[Chaos Power]](1), {{:abilities:gluttony.png?20&nolink}} [[Gluttony]], {{:abilities:pillager.png?20&nolink}}[[Pillager]], {{:abilities:cause_unrest.png?20&nolink}}[[Cause Unrest]], {{:abilities:wounded_shape.png?20&nolink}}[[Wounded Shape]] Oni Spirit, {{:abilities:mountain_survival.png?20&nolink}}[[Mountain Survival]], {{:abilities:need_not_eat.png?20&nolink}}[[Need not Eat]], {{:abilities:spirit_sight.png?20&nolink}}[[Spirit Sight]] ^ Sprite ^ Unit Name ^ Special Attributes ^ Comments ^ | {{:nations:ea:yomi:ko-oni.png?nolink }} | **??Ko-Oni??** | {{:abilities:gluttony.png?20&nolink}} [[Gluttony]] (1)\\ {{:abilities:pillager.png?20&nolink}}[[Pillager]](1)\\ {{:abilities:cause_unrest.png?20&nolink}}[[Cause Unrest]](+0.1 per month)\\ {{:abilities:wounded_shape.png?20&nolink}}[[Wounded Shape]] ??Oni spirit#1261?? | The common Demonic chaff of Yomi.\\ Use like Bakemono – Mass on the font lines to soak up/make a lot of attacks. They will die somewhat easily, though enemies will also need to kill their ghost forms which gives them additional staying power.\\ Will passively spawn from both Oni Shugo and Dai Oni. | | {{:nations:ea:yomi:aka-oni.png?nolink }} | **??Aka-Oni??**\\ Spawns in {{:misc:scales:heat.png?14&nolink}}heat scales | {{:abilities:resist_fire.png?20&nolink}}[[Resist Fire]](5)\\ {{:abilities:gluttony.png?20&nolink}} [[Gluttony]] (2)\\ {{:abilities:pillager.png?20&nolink}}[[Pillager]](1)\\ {{:abilities:cause_unrest.png?20&nolink}}[[Cause Unrest]](+0.3 per month)\\ {{:abilities:wounded_shape.png?20&nolink}}[[Wounded Shape]] ??Oni Spirit#1267?? | One of the rank and file Oni above Ko-Oni.\\ Only recruitable in hot provinces, they hit hard with their Clubs and AP Fireballs which will penetrate armour worn by most EA units. | | {{:nations:ea:yomi:ao-oni.png?nolink }} | **??Ao-Oni??**\\ Spawns in {{:misc:scales:cold.png?14&nolink}}cold scales | {{:abilities:resist_cold.png?20&nolink}}[[Resist Cold]](5)\\ {{:abilities:gluttony.png?20&nolink}} [[Gluttony]] (2)\\ {{:abilities:pillager.png?20&nolink}}[[Pillager]](1)\\ {{:abilities:cause_unrest.png?20&nolink}}[[Cause Unrest]](+0.3 per month)\\ {{:abilities:wounded_shape.png?20&nolink}}[[Wounded Shape]] ??Oni Spirit#1265??\\ {{:abilities:snow_move.png?20&nolink}}[[Snow-Move]] | A lesser-seen Oni as Going {{:misc:scales:heat.png?14&nolink}}heat Yomi for the ranged Aka-Oni is more tempting.\\ Like the Aka-Oni but has a [[Damage|Chill]] 20 attacks but is partially reduced by protection.\\ Other units will be slowed down by snow but they and the recruitable oni commanders will not be. | | {{:nations:ea:yomi:oni.png?nolink }} | **??Oni#1272??**\\ Spawns in mountains or highlands | {{:abilities:gluttony.png?20&nolink}} [[Gluttony]] (2)\\ {{:abilities:pillager.png?20&nolink}}[[Pillager]](1)\\ {{:abilities:cause_unrest.png?20&nolink}}[[Cause Unrest]](+0.5 per month)\\ {{:abilities:wounded_shape.png?20&nolink}}[[Wounded Shape]] ??Oni Spirit#1273??\\ | Higher quality Oni that comes out of the mountains.\\ when mixed with other units they are decent in combate. | | {{:nations:ea:yomi:kuro-oni.png?nolink }} | **??Kuro-Oni#1274??**\\ Spawns in mountains or highlands | {{:abilities:resist_fire.png?20&nolink}}[[Resist Fire]](5)\\ {{:abilities:resist_poison.png?20&nolink}}[[Resist Poison]](5)\\ {{:abilities:gluttony.png?20&nolink}} [[Gluttony]] (3)\\ {{:abilities:pillager.png?20&nolink}}[[Pillager]](2)\\ {{:abilities:cause_unrest.png?20&nolink}}[[Cause Unrest]](+0.5 per month)\\ {{:abilities:wounded_shape.png?20&nolink}}[[Wounded Shape]] ??Oni Spirit#1275?? | upgraded Oni with minor resistance, throw fire, and Spit poison. | | {{:nations:ea:yomi:Amanojaku.png?nolink }} | **??Amanojaku??**\\ Spawns in mountains or highlands\\ Rare. | {{:abilities:sacred.png?20&nolink}}[[Sacred]]\\ {{:abilities:resist_fire.png?20&nolink}}[[Resist Fire]](5)\\ {{:abilities:resist_poison.png?20&nolink}}[[Resist Poison]](5)\\ {{:abilities:gluttony.png?20&nolink}} [[Gluttony]] (3)\\ {{:abilities:pillager.png?20&nolink}}[[Pillager]](2)\\ {{:abilities:cause_unrest.png?20&nolink}}[[Cause Unrest]](+1 per month)\\ {{:abilities:wounded_shape.png?20&nolink}}[[Wounded Shape]] ??Oni Spirit#3085?? | A Rare spawn. Sacred Demons in heavy armour.\\ Too uncommon to make a strategy around them but try to bless them if used. | ===== Magic ===== ==== Magic Access ==== Death Dai Oni can get you up to {{path>D6}}, Fire can also go up to {{path>F5}} with boosters. Earth can only go as high as {{path>E4}}. If you somehow get Air 2 on one of your national mages, then ??Dai Tengu?? is an expensive alternative to ??Fairy Queen??s for {{path>A3}}. For thugs Death summons, if you go Conjuration, there are immortal ??Wraith Lord??s and ??Mound Fiend??s, the latter Could mass-produce you an army of ??Longdead Horsemen?? as a late-game option. ??Lich?? is an alternative going deep into late game Enchantment being an immortal {{path>D4}} mage. If you happen to get a {{path>W2N1}} and a swamp lab, to get into Water, and then able to boost up to Water Queens if you do. ==== National Spells ==== **??Hannya Pact??** {{path>D1}} {{gems>6D}} See Chunari **??Greater Hannya Pact??** {{path>D2}} {{gems>12D}} See Hannya **??Summon Kappa??:** {{path>W1N1}} Conj 1 for 3{{:misc:magic:watergem.png?nolink}} (summon 3 {{:nations:La:jomon:kappa.png?nolink}} ??Kappa??). Despite having {{:abilities:land_encumberance.png?15&nolink}}[[Land Encumberance]], If your lucky and expenditure of water gems, they can break you underwater by year 1. With their High Strength, Natual protection and Two attacks (one causes the limp [[affliction]]), a group can muscle out most Underwater Indies.\\ **??Ambush of Tigers??:** {{path>N3}} Conj 3 for 10{{:misc:magic:naturegem.png?nolink}} (summon {{:nations:La:jomon:tiger.png?nolink}} ??Tiger??x10+[lv]). Fast moving two attacker. Can flank.\\ **??Ghost General??** {{path>D3}} Conj 4 for {{gems>10D}}. ({{:nations:La:jomon:shura.png?nolink}} ??Shura??) Shuras are ARMORED ghost commanders with 120 [[Undead]] Leadership, somewhat ideal for herding your Oni flocks. They're also standard Ghosts, with [[Ethereal|Etherealness]], a [[Cold Aura]], and [[Fear]], and they have a ??Bane Blade??; thus, they're okay for light raids, and they might counter certain thugs and supercombatants.\\ **??Summon Shikome??** {{path>D2}} Conj 4 for {{gems>8D}}. ({{:nations:ea:yomi:shikome.png?nolink}}??Shikome??x8). Sacred Berserkers with two Undead paralyzing claws. You get a good one-for-one trade with them, able to rend middle game chaff with buffs. \\ **??Contact Nushi??:** {{path>W2N1}} Conj 5 for {{gems>25W}}. Need a Swamp. ({{:nations:La:jomon:nushi.png?nolink}} ??Nushi??) Nushis are basically ??Naiad??s with {{path>W3D1N2}} instead of {{path>W3N3}}, not to mention their snake forms. [[Homesickness]] prevents them from moving far. They can't be away from her home Swamp for long, but they can be defensive by casting ??Bone Melter?? and ??Foul Vapors?? at invading armies. They can also help you climb other paths as they can cast ??Contact Naiad?? and (with a booster) ??Streams from Hades??. On the other hand, Yomi doesn't have the native paths; their best chances are with the rare {{path>W2N1}} ??Jade Sorceress?? (1-in-16 chance), from Swamps that have them.\\ **??Summon Gozu Mezu??** {{path>D3}} Conj 6 for {{gems>7D}}. ({{:nations:La:jomon:ox-head.png?nolink}} ??Ox-head??x1 + {{:nations:La:jomon:Horse-face.png?nolink}} ??Horse-face??x1) Gozu & Mezu have [[magic-weapons|magic]] polearms which "Trap the Soul", inflicting a variety of ??False Fetters?? that requires 16 Magic Resistance to be more likely than not to resist; it does **not** [[Soul-Slay]], despite the similar name, but it can keep troops and thugs with all but the highest levels of Magic Resistance pinned. The polearms also do massive damage, in the hands of their wielders. The Ox-headed one is stronger, and gets an additional attack that does half as much damage as their polearm, while the Horse-faced one has far better attack and defense. \\ **??Summon Araburu-kami??** {{path>D1F1}} Conj 7 for {{gems>5D}}. ({{:nations:ea:yomi:araburu-kami.png?nolink}} ??Araburu-kami??x1) These punished kami can be strong frontline units, if you can stop what you're doing and make a ton of them. They also have magical ranged attacks, up until they take a single point of damage and drop their divine façade; having [[Awe]] before getting scratched and a second melee attack //after// they get scratched makes the frontlines better for them, however. They're by no means efficient to procure, but they're far-more-reliable [[Sacred|Sacreds]] than your ??Amanojaku??.\\ **Tengu**\\ They are {{:abilities:sacred.png?15&nolink}}[[Sacred]] {{:abilities:storm_immunity.png?15&nolink}}[[storm immunity|Storm-immune]] {{:abilities:flying.png?15&nolink}}[[Flying|Flyers]]. They have high Att and Def skill with their two-handed Katanas and they throw a single very weak Lighting bolt. Tengus Are not strong themselves but they are an ok trick in your pocket. After stunning enemy chaff for around with their lighting, With some buffs and a minor blessing they can kill mages and archers if they were not expecting flyers. Unfortunately, while still better at it than [[shinuyama-ma|Shinuyama]], Yomi has some trouble gettng them. ***??Summon Karasu Tengus??:** {{path>N1A1}} Conj 2 for {{gems>3N}} ({{:nations:La:jomon:karasu_tengu.png?nolink}} ??Karasu Tengu??x3). Crow-Tengu unfortunately require [[Empowerment]] or a lucky ??Deer Tribe Shaman?? if you want to summon them; this is kind of a bummer, because they're more skilled than the other Tengu. \\ ***??Summon Konoha Tengus??:** {{path>A1E1}} Conj 3 for {{gems>5A}}(summon 5 {{:nations:La:jomon:konoha_tengu.png?nolink}} ??Konoha Tengu??x5 + [1/2 lv]). Big-Nosed Tengu are readily summoned by around a quarter of your ??Sorcerer#1315??s, using [[Gems]] from your capital. On the other hand, these are your least-skilled Tengu, and Air Gems have a number of other uses (such as boosting your Research, or [[Sites|Site]]-Searching, or Empowering).\\ ***??Contact Dai Tengu??:** {{path>A2E1}} Conj 5 for {{gems>55A}} ({{:nations:La:jomon:karasu_tengu.png?nolink}}??Karasu Tengu??x15 + {{:nations:La:jomon:tengu_warrior.png?nolink}} ??Tengu Warrior??x10 + {{:nations:La:jomon:dai_tengu.png?nolink}}??Dai Tengu??x1). The big draw of this spell is the Tengu King, a [[Flying]] {{path>A3E1N1H2}} mage-priest with 80 Leadership. Empowerment (or a very-lucky [[Items|Item]] drop, or an also-insanely lucky Dai Oni) is generally required to get a Summoner without [[Pretender]] foresight, whether that's empowering one of your wimpy senior Sorcerers or empowering one of your {{path>A1}} Dai Oni (both for {{gems>30A}}). \\ **??End of Weakness??** {{path>E2}} Alter 6 for {{gems>1E}}. A Battlefield Enchantment that lets your Dai Oni (or your [[Earth]]-random Sorcerer) give all of your Demons ??Barkskin??. This comes one Level before ??Marble Warriors??, but it's cheaper to cast, and it doesn't care how spread-out your [[Undisciplined]] Oni are.\\ **??End of Culture??** {{path>F5}} Thum 6 for {{gems>60F}}. A Global Enchantment that makes your [[Dominion]] Spread {{turmoil}}Turmoil, similarly to how [[niefelheim-ea|Niefelheim]] spreads Cold, and that increases the Oni Spawn rate from Temples and [[Oni Summoner]]s by up to 75% (depending on local Turmoil). Like any Global Enchantment, Other players may not like that you cast it and may dispel it; they might not like having reduced Recruitment Points just because they neighbor you, or that you might make enough free Oni to keep up with other nations.\\ ==== Notable Generic Magic ==== //Discuss the top few generic spells that most increase a nation's combat power or synergize with national strategies. These will generally be early-to-mid game spells since individual spells matter much more during those periods of the game. Some examples are ??Foul Vapors?? for [[c-tis-ma | MA C'tis]], ??Horde of Skeletons?? + ??Sabbath Master??/??Sabbath Slave?? for the [[niefelheim-ea | Niefelheim]] line of nations, ??Mother Oak?? for the [[pangaea | Pangaeas]], ??Wailing Winds?? access, etc. For broader advice on magic use, link to [[https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2023973143 | Not-Lola's Basic Magic Use Guide]].// //This is also a good place to point out notable magic weaknesses, such as a lack of nature access making a nation vulnerable to Foul Vapors.// ====Magic Items==== //List and describe any unique national items or discounts in this section, discuss and compare with similar generic items. Also discuss generic items that are useful and accessible for the nation. These may include:// * //Thug gear (if the nation has good thugs)// * //Research boosters (particularly if the nation needs help researching or is already very good at researching)// * //Other items that synergize with the nation (e.g. ??Dwarven Hammer??s for [[ulm-ma | MA Ulm]])// ===National Items=== ===National Discount Items=== ===Generic Items=== =====Strategy===== ====Power Curve==== //This is probably the most difficult section to get consensus for. Describe how strong the nation is during expansion, the early, mid and late game, and what makes it strong/weak at each of those points. This should give readers an idea of where the weaknesses of a nation lie (if they have not been shown already) and when to take advantage of a nation's strengths.// ====Expansion Strategies==== //List some example expansion strategies here. If a strong bless or pretender is required then leave the specifics for the pretender section.// ====Example Pretender Builds==== //List some example pretender builds. Try to use the following format to keep authorship and pretender design rationale clear.// =====See More===== [[https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1466097523| EA Yomi, underrated power house]] by kurple (2018) [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ku2elyT53OM&list=PL-SHZMz9R6bd8Si7M-7Zb6UIibFEWWbE-|Dominions 5 - EA Yomi (overview & multiplayer playthrough)]] by LucidTactics (2018) [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nzLFMuymM0|Dominions 5: Yomi Design and Expansion]] by Yakri (2017) [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91QAQT6qcEE&t=595s | Not-Lola's Order Yomi Build]] by Not-Lola, hosted on HP Munchcraft's channel (2021) {{template>nationindex}} {{tag>nation stub ea-nation}}