====== Afflictions ====== {{:abilities:affliction.png?nolink }}Also known as **Battle Wounds**, Afflictions are the game's way to portray permanent side effects of grievous bodily harm. Units recover their health every turn; Afflictions show the lasting consequences of battle injuries, [[Old Age]], and other dangers of the world. Afflictions vary widely in their effects. The odds of getting an affliction from an injury is determined by how much [[hit-points|HP]] was lost, relative to the max HP. Just for an example, say a fellow with 100 max HP took 20 damage from an attack; they would have a 20% chance to get an affliction. Certain traits modify the rate of being afflicted, and these are listed in order of application to the odds: * {{:abilities:cursed.png?nolink }} Being **[[Cursed]] adds a flat 15%** to the chance of permanent injury. This is terrible for units who will be taking a large amount of hits, or for situations where damage is guaranteed. * {{:abilities:regeneration.png?nolink }} **[[Regeneration]] divides the chance** of receiving an affliction. 5% Regeneration or lower has no effect, but every 5 percentage points above it adds 1 to the base denominator of 1. (For example, 10% Regeneration halves the rate of affliction.) * {{:abilities:affliction_resistance.png?nolink }} **[[Affliction Resistance]]** has a chance to **set the chance of receiving an affliction to 0.5%**. The probability of an affliction chance change is 1/2 for 1 point, 2/3 for 2 points, 3/4 for 3 points, et cetera. Note that it is possible for an over 100% chance to get an Affliction; in this case, the unit may gain an additional one. If a human with 10 HP took a 15 HP hit, they would be guaranteed one Affliction and have a 50% chance of gaining another; which would only matter for the purposes of ??Bolt of Unlife??, ??Life after Death??, [[Twiceborn]], and other forms of coming back from zero HP, of course. One can only imagine how mangled a body would be after receiving ??Gifts from Heaven??, for instance, or how handicapped a ??Dragon?? would be after their human form took a bite from another Dragon. ===== Hit Area ===== Hit area is very important, as you can't lose an eye by being hit in the toe, or lose an arm through a cut to the face. The areas are **Head**, **Arms**, **Legs**, and **Torso**. The Torso is the most likely area to be hit and the Head is the least likely to be hit, if both the attacker and the defender are the same [[Size]]; bigger attackers have an easier time attacking the Head, however, while smaller attackers are limited to attacking lower parts of the body (if their weapon reach isn't wide enough). ====Unspecified Hit Area==== The following afflictions can be accrued by a hit in any area: * **Battle Fright**, also known as "shell shock", PTSD, or good sense, reduces [[Morale]] by 5. * {{:abilities:profuse_bleeding.png?nolink }} **Profuse Bleeding** is actually a temporary condition, but one that uses the affliction formula. The sufferer gains 10 [[Fatigue]] and loses HP equal to 5% of their max, (rounded randomly), each combat round; it stops on its own with a 10% chance plus the victim's Regeneration, divided by 2 when underwater. Survivors of the battle stop bleeding. ====Arm Afflictions==== The following afflictions can be accrued by a hit to the **Arm**. Note that a unit has only a 1-in-3 chance of obtaining an __underlined__ affliction, and a 2-in-3 chance of obtaining one of the others. This is a categorical likelihood, however; for example here, an Arm affliction has a 2-in-9 chance to be Weakness, a 2-in-9 chance to be Battle Fright, a 2-in-9 chance to be Profuse Bleeding, and a 3-in-9 chance (~33%) to be the loss of said limb. * **Weakness**, whether through muscle damage or serious pain when swinging, reduces [[Strength]] by 4. * A __**Lost Arm**__ deprives the subject of one of their [[items|item]] slots: a hand slot. Also, both commanders and troops lose the use of their shield (if they have one) or, if they were using a 2-handed weapon, they switch to their fallback attack (usually a Fist). If someone runs out of arms, they'll be reduced to "uselessly" kicking foes. * One interesting note is that, if a unit would take more than half their max HP in damage from a blow to the arm, it is capped at half their max HP. If the damage is from a {{:abilities:resist_slash.png?15&nolink}}**Slash**, however, the arm always pops off. ====Leg Afflictions==== The following afflictions can be accrued by a hit to the **Legs**: * A **Limp**, generally understood as having one bad or broken leg (or foot), is a miserable condition. Those with a Limp have their Combat Speed **halved** and lose 1 Attack Skill, 1 Defence Skill, and 4 Map Movement. The Map Movement penalty is ignored by commanders of troops with a Limp, but this has a 25% chance to mature into something more serious if they're forced to march through more than one province in a turn. * Being __**Crippled**__ by having structurally screwed legs is not fun. Crippled units have their Combat Speed **capped at 2**, their Map Movement **reduced by 75%**, and their Attack Skill and Defence Skill reduced by 4. Again, the Map Movement penalty is ignored by commanders of Crippled troops, but this has a 25% chance to **kill them**, increased to 75% if the forced march is across more than one province. ====Head Afflictions==== The following afflictions can be accrued by a hit to the **Head**: * **Losing an Eye**, or vision from that eye, sucks. The loss of depth perception comes with a -2 penalty to Attack Skill and Defence Skill, and a -3 penalty to Precision. This stacks, but only as many times as the person has eyes; once they are out of eyes, they are Blind. If a creature has additional eyes for some reason, they can't possibly lose more stats from missing eyes than what they would lack through Blindness. * Speaking of, __**Blindness**__ from either brain damage or an unfortunate strike across the face comes with a -9 penalty to Attack Skill, Defence Skill, and Precision. A Blind mage can still engage in magical [[Research]], somehow, but certain magic is forbidden to them; ??The Eyes of God??, for example. * **Muteness** from brain damage (or a damaged tongue) reduces all of a commander's Leadership scores by 75%, and applies a negative "pathboost" penalty to each of their [[magic]] paths; this "boost" is half of their skill in each path, rounded up. If the ability to speak is restored, the old magic skill is restored. * __**Dementia**__, or absentmindedness, weakens the subject's mind and their connection to things as they are. The demented fellow has a -2 penalty to [[Magic Resistance]], both their Leadership and their Research ability **reduced by 50%** (indicating time wasted staring at nothing), and a compulsion to waste time in battle to stare at nothing. * To be "__**Feebleminded**__" is to suffer either serious brain damage or a severe cut in one's sense of self, such that **spellcasting is impossible**. Becoming feebleminded also breaks whatever Global Enchantments or Battlefield Enchantments you were upholding. Other effects include -5 Magic Resistance and -1 penalties to Attack Skill, Defence Skill, and Precision. * **Losing your Head** is technically an affliction, yes, but the effect is death for most units. It's only attainable in the same fashion as the guaranteed arm loss; being hit with more than half your max HP's worth of damage in the area, by a {{:abilities:resist_slash.png?15&nolink}}Slash. ====Torso Afflictions==== The following afflictions can be accrued by a blow to the **Torso**: * A "**Chest Wound**", presumably damage to the heart or lungs, reduces Strength by 1 and increases [[Encumbrance]] by 5. * A "**Never Healing Wound**" reduces maximum HP by **20%**, since healing magic and Regeneration can't fix it. Likewise, this makes future Afflictions 25% more likely to occur. * {{:abilities:disease.png?nolink }} __**Disease**__ from an infected wound is a horrifying fate, one that acts slowly but catches rather quickly in battle. The body becomes fixated on trying to fight the Disease, and thus **does not heal outside of battle**, though healing magic and Regeneration work during the heart-pounding thrill of combat. Every month, a diseased being slowly withers away, **losing HP** (though not //maximum// HP, fortunately) equal to 10% of their max. Lastly, **new Afflictions may form** each turn on Diseased units. You'll be happy to know that units in Dominions are very good at quarantining; Disease never spreads between units. * Units who are [[old-age|old]] have a chance to get Diseased at the start of the eleventh month of the year (Turn 10, and every 12th turn after that). The chance of this happening increases with {{:misc:scales:death.png?15&nolink}}[[Scales|Death scales]] in their province, and decreases with Growth scales. ===== Recovery ===== Afflictions are chronic; they can be removed, but they don't go away on their own. Three things remove Afflictions: * {{:abilities:recuperation.png?nolink }} **[[Recuperation]]** is a unit trait that allows units to "recuperate" (self-heal) from afflictions. They have a **chance** to recover from one or more of their afflictions at the start of each month. Old units with Recuperation //don't// have Recuperation, however. * {{:abilities:healer.png?nolink }} **[[Healer|Healers]]** can "heal" afflictions on themselves and on others in their province, but only as many as their trait's point value indicates. The Healer trait does not work on the [[Undead]], nor on [[Inanimate|Inanimates]]. There's also a version that only heals Diseases. * {{:abilities:immortal.png?nolink }} **Resurrection** through the [[Immortal]] trait, or through being recalled (as a [[Pretender God]]), comes with a huge burst of Recuperation. Alternatively, some units [[shapechanger|change shape]] instead of dying in battle; in most cases where they **cannot** do this freely, this counts. Interestingly, the Never Healing Wound is the most difficult affliction to recover from.