====== Animal ====== {{:abilities:animal.png?nolink }} **Animals** are beings of [[Nature]], fairly different from the humanoid races of this game. Defining them outside of game terms can be difficult, since some (such as the [[bandar-log-ma|Bandar Log's]] citizens and [[andramania-la|Andramania's]] Calystrii) are sapient. Most have below-average {{:dom6:stats:mr.png?15&nolink}} [[Magic Resistance]]. Animals of **humanoid** form (a head, a body, two hands, two feet, et cetera) leave usable {{:misc:gui:corpses.png?15&nolink}} [[Corpses]], but the others do not. Animals [[gluttony|eat]] **half** as many {{:misc:gui:supplies.png?15&nolink}} [[Supplies]] as non-Animals. Animals also don't benefit from the {{:items:champions_skull.png?12&nolink}} ??Champion's Skull?? and other {{:abilities:experience.png?15&nolink}} [[Experience]]-boosting items; they don't understand human speech, or at least they don't train the same as other fellows. {{:abilities:magic_being.png?nolink }} Most animals in Dominions 6 are at least intelligent enough to be led around, and thus are governed by the {{:misc:gui:leadership.png?15&nolink}} [[Leadership]] score. The exceptions are considered [[Magic Being|Magic Beings]], useless without {{:misc:gui:magicleadership.png?15&nolink}} [[Magic Leadership]] to guide them. These are easily led astray. ===Animal-Affecting Magic=== Several Nature spells only affect Animals: * ??Proud Steed?? & ??Immaculate Mounts?? (spells that buff [[mounted|mounts]]) * ??Rage of the Cornered Rat?? ([[Berserk|Berserks]] a few squares of allies) * ??Wildness?? ([[Confusion|Confuses]] the whole enemy team) * ??Charm Animal?? ([[Charm|Charms]]/steals) * ??Beast Mastery?? (Charms/steals the whole enemy team)