====== Astral ====== {{:misc:magic:astral.png?nolink }} **Astral** is a Sorcerous path of [[Magic]]. Among the eight traditional paths, it's in some respects the purest of them all, handling the power and understanding of existence itself. Astral magic typically deals in light and positive energies, unlike [[Death]]. It engages with higher orders and functions than mere survival, unlike [[Nature]]. And unlike [[Glamour]], what it pulls on is real and true to this order, existing whether or not we perceive it. The world is not made of pure concepts, however; practical things and their interactions hold sway, and understanding of Astral magic beyond mere astrology is incredibly limited in the [[nations-ea|Early Ages]]. By the start of the [[nations-ma|Middle Ages]], an "enlightenment" of sorts has elevated Astral above the other paths, coinciding with the decline of the rest. And though the great **Astral Mages** of that era are lost by the [[nations-la|Late Ages]], competent understanding of the path proliferates to nearly every corner of the world. ===== Astral Spells ===== Astral has a somewhat-short list of spells, around as long as Glamour's. Among these are the basic [[Communion]] spells, however, which most nations will find useful. Its higher-order spells benefit from Communions, while its expensive spells benefit from its [[gems|gem]], the {{gems>S}}**Astral Pearl**, being the easiest to produce via [[Gem Alchemy]]. {{:magic.png?nolink }} Most offensive Astral spells deal in "pure" Magic damage. Being untyped, and often [[Protection|Armor-Negating]], the only defense against it is often [[Magic Resistance]]. Some Astral spells don't even allow this protection, though they have other restrictions. Oftentimes, the best counter to an Astral Mage is another Astral Mage, or more. This is clearest in the [[Evocation]] school; those with greater skill levels can defeat lesser mages with little risk, but even a dabbler may find and undo a god-like wizard who isn't careful. ==== Pure Astral ==== ^ Skill Level ^ Early Research (0 - 3) ^ Medium Research (4 - 6) ^ Late Research (7 - 9) ^ | {{path>S1}} (a dabbler) | Limited [[Twist Fate|Fate-Cheating]] \\ Passive Astral Projection \\ Little Light Spells \\ Limited [[Magic Resistance]] \\ "[[Blink|Blinking]]" \\ [[Communion]] \\ Limited [[Ethereal|Etherealness]] \\ Self-Empowering \\ [[Paralysis Damage|Paralyzing Attackers]] \\ [[Magic Site|Site-Searching]] | | | | {{path>S2}} (average) | [[Magic Being|Anti-Magic]] Missiles \\ [[Horror Mark|Horror Marking]] \\ Sunlight-Focusing \\ Psychic Mind-Damaging \\ Teleporting Home | Psychic Paralysis Attacks \\ [[Magic Resistance]] \\ Safe [[Scrying]] \\ [[Holy|Priest]]-Making \\ History-Gathering \\ Stellar Radiation \\ Teleporting Home Safely \\ Teleporting [[Item|Items]] | | | {{path>S3}} ("mastery") | Teleporting [[Gems]] | All-Empowering Starlight \\ Light Army-Healing \\ Long-Ranged Teleporting \\ [[Cursed]] Star Beckoning \\ Space-Perforating \\ Psychic [[Instakill|Soul-Punting]] \\ Limited [[Dispel]] \\ Greater [[Magic Site|Site-Searching]] \\ [[Enslavement|Enslaving]] [[Magic Being|Magic Beings]] \\ [[Instakill|Deleting]] Magic Beings | Greater [[Magic Resistance]] | | {{path>S4}} ("god-like") | | Active Astral Projection \\ [[Twist Fate|Fate-Cheating]] \\ Psychic [[Enslavement]] \\ Shielding Provinces \\ Limited Army-Teleporting \\ [[Sacred]]-Making | Army-[[Cursed|Cursing]] \\ Teleporting Armies Home \\ Global Enchantment Analysis | | {{path>S5}} | | **Spectator Mode** | Greater [[Twist Fate|Fate-Cheating]] \\ [[Fort|Wall]]-Enchanting \\ Sun-Intensifying \\ **Magic-Stealing** \\ [[Dispel]] \\ Commander-Making \\ Battlefield Psychic Damage \\ Mobile-[[Temple]]-Making \\ Army-Teleporting | | {{path>S6}} | | | Undoing Local [[Magic Being|Magic Beings]] \\ Time-Stopping \\ **Global Enchantment Gatekeeping** \\ Greater [[Dispel]] | | {{path>S7}} | | | **Advanced Astral Projection** \\ [[Enslavement|Enslaving]] Local Magic Beings | | {{path>S8}} | | | **Magic Recycling** \\ Full-Army [[Enslavement]] | | {{path>S9}} | | | [[Wish|Wishing]] for stuff | That is a lot of different effects. There aren't many summons, however, and there also aren't that many "buffing" spells or damaging spells. ==== Crosspaths ==== Most other paths can "color" Astral magic for different sorts of effects. Some even provide access to beings of other planes of existence, which were cut off from our own for various reasons. These will list the effects with Astral as the **primary** path. * Astral/**[[Fire]]** creates unusual flames that burn the "essence" of things, thus ignoring [[Fire Resistance]]. * Astral/**[[Air]]**, if raised high enough, lets a god smite those who slight them with lightning from anywhere. * Astral/**[[Water]]** eventually lets fellows call Beholder-esque Abominations from distant realms from beneath existence. * Astral/**[[Earth]]** lets a fellow build astral constructs, such as a bridge to the [[Nexus]]; or they can carpet-bomb foes with meteors. * Astral/**[[Death]]** confers [[Spirit Sight]], power over peculiar negative energies, and the keys to various Astral gateways sealed for good reason. * Astral/**[[Nature]]** creates warm light that heals at long ranges. * Astral/**[[Glamour]]** lets mages bewilder Horrors, possibly keeping them away... ===== Indirect Magic ===== {{:dom6:stats:mr.png?nolink }} A mage with {{path>S3}} doesn't have any extra-special traits, but a mage with {{path>S4}} or higher has +1 [[Magic Resistance]]. This is presumably because their higher understanding of "pure" magic (as a lesser Astral "god") helps them grapple with the rest. An Astral Mage is capable of perceiving things in the Astral Planes, and thus has a 40% chance per level to catch another Astral Mage snooping via Astral Projection. Thus, a "master" ({{path>S3}} or higher) will always catch one of these people. {{:misc:gui:magicleadership.png?nolink }} Last but not least, every level of Astral skill gives a mage 20 [[Magic Being|Magic]] Leadership. This is more than what every other path of magic provides per-level. ===== Path Boosting ===== There are twelve Astral path-boosting [[items]], though seven of them are Artifacts. Of the five that aren't, one requires {{path>A5B5}} instead of any Astral talent, and one requires {{path>S2E2}}; this one requires only [[Construction]] Level 5. For an Astral nation without Earth, that leaves the ??Starshine Skullcap?? (with {{path>S2}}), the ??Ring of Sorcery?? (with {{path>S6}}), and the ??Ring of Wizardry?? (with {{path>S7}}), all at Level 7.