{{ :nations:flags:la_phlegra.png?nolink|}} ====== LA Phlegra, Sleeping Giants ====== ===== Lore ===== Phlegra, as it is now, is a realm with three castes: a mage-priest elite, a warrior citizenry, and a large population of helot slaves. It calls back to the design of [[Mekone-ea|Mekone]], the City-State of Gold and Marble that Titan-born Gigantes made in an age long past, and this is most likely intentional. In those days, the elites and the warriors were largely of the same Gigante stock, though with Elder Cyclopes from [[therodos-ea|Telkhinis]] as the greatest mages. Then the Gigantes lost their reason, and their dignity, and eventually their form, following a disastrous declaration of War upon the Gods themselves... The current Phlegra is a rump state of the original [[Phlegra-ma|Phlegra]], site of a government-in-exile for the defeated Mekone's Gigantes. The Gigantes had become tyrannical, either at this point or with the next generation, and that next generation was far more monstrous than what came before. Though unable to grasp their old ways, the Gigantes at least realized their deficiencies. Recognizing they were on the backfoot, they allowed the Elder Cyclopes to command the Younger Cyclopes of the Phlegran hills. Unable to understand old Mekonean writing, they welcomed Trophimoi (students) from the human realms to decipher it for them. This Phlegra was far less stable than Mekone, for the Phlegran Gigantes took far too many helotes, but the Trophimoi devised new means of holding the state together; one from [[pythium-ma|Pythium]], utilizing his old experience in the Theurgy and the enchanted blacksmithing of the Elder smiths, invented a means of coercion through mind-controlling headbands and shackles. Eventually, however, the original Phlegra came apart. The Gigantes grew so monstrous and unreasonable that they became known as the [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laestrygonians|Laestrygonians]], and they imprisoned and ate the Elder Cyclopes in their madness. Then they fought each other, and this gave the helotes (or perhaps some ambitious mind-controllers using them) the chance to rise up. With his kin driven underground, the last Laestrygonian with a Phlegran city had a brief moment of clarity and empowered the Cyclopes (both the Youngers and the descendants of the Elders) to clean up this mess. The rebellion in Telepylos was crushed; and then, like his kin, that last Tyrant went to sleep in the bowels of the earth. Now Phlegra exists for the Cyclopes; they care little for the affairs of humanity, as long as their martial prowess and (limited) acumen as generals are honored, and the new users of the Iron [[Communion|Communions]] may do what they want. Phelgra's human Oppressors rule with an iron fist, but they are powerless against the legend of the Laestrygonians, whose prophesized return keeps all but the Cyclopes up at night. ------ //"Mekone and its successors are inspired by giants of Greek myth. Described either as strong and proud hoplites, or in later times, as monstrous beings with serpent legs, the idea of a nation of giants that doesn’t follow the development of most other giant nations, with smaller and smaller giants in the later ages, started to take form. ... I also wanted to incorporate the hubris of the giants and the Gigantomachia—the war against the gods—into the nation, which in turn created the backstory for the middle and late age versions of the nation. \\ \\ Phlegra in the middle age is a nation that has lost most of its proud legacy. The Gigantes of Mekone are cursed for their hubris and are becoming physically and mentally afflicted. I also wanted to add shepherding cyclopes to the Elder Cyclopes of earlier times. At first, the nation felt a bit bland, but when I started to think on the slaves and the Phlegran society the idea of the oppressors and slave mages appeared. The feel of the nation took a whole new turn and the slave mage mechanics made for entirely new tactics not available to other nations." -Illwinter// ===== General Overview ===== //Phlegra is a kingdom of human slaves living in constant terror of the monstrous giants that once claimed the lands as theirs. For centuries the giants have been absent and only memories of their tyranny remain. Most of the Phlegran population are human slaves and slave masters dominated by a warrior-caste of Younger Cyclopes, previously living pastoral lives on the slopes of the Phlegran hills. The Tyrants who once ruled the land were descendants of the Gigantes of Mekone, who made war upon the gods of men. Punished for their sins the Gigantes were imprisoned and cursed with monstrous appearance. Those who avoided imprisonment became Tyrants and rulers of Phlegra and formed a slave kingdom with the aid of human servants. But the Tyrants destroyed each other and the very lands they ruled. Slowly their numbers and influence dwindled and their servants made themselves rulers in all but name. Now human slave masters rule the kingdom in the name of absent Tyrants, hoping that the sleeping giants never wake up.// - in-game description If you are considering picking this nation to play, what should you know? ===== National Features ===== ^ Magic Access ^ Alt. Access ^ Unit Summary ^ Core Abilities ^ Buildings ^ | {{path>F3}} (Rare 4) \\ {{path>E3}} (Rare 4) \\ {{path>A2}} (Rare 3) \\ {{path>S2}} (Rare 3) \\ {{path>W1}} (Rare 2) \\ {{path>H2}} \\ **Late Game:** \\ {{path>F4}} (rare 5) \\ {{path>D2}} (rare 3) | {{:abilities:master_smith.png?15&nolink}} [[Master Smith]] \\ **Heroes** \\ {{path>F2A2E3}} \\ **Summons** \\ {{path>D1B1}} \\ (req. {{path>D2}} & GoR) \\ {{path>S1D2N1}} \\ (req. {{path>D3}} & GoR) \\ **Events** \\ {{path>F4E4D2}} (one) \\ {{path>F4E3D3}} (one) | Mostly Human Slave Soldiers \\ Cyclops Warriors \\ Mouflon Cavalry \\ No Sacred Troops. | {{:abilities:slave.png?15&nolink}} [[Slave]] \\ {{:abilities:taskmaster.png?15&nolink}} [[Taskmaster]] \\ {{:abilities:communion_slave.png?15&nolink}} [[Communion Slave]] \\ {{:abilities:communion_master.png?15&nolink}} [[Communion Master]] | {{:misc:gui:citadel.png?15&nolink}} Standard Forts \\ {{:misc:gui:citadel.png?15&nolink}} Starts with a Giant Fort | **Capitol Gems: **{{gems>3F1E}} **The Burning Mountain:** This site boosts [[scales#temperature|Heat]] by up to 2 points, and periodically drives up [[Unrest]] after Turn 5. After Turn 15, it may yield additional Fire [[Gems]]. After Turn 30, it will **explode** at some point; this will wipe out 20% of the local [[Population]], add 40 Unrest, yield an old Laestrygonian King, and allow the recruitment of **??Laestrygonian Tyrant??s** (Phlegra only). This also changes the site's yields, removing the Heat effect and replacing the {{gems>3F}} with {{gems>1F1D}}. If ??Gigantomachia?? is cast, the site will also allow the recruitment of **??Laestrygonian??** troops after it explodes (again, only for Phlegra). ==== National Special Features ==== **Turmoil Limit + 1** **Unrest:** All provinces under the dominion of Phlegra will have their unrest increased every turn. Higher dominion strength in the province yields a greater increase in unrest. In a disciple game this will only have an effect if Phlegra is the Pretender God and then it will affect the disciples as well. Being a disciple of Phlegra will be difficult. {{:nations:la:phlegra:helote_soldier.png?nolink }} The **Helotes** make up most of Phlegra's manpower. These **[[Size]] 3** humans are {{:abilities:slave.png?15&nolink}} **[[Slaves]]** of greater beings, possessing a miserable **7 Morale**, or **6** for the archers. Generations of martial servitude have changed the average helot's character, giving them an enormous **14 Combat Speed** naked; the archers do not share in this, possibly of a more-dignified ancestry. \\ {{:nations:la:phlegra:phlegran_oppressor.png?nolink }} Phlegra's human commanders (and mages, and priests) are known as the **Oppressors**. Previous generations were students imported from neighboring realms, and most of the Oppressors are still quite bookish; that being said, there are some mage-hobbyists who have taken up the old Mekonean martial tradition. All are {{:abilities:taskmaster.png?15&nolink}} **[[Taskmaster|Taskmasters]]**, well-suited for handling their lesser kin. {{:nations:la:phlegra:cyclope_soldier.png?nolink }} **Younger Cyclopes** are the new, **Size-6** citizen class of Phlegra, in the absence of two-eyed Giants. Carefully drilled from birth, and equipped by their stepbrother smiths, these Cyclopes are capable and well-armed soldiers; they aren't quite as good as the Gigante soldiers of old, but they still have **11 Attack Skill** and **22 Strength**. Naked, they have **9 Defence Skill**, **2 Encumbrance**, **16 Map Movement**, and **17 Combat Speed**. Being one-eyed, they possess only **7 Precision**, or a meager 5 with their Javelins -- accuracy isn't their strong suit. They also have {{:abilities:gluttony.png?15&nolink}}**[[Gluttony]]** (1 point), and an arrogance issue that makes them {{:abilities:minimum_leader_size.png?15&nolink}}**ignore Leadership from smaller beings**. Lastly, they are still a bit challenged with magic, possessing **9 [[Magic Resistance]]**. ===== National Units ===== ==== Commanders ==== ^ Sprite ^ Unit Name ^ Special Attributes ^ Comments ^ | {{:nations:la:phlegra:Phlegran_commander.png?nolink}} | **??Phlegran Commander??** \\ {{:misc:gui:gold.png?15&nolink}} 60 \\ {{:misc:gui:resources.png?15&nolink}} 26 \\ {{:misc:gui:recruitmentpoints.png?15&nolink}} 1 | {{:abilities:taskmaster.png?15&nolink}} [[Taskmaster]] (2) \\ {{:abilities:slave.png?15&nolink}} [[Slave]] | Commentary here. | | {{:nations:la:phlegra:cyclope_commander.png?nolink}} | **??Cyclope Commander??** \\ {{:misc:gui:gold.png?15&nolink}} 105 \\ {{:misc:gui:resources.png?15&nolink}} 83 \\ {{:misc:gui:recruitmentpoints.png?15&nolink}} 1 | {{:abilities:taskmaster.png?15&nolink}} [[Taskmaster]] (2) \\ [[Eyes]] (1) \\ {{:abilities:gluttony.png?15&nolink}} [[Gluttony]] (+1) \\ 10 Gold Cheaper When Active ([[Gigantomachia]]) | Commentary here. | | {{:nations:la:phlegra:Phlegran_cataphract_commander.png?nolink}} | **??Phlegran Cataphract Commander??** \\ {{:misc:gui:gold.png?15&nolink}} 135 \\ {{:misc:gui:resources.png?15&nolink}} 50 \\ {{:misc:gui:recruitmentpoints.png?15&nolink}} 2 | {{:abilities:taskmaster.png?15&nolink}} [[Taskmaster]] (3) \\ {{:abilities:skilled_rider.png?15&nolink}} [[Skilled Rider]] (3) \\ {{:abilities:slave.png?15&nolink}} [[Slave]] \\ {{:abilities:mountain_survival.png?15&nolink}} [[Mountain Survival]] | Commentary here. | | {{:nations:la:phlegra:cataphracted_mouflon.png?nolink}} | //??Cataphracted Mouflon#3215??// | {{:abilities:resist_cold.png?15&nolink}} [[Cold Resistance]] (5) \\ {{:abilities:supply_bonus.png?15&nolink}} [[Supply Bonus]] (5) \\ {{:abilities:undisciplined.png?15&nolink}} [[Undisciplined]] \\ {{:abilities:animal.png?15&nolink}} [[Animal]] \\ {{:abilities:mountain_survival.png?15&nolink}} [[Mountain Survival]] | Commentary here. | | {{:nations:la:phlegra:Phlegran_priest.png?nolink}} | **??Plegran Priest??** \\ {{:misc:gui:gold.png?15&nolink}} 90 \\ {{:misc:gui:resources.png?15&nolink}} 1 \\ {{:misc:gui:recruitmentpoints.png?15&nolink}} 1 | {{path>H1}} \\ {{:abilities:sacred.png?20&nolink}} [[Sacred]] \\ {{:abilities:reduces_unrest.png?15&nolink}} [[Reduces Unrest]] (2) \\ {{:abilities:taskmaster.png?15&nolink}} [[Taskmaster]] (1) \\ {{:abilities:slave.png?15&nolink}} [[Slave]] | Commentary here. | | {{:nations:la:phlegra:shackled_mage.png?nolink}} | **??Shackled Mage#3220??** \\ {{:misc:gui:gold.png?15&nolink}} 95 \\ {{:misc:gui:resources.png?15&nolink}} 1 \\ {{:misc:gui:recruitmentpoints.png?15&nolink}} 2 | {{path>100%FAWE}}{{path>R5}} \\ {{:abilities:affliction.png?15&nolink}} [[Starting Affliction Chance]] (50%) \\ {{:abilities:slave.png?15&nolink}} [[Slave]] \\ {{:abilities:communion_slave.png?15&nolink}} [[Communion Slave]] | Commentary here. | | {{:nations:la:phlegra:phlegran_oppressor.png?nolink}} | **??Plegran Oppressor??** \\ {{:misc:gui:gold.png?15&nolink}} 160 \\ {{:misc:gui:resources.png?15&nolink}} 1 \\ {{:misc:gui:recruitmentpoints.png?15&nolink}} 2 | {{path>F1E1,100%AW}}{{path>R11}} \\ {{:abilities:taskmaster.png?15&nolink}} [[Taskmaster]] (2) | Commentary here. | | {{:nations:la:phlegra:oppressor_general.png?nolink}} | **??Oppressor General??** \\ {{:misc:gui:gold.png?15&nolink}} 185 \\ {{:misc:gui:resources.png?15&nolink}} 21 \\ {{:misc:gui:recruitmentpoints.png?15&nolink}} 2 | {{path>E1,100%FAW}}{{path>R9}} \\ {{:abilities:taskmaster.png?15&nolink}} [[Taskmaster]] (2) | Commentary here. | | {{:nations:la:phlegra:elder_cyclops.png?nolink}} | **??Cyclope Smith??** \\ {{:misc:gui:gold.png?15&nolink}} 335 \\ {{:misc:gui:resources.png?15&nolink}} 3 \\ {{:misc:gui:recruitmentpoints.png?15&nolink}} 2 \\ {{:misc:gui:fortress.png?15&nolink}}Capital Only | {{path>F1E1,100%FAWE,10%FAWE}}{{path>R11}} \\ {{:abilities:resist_fire.png?15&nolink}} [[Fire Resistance]] (15) \\ {{:abilities:resource_bonus.png?15&nolink}} [[Resource Bonus]] (20) \\ {{:abilities:master_smith.png?20&nolink}} [[Master Smith]] (1) \\ [[Eyes]] (1) \\ {{:abilities:mountain_survival.png?20&nolink}} [[Mountain Survival]] \\ 10 Gold Cheaper When Active ([[Gigantomachia]]) | Commentary here. | | {{:nations:la:phlegra:phlegran_oppressor.png?nolink}} | **??Plegran Oppressor??** \\ {{:misc:gui:gold.png?15&nolink}} 160 \\ {{:misc:gui:resources.png?15&nolink}} 1 \\ {{:misc:gui:recruitmentpoints.png?15&nolink}} 2 \\ {{:misc:gui:fortress.png?15&nolink}}Capital Only | {{path>F1A1W1E1S1H2,100%FE,100%FAES,10%FAES}}{{path>R19}} \\ {{:abilities:sacred.png?20&nolink}} [[Sacred]] \\ {{:abilities:taskmaster.png?15&nolink}} [[Taskmaster]] (2) \\ {{:abilities:old_age.png?15&nolink}} [[Old Age]] (65/48) \\ {{:abilities:communion_master.png?15&nolink}} [[Communion Master]] | Commentary here. | ==== Troops ==== ^ Sprite ^ Unit Name ^ Special Attributes ^ Comments ^ | {{:nations:la:phlegra:helote_archer.png?nolink}} | **??Helote Archer#3211??** \\ {{:misc:gui:gold.png?15&nolink}} 8 \\ {{:misc:gui:resources.png?15&nolink}} 5 \\ {{:misc:gui:recruitmentpoints.png?15&nolink}} 4 | {{:abilities:slave.png?15&nolink}} [[Slave]] | Commentary here. | | {{:nations:la:phlegra:helote_crossbowman.png?nolink}} | **??Helote Crossbowman#3212??** \\ {{:misc:gui:gold.png?15&nolink}} 8 \\ {{:misc:gui:resources.png?15&nolink}} 26 \\ {{:misc:gui:recruitmentpoints.png?15&nolink}} 4 | {{:abilities:slave.png?15&nolink}} [[Slave]] | Commentary here. | | {{:nations:la:phlegra:helote_soldier.png?nolink}} | **??Helote Soldier#3213??** \\ {{:misc:gui:gold.png?15&nolink}} 8 \\ {{:misc:gui:resources.png?15&nolink}} 26 \\ {{:misc:gui:recruitmentpoints.png?15&nolink}} 4 | {{:abilities:slave.png?15&nolink}} [[Slave]] \\ {{:abilities:promotion.png?15&nolink}} [[Lab Promotion]] (At 25 XP to ??Iron Bound#3214??) | Commentary here. | | {{:nations:la:phlegra:iron_bound.png?nolink}} | //??Iron Bound#3214??// | [[Suffers Damage on Rout]] (5) \\ [[Morale Bonus]] (8) \\ {{:abilities:magic_being.png?15&nolink}} [[Magic Being]] \\ {{:abilities:slave.png?15&nolink}} [[Slave]] | Commentary here. | | {{:nations:la:phlegra:iron_guard.png?nolink}} | **??Iron Guard#3216??** \\ {{:misc:gui:gold.png?15&nolink}} 15 \\ {{:misc:gui:resources.png?15&nolink}} 35 \\ {{:misc:gui:recruitmentpoints.png?15&nolink}} 16 \\ {{:misc:gui:fortress.png?15&nolink}}Capital Only | {{:abilities:bodyguard.png?15&nolink}} [[Bodyguard]] (2) \\ [[Suffers Damage on Rout]] (5) \\ [[Morale Bonus]] (8) \\ {{:abilities:magic_being.png?15&nolink}} [[Magic Being]] \\ {{:abilities:slave.png?15&nolink}} [[Slave]] | Commentary here. | | {{:nations:la:phlegra:mouflon_cataphract.png?nolink}} | **??Mouflon Cataphract#3215??** \\ {{:misc:gui:gold.png?15&nolink}} 40 \\ {{:misc:gui:resources.png?15&nolink}} 50 \\ {{:misc:gui:recruitmentpoints.png?15&nolink}} 31 | {{:abilities:skilled_rider.png?15&nolink}} [[Skilled Rider]] (2) \\ {{:abilities:slave.png?15&nolink}} [[Slave]] \\ {{:abilities:mountain_survival.png?15&nolink}} [[Mountain Survival]] | Commentary here. | | {{:nations:la:phlegra:cataphracted_mouflon.png?nolink}} | //??Cataphracted Mouflon#3215??// | {{:abilities:resist_cold.png?15&nolink}} [[Cold Resistance]] (5) \\ {{:abilities:supply_bonus.png?15&nolink}} [[Supply Bonus]] (5) \\ {{:abilities:undisciplined.png?15&nolink}} [[Undisciplined]] \\ {{:abilities:animal.png?15&nolink}} [[Animal]] \\ {{:abilities:mountain_survival.png?15&nolink}} [[Mountain Survival]] | Commentary here. | | {{:nations:la:phlegra:cyclope_soldier.png?nolink}} | **??Cyclope Soldier#3224??** \\ {{:misc:gui:gold.png?15&nolink}} 40 \\ {{:misc:gui:resources.png?15&nolink}} 67 \\ [[Limited Recruitment]] (4 per Turn) | {{:abilities:minimum_leader_size.png?15&nolink}} [[Minimum Leader Size]] (6) \\ [[Eyes]] (1) \\ {{:abilities:gluttony.png?15&nolink}} [[Gluttony]] (+1) \\ 10 Gold Cheaper When Active ([[Gigantomachia]]) | Commentary here. | ==== Heroes ==== ^ Sprite ^ Unit Name ^ Special Attributes ^ Comments ^ | {{:nations:la:phlegra:elder_cyclops.png?nolink}} | **??Steropes - Elder Cyclops??** \\ Earliest Arrival Turn (15) | {{path>F2A2E3R19}} \\ {{:abilities:resist_fire.png?15&nolink}} [[Fire Resistance]] (15) \\ {{:abilities:resource_bonus.png?15&nolink}} [[Resource Bonus]] (25) \\ {{:abilities:master_smith.png?20&nolink}} [[Master Smith]] (1) \\ [[Eyes]] (1) \\ {{:abilities:old_age.png?15&nolink}} [[Old Age]] \\ {{:abilities:mountain_survival.png?20&nolink}} [[Mountain Survival]] | Commentary here. | ===== Magic ===== ==== Summons ==== ==Combat== ^ Summon Spell ^ Unit ^ Special Attributes ^ Comments ^ | **??Sow Dragon Teeth??** \\ //(Enchantment 6)// \\ {{path>E2}} and {{gems>1E}} | {{:nations:ea:mekone:spartae.png?nolink}} \\ **??Spartae??** x 10 | {{:abilities:resist_cold.png?15&nolink}} [[Cold Resistance]] (15)\\ {{:abilities:resist_poison.png?20&nolink}} [[Poison Resistance]] (25) \\ {{:abilities:formation_fighter.png?20&nolink}} [[Formation Fighter]] (2) \\ {{:abilities:old_age.png?20&nolink}} [[Old Age]] \\ {{:abilities:poor_amphibian.png?20&nolink}} [[Poor Amphibian]] \\ {{:abilities:resist_pierce.png?20&nolink}} [[Pierce Resistance]] \\ {{:abilities:magic_being.png?20&nolink}} [[Magic Being]] \\ {{:abilities:inanimate.png?20&nolink}} [[Inanimate]] \\ {{:abilities:need_not_eat.png?20&nolink}} [[Need Not Eat]] \\ {{:abilities:never_heals.png?20&nolink}} [[Does Not Heal Naturally]] \\ {{:abilities:spirit_sight.png?20&nolink}} [[Spirit Sight]] | Commentary here. | ==Ritual== ^ Summon Spell ^ Unit ^ Special Attributes ^ Comments ^ | **??Procession of the Underworld??** \\ //(Conjuration 5)// \\ {{path>D3}} and {{gems>13D}} | {{:nations:ea:mekone:lampad.png?nolink}} \\ **??Lampad??** x 15 | {{:abilities:invulnerability.png?15&nolink}} [[Invulnerability]] (15)\\ {{:abilities:supply_bonus.png?20&nolink}} [[Supply Bonus]] (10) \\ {{:abilities:patrol_bonus.png?20&nolink}} [[Patrol Bonus]] (5) \\ {{:abilities:stygian_guide.png?20&nolink}} [[Stygian Guide]] (75%) \\ {{:abilities:recuperation.png?20&nolink}} [[Recuperation]] \\ {{:abilities:spirit_sight.png?20&nolink}} [[Spirit Sight]] \\ [[Female]] \\ {{path>S1D2N1R13}} with ??Divine Name?? or ??Gift of Reason?? | Commentary here. | | **??Summon Hound of Twilight??** \\ //(Conjuration 5)// \\ {{path>E2D1}} and {{gems>3E}} | {{:nations:ea:mekone:hound_of_twilight.png?nolink}} \\ **??Hound of Twilight??** | {{:abilities:resist_poison.png?20&nolink}} [[Poison Resistance]] (15) \\ {{:abilities:darkvision.png?20&nolink}} [[Darkvision]] (100%) \\ {{:abilities:fear.png?20&nolink}} [[Fear]] (5) \\ {{:abilities:patrol_bonus.png?20&nolink}} [[Patrol Bonus]] (20) \\ {{:abilities:unsurroundable.png?20&nolink}} [[Unsurroundable]] (2) \\ {{:abilities:spirit_sight.png?20&nolink}} [[Spirit Sight]] \\ [[Eyes]] (4) | Commentary here. | | **??Bind Keres??** \\ //(Conjuration 6)// \\ {{path>D2}} and {{gems>12D}} | {{:nations:ea:mekone:ker.png?nolink}} \\ **??Ker??** x 3 | {{:abilities:resist_cold.png?15&nolink}} [[Cold Resistance]] (15)\\ {{:abilities:resist_poison.png?20&nolink}} [[Poison Resistance]] (15) \\ {{:abilities:stealthy.png?15&nolink}} [[Stealthy]] (40) \\ {{:abilities:fear.png?20&nolink}} [[Fear]] (6) \\ {{:abilities:cause_unrest.png?20&nolink}} [[Increases Unrest]] (1 per month) \\ {{:abilities:ethereal.png?20&nolink}} [[Ethereal]] \\ {{:abilities:flying.png?20&nolink}} [[Flying]] \\ {{:abilities:storm_immunity.png?20&nolink}} [[Storm Immunity]] \\ {{:abilities:need_not_eat.png?20&nolink}} [[Need Not Eat]] \\ {{:abilities:demon.png?20&nolink}} [[Demon]] \\ {{:abilities:spirit_sight.png?20&nolink}} [[Spirit Sight]] \\ {{:abilities:invisible.png?20&nolink}} [[Invisible]] \\ [[Female]] \\ {{path>D1B1R9}} with ??Divine Name?? or ??Gift of Reason?? | Commentary here. | | **??Forge Brass Bull??** \\ //(Construction 6)// \\ {{path>F3E3}} and {{gems>25F}} | {{:nations:ea:mekone:khalkotauros.png?nolink}} \\ **??Khalkotauros??** | {{:abilities:resist_fire.png?15&nolink}} [[Fire Resistance]] (25)\\ {{:abilities:resist_cold.png?15&nolink}} [[Cold Resistance]] (15)\\ {{:abilities:resist_poison.png?20&nolink}} [[Poison Resistance]] (25) \\ {{:abilities:resist_shock.png?20&nolink}} [[Shock Resistance]] (15) \\ {{:abilities:heat_aura.png?20&nolink}} [[Heat Aura]] (3) \\ {{:abilities:trample.png?20&nolink}} [[Trample]] \\ {{:abilities:never_heals.png?20&nolink}} [[Does Not Heal Naturally]] \\ {{:abilities:poor_amphibian.png?20&nolink|Poor Amphibian}} {{:abilities:inanimate.png?20&nolink|Inanimate}} {{:abilities:resist_slash.png?20&nolink|Slash Resistance}} {{:abilities:resist_blunt.png?20&nolink|Blunt Resistance}} {{:abilities:resist_pierce.png?20&nolink|Pierce Resistance}} {{:abilities:magic_being.png?20&nolink|Magic Being}} {{:abilities:need_not_eat.png?20&nolink|Need Not Eat}} {{:abilities:mindless.png?20&nolink|Mindless}} {{:abilities:spirit_sight.png?20&nolink|Spirit Sight}} | Commentary here. | ==== Other Spell and Items ==== * **??Gigantomachia??** (Thaumaturgy 7) \\ {{path>F4E4}} and {{gems>60E}} \\ Commentary here. * **??Oppressors Headband??** {{:items:oppressors_headband.png?15&nolink}} (Construction 1) \\ {{path>E3}} and {{gems>15E}} \\ Commentary here. ==== Magic Access ==== //See [[Magic Access]].// These guides supplement the summaries at the top. ??Cyclope Smith#3225?? have [[Master Smith]], increasing their paths by one for the purpose of forging items. [[Master Smith]] does not help with summoning, though. === Multi-Path Boosters === An ??Elder Cyclops#3225?? with {{path>A1}} or {{path>W1}} (1 in 4 for both) can make a ??Staff of Elemental Mastery#76??, ??Crown of the Elements?? //Unique// or ??Staff of Elemental Mastery#82??, which can be very helpful. Both versions are difficult to get to, though. \\ LA Phlegra can progress high enough in {{:misc:magic:astral.png?15&nolink}}Astral to get a ??Ring of Sorcery?? and a ??Ring of Wizardry??. The only sorcery path LA Phlegra has is {{:misc:magic:astral.png?15&nolink}}Astral, so the ??Ring of Sorcery?? doesn't give as much flexibility as it does for other nations. The hero, ??Steropes - Elder Cyclops?? ({{path>A2E3}}), with an {{:misc:magic:air.png?15&nolink}}Air can create a ??Staff of Elemental Mastery#82??. ??The Magic Lamp?? //Unique but Reforgable// \\ {{path>F1A1}} ??Cyclope Smith#3225?? (1 in 4) + {{:misc:magic:fire.png?15&nolink}}{{:misc:magic:fire.png?15&nolink}}{{:misc:magic:air.png?15&nolink}}{{:misc:magic:air.png?15&nolink}}{{:misc:magic:air.png?15&nolink}} (because of [[Master Smith]]). \\ {{path>F2A2}} ??Steropes - Elder Cyclops??, the hero + {{:misc:magic:fire.png?15&nolink}}{{:misc:magic:air.png?15&nolink}}{{:misc:magic:air.png?15&nolink}} \\ Obviously, any of the Elemental Mastery boosters, a ??Ring of Wizardry??, or ??The Forbidden Light?? //Unique//, can all really help. \\ With ??The Magic Lamp??, ??Al Khazim - Jinn?? can be summoned. It doesn't give any new paths, but is high in the four it does have. === Fire === Highest Starting: {{path>F3}} ??Oppressor Archon#3228?? (1 in 8), but {{path>F2}} ??Cyclope Smith#3225?? (1 in 4) effectively has {{path>F3}} for the purpose of crafting boosters. Both need a level of empowerment to get to ??Flame Helmet??. \\ ??Oppressor Archon#3228?? has the right crosspaths for the ??Forbidden Light?? but it's a lot of boosters. === Air === Highest Starting: {{path>A2}} ??Oppressor Archon#3228?? (1 in 8), but {{path>A1}} ??Cyclope Smith#3225?? (1 in 4) effectively has {{path>A2}} for the purpose of crafting boosters. \\ Even with ??Tome of High Power??, a level of empowerment is necessary to get to ??Winged Helmet??. \\ The hero, ??Steropes - Elder Cyclops??, only needs the ??Tome of High Power?? or a level of empowerment to get to ??Winged Helmet??. ??Tome of High Power?? //Unique// \\ {{path>A2S1}} ??Oppressor Archon#3228?? (1 in 8) + {{:misc:magic:astral.png?15&nolink}}Astral === Water === Highest Starting: {{path>W2}} ??Oppressor Archon#3228?? (1 in 8), but {{path>W1}} ??Cyclope Smith#3225?? (1 in 4) effectively has {{path>W2}} for the purpose of crafting boosters. ??Trident from Beyond?? //Unique// \\ {{path>W2S1}} ??Oppressor Archon#3228?? (1 in 8) + {{:misc:magic:water.png?15&nolink}}{{:misc:magic:astral.png?15&nolink}} ??Orb of Atlantis?? //Unique// \\ {{path>W2E1}} ??Oppressor Archon#3228?? (1 in 8) + {{:misc:magic:water.png?15&nolink}}{{:misc:magic:water.png?15&nolink}} === Earth === Highest Starting: {{path>E3}} ??Oppressor Archon#3228?? (1 in 8), but {{path>E2}} ??Cyclope Smith#3225?? (1 in 4) effectively has {{path>E3}} for the purpose of crafting boosters. \\ The hero, ??Steropes - Elder Cyclops??, has {{path>E3}}, effectively {{path>E4}} for crafting boosters. ??Oppressor Archon#3228?? has the right crosspaths for the ??Atlas of Creation?? but it's a lot of boosters. === Astral === Highest Starting: {{path>S2}} ??Oppressor Archon#3228?? (1 in 8) ??Coin of Meteoritic Iron?? \\ {{path>E1S2}} ??Oppressor Archon#3228?? (1 in 8) + {{:misc:magic:earth.png?15&nolink}} ??Tome of High Power?? //Unique// \\ {{path>A2S1}} ??Oppressor Archon#3228?? (1 in 8) + {{:misc:magic:astral.png?15&nolink}} ??Golem Construction?? \\ {{path>E1S2}} ??Oppressor Archon#3228?? (1 in 8) + {{:misc:magic:earth.png?15&nolink}}{{:misc:magic:astral.png?15&nolink}} ??Oppressor Archon#3228?? has the right crosspaths for the ??Atlas of Creation?? or the ??Forbidden Light?? but it's a lot of boosters for either of them. === Death === No national access. === Nature === No national access. === Glamour === No national access. ??Troll King's Court?? \\ {{path>E3}} ??Oppressor Archon#3228?? (1 in 8) + {{:misc:magic:earth.png?15&nolink}} \\ ??Troll King?? has {{path>G1}} === Blood === No national access. ===== Strategy ===== How to win as the nation. Feel free to use the following sections, or delete them, or change them. ==== Expansion ==== Different expansion options. ==== Early Game ==== Early game options. ==== Mid Game ==== Mid game options. ==== Late Game ==== Late game options. ==== Example Pretender Builds ==== {{:pretenders:titan_of_crossroads_1.png |}} Format for putting a pretender build in. **Chassis:** Awake ??Titan of Crossroads?? \\ **Paths:** {{path>S4D5N7}} \\ **Bless:** MW/Arcane Finesse, Invuln 10, Regen. \\ **Scales:** {{scales>dom6T2P0H3D1M2M3}} {{:pretenders:titan_of_crossroads_1.png |}} Format for putting a pretender build in. **Chassis:** Awake ??Titan of Crossroads?? \\ **Paths:** {{path>S4D5N7}} \\ **Bless:** MW/Arcane Finesse, Invuln 10, Regen. \\ **Scales:** {{scales>dom6T2P0H3D1M2M3}} ===== Weaknesses ===== What are the nation's weaknesses? ===== See More ===== Add links to guides or other overviews for this nation here. {{template>dom6:nationindex}} {{tag>nation}}