====== Underwater ====== {{:misc:gui:sea.png?nolink }} Most custom maps have an **underwater** portion. This is an often-loathed part of the map, as it would be for landlubbers in-universe. The ocean is a stunning example of asymmetrical warfare; fish can't breathe on land, and horses aren't very good at deep-sea diving. {{:misc:gui:deep_sea.png?nolink }} There are four types of underwater provinces. **Seas** are typical underwater provinces. **Deep Seas** are deeper, [[darkness|darker]] provinces, with far more consistent [[Scales#Temperature|Temperatures]]. **Kelp Forests** are Seas with more vegetation, while **Gorges** are even deeper Deep Seas. Maps generally have fewer underwater provinces than land ones, not even counting the [[caves]]. In addition, most factions cannot build underwater [[forts]], though they can certainly try claiming them. Even underwater nations can't build Citadels (the fourth tier of forts) underwater, even in the Late Ages, though imps could make one in ??Three Red Seconds??. The administrative powers of sea forts end at the coastline; likewise, that of land forts ends where the seas begin. ===== Underwater Traits ===== {{:abilities:aquatic.png?nolink }} Humans can't breathe underwater, of course. Likewise, the **Aquatic** cannot breathe above-water, because they have gills instead of lungs. If someone somehow ends up where they cannot breathe, they immediately die. {{:abilities:amphibious.png?nolink }} The **Amphibious** bridge both sides of the divide. Most of them are //slightly// better at fighting underwater, but that's merely due to the conditions of underwater combat, which will be covered below. {{:abilities:poor_amphibian.png?nolink }} **Poor Amphibians** can also bridge the divide, but they're decidedly worse underwater than on land. This is usually due to their bodies not being built for quick-and-easy underwater movement, or merely not being good-enough at the aquatic arts. {{:abilities:water_breathing.png?nolink }} **Water Breathing** is a trait normally bestowed by commanders (for troops) or items (for commanders), that "upgrades" the bearer to a Poor Amphibian. For example, ??Pills of Water Breathing?? provide for 75 [[Size]] points worth of guys, including the commander holding them. * There's also a similar **Air Breathing** trait, for Aquatics, but it doesn't have a shared version. ===== Underwater Combat ===== {{:abilities:resist_pierce.png?nolink }} Underwater combat may seem odd for "landlubbers". For example, **Bludgeoning** and **Slashing** attacks suffer from significant drag, thus getting an [[Attack Skill]] penalty equal to their Length. Most aquatic troops use spears (which **Pierce**) for this reason. {{:abilities:rusty_equipment.png?nolink }} Water is not kind to iron gear, causing it to **[[rust]]** and become brittle. This concern is abstracted out above-ground, even though [[weather|rain]] might very well cause issues in real life; underwater, however, rusting can happen before your armies fight their first sea battle. {{:misc:magic:blood.png?nolink }} The environment is also un-conducive to a wide variety of [[magic]] spells. The most-affected path is [[Blood]], since various forces (fluid dynamics, shark ghosts, et cetera) prevent [[gems|Blood Slave]] sacrifices from having any effect. Then there's [[Fire]], which is quite impeded by the inability to light a flame underwater, though it may still ??Boil?? and ??Incinerate?? foes. [[Air]] also has problems; aside from underwater fights not taking place in the open air, there's simply no way for a ??Thunder Strike?? to reach a target through millions of gallons of liquid. * {{:misc:magic:water.png?nolink }} The path of [[Water]] gains quite a bit underwater, of course. Aside from ??Water Elemental??s doing their best in the sea, Water Mages can manipulate the fluids around them to blast, entrap, protect, and even speed up units. Lastly, there are the [[unit-attributes|stat]] penalties, or the benefits for those used to the environment: ^ Stat ^ {{:abilities:water_breathing.png?nolink}} ^ {{:abilities:poor_amphibian.png?nolink}} ^ {{:abilities:swimming.png?nolink|Swimming}} ^ {{:abilities:amphibious.png?nolink}} ^ {{:abilities:aquatic.png?nolink}} ^ | [[Attack Skill|{{:dom6:stats:att.png?nolink|attack skill}}]] | -1 | -1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | [[Defence Skill|{{:dom6:stats:def.png?nolink|defence skill}}]] | -2 | -2 | -1 | 0 | 0 | | [[Combat Speed|{{:dom6:stats:cs.png?nolink|combat speed}}]] | -50% | -50% | 0 | 0 | 0 | | [[Encumbrance|{{:dom6:stats:enc.png?nolink|encumbrance}}]] | +1 | +1 | +1 | -1 | -1 | {{:abilities:swimming.png?nolink }} **[[Swimming]] does not let you enter the sea!** It merely improves the prospects of Poor Amphibians and the Water Breathing underwater. Likewise, all traits that let you enter the sea //also// let you cross Rivers. This added functionality to the Swimming trait is new to Dominions 6.