====== Raven Feast ====== //The caster summons an unkindness of ravens and sends them into a distant province to feast upon the newly dead. The ravens consume the rotting corpses and return to be slaughtered for the raw death essence they then contain.// ??Raven Feast?? is an {{path>A4}} [[Rituals|ritual]] at [[Magic|Conjuration]] 5 that costs {{gems>3A}}. The spell converts [[corpses]] to death [[gems]] and can be cast at both friendly and hostile provinces. The spell yields $\frac{1}{2}\left(1+\sqrt{\mathrm{corpses}}\right)$ death gems. For instance, 9 corpses yield 2 death gems, 121 corpses yield 6 gems and you'd need a full 361 corpses for 10 gems. The ravens are not actually summoned into the game. ===== Strategy ===== If there's corpses around, such as if you've scouted or taken part of a big battle, ??Raven Feast?? is an efficient way of converting air gems to death gems. Its main drawback is the required path to cast it, which few [[nations]] have access to, and such strong mages often have even more valuable uses of their turns. {{template>spells}}