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Also known as Battle Wounds, Afflictions are the game's way to portray permanent side effects of grievous bodily harm. Units recover their health every turn; Afflictions show the lasting consequences of battle injuries, Old Age, and other dangers of the world. Afflictions vary widely in their effects.

The odds of getting an affliction from an injury is determined by how much HP was lost, relative to the max HP.

Just for an example, say a fellow with 100 max HP took 20 damage from an attack; they would have a 20% chance to get an affliction.

Certain traits modify the rate of being afflicted, and these are listed in order of application to the odds:

Note that it is possible for an over 100% chance to get an Affliction; in this case, the unit may gain an additional one. If a human with 10 HP took a 15 HP hit, they would be guaranteed one Affliction and have a 50% chance of gaining another; which would only matter for the purposes of Bolt of Unlife, Life after Death, Twiceborn, and other forms of coming back from zero HP, of course. One can only imagine how mangled a body would be after receiving Gifts from Heaven, for instance, or how handicapped a Dragon would be after their human form took a bite from another Dragon.

Hit Area

Hit area is very important, as you can't lose an eye by being hit in the toe, or lose an arm through a cut to the face. The areas are Head, Arms, Legs, and Torso. The Torso is the most likely area to be hit and the Head is the least likely to be hit, if both the attacker and the defender are the same Size; bigger attackers have an easier time attacking the Head, however, while smaller attackers are limited to attacking lower parts of the body (if their weapon reach isn't wide enough).

Unspecified Hit Area

The following afflictions can be accrued by a hit in any area:

Arm Afflictions

The following afflictions can be accrued by a hit to the Arm. Note that a unit has only a 1-in-3 chance of obtaining an underlined affliction, and a 2-in-3 chance of obtaining one of the others. This is a categorical likelihood, however; for example here, an Arm affliction has a 2-in-9 chance to be Weakness, a 2-in-9 chance to be Battle Fright, a 2-in-9 chance to be Profuse Bleeding, and a 3-in-9 chance (~33%) to be the loss of said limb.

Leg Afflictions

The following afflictions can be accrued by a hit to the Legs:

Head Afflictions

The following afflictions can be accrued by a hit to the Head:

Torso Afflictions

The following afflictions can be accrued by a blow to the Torso:


Afflictions are chronic; they can be removed, but they don't go away on their own. Three things remove Afflictions:

Interestingly, the Never Healing Wound is the most difficult affliction to recover from.