==== MapNuke ==== [[https://nuke-haus.itch.io/mapnuke|MapNuke]] is an open-source procedural map generator made for Dominions 5. It is no longer being updated, but it is in a stable state and if you are playing a Dominions 5 game it is recommended to use this version for generating your map. ==== MapNuke 2: Colossal Player Edition ==== [[https://nuke-haus.itch.io/mapnuke-2|MapNuke 2]] is the second iteration of the open-source procedural map generator, upgraded for Dominions 6. It is recommended to use this version for Dominions 6 map generation. ==== GitHub ==== The github page for MapNuke is [[https://github.com/nuke-haus/mapnuke|here]]. This map generation tool is maintained by [[https://bsky.app/profile/nukehaus.bsky.social|nuke]].