====== Winged Monkeys ====== ??Winged Monkeys?? is a {{path>N3S2}} [[Rituals|ritual]] at [[Magic|Conjuration]] 5 that costs {{gems>10N}}. The spell is a [[remote attacks|remote attack]] that sends ??Winged Monkey??s to abduct an enemy commander. A random non-mage enemy commander in the chosen province is targeted. Priests can be targeted as long as they don't have any magic paths. An [[assassination]] battle happens between the commander and 8 ??Winged Monkey??s, whose sleep touch inflicts [[magic resistance|MR-negated]] [[fatigue]] damage. If the commander reaches 100 fatigue and is not larger than [[size]] 3, the assassination is interrupted and the commander carried to the caster's province, where it will fight any [[patrol|patrolling]] troops and [[province defence]]. ===== Strategy ===== Due to its high cost and requirements, Winged Monkeys is only situationally useful. It can be used against an unsuspecting player to target army commanders, resulting in the army's troops staying while vulnerable mages move on without troop support. {{template>spells}}