Alchemy Spells

The Alchemy Spells allow the user to convert Gems into Gold. Unlike with Pearl-and-Gem Alchemy, the Gold isn't available until next turn. Unlike Dominions 5, these spells do not scale with caster level, and cannot be 'overcast' to alchemize more than the base number of gems.

Spell Gems Gold
Distill Gold
Alteration 1
fire 11
10firegem Grants 250 gold.
Alchemical Transmutation
Alteration 2
earth 11
10earthgem Grants 200 gold.
Transmute Fire
Alteration 5
fire 22
10firegem Grants 300 gold.
Earth Gem Alchemy
Alteration 6
earth 22
10earthgem Grants 300 gold.