Table of Contents

Nation Strategy Guides

Here are guides for strategies using specific nations.

An unconventional approach to Helheim:


An upcoming MA Pythium guide by Chirno-senpai:

A partial port of a Therodos guide by iSeenUB4

A Guide to Therodos - Telkhine Spectre by iSeenUB4

Guides by Baalz

150 Proof Guide to Na'Ba By Baalz

Stacks on Stacks - A Guide to Ind By Baalz

MA Machaka - The Beasts of the Savana

Wasp Kai - EA Xibalba by Baalz

The Frozen Bayou - MA Xibalba by Baalz

Double Dragon - LA Xibalba by Baalz

Uber Ubar - EA Ubar by Baalz

Children of Olympus - EA Arco by Baalz

Shiva, The Destroyer - EA Kalasia by Baalz

Various guides

Shock and Awe - Caelum in the Early Age by disnegativ