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Loggy's Indie Generation notes

NOTE that "IS" = INDIE STRENGTH, as in the game setting, modified by all of the below that apply

15000+ pop, +1
20000+ pop, +1
3500- pop, -1
1500- pop, -1
throne: add 3 * 2^(throne level - 1)

IS 0 does not generate indies.

As with most things, round down after every division unless stated otherwise. So (IS/2) at indie strength 5 is 2.

XdY+ denotes exploding dice. XdY denotes non-exploding dice.

Give items and Gems

This is what (quality) for commanders refers to.

For each magic path:



Sea AND Deep Sea both set

90% chance for one of the following at equal odds [30% each] (all are poptype 57):

If not, 2% chance [so 0.2% total] for Wyrm named Tiamat with d(IS*2)+ Sea Serpents

Otherwise, equal odds for the following [final odds are 1/60 for each]


90% chance for one of the following at equal chance [9/50 each]:

2% for one of the following [2/3000 each]:

Equal odds for any of the following [49/6000 each]:

Coastal (or a 2% chance for non-sea non-cave provinces)

891/1000 for poptype 57, Shambler Chief#207 (quality 1) with dIS+ Shambler#206 bodyguards, (IS/2)d6+ Shambler#206 under command, ISd6+ Atlantian Militia under command

9/1000 for rare indies Yiaia, poptype 45:

1/40 for:

3/40 for:

None of the above [plains]

90% for one of the following at equal odds [9/80 each]:

If not, 98% for one of these [49/6000 each]:

Otherwise, equal chances [1/2000 each] for…


Thrones first go through the normal process, and then can get extra stuff layered on top.

Level 1s have a 50% chance to generate without anything extra (ignore the rest of this section).

If underwater, do underwater throne things.

If level 3 land throne, ignore all the flags and do level 3 land throne things.

If level 2 land throne, there is a 15% chance that you pretend you're a level 3 throne instead.

Otherwise, level 2 thrones generate according to the defender type flag, listed here in order of priority:

Generic level 2 options (equal odds):

Evil level 2 options:

Wild level 2 options:

Underwater options:

Level 3 options: