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Saiden's Syntax Storage

Keeping notes on editing styles below to maintain consistency when working on Illwiki articles

If an article starts with an image, it is a good idea to use WRAP column to keep the text adjusted to the image for the duration of the paragraph. Note the size of the image in question (wiki will shrink image to fit if column is set to less px than native size).

See Also: Poison Damage

Poison Barbs Items

The following items will grant your assassin, thug, or supercombatant this ability.

Armor of Twisting Thorns blood 33nature 2215bloodslave10naturegem Construction 4
I can't imagine that this feels nice, but it gives you washboard abs to compensate. You can't take the thorns out, EVER!
PROT 13 (Head & Body, Also Fills Head "Slot"), DEF -1, ENC +5, MM -6, Poison Barbs 10, nature 11blood 11 boost




