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blood [2022/03/24 07:38]
blood [2022/12/21 10:37]
wigglefig minor edit to remove 'national blood spells which often overshadow the generic options'
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 {{:misc:magic:blood.png|blood}} {{:misc:magic:blood.png|blood}}
-While the other schools of magic can at least pretend to have productive uses outside of causing death and suffering, Blood magic is more straightforward about its purpose. Rather than being powered by [[gems]], blood spells and rituals are fueled with [[gems#blood slaves | blood slaves]], [[blood hunting | harvested from province population]] by blood mages at the cost of [[unrest]] and thus gold income. Balancing this shadow economy in addition to the normal complexity of Dominions is difficult and part of why blood nations are not recommended for beginners.+While the other schools of magic can at least pretend to have productive uses outside of causing death and suffering, Blood magic is more straightforward about its purpose. Rather than being powered by [[gems]], blood spells and rituals are fueled with the sacrifice of [[gems#blood slaves | blood slaves]], [[blood hunting | harvested from province population]] by blood mages at the cost of [[unrest]] and thus gold income. Balancing this shadow economy in addition to the normal complexity of Dominions is difficult and part of why blood nations are not recommended for beginners.
-All spells that involve the {{misc:magic:blood.png?14&nolink}}blood path and the sacrifice of blood slaves belong to the school of Blood magic, although there are useful blood items that can be unlocked by researching the school of [[Construction]].+All spells that involve the {{misc:magic:blood.png?14&nolink}}blood path and the use of blood slaves belong to the school of Blood magic, although there are useful blood items that can be unlocked by researching the school of [[Construction]].
-Blood magic is incredibly versatile, allowing its users to inspire terror in the hearts of their enemies, open gates to the five Hells, start the vampire apocalypse, and so much more. Since the currency of blood magic is not dependent on site searching luck, it has the potential to scale far beyond what any other path can manage. During the midgame, competitive nations may have an income of 20/turn of any one type of gem, while true blood nations can easily be hunting 200-{{gems>300B}}/turn, rising to {{gems>400B}}/turn by the late game. Well-run blood nations can flood the world in a tide of powerful summons, from the ??Ozelotl??s of Mictlan and Xibalba to the ??Se'ir??im called forth by Gath.+Blood magic is incredibly versatile, allowing its users to inspire terror in the hearts of their enemies, open gates to the five Hells, start the vampire apocalypse, and so much more. Since the currency of blood magic is not dependent on site searching luck, it has the potential to scale far beyond what any other path can manage. During the late-midgame, competitive nations may have an income of 20/turn of any one type of gem, while true blood nations can easily be hunting 200-{{gems>300B}}/turn, rising to {{gems>400B}}/turn by the late game. Well-run blood nations can flood the world in a tide of powerful summons, from the ??Ozelotl??s of Mictlan and Xibalba to the ??Se'ir??im called forth by Gath.
 =====Generalization===== =====Generalization=====
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   * {{:misc:magic:nature.png?15&nolink}}**Nature** lets you use Blood to facilitate unholy unions of the different species of the world (??Cross Breeding??). It can also feed and/or taint Nature directly, and can be used to ??Purify Blood?? in battle.   * {{:misc:magic:nature.png?15&nolink}}**Nature** lets you use Blood to facilitate unholy unions of the different species of the world (??Cross Breeding??). It can also feed and/or taint Nature directly, and can be used to ??Purify Blood?? in battle.
 +=====Combat Magic===== 
 +===Blood 0===
 +^ Spell  ^ Paths        ^ Description  ^ Effect  ^
 +| ??Bleed??        | {{path>B1}}\\ {{gems>1B}}             | //The Bleed spell causes blood to pour out of the victim's nose, ears, and mouth. The effect is a prolonged and painful death. [[Magic resistance]] can negate the effect.//             | Instantly applies the "[[Bleeding]]" effect to a single target (but isn't super accurate). MR negates. This doesn't work on the [[Undead]] or [[Inanimate|Inanimates]].        |
-=====Notable Blood Magic=====+===Blood 1=== 
 +^ Spell  ^ Paths        ^ Description  ^ Effect 
 +| ??Blood Burst??       | {{path>B1}}\\ {{gems>2B}}             | ////                     | 
 +| ??Blood Heal??        | {{path>B1}}\\ {{gems>1B}}             | ////                     | 
 +| ??Sabbath Master??    | {{path>B1}}\\ {{gems>1B}}             | ////                     | 
 +| ??Sabbath Slave??     | {{path>B1}}\\ {{gems>1B}}             | ////                     | 
 +| ??Reinvigoration??    | {{path>B1}}\\ {{gems>1B}}             | ////                     | 
 +| ??Summon Imps??       | {{path>B1}}\\ {{gems>1B}}             | ////                     | 
 +| ??Blood Boil??        | {{path>B1F1}}                         | ////                     |
-====Generic====+===Blood 2=== 
 +^ Spell  ^ Paths        ^ Description  ^ Effect 
 +| ??Banish Demon??       | {{path>B1}}\\ {{gems>1B}}             | //The caster banishes one [[demon]] back to Hell.//             | Instantly & magically instakills a single demon, at medium range. MR negates.        | 
 +| ??Agony??       | {{path>B2}}\\ {{gems>1B}}             | //The mage kills one or more [[blood slaves]] in an extremely painful way and transfers their pain onto a large number of enemies. Being struck by this pain is unbearable and has a truly devastating effect on morale. [[Undead]] units are not affected by this spell.//             | Instantly deals 1 AN DMG at long range, with an AOE of 4, and also deals 4 "[[Fear]] DMG" with the same AOE. MR negates the actual damage. The [[Mindless]] and [[Inanimate|Inanimates]] are also unaffected.  \\ +1 AOE per extra {{:misc:magic:blood.png?15&nolink}}.        | 
 +| ??Hell Power??       | {{path>B3}}\\ {{gems>3B}}             | //By sacrificing a large number of blood slaves, the caster attracts attention from the Netherworld. Fiends from beyond grant the caster tremendous physical and magical power for one battle. The price for this power is unwanted attention from other [[Horrors]]. For every minute the battle lasts, there is a chance that a Horror will materialize in the vicinity of the caster.//\\ **Grants [[magic]] boost +2, [[attack skill|Att]] +4, [[defence skill|Def]] +4, [[strength|Str]] +4, [[precision|Prec]] +4, [[Morale]] +4, [[Magic Resistance|MR]] +2, [[Protection]] +4**              | Applies the listed benefits to the caster, along with one [[Horror Mark]] (if the caster isn't Mindless). \\ **Independent** Horrors have a 20% chance to appear within a 5x5 area of the caster each round, +2% for each Horror Mark. \\ [[Hell Power|It has a page!]]       |
-While generally not as thematic as national blood magic, generic blood magic still offers variety of powerful tools to the enterprising blood nation.+===Blood 3=== 
 +^ Spell  ^ Paths        ^ Description  ^ Effect 
 +| ??Leeching Touch??       | {{path>B1}}             | //The mage tries to touch target and will drain some of the target's life force if successful. The life force drained will be used to heal and reinvigorate the mage.//             | A fast melee spell (**defense negates**) that does 15 AN [[Life Drain]] DMG to a single target, scaling with {{:misc:magic:blood.png?14&nolink}} (+1 Dmg). Inanimates are immune.        | 
 +| ??Pain Transfer??       | {{path>B2}}             | //Wounds taken by the mage will be transferred to blood slaves in the vicinity.//             | Applies the listed buff to the caster. The range is slightly wider than the range the caster can use blood slaves for casting with       |
-FIXME Add combat, ritual spells+===Blood 4=== 
 +^ Spell  ^ Paths        ^ Description  ^ Effect 
 +| ??Hellfire??               | {{path>B1F2}}\\ {{gems>1B}}             | ////                     | 
 +| ??Blood Lust??             | {{path>B2}}\\ {{gems>1B}}               | ////                     | 
 +| ??Call Lesser Horror??     | {{path>B2S2}}\\ {{gems>2B}}             | ////                     |
-Many blood items are also very usefulAlthough they are unlocked by researching Construction rather than Blood magicthey are still relevant for blood nations.+===Blood 5=== 
 +^ Spell  ^ Paths        ^ Description  ^ Effect 
 +| ??Hellbind Heart??         | {{path>B2}}\\ {{gems>1B}}               | //The caster binds an enemy soul to his service.//             | Instantly switches a single target's allegiance, at medium range. MR negates. The [[Mindless]] are immuneas are [[Pretenders]] and [[Prophet|Prophets]].        | 
 +| ??Summon Illearth??        | {{path>B2E2}}\\ {{gems>2B}}             | ////                     | 
 +| ??Bloodletting??           | {{path>B4}}\\ {{gems>4B}}               | //With this arduous spell, the mage tries to drain blood from everyone in the vicinity. All drained blood will be added to the mage's life force.//             | Instantly deals 1 AN Life Drain DMG to **everyone**, including the caster. MR negates. The [[Undead]] and [[Inanimate|Inanimates]] are immune      |
-  * Construction 4 {{path>B1}} for {{gems>5B}}: **??Flesh Eater??**\\ Aside from its high damage attack and chest-wounding ability, the Flesh Eater is also notable for making the wielder berserk when damaged. This allows thugs to follow scripts at the start of battle and then take advantage of berserk later on. +===Blood 6=== 
-  * Construction 4 {{path>B2}} for {{gems>40B}}: **??Lifelong Protection??**\\ Lifelong Protections are useful in almost any context. The ??Imp??s can protect mages from assassins, swamp counterthugs, disrupt enemy lines in combat, and more.  +^ Spell  ^ Paths        ^ Description  ^ Effect 
-  * Construction 4 {{path>B1}} for {{gems>5B}}: **??Sanguine Dowsing Rod??**\\ Greatly improves the blood hunting abilities of {{path>B1}} mages, less efficient for more skilled blood mages.+??Harm??               | {{path>B2}}\\ {{gems>1B}}             | ////                     | 
 +??Call Horror??        {{path>B3S3}}\\ {{gems>3B}}           | ////                     |
-====Nation-specific====+===Blood 7=== 
 +^ Spell  ^ Paths        ^ Description  ^ Effect 
 +| ??Leech??               | {{path>B1}}\\ {{gems>1B}}             | ////                     | 
 +| ??Blood Rain??          | {{path>B3}}\\ {{gems>3B}}             | ////                     | 
 +| ??Purify Blood??        | {{path>B4N1}}\\ {{gems>3B}}           | ////                     |
-In addition to the blood magic available to all nations, several nations have unique blood spells which often overshadow the generic options+===Blood 8=== 
 +^ Spell  ^ Paths        ^ Description  ^ Effect 
 +| ??Rush of Strength??         | {{path>B3}}\\ {{gems>1B}}             | ////                     | 
 +| ??Life for a Life??          | {{path>B3}}\\ {{gems>1B}}             | ////                     | 
 +===Blood 9=== 
 +^ Spell  ^ Paths        ^ Description  ^ Effect 
 +| ??Damage Reversal??         | {{path>B1}}\\ {{gems>1B}}             | ////                     | 
 +| ??Infernal Prison??         | {{path>B3F1}}\\ {{gems>2B}}           | ////                     | 
 +| ??Claws of Kokytos??        | {{path>B3W1}}\\ {{gems>2B}}           | ////                     | 
 +=====National Blood Magic===== 
 +In addition to the blood magic available to all nations, several nations have special access to unique blood spells.
 {{:nations:flags:ea_lanka.png?30&nolink}} [[lanka ea | EA Lanka]] {{:nations:flags:ea_lanka.png?30&nolink}}\\ Lanka has a large roster of demon-ogre summons, as well as an efficient blood hunter (the ??Raktapata??) to run the blood economy needed to summon them. Summons run the gamut from hard-hitting frontline troops (??Rakshasa Warrior??), to a heavy thug (??Dakini??) and even a potential supercombatant chassis (??Mandeha??). Monkey nations in later ages ([[bandar log ma |MA Bandar Log]], [[patala la | LA Patala]]) retain these summons, although they lack native ways to blood hunt. {{:nations:flags:ea_lanka.png?30&nolink}} [[lanka ea | EA Lanka]] {{:nations:flags:ea_lanka.png?30&nolink}}\\ Lanka has a large roster of demon-ogre summons, as well as an efficient blood hunter (the ??Raktapata??) to run the blood economy needed to summon them. Summons run the gamut from hard-hitting frontline troops (??Rakshasa Warrior??), to a heavy thug (??Dakini??) and even a potential supercombatant chassis (??Mandeha??). Monkey nations in later ages ([[bandar log ma |MA Bandar Log]], [[patala la | LA Patala]]) retain these summons, although they lack native ways to blood hunt.
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 [[ind ma | MA Ind]] is possibly the most bloody nation of the Middle Ages, but its only national blood spell is ??Release Lord of Civilization??. [[ind ma | MA Ind]] is possibly the most bloody nation of the Middle Ages, but its only national blood spell is ??Release Lord of Civilization??.
-{{:nations:flags:ea_niefelheim.png?30&nolink}} [[niefelheim ea | EA Niefelheim]] {{:nations:flags:ea_niefelheim.png?30&nolink}} and [[jotunheim ma | later]] [[utgard la | incarnations]], {{:nations:flags:la_vaettiheim.png?30&nolink}} [[vaettiheim la | LA Vaettiheim]] {{:nations:flags:la_vaettiheim.png?30&nolink}}\\ These Nordic nations can cast the ??Illwinter?? global, which plunges the world into perpetual winter. MA Jotunheim and LA Vaettiheim are also able to summon ??Niefel Jarl??s with ??Winter's Call?? while Illwinter is active. Perhaps more significant than the summons are their effectively national specialty of [[communions#turbo communions | Skratti turbo communions]], which can fuel endless ??Horde of Skeletons?? spam.+{{:nations:flags:ea_niefelheim.png?30&nolink}} [[niefelheim ea | EA Niefelheim]] {{:nations:flags:ea_niefelheim.png?30&nolink}} and [[jotunheim ma | later]] [[utgard la | incarnations]], {{:nations:flags:la_vaettiheim.png?30&nolink}} [[vaettiheim la | LA Vaettiheim]] {{:nations:flags:la_vaettiheim.png?30&nolink}}\\ These Nordic nations can cast the ??Illwinter?? global, which plunges the world into perpetual winter. MA Jotunheim and LA Vaettiheim are also able to summon ??Niefel Jarl??s with ??Winter's Call?? while Illwinter is active. 
 {{:nations:flags:ea_abysia.png?30&nolink}} [[abysia ea | EA Abysia]] {{:nations:flags:ea_abysia.png?30&nolink}} and [[abysia ma | later]] [[abysia la | incarnations]]\\ The Abysias have varying degrees of blood hunting ability. Their only national blood spell is [[Infernal Breeding]], which summons much stronger spawn than the generic ??Cross Breeding?? would; they otherwise rely on the generic tools available to all blood nations. {{:nations:flags:ea_abysia.png?30&nolink}} [[abysia ea | EA Abysia]] {{:nations:flags:ea_abysia.png?30&nolink}} and [[abysia ma | later]] [[abysia la | incarnations]]\\ The Abysias have varying degrees of blood hunting ability. Their only national blood spell is [[Infernal Breeding]], which summons much stronger spawn than the generic ??Cross Breeding?? would; they otherwise rely on the generic tools available to all blood nations.
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   * Any nation which has captured a Garnet Amazon province (??Garnet Sorceress??es)   * Any nation which has captured a Garnet Amazon province (??Garnet Sorceress??es)
 {{tag>spell Magic-School }} {{tag>spell Magic-School }}
blood.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/29 16:12 by joste