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combat-summons [2022/04/04 04:05]
demonsthenes [Blood] Fix typo.
combat-summons [2022/07/14 16:56]
joste [Blood]
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-======Combat summons======+======Combat Summons======
-In contrast with ritual [[summon spells]], temporary combat summoning spells are combat spells that summon temporary units for the duration of the battle. Battle summons generally cost many fewer gems than equivalent combat strength in ritual summons; this is balanced by their generally costing a great deal of [[fatigue]] for the mages who cast them.+In contrast with [[ritual]] [[summon spells]], temporary combat summoning spells are combat spells that summon temporary units for the duration of the battle. Battle summons generally cost fewer [[gems]] than equivalent combat strength in ritual summons; this is balanced by their generally costing a great deal of [[fatigue]] for the mages who cast them.
 Like [[province defense]], temporary combat summons disappear at the end of combat, and cannot be turned into permanent units by spells like ??Charm??. Like [[province defense]], temporary combat summons disappear at the end of combat, and cannot be turned into permanent units by spells like ??Charm??.
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 | ??Howl?? \\ Conjuration 5 \\ {{path>N3}}\\ {{gems>3N}}                      | ??Wolf??                                                  | A [[battle enchantment]] that frequently summons wolves from the corners of the map. Wolves are weak units, but can be very distracting for enemy archers and mages.         | | ??Howl?? \\ Conjuration 5 \\ {{path>N3}}\\ {{gems>3N}}                      | ??Wolf??                                                  | A [[battle enchantment]] that frequently summons wolves from the corners of the map. Wolves are weak units, but can be very distracting for enemy archers and mages.         |
 +^ Spell                                                                                 ^ Units                                                     ^ Description  ^
 | ??Swarm?? \\ Alteration 4 \\ {{path>N1}}\\ {{gems>1N}}                      |  Swarm bug (??Large Spider??, ??Frog??, ??Giant Scorpion??, ??Dragonfly??, ??Large Beetle??, etc.) x 20 + 2                                                        | [[Swarm]] \\ Summons a large number of size 1 insects and animals. Most of these tiny creatures generally have sting attacks, which are armor piercing attacks capped to 1 damage that inflict an additional 5 armor negating poison damage if they roll high enough to pierce protection. A few have ??flying??. Most bugs have decent [[poison resistance]], making these spells combine well with ??Foul Vapors??. | | ??Swarm?? \\ Alteration 4 \\ {{path>N1}}\\ {{gems>1N}}                      |  Swarm bug (??Large Spider??, ??Frog??, ??Giant Scorpion??, ??Dragonfly??, ??Large Beetle??, etc.) x 20 + 2                                                        | [[Swarm]] \\ Summons a large number of size 1 insects and animals. Most of these tiny creatures generally have sting attacks, which are armor piercing attacks capped to 1 damage that inflict an additional 5 armor negating poison damage if they roll high enough to pierce protection. A few have ??flying??. Most bugs have decent [[poison resistance]], making these spells combine well with ??Foul Vapors??. |
 | ??Creeping Doom?? \\ Alteration 7 \\ {{path>N3}}\\ {{gems>1N}}              |  Swarm bug (??Large Spider??, ??Frog??, ??Giant Scorpion??, ??Dragonfly??, ??Large Beetle??, etc.) x 70 + 5                                                                                                                     | :::                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 | | ??Creeping Doom?? \\ Alteration 7 \\ {{path>N3}}\\ {{gems>1N}}              |  Swarm bug (??Large Spider??, ??Frog??, ??Giant Scorpion??, ??Dragonfly??, ??Large Beetle??, etc.) x 70 + 5                                                                                                                     | :::                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 |
 +===Cross Air & Nature===
 +^ Spell                                                                           ^ Units             ^ Description  ^
 +| ??Summon Sprites?? \\ Conjuration 6 \\ {{path>N1A1}}\\ {{gems>1N}}     | ??Sprite??x6      | Sprites are tiny archers with low morale but excellent skills. Their highly accurate Elf Shot attacks deal an impressive 100 armor negating fatigue damage (MR negates). Sprites can be great against elite troops with low MR, as well as lone thugs with MR below 20 (especially those using ??Phoenix Pyre??). |
 ====Death==== ====Death====
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-===Cross Fire & Death===+====Cross Death & Fire====
 ^ Spell                                                                           ^ Units                                ^ Description                                                                                                                                        ^ ^ Spell                                                                           ^ Units                                ^ Description                                                                                                                                        ^
 | ??Corpse Candle?? \\ Conjuration 5 \\ {{path>D1F1}}\\ {{gems>1D}}\\ Combat      | ??Corpse Candle#528??x3              | Size 1 battle summon with extremely high attack/defense stats, [[blindfighter]] and an attack that inflicts [[Decay]], but only a few hit points.  | | ??Corpse Candle?? \\ Conjuration 5 \\ {{path>D1F1}}\\ {{gems>1D}}\\ Combat      | ??Corpse Candle#528??x3              | Size 1 battle summon with extremely high attack/defense stats, [[blindfighter]] and an attack that inflicts [[Decay]], but only a few hit points.  |
 +====Cross Death & Earth====
 +^ Spell                                                                                                 ^ Units               ^ Description            ^
 +| ??Fields of the Dead?? \\ Enchanment 9 \\ {{path>D5E2}}\\ {{gems>1D}}\\ Combat \\ May use underwater  |                     | [[Battle enchantment]] that continuously raises unead.                |
 ====Blood==== ====Blood====
 ^ Spell                                                                              ^ Units                                                                                                                                                                                                         ^ Description  ^ ^ Spell                                                                              ^ Units                                                                                                                                                                                                         ^ Description  ^
-| ??Summon Imps?? \\ Blood 1 \\ {{path>B1}}\\ {{gems>1B}} | ??Imp??x5                                                                                                                                                                                                     | Summons several imps. Imps are size 1 flyers with decent stats and two attacks. They can used as distraction chaff, and can be deadly in masses because they generate 12 attacks per square. |+| ??Summon Imps?? \\ Blood 1 \\ {{path>B1}}\\ {{gems>1B}} | ??Imp??x5                                                                                                                                                                                                     | Summons several imps. Imps are size 1 flyers with decent stats and two weak claw attacks. They can used as distraction chaff, and can be deadly when massed against low protection targets because they generate 12 attacks per square. |
 +===Cross Blood & Earth===
 +^ Spell                                                                               ^ Units                              ^ Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ^
 +| ??Summon Illearth?? \\ Blood 5 \\ {{path>B2E2}}\\ {{gems>2B}}\\ Combat              | ??Illearth#2280??x1                | ??Summon Earth  Elemental?? but ??Earth  Elemental?? has Regeneration.\\ A more durable holder unit but takes longer to cast and leaves the caster Very Fatigued if not supported. Shouldn't use it like most other elementals, as quick to deploy units for raiders.  |
combat-summons.txt · Last modified: 2022/07/14 16:56 by joste