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demo-skratti-turbo-communions [2021/08/07 02:40]
demo-skratti-turbo-communions [2021/08/07 02:41]
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 **Part 1:  Regen.**  The werewolf form is accessed by the "Change shape" command and has 53 HP and regenerates at 10% for 6 HP/round.  Jotunheim and Niefelheim get Irminsul, the preeminent Regen pretender chassis.  So slap a shroud of the battle saint on a werewolf once you reach construction 4 for another 10% regen bumping us up to 12 HP per round.  It is expensive but you can also put a ring of regeneration for +10%.  Finally, you can cast personal regen with a communion or sabbath master for a grand total of 40% regen and 24 HP per round.  This can be improved further with coral blades (construction 2) which give +8 HP and +4 HP per combat round for 30 HP per round. **Part 1:  Regen.**  The werewolf form is accessed by the "Change shape" command and has 53 HP and regenerates at 10% for 6 HP/round.  Jotunheim and Niefelheim get Irminsul, the preeminent Regen pretender chassis.  So slap a shroud of the battle saint on a werewolf once you reach construction 4 for another 10% regen bumping us up to 12 HP per round.  It is expensive but you can also put a ring of regeneration for +10%.  Finally, you can cast personal regen with a communion or sabbath master for a grand total of 40% regen and 24 HP per round.  This can be improved further with coral blades (construction 2) which give +8 HP and +4 HP per combat round for 30 HP per round.
-**Part 2:  Number of masters.**  It had previously been that a slave at 200 fatigue will take damage every time a master casts a spell but this is no longer so.  I do not know the formulae unfortunately but I do know it's said that it's 1 damage per 50 fatigue over 200.  +**Part 2:  Number of masters.**    
 Beware of using small numbers of these batteries.  The fatigue a master gets from casting a spell is divided evenly among herself and the slaves.  So if you have one slave, you're only avoiding 50% of the fatigue going to the master.  With two slaves, the master receives only 33%, and so forth.  So bear in mind that although a single battery can support 30 masters in theory, it's not always good to do so.  Finally, masters get a boost to their magic paths equal to 2^n where 'n' is the number of slaves.  So e.g. at 2, 4, and 8 slaves you get +1, +2, and +3 path boost, respectively. Beware of using small numbers of these batteries.  The fatigue a master gets from casting a spell is divided evenly among herself and the slaves.  So if you have one slave, you're only avoiding 50% of the fatigue going to the master.  With two slaves, the master receives only 33%, and so forth.  So bear in mind that although a single battery can support 30 masters in theory, it's not always good to do so.  Finally, masters get a boost to their magic paths equal to 2^n where 'n' is the number of slaves.  So e.g. at 2, 4, and 8 slaves you get +1, +2, and +3 path boost, respectively.
demo-skratti-turbo-communions.txt ยท Last modified: 2021/08/07 02:41 by 7thpath