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nations-ea [2021/12/09 21:29]
nations-ea [2022/08/01 21:09]
noamthotsky edited intro.
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 ====== Nations of the Early Ages ====== ====== Nations of the Early Ages ======
-**The Early Ages** (also known as the Early Age, or EA) is the First of Three [[Ages|eras]] that one can set their Ascension War in. The world has just exited an era of legends and myth, where overpowered and unrefined forces walked upon the Earth, leaving thirty-three factions that one can choose to helm or conquer.+**The Early Ages** (EA) is one of three [[Ages|eras]] that the Player can set their game in.  
 +EA is defined by bronze age technology and a high level of magic in the world. Compared to Middle Age(MA) and Late Age(LA) games; EA has the highest level mages, most magic sites, lowest population, and mythical creatures are common.  
 +//The world has just exited an era of legends and myth, where overpowered and unrefined forces walked upon the Earth, leaving thirty-three factions that one can choose to helm or conquer. 
 <WRAP box round> <WRAP box round>
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 <WRAP column>[[ulm-ea|{{:nations:flags:ea_ulm.png?nolink}}]]</WRAP> <WRAP column>[[ulm-ea|{{:nations:flags:ea_ulm.png?nolink}}]]</WRAP>
 <WRAP>**Paths:**\\ {{path>E2N2}}\\ {{path>F1A1W1D1}}\\ {{path>H1}}\\ **Gems:** \\ {{gems>3E1D2N}}\\ {{:misc:scales:cold.png?15&nolink}} Cold 1\\ Bonus Resources </WRAP></WRAP> <WRAP>**Paths:**\\ {{path>E2N2}}\\ {{path>F1A1W1D1}}\\ {{path>H1}}\\ **Gems:** \\ {{gems>3E1D2N}}\\ {{:misc:scales:cold.png?15&nolink}} Cold 1\\ Bonus Resources </WRAP></WRAP>
-<WRAP column half>Ulm is based on the Germanic tribes that were Rome's enemies for half a millennium. Like its eternal enemy (Ermor), Ulm has access to Iron, though the tribal nation doesn't use a lot of armor. The nation instead focuses on having skilled and versatile troops, which can be picked up from adverse terrains such as Forests and Mountains without forts. Ulm prefers raids with bands of cheap and Stealthy fighters, which can outflank enemy armies and take advantage of their poorly-defended conquests. On the Magic end, Ulm has a thin but broad shamanic tradition; its Shamans can raise well-armed fallen warriors in battle, and its Warrior Smiths get a discount on the wide array of magic weapons they can procure.</WRAP><WRAP>{{:nations:ea:ulm:warrior-chief.png?nolink}}\\ {{:nations:ea:ulm:steel_warrior.png?nolink}}\\ {{:nations:ea:ulm:shield_maiden.png?nolink}}\\ {{:nations:ea:ulm:antlered_shaman.png?nolink}} {{:nations:ea:ulm:warrior_smith.png?nolink}}+<WRAP column half>Ulm is based on the Germanic tribes that were Rome's enemies for half a millennium. Like its eternal enemy (Ermor), Ulm has access to Iron, though the tribal nation doesn't use a lot of armor. The nation instead focuses on having skilled and versatile troops, which can be picked up from adverse terrains such as Forests and Mountains without forts. Ulm prefers raids with bands of cheap and Stealthy fighters, which can outflank enemy armies and take advantage of their poorly-defended conquests. On the Magic end, Ulm has a thin but broad tradition; its Shamans can raise well-armed fallen warriors in battle, and its Warrior Smiths get a discount on the wide array of magic weapons they can procure.</WRAP><WRAP>{{:nations:ea:ulm:warrior-chief.png?nolink}}\\ {{:nations:ea:ulm:steel_warrior.png?nolink}}\\ {{:nations:ea:ulm:shield_maiden.png?nolink}}\\ {{:nations:ea:ulm:antlered_shaman.png?nolink}} {{:nations:ea:ulm:warrior_smith.png?nolink}}
 <WRAP box round> <WRAP box round>
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 <WRAP column>[[sauromatia-ea|{{:nations:flags:ea_sauromatia.png?nolink}}]]</WRAP> <WRAP column>[[sauromatia-ea|{{:nations:flags:ea_sauromatia.png?nolink}}]]</WRAP>
 <WRAP>**Paths:**\\ {{path>D4}}\\ {{path>N2B2}}\\ {{path>W1S1}}\\ {{path>H1}}\\ **Gems:** \\ {{gems>1W3D1N2B}}\\ Blood Sacrifice </WRAP></WRAP> <WRAP>**Paths:**\\ {{path>D4}}\\ {{path>N2B2}}\\ {{path>W1S1}}\\ {{path>H1}}\\ **Gems:** \\ {{gems>1W3D1N2B}}\\ Blood Sacrifice </WRAP></WRAP>
-<WRAP column half>Sauromatia is based on the Scythians, generally going off the stories of Greek historians who claimed to know it all. It's quite different from most other nations, being mainly female and mainly mounted (on horseback or serpentback). Raiding with your horse-bros and Amazonian horse-girls is very easy, as even your lowest melee trooper is better than two or three of the average Human infantryman of the Early Ages. Even those on-foot are dangerous, wielding either poison-tipped arrows or hordes of ancestral spirits. Male Fortune-Tellers who can also serve a Communion are a dime a dozen, while ancient Witch-Kings and Hydras are priceless. Don't ask how the Witch-Kings got so strong; they can't remember.</WRAP><WRAP>{{:nations:ea:sauromatia:sauromatian_manflayer.png?nolink}}\\ {{:nations:ea:sauromatia:oiorpata.png?nolink}}\\ {{:nations:ea:sauromatia:witch_king.png?nolink}}+<WRAP column half>Sauromatia is based on the Scythians, generally going off the stories of Greek historians who claimed to know it all. It's quite different from most other nations, being mainly female and mainly mounted (on horseback or serpentback). Raiding with your horse-bros and Amazonian horse-girls is very easy, as even your lowliest rider is better than two or three of the average Human infantryman of the Early Ages. Even those on-foot are dangerous, wielding either poison-tipped arrows or hordes of ancestral spirits. Male Fortune-Tellers who can also serve a Communion are a dime a dozen, while ancient Witch-Kings and Hydras are priceless. Don't ask how the Witch-Kings got so strong; they can't remember.</WRAP><WRAP>{{:nations:ea:sauromatia:sauromatian_manflayer.png?nolink}}\\ {{:nations:ea:sauromatia:oiorpata.png?nolink}}\\ {{:nations:ea:sauromatia:witch_king.png?nolink}}
 <WRAP box round> <WRAP box round>
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 <WRAP column>[[abysia-ea|{{:nations:flags:ea_abysia.png?nolink}}]]</WRAP> <WRAP column>[[abysia-ea|{{:nations:flags:ea_abysia.png?nolink}}]]</WRAP>
 <WRAP>**Paths:**\\ {{path>F4}}\\ {{path>B2E1S1}}\\ {{path>H3}}\\ **Gems:** \\ {{gems>6F}}\\ {{:misc:scales:heat.png?15&nolink}} Heat 3 \\ Blood Sacrifice </WRAP></WRAP> <WRAP>**Paths:**\\ {{path>F4}}\\ {{path>B2E1S1}}\\ {{path>H3}}\\ **Gems:** \\ {{gems>6F}}\\ {{:misc:scales:heat.png?15&nolink}} Heat 3 \\ Blood Sacrifice </WRAP></WRAP>
-<WRAP column half>Abysia is a nation made of lava-men, by lava-men, for lava-men. Its people don't farm, ride mounts, or use lesser equipment, because they're men made of lava. Most nations aren'as one-note as this oneIn gameplay terms, this means that Abysia is less-impacted by Growth or Death scales (but gets more from Caves) and fields primarily heavily-armored infantry, guys that are incredibly hard for most early competitors to deal with. The best guys are fresh from the heart of Abysia, and they get a lot stronger in lands claimed by Abysia's hotness. Behind the scenes, some Abysians have unwittingly doomed their race in an effort to be more flexible, but you won't see the downsides in this era.</WRAP><WRAP> {{:nations:ea:abysia:abysian_infantry.png?nolink}} {{:nations:ea:abysia:abysian_infantry_2.png?nolink}} {{:nations:ea:abysia:abysian_infantry_3.png?nolink}}\\ {{:nations:ea:abysia:anointed_of_rhuax.png?nolink}} {{:nations:ea:abysia:salamander.png?nolink}}\\ {{:nations:ea:abysia:burning_one.png?nolink}} {{:nations:ea:abysia:warlock.png?nolink}}\\ {{:nations:ea:abysia:misbred.png?nolink}}+<WRAP column half>Abysia is a nation made of lava-men, by lava-men, for lava-men. Its people don't farm, since they're men made of lava; therefore, Growth and Death scales don'affect them that muchThey're also too hot to use bronze, let alone flammable things or mounts; in gameplay terms, this limits them to primarily fielding heavily-armored infantry, guys that are incredibly hard for most early competitors to deal with, and makes them dependent on Resource-rich provinces like Caves. The best Abysians ignite without "kindling", and get even better in hot lands. Behind the scenes, some Abysians have unwittingly doomed their race in an effort to be less one-note, but you won't see the downsides in this era.</WRAP><WRAP> {{:nations:ea:abysia:abysian_infantry.png?nolink}} {{:nations:ea:abysia:abysian_infantry_2.png?nolink}} {{:nations:ea:abysia:abysian_infantry_3.png?nolink}}\\ {{:nations:ea:abysia:anointed_of_rhuax.png?nolink}} {{:nations:ea:abysia:salamander.png?nolink}}\\ {{:nations:ea:abysia:burning_one.png?nolink}} {{:nations:ea:abysia:warlock.png?nolink}}\\ {{:nations:ea:abysia:misbred.png?nolink}}
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 <WRAP column>[[agartha-ea|{{:nations:flags:ea_agartha.png?nolink}}]]</WRAP> <WRAP column>[[agartha-ea|{{:nations:flags:ea_agartha.png?nolink}}]]</WRAP>
 <WRAP>**Paths:**\\ {{path>E4}}\\ {{path>F2W2D2}}\\ {{path>H3}}\\ **Gems:** \\ {{gems>1F1W3E1D}} </WRAP></WRAP> <WRAP>**Paths:**\\ {{path>E4}}\\ {{path>F2W2D2}}\\ {{path>H3}}\\ **Gems:** \\ {{gems>1F1W3E1D}} </WRAP></WRAP>
-<WRAP column half> Half-Earth-Giant & Half-psychic-salamander, the Agarthans (known as "Pale Ones") are the masters of the subterranean world. Each aspect of their small-but-deep Magic tradition is derived from history and lore that writers on the surface could only dream of. Their knowledge of Fire was learned from the King of Magma himself, their knowledge of Water was learned from the father of their species, and their knowledge of Death came from a pantheon-binding Seal made of Pale One Glue. In war, the Pale Ones are a versatile species that can fight underwater as well as on-land, but the individual battles may be marred by their limited vision and their lack of experience on the surface. </WRAP><WRAP> {{:nations:ea:agartha:ancient_one.png?nolink}}\\ {{:nations:ea:agartha:wet_one_captain.png?nolink}}\\ {{:nations:ea:agartha:oracle_of_the_dead.png?nolink}} {{:nations:ea:agartha:oracle_of_subterranean_fires.png?nolink}}+<WRAP column half> Half-Earth-Giant & Half-psychic-salamander, the Agarthans (known as "Pale Ones") are the masters of the subterranean world. Each aspect of their small-but-deep Magic tradition is derived from history and lore that writers on the surface could only dream of. Their knowledge of Fire was learned from the King of Magma himself, their knowledge of Water was learned from the father of their species, and their knowledge of Death came from a pantheon-binding Seal made of Pale One Glue. In war, the Pale Ones are a versatile species that can fight underwater as well as on-land, but the individual battles may be marred by their limited vision and their lack of experience on the surface. They can also breathe water. </WRAP><WRAP> {{:nations:ea:agartha:ancient_one.png?nolink}}\\ {{:nations:ea:agartha:wet_one_captain.png?nolink}}\\ {{:nations:ea:agartha:oracle_of_the_dead.png?nolink}} {{:nations:ea:agartha:oracle_of_subterranean_fires.png?nolink}}
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 <WRAP column>[[niefelheim-ea|{{:nations:flags:ea_niefelheim.png?nolink}}]]</WRAP> <WRAP column>[[niefelheim-ea|{{:nations:flags:ea_niefelheim.png?nolink}}]]</WRAP>
 <WRAP>**Paths:**\\ {{path>W4D3B3}}\\ {{path>N2A1S1}}\\ {{path>H2}}\\ **Gems:** \\ {{gems>4W2D}} \\ {{:misc:scales:cold.png?15&nolink}} Cold 3\\ Blood Sacrifice</WRAP></WRAP> <WRAP>**Paths:**\\ {{path>W4D3B3}}\\ {{path>N2A1S1}}\\ {{path>H2}}\\ **Gems:** \\ {{gems>4W2D}} \\ {{:misc:scales:cold.png?15&nolink}} Cold 3\\ Blood Sacrifice</WRAP></WRAP>
-<WRAP column half> Niefelheim is the glacial homeland of the Niefel, powerful direct descendants of the Rimtursar. While not recruitable, Niefel legends state that the Rimtursar defeated a race of gods in a bygone Age, only to all get slain by a god of thunder (Thor). Lesser descendants of the Rimtursar known as the Jotun have always been committed to calling forth the Illwinter, a Bloody Ice Age that might allow the Rimtursar to come back; however, Sorcerous Jotun hags known as the Gygjas have recently undercut the Jotun Priests in favor of the Niefel, binding most of the old Priests with a lycanthropic curse. For now, the Niefel are the tallest and strongest in the land, especially in lands claimed by Niefelheim's cold.</WRAP><WRAP>  {{:nations:ea:niefelheim:jotun_skratti.png?nolink}} {{:nations:ea:niefelheim:gygja.png?nolink}}\\ {{:nations:ea:niefelheim:niefel_giant.png?nolink}} {{:nations:ea:niefelheim:niefel_jarl.png?nolink}}+<WRAP column half> Niefelheim is the glacial homeland of the Niefel, powerful direct descendants of the Rimtursar. While not recruitable, Niefel legends state that the Rimtursar defeated a race of gods in a bygone Age, only to all get slain by a god of thunder (Thor). Lesser descendants of the Rimtursar known as the Jotun have always been committed to calling forth the Illwinter, a Bloody Ice Age that might allow the Rimtursar to come back; however, Sorcerous Jotun hags known as the Gygjas have recently undercut the Jotun Priests in favor of the Niefel, binding most of the old Priests with a lycanthropic curse. For now, the Niefel are the tallest and strongest in the land, especially in lands claimed by Niefelheim'spreading cold.</WRAP><WRAP>  {{:nations:ea:niefelheim:jotun_skratti.png?nolink}} {{:nations:ea:niefelheim:gygja.png?nolink}}\\ {{:nations:ea:niefelheim:niefel_giant.png?nolink}} {{:nations:ea:niefelheim:niefel_jarl.png?nolink}}
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 <WRAP startpage_col_head>[[berytos-ea|Berytos, The Phoenix Empire]]</WRAP> <WRAP startpage_col_head>[[berytos-ea|Berytos, The Phoenix Empire]]</WRAP>
 <WRAP column>[[berytos-ea|{{:nations:flags:ea_berytos.png?nolink}}]]</WRAP> <WRAP column>[[berytos-ea|{{:nations:flags:ea_berytos.png?nolink}}]]</WRAP>
-<WRAP>**Paths:**\\ {{path>F3A3W3B3}}\\ {{path>E2S1}}\\ {{path>H2}}\\ **Gems:** \\ {{gems>2F3A2B}} \\ Blood Sacrifice \\ Sea Trade </WRAP></WRAP>+<WRAP>**Paths:**\\ {{path>F3A3W3B3}}\\ {{path>E2S1}}\\ {{path>H2}}\\ **Gems:** \\ {{gems>2F3A2B}} \\ {{:misc:scales:heat.png?15&nolink}} Heat 1 \\ Blood Sacrifice </WRAP></WRAP>
 <WRAP column half> Berytos is the closest thing to Carthage and the Phoenician city-states that Dominions has to offer. It's a former colony of a Kingdom from the previous era, which was sunk beneath the waves when its physical gods flexed their hubris a bit too far. Though it maintained the Kingdom's old legacy and even spread it to distant shores, Berytos still had to replace its evidently-dead pantheon -- luckily, some Kings from Hinnom have graciously filled the void. The new priesthood is led by former Lion Queens, who fled Machaka with some of their sons and have now pledged themselves as "Brides-in-Waiting" to the new gods. These half-Giants and their bigger lords are much appreciated in the nation of seafaring merchants.</WRAP><WRAP> {{:nations:ea:berytos:berytian_captain.png?nolink}} {{:nations:ea:berytos:berytian_archer.png?nolink}} {{:nations:ea:berytos:berytian_elite_soldier.png?nolink}} {{:nations:ea:berytos:storm_caller.png?nolink}}\\ {{:nations:ea:berytos:colossi_warrior.png?nolink}} {{:nations:ea:berytos:bride-in-waiting.png?nolink}}\\  <WRAP column half> Berytos is the closest thing to Carthage and the Phoenician city-states that Dominions has to offer. It's a former colony of a Kingdom from the previous era, which was sunk beneath the waves when its physical gods flexed their hubris a bit too far. Though it maintained the Kingdom's old legacy and even spread it to distant shores, Berytos still had to replace its evidently-dead pantheon -- luckily, some Kings from Hinnom have graciously filled the void. The new priesthood is led by former Lion Queens, who fled Machaka with some of their sons and have now pledged themselves as "Brides-in-Waiting" to the new gods. These half-Giants and their bigger lords are much appreciated in the nation of seafaring merchants.</WRAP><WRAP> {{:nations:ea:berytos:berytian_captain.png?nolink}} {{:nations:ea:berytos:berytian_archer.png?nolink}} {{:nations:ea:berytos:berytian_elite_soldier.png?nolink}} {{:nations:ea:berytos:storm_caller.png?nolink}}\\ {{:nations:ea:berytos:colossi_warrior.png?nolink}} {{:nations:ea:berytos:bride-in-waiting.png?nolink}}\\ 
 {{:nations:ea:berytos:shed.png?nolink}} {{:nations:ea:berytos:berytian_lancer.png?nolink}} {{:nations:ea:berytos:shed.png?nolink}} {{:nations:ea:berytos:berytian_lancer.png?nolink}}
nations-ea.txt · Last modified: 2023/09/21 04:31 by fenrir