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  • FIXME Explain what stuff like T3 and S means


  • FIXME Make introduction

General Idea Pretenders

  • FIXME Add more Categories

General Idea pretenders are a group of pretenders, with a general idea, which can be run with on a good portion of nations, and not be considered a bad pick.

Cheap Expander

  • FIXME Add a list of pretenders to this list

Cheap expanders are expanders who can be taken awake, with little to no magic path changes, and be expected to expand. What separates a lot of the awake cheap expanders are cost, military power, natural magic paths and unique traits. What scales you run doesn't alter the archetype, but it's recommended to have scales that allow your nation to function well.

The purpose of taking a cheap expander is to be able to have a expander, while also not dumping your scales. Some pretenders need a bit of extra research, points in earth, or gear to expand. A natural expander who were to take these things were to be even stronger.

Natural Expanders

Thrice Horned Boar, Earth Serpent, Dragons, Son of Fenrer, Linnormr, Svartalf Master Smith, Great White Bull, Great Black Bull, Wyrm, Myrmecoleon, Drakon, Ormr, Great Mother

1-2 Earth Investment Expanders


Research Expanders
Item Expanders

Specific God Pretenders

Specific God Pretenders are Pretenders who typically have to be the same chassis. But can typically be ran on a decent amount of nations who allow that god.

Rainbow Researcher

A Rainbow Researcher has to be a awake rainbow, typically the great sage, and produce at least 50 research a turn, and have 2 points in every magic path, to be considered to be in this archetype. A awake bless, that's also immobile, could also fit in the stereotype of a researcher, but not as a rainbow.

The goal of a rainbow researcher, is to give you a early game advantage on research, and then to site search, when it's efforts on research are no longer substantial.

A rainbow researcher is typically ran on nations who, struggle/benefit greatly with early game research, enjoy a decent bless and/or want more magic diversity

Example Pretenders

Rainbow researchers come in many forms, so you can be creative with them, but here are some examples.

MA Abysia Heavier Bless

Dom 5, T3, P3, H3, D3, M3, D1

F6, A3, W3, E3, S3, D3, N3, B4

Awe, Major Shock Resistance, Major Cold Resistance, Strength of the Earth, Major Magic Resistance, Undead Command x3, Minor/Major Poison Resistance, Blood Surge

The purpose of this god, outside of stereotypic things for this archetype to cover, is to cast Eternal Pyre

MA Ulm No Bless

Dom 4, O2, P3, H0, G3, M3, D3

F2, A2, W2, E2, S2, D2, N2, B2

The purpose of this god, outside of stereotypic things for this archetype to cover, is to be cheaper than your standard rainbow bless. Taking advantage that MA Ulm can tank into drain and still have good scales. - To help find the cheapest pretender for your desired paths. - To help explain to you, in video, on how to make a good pretender.

pretenders.1580348846.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/30 01:47 by seven-ate-you