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turn-order-sequence [2021/03/10 18:17]
matius [Horrors, Assassinations, and Raiding] Fixed broken links
turn-order-sequence [2022/09/21 15:19]
fdb Added damage sufferred due to being in another plane, and painfully incremented all the numbers following
Line 7: Line 7:
 ====Pre-Battles==== ====Pre-Battles====
 +  * 0) Unstealthed units switching to stealth for their upcoming sneaks
   * 1) Messages + attachments sent   * 1) Messages + attachments sent
   * 2) [[Research]]   * 2) [[Research]]
Line 20: Line 21:
 ====Magic + Extra-planar Battles==== ====Magic + Extra-planar Battles====
-  * 11) Battles caused by rituals, including spells like ??Teleport?? and ??Wind Ride??. If a battle ensues in this phase, [[stealthy]] units set to attack the province will join. If not, battles involving those units are resolved in the 'main' battle phase +  * 11) Battles caused by rituals, including spells like ??Teleport?? and ??Wind Ride?? 
-  * 12) Battles caused by being on another plane or moving out of one+    * If a battle ensues in this phase, [[stealthy]] units set to attack the province will join. If not, battles involving those units are resolved in the 'main' battle phase. ((Confirmed with testing 2022/08/30.)) 
 +  * 12) Damage suffered due to being in [[Inferno]] or [[Kokytos]] ((Found by the mighty Loggy 
 +  * 13) Battles caused by being on another plane or moving out of one 
 +  * 14) Retreating caused by battles in this phase
 ====The Godly Intermezzo==== ====The Godly Intermezzo====
-  * 13) [[Sites|Site]] search (not from spells). +  * 15) [[Sites|Site]] search (not from spells). 
-  * 14) Declare [[Prophet]]s +  * 16) Declare [[Prophet]]s 
-  * 15) [[Call God]] +  * 17) [[Call God]] 
-  * 16) Gods (Re-)awaken +  * 18) Gods (Re-)awaken 
-  * 17) [[Blood hunting]]+  * 19) [[Blood hunting]]
 ====Horrors, Assassinations, and Raiding==== ====Horrors, Assassinations, and Raiding====
-  * 18) [[Horror Mark|Horror Marked]] commanders can get attacked by [[Horror|Horrors]]. (does this include ??Horror Seed??) +  * 20) [[Horror Mark|Horror Marked]] commanders can get attacked by [[Horror|Horrors]]. (does this include ??Horror Seed??) 
-  * 19) [[Assassin|Assassination]] and [[Seduction]] attempts +  * 21) [[Assassin|Assassination]] and [[Seduction]] attempts 
-  * 20) The [[Raid]] order+  * 22) The [[Raid]] order
 ====Relinquish Province==== ====Relinquish Province====
-  * 21) [[relinquish|Relinquishing]] ([[Disciples]]-games only)+  * 23) [[relinquish|Relinquishing]] ([[Disciples]]-games only)
 ====Movement==== ====Movement====
-  * 22) Movement between friendly provinces. +  * 24) Movement between friendly provinces. 
     * Friendly movement occurs, before movement to enemy provinces, thus allowing defenders to group up.     * Friendly movement occurs, before movement to enemy provinces, thus allowing defenders to group up.
     * If an intended middle province was taken during the Magic Phase, the armies will not move.     * If an intended middle province was taken during the Magic Phase, the armies will not move.
-  * 23) Movement to unfriendly provinces occurs, including breaking sieges+  * 25) Movement to unfriendly provinces occurs, including breaking sieges
 ====Battles==== ====Battles====
-  * 24) Main battle phase.+  * 26) Main battle phase.
     * Where movement has lead to opposing armies in the same province, neither hiding, battles occur.     * Where movement has lead to opposing armies in the same province, neither hiding, battles occur.
     * Battles are resolved in random order.     * Battles are resolved in random order.
     * Provinces may change hands as a result.       * Provinces may change hands as a result.  
-  * 25) Fort-storming battles. Some [[retreat]]ing enemies from the main battle phase may be inside the fort.+  * 27) Fort-storming battles. Some [[retreat]]ing enemies from the main battle phase may be inside the fort. 
 +  * 28) Retreating caused by battles in this phase
 ====Events==== ====Events====
-  * 26) [[globals|Global enchantment]] effects. +  * 29) [[globals|Global enchantment]] effects. 
-  * 27) Events occur. These can be [[random events]] from luck or misfortune, or caused by players.+  * 30) Events occur. These can be [[random events]] from luck or misfortune, or caused by players.
     * The spells ??Wolven Winter?? and ??Breath of the Desert?? cause temperature-changing events which take effect here, not in the ritual phase.     * The spells ??Wolven Winter?? and ??Breath of the Desert?? cause temperature-changing events which take effect here, not in the ritual phase.
-  * 28) Event battles, e.g. barbarian attacks, dark vines, ??Call of the Drugvant??, ??Dark Slumber??.+  * 31) Event battles, e.g. barbarian attacks, dark vines, ??Call of the Drugvant??, ??Dark Slumber??. 
 +  * 32) Retreating caused by battles in this phase
 ====Item/Unit Effects==== ====Item/Unit Effects====
-  * 29) ??Reaper??, automatic summoning, item/monster enforced scales changes and so on happen here: after events but before income. +  * 33) ??Reaper??, automatic summoning, item/monster enforced scales changes and so on happen here: after events but before income. 
-  * 30) [[Patrolling|Patrollers]] units find [[hiding]] units.+  * 34) [[Patrolling|Patrollers]] units find [[hiding]] units.
     * Happens after a ??Bane Venom Charm?? has already affected a province.     * Happens after a ??Bane Venom Charm?? has already affected a province.
 ====Admin Zone==== ====Admin Zone====
-  * 31) Sieging armies damage the wall of the fortress they are trying to take down. In [[Disciples]] games, the larger (siegier?) army gets to siege now. +  * 35) Sieging armies damage the wall of the fortress they are trying to take down. In [[Disciples]] games, the larger (siegier?) army gets to siege now. 
-  * 32) Building construction and destruction +  * 36) Building construction and destruction 
-  * 33) [[Reanimation]] and [[Summon Allies]] +  * 37) [[Reanimation]] and [[Summon Allies]] 
-  * 34) [[Pillaging]], which comes after unrest reduction from monsters' inherent properties but before income +  * 38) [[Pillaging]], which comes after unrest reduction from monsters' inherent properties but before income 
-  * 35) Income, which is before patrolling's unrest reduction, and also before upkeep +  * 39) Income, which is before patrolling's unrest reduction, and also before upkeep 
-  * 36) Unrest modification from Dominion, dominion level, scales, and reduction by patrolling +  * 40) Unrest modification from Dominion, dominion level, scales, and reduction by patrolling 
-  * 37) [[Starvation]]+  * 41) [[Starvation]]
     * calculated after battles etc, so you can walk into a wasteland if your belly's full, once, and not want to run away or get diseased     * calculated after battles etc, so you can walk into a wasteland if your belly's full, once, and not want to run away or get diseased
-  * 38) [[Upkeep]]. +  * 42) [[Upkeep]]. 
-  * 39) [[dominion|Dominion spreads]] +  * 43) [[dominion|Dominion spreads]] 
-  * 40) [[Dominion effects]] like innate popkill, insanity, spreading temp or turmoil happen here +  * 44) [[Dominion effects]] like innate popkill, insanity, spreading temp or turmoil happen here 
-  * 41) [[sites|Magic site]] effects like disease occur now +  * 45) [[sites|Magic site]] effects like disease occur now 
-  * 42) If your game features 150,000 units, some of the most numerous ones get deleted +  * 46) If your game features 150,000 units, some of the most numerous ones get deleted 
-  * 43) Units [[age]]+  * 47) Units [[age]]
 ====Leftover Battles==== ====Leftover Battles====
-  * 44) Leftover battles occur now+  * 48) Leftover battles occur now
     * FIXME what kind of battles can happen here?     * FIXME what kind of battles can happen here?
 ====Finalizing the Admin Zone==== ====Finalizing the Admin Zone====
-  * 45) Units heal if able to and are affected by disease here +  * 49) Units heal if able to and are affected by disease here 
-  * 46) If a unit goes insane, this is where it does that +  * 50) If a unit goes insane, this is where it does that 
-  * 47) Mercenary bids are resolved and the troops appear where they have been recruited +  * 51) Mercenary bids are resolved and the troops appear where they have been recruited 
-  * 48) [[Heroes]] appear +  * 52) [[Heroes]] appear 
-  * 49) Units who have lost their commander are deleted if in enemy territory +  * 53) Units who have lost their commander are deleted if in enemy territory 
-  * 50) If nothing is sieging a fort, it will take the province back +  * 54) If nothing is sieging a fort, it will take the province back 
-  * 51) Scouting reports are produced +  * 55) Scouting reports are produced 
-  * 52) Defeat conditions are checked +  * 56) Defeat conditions are checked 
-  * 53) Victory conditions are checked +  * 57) Victory conditions are checked 
-  * 54) Stat graphs are generated +  * 58) Stat graphs are generated 
-  * 55) Heroic Abilities are updated +  * 59) Heroic Abilities are updated 
-  * 56) [[Immortal]]s reform +  * 60) [[Immortal]]s reform 
-  * 57) [[Province defense]] levels are reduced if the population can't support it (10 people/PD point) +  * 61) [[Province defense]] levels are reduced if the population can't support it (10 people/PD point) 
-  * 58) Aftermath (order validation, involuntary shape changing, etc.)+  * 62) Aftermath (order validation, involuntary shape changing, etc.) 
 +==== Unknown ==== 
 +  * Change in temperature resulting from season changes happens after the battles. As a result from this and above mentioned event based temperature rituals, a good rule is "What you see is what you will fight in on the next turn."
turn-order-sequence.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/02 18:54 by charmide