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unit-abilities-not-used [2020/07/15 21:22]
unit-abilities-not-used [2020/07/15 21:37]
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   * ??Beast Mastery??   * ??Beast Mastery??
   * ??Gift of the Moon??   * ??Gift of the Moon??
 +{{abilities:aquatic.png?nolink}} An aquatic unit cannot leave [[underwater]] provinces without an item such as an ??Amulet of the Fish?? which enables it to breathe air. If forced onto dry land by any means, it will suffocate and die.
 +Armor-negating (AN) damage ignores enemy [[Protection]] (both natural protection and from armor). It does not ignore elemental resistances or physical resistance.
 +Shock and poison damage tend to be AN, along with many "psychic" damage effects like ??Mind Burn??.
 +Armor-piercing damage ignores half of a target's [[Protection]]. This stacks multiplicatively with the 20% reduction from piercing damage, so things like crossbows that inflict piercing damage and are AP ignore 60% of protection.
 +Notably, many sources of fire damage are armor piercing.
 +{{abilities:asleep.png?nolink}} A unit which falls asleep has a 10% chance each combat round to wake up, or immediately upon taking non-poison damage. This effect is applied using spells such as ??Sleep Cloud??.
 +{{abilities:assassin.png?nolink}} A commander with the assassin ability may attempt to assassinate a random enemy non-[[stealthy|hidden]] commander in the same province. Assassination attempts occur before many other events in the [[turn order]], such as movement. If the assassin is in a province where there is a hostile [[fort]] under [[siege]], they must have the {{abilities:scale_walls.png?nolink}} Scale Walls ability to be able to assassinate a commander inside.
 +There is a 50% chance that an assassination will occur at night, which has potential to incur some [[darkness]] penalties. Commanders that are assassinated are considered to be surprised and will disregard any scripted orders they are given, including conservative gem usage. The assassin however will carry out their script as normal.
 +===Patience and Bodyguards===
 +A potential assassination victim can have bodyguards, which are units under their command with the Guard Commander order. Each bodyguard has a base 50% chance to be present in the assassination, which is increased by the {{abilities:bodyguard.png?25&nolink}} Bodyguard ability.
 +Similarly, the value listed on the assassin ability is the patience score, which reduces the odds of any bodyguards being present at an assassination attempt.
 +=====Astral Fetters=====
 +{{abilities:astral_fetters.png?nolink}} The astral fetters ability prevents astral travelling spells from taking effect on the field of battle. Spells such as ??Blink?? and ??Returning?? may still be cast, but have no effect. This ability also negates the effect of a ??Ring of Returning??.
 +??Ritual of Returning?? will also fail to trigger, however the effect will not be removed from a commander who has it.
 +This ability is extremely rare, and is possessed only by the three forms of the doom horror ??Umor - Eater of Gods?? and the ??Floating Mind?? aquatic pretender chassis.
 +=====Astral Shield=====
 +{{abilities:astral_shield.png?nolink}} Any non-[[mindless]] unit attacking a unit with an astral shield must make a [[magic resistance]] check or become [[paralyzed]].
 +FIXME How does the MR check work exactly? And how long is the paralysis?
 +{{abilities:awe.png?nolink}} A unit with awe forces attackers to pass a morale check of 10 + the awe value before they can initiate an attack. Units which fail their morale check briefly glow white.
 +A number of abilities confer awe, but only under certain situations:
 +  * {{abilities:animal_awe.png?nolink}} Animal Awe - effective only vs [[animal]]s
 +  * {{abilities:halt_heretic.png?nolink}} Halt Heretic - effective only vs [[sacred]] units, [[prophet]]s, and [[pretenders]]
 +  * {{abilities:sun_awe.png?nolink}} Sun Awe - effective only when the sun is visible
 +Additionally, some [[xibalba-ea|EA Xibalban]] units have "Theft of the sun awe", which appears to grant awe only while their national [[global enchantment]] ??Theft of the Sun?? is active. This ability displays no icon, regardless of whether theft of the sun is active or not.
 +Some items (such as the ??Crown of Command??) grant commanders the ability to lead more troops. Any commander to gain a total of +100 leadership from such items gains awe 1, then another 1 for every 25 points of leadership added over 100.
 +=====Banefire Shield=====
 +{{abilities:banefire_shield.png?nolink}} All units that make a successful attack roll against a unit protected by a banefire shield receieve [[armor piercing]] damage. Units which are not killed by the damage must then make a [[magic resistance]] check or be affected by [[decay]].
 +FIXME What is the damage type, and is the penetration of the decay always 11?
 +{{abilities:beastmaster.png?nolink}} [[Animal]]s which are under the command of a beastmaster receieve the listed bonus to their [[morale]].
 +{{abilities:berserker.png?nolink}} A berserker must make a [[morale]] check every time they take damage, or become berserk.
 +{{abilities:gone_berserk.png?nolink}} A unit that has gone berserk will appear to gain a red pulsing glow. It will not cast spells or follow orders: it will instead run forward and attack the nearest enemy. It will not retreat, not even due to the turn timer, and its morale is set to 99. The berserk state is cancelled if its [[fatigue]] reaches 100, though this does not prevent a unit berserking again once its fatigue falls. A unit that has gone berserk also gains fatigue per round (in a similar mechanism to [[exhaustion]]) equal to the berserk value/2, rounded up.
 +The value of the berserk ability are the modifiers applied during berserking, which are:
 +  * Added to the unit's [[attack skill]]
 +  * Added to the unit's [[strength]]
 +  * Added to the unit's [[natural protection]]
 +  * Subtracted from the unit's [[defence skill]]
 +FIXME What is the morale check? Will berserked innate casters continue to cast?
 +=====Blood Bond=====
 +{{abilities:blood_bond.png?nolink&40}} Blood bond is an effect only available as part of a [[bless]]. It causes any damage taken by a unit to be shared equally amongst all units within a 5 square radius.
 +Whilst this is a powerful effect for distributing damage amongst units, it does have a number of weaknesses. Notably, the damage recieved through blood bond bypasses all resistances and can quickly stack up damage on an otherwise resilient unit such as an immobile pretender. Additionally, very high damage attacks such as ??Gifts from Heaven?? become significantly more damaging against several blood bonded units.
 +=====Blood Searcher=====
 +{{abilities:blood_searcher.png?nolink}} A blood searcher gains a bonus to their [[blood]] path level for the purposes of [[blood hunting]]. This bonus does not apply to a unit which has no levels in blood magic to begin with.
 +=====Blood Surge=====
 +{{abilities:blood_surge.png?nolink}} Blood Surge is a [[bless]] effect which causes units to gain temporary bonuses upon killing a non [[inanimate]] unit. The bonuses are +3 [[units-attributes|attack skill]], +1 [[units-attributes|defence skill]], +3 [[units-attributes|strength]], and +1 [[reinvigoration]].
 +=====Blood Vengeance=====
 +{{abilities:blood_vengeance.png?nolink}} Blood Vengeance is a [[bless]] effect that triggers whenever a unit takes damage, forcing the attacker to take a [[magic resistance]] check or take an equal amount of damage. This is very similar to [[damage reversal]], with the only difference being that a failed resistance check does not negate the original damage.
 +=====Bringer of Fortune=====
 +{{abilities:bringer_of_fortune.png?nolink}} A bringer of fortune has a percentage chance to generate a good [[random event]] in the province where it is located. Multiple units with this ability do stack, though the chances for each to generate an event are rolled independently, allowing for many such events to be generated each turn. This ability allows for bypassing the normal random event limit incurred by "natural" events.
 +{{abilities:bringer_of_misfortune.png?nolink}} A bringer of misfortune is the negative form of this ability, which acts in much the same way, except that it generates negative events instead.
 +=====Castle Defence Bonus=====
 +{{abilities:castle_defence_bonus.png?nolink}} A unit with a castle defence bonus gains **half** the listed amount as an addition to its [[siege]] defence strength.
 +=====Cause Unrest=====
 +{{abilities:cause_unrest.png?nolink}} A unit with the cause unrest ability adds a flat value to their current province's [[unrest]] value, regardless of what actions they are taking.
 +======Chaos Power======
 +{{abilities:chaos_power.png?nolink}} A unit with chaos power gains bonuses to stats per point of [[scales|turmoil]] in the current province, and similarly scaling penalties in order. The affected stats are [[units-attributes|attack skill]], [[units-attributes|defence skill]], [[units-attributes|strength]], and [[units-attributes|combat speed]]. Additionally, every 15 points of [[unrest]] count as an additional point of turmoil, however the bonuses cannot exceed +3.
unit-abilities-not-used.txt · Last modified: 2021/08/04 00:41 by rweird