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user:loggy:freespawn [2021/06/04 12:47]
user:loggy:freespawn [2022/03/03 22:10]
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 === Yomi, Oni Summoner === === Yomi, Oni Summoner ===
-Local value = (something * 10) + unrest, capped at 100+Local value = (turmoil * 10) + unrest, capped at 100
 If End of culture, double this (and cap at 150). If End of culture, double this (and cap at 150).
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   * 12: 1 commander with ID 0xb1d [ephor 2845]   * 12: 1 commander with ID 0xb1d [ephor 2845]
   * 13: 1 commander with ID 0xb1e [spectral philosopher]   * 13: 1 commander with ID 0xb1e [spectral philosopher]
 +=== LA Rlyeh ===
 +If you don't have candles, don't do any of this.
 +Void critter component:
 +  * Scale component: 2 * candles + magic scale
 +  * If a random number 0-499 inclusive is less than (scale component * 5):
 +  * Roll 2d(candles/3 + 4, rounded down). These are closed die rolls. You get the void encounter that corresponds to this result:
 +      - If 1-5: 6x lesser otherness
 +      - If 6: 4x vile thing
 +      - If 7: 3x thing of many eyes
 +      - If 8: 3x thing from the void
 +      - If 9: 5x elder thing
 +      - If 10: 4x formless spawn
 +      - If 11: 4x otherness
 +      - If 12: 3x thing from the beyond
 +      - If 13: 2x dweller in the deep
 +      - If 14: 4x: greater otherness
 +      - If 15: 5x thing that should not be
 +      - If 16: 1x vastness
 +      - If 17+: 2x greater otherness
 +Cultist component:
 +  * If the province has no temple, get number of candles. If (province pop/10) < the number of candles, use that instead.
 +  * If the province has a temple, instead:
 +    * If the province has no pop, use 2*candles. Otherwise, use 3* candles.
 +  * If a random number 0-74 is less than the value above, you're geting cultists.
 +    * If underwater, always get Cultist#1639
 +    * If coastal, always get Hybrid Cultist
 +    * If not coastal, 50% for Hybrid Cultist, 25% for Cultist#1640, 25% for Mad Cultist
 +Madman component:
 +  * Calculate 10 * number of candles.
 +  * If (province pop/20) is less than this, use that value instead.
 +  * If a random number 0-99 is less than the above value, you get madmen.
 +    * If this is a non-coastal land province, you get Madman
 +    * If this is a coastal land province, you get Mad Hybrids
 +    * If this is underwater, equal chances of Peasant [which is weird because they'll instantly drown], Mad Merman#1568, and Mad Ones.
 +    * No matter what type, you get 2d8 exploding.
 +Dreamer component:
 +  * Take (province pop/20) or (sloth + 5*candles), whichever is smaller.
 +  * If random number 0-99 is less than this value, you get dreamers.
 +    * If on land, it's always Human Dreamers.
 +    * Otherwise, equal chances for Deep One Dreamer, Triton Dreamer, and Merman Dreamer#1572
 +    * No matter which type, get 2d8 exploding.
 +=== MA Ermor ===
 +  * If you don't have candles, you get nothing.
 +  * If you don't own the province, you get nothing.
 +  * Candle value = (candles / 2) + 2
 +  * If you have a temple, add (8 * game setting's gold multiple)/100, rounded down.
 +  * Number of spawns = old candle value * 175/100, rounded down
 +  * If the number of spawns is 0 or negative, you get nothing.
 +  * For each spawn attempt:
 +    * If this is your capital (90% chance of success) OR any other fort with %%((1 + commander point bonus) * 30)% chance of success%%:
 +      * Consider candle die roll below for this attempt to instead be 89 + a closed d6.
 +    * Roll a closed d(candles)-1, and spawn accordingly:
 +      * If 0 and the province is not UW: 50% for 1 ghoul
 +      * If 1 or 3: 1x soulless#197
 +      * If 2 4 6 7 9 10:
 +        * One random longdead#191-196
 +        * 2% chance for a mound king#190 commander
 +      * If 5 or 8:
 +        * If not underwater, 50% chance for a longdead horseman
 +        * 1% chance for a mound king#188 commander
 +      * Any other value [TODO: how does this fit in with the stuff below?]:
 +        * 50% chance for a knight of the unholy sepulchre
 +      * If 90 or 91, 1 longdead velite
 +      * If 92-94 inclusive, 1 in 3 chance for either a longdead triarius or principe (equal weighting). Otherwise, longdead legionnaire. Additionally, 1% chance for a Censor#260 regardless of the stuff before.
 +=== Asphodel ===
 +  * first it checks to see if you have candles, if you don't it does nothing
 +  * then it checks something else I don't understand, if you don't have that it does nothing
 +  * Number of spawns = 3, or 4 if you have a temple in the province
 +  * For each spawn attempt:
 +    * if this is not a UW province, and a random number 0-9 < (number of candles + growth):
 +      * 25% chance, if there are armed corpses, or always if there armed corpses but no unarmed corpses:
 +        * Subtract 1 from the number of armed corpses
 +      * If there are only civilian corpses:
 +        * Subtract 1 from the number of civilian corpses
 +      * If any corpses were removed:
 +        * If 1 + Growth + Magic > random 0-99, you get 1 mandragora. Otherwise, you get 1 manikin.
 +    * if this is not a UW province, and a random number 0-9 < (number of candles + growth), and something to do with the presence of a forest (I assume, if province is a forest, but sign flags are doing my head in right now):
 +      * There is a (2 + Growth + Magic)% chance to get a high quality spawn:
 +        * Equal chances for Mandragora, Carrion Beast#718, Minotaur Manikin, Carrion Beast#1006, Sagittarian Carcass
 +      * Otherwise, a low quality spawn:
 +        * Equal chances for Manikin, Satyr Manikin, Harpy Manikin, Carrion Beast#715, Carrion Beast#716, Carrion Beast#717
 +      * If you rolled a (regular) manikin or mandragora (unit ID - 313 < 2), you instead get Carrion Beast#715 or Carrion Beast#716, chosen at random
 +      * Spawn 1 of the selected creature type
 +  * Regardless of spawn attempts, spawn (closed) 1d2 Sagittarian Carcasses if all of the following are true:
 +    * (5 + Growth) * 2 + Candles * 3 > a random number 0-99
 +    * The province is not underwater
 +    * The province is a forest
 +    * The province has a temple
 +=== LA Lemuria ===
 +Getting this was difficult because the compiler tied this in knots. There might be mistakes somewhere along the lines...
 +  * Requires friendly dom
 +  * Requires something else to do with province ownership
 +  * Something = (closed d2 - 1 + candles)/2 rounded down
 +  * If you have a temple, something = (closed d4 - 1 + candles) / 4 rounded down
 +  * If there is a fort, add a closed d4 to the something
 +  * The something is the number of spawn attempts, if 0 or negative then don't do anything.
 +  * For each spawn attempt:
 +    * If there is a temple
 +      * 85% chance if this is your cap: index = closed d3 + 19
 +        * Otherwise, 85% chance or guaranteed if there is no fort: closed d6 - 1
 +        * All other cases: closed d3 + 19
 +      * 5% chance to use index 40 regardless of the above
 +    * If there is a temple, use index = number of spawn attempts instead
 +    * If index = 0: Turns up to 1 corpse into a dispossessed spirit. Has a 25% chance to use armed corpses in preference to unarmed
 +    * If index is 1 or 2: On land, spawns a Shadow Soldier. Underwater, gives a Shadow Triton or an atlantean Shadow Soldier at equal chances
 +    * If index is 3: 60% Shade, 40% Shade Beast
 +    * If index is 4: Ghost
 +    * If index is 5: If 0 population, nothing happens. Otherwise, make 1 apparition, and kill 100 population
 +    * If index is 20 or 21:
 +      * There is a (fort's commander point bonus * 2 + 8)% chance:
 +        * There is a (2 * (number of candles - 5))% chance that you get 2d3 Spectral Lictors
 +        * Otherwise, you get a Spectral Standard and...
 +          * A 20% chance for openended d5 + (commander point bonus - 1) Spectral Principe
 +          * Otherwise, a 15% chance for openended d5 + (commander point bonus - 1) Spectral Triarius
 +          * Otherwise, a 10% chance for openended d5 + (commander point bonus - 1) Praetorian Spectre
 +          * Otherwise, openended d5 + (commander point bonus - 1) Spectral Principe
 +      * Otherwise: openended d5 + (commander point bonus - 1) Spectral Hastatus
 +    * If index is 22, openended d6 Spectral Velites
 +    * If index is 40, 50% chance if there is a lab for a Lemur Acolyte, otherwise a Shadow Tribune
 +    * If index is any other value (which in theory is impossible), the spawn attempt fails
user/loggy/freespawn.txt ยท Last modified: 2022/10/04 18:23 by loggy