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Mummify works similarly to twiceborn for Nazcan commanders. If a commander dies, it transforms into it's corresponding mummy.

Royal Mallqui

The death of an Inca or a Coya will in addition claim the life of a corresponding Coya or Inca to "complete" a Royal Mallqui. If none is available. The mummy will still form but without all it's paths. Bonus paths from Coya and Inca are added (for example an Inca with bonus astral and a Coya with only the basic stats will yield an astral 3 Royal Mallqui), except for holy.

Mummy forms

Commander Mummy form
Apusqispay Mallqui
Aclla Mallqui Priestess
Hurin Priest Mallqui Priest
Inca Coya Royal Mallqui


Arena: A unit dying in an arena will not mummify.

Twiceborn: If a unit with this ability has also twiceborn, it will instead transform to a wightmage. In case of a Coya, she can still be claimed as other half by a dying Inca.

mummify.txt · Last modified: 2023/08/06 11:03 by mohreb