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Afflictions and Healing

Looks like there is a defined (and unintuitive) order to healing afflictions.

There's some other stuff that seems to prevent units being healed but I don't know what that is about.

  1. Battle fright, 50%
  2. Feeblemind, 25%
  3. Undocumented 137438953472, 50% heal rate, only healed if unit is not feebleminded as well
  4. Disease, 50%
  5. Crippled, 25%
  6. Blind, 25%, only if unknown affliction 2147483648 not also suffered
  7. One lost eye, 50%, only if affliction 2147483648 not also suffered
  8. Weakness, 50%
  9. Mute, 25%, only if unknown affliction 2147483648 not also suffered
  10. Undocumented 2147483648, 20%
  11. Undocumented 16, 25%
  12. One lost arm, 25%
  13. One lost eye, 50%, another chance
  14. Chest wound, 50%
  15. Limp, 50%
  16. Never healing wound, 10%
user/loggy/afflictions.1612547814.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/02/05 17:56 by loggy