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Loggy's Hall of Fame reverse engineering notes

I'm sleepy and it's late but might as well get some of this out.

95% chance to:

  • Roll a random number 1-12.
    • If this is exactly 9, and you either have some magic skills or some unknown thing to do with ranged weapons, gain ability 9. [precision]
    • If exactly 10 and unknown criteria, gain ability 10 [endurance]
    • If exactly 5 and unknown criteria, gain ability 5 [valor]
    • If exactly 11 and unknown criteria, gain ability 11 [obesity]
    • Any other result not above: unconditionally gain that ability ID.
    • If any check is failed, reroll a new number 1-12 and try again


  • Roll a random number 100-109.
  • If this is exactly 102, gain ability 102 [legendary command of undead] if you are not MA Marignon and any one of the following are true:
    • Death magic level > 0
    • Blood magic level > 0
    • Your nation has a value for attribute 210 that is greater than 0 [Lanka, Therodos, MA Ermor, Sceleria, Nazca, Lemuria, LA Ctis]
  • If this is exactly 103, gain ability 103 if you have any nonholy paths [adept research]
  • If this is exactly 104, gain ability 104 if you have a certain quantity of eyes [third eye]
  • If this is exactly 105, gain ability 105 if you have any magic skill and are not mindless [daftness]
  • If this is exactly 108, gain ability 108 if you have any magic skill and are not mindless [fast casting]
  • Any other result not above: unconditionally gain that ability
  • If any check is failed, roll 100-109 again.

If you got ability 7, update your current hitpoints to match your maximum. You gain abilities with a base value of 100.

Ability ID Name Effect
1 Enormous Strength strength 1 per 40 val
2 Battle Prowess att skill (val/50)
3 Lightning Reflexes def skill (val/50)
4 Iron Will mr (val/50)
5 Valor morale (val/25), leadership (val/4), inspirational ((val-75)/80)
6 Tough Skin natural protection (1 per 33 val)
7 Toughness HP, each point of value adds 0.5%
8 Quickness Action time improves to (200/(200+val)) of original, each point of value adds 0.5% to combat speed
9 Precision prec +1 per 50 val
10 Endurance Reinvigoration (val/50)
11 Obesity HP (each point of value adds 0.4%), Str (1 per 60 val), enc
12 Agility att (val/100), def (val/100), ambidex (val/50)
100 Awesome presence Awe ((val-75)/25), leadership (val/2)
101 Battle Bellow Fear (val/20)
102 Legendary Command of the Undead undead leadership (val/2)
103 Adept Research + val/10 research
104 Third Eye prec (1 per 75 val), mr (1 per 100 val)
105 Daftness +mor (val/25), mr (val/50), att (val/100); -ldr
106 Cruelty affliction rate +2% per value, fear + 5
107 Soul Butcher strength (1 per 60 val), fear + 5, death gem production (val/100)
108 Fast Casting + val/10 %
109 Troll Blood Regen (+ val/20)

Hall of fame ability values start at 100. They progress at different rates per turn (all dice nonexploding)

Amount Die size
100-199 d20
200-299 d10
300+ d5

Actually getting into the HoF

The executable is quite slippery on this one…

It calculates scores for each commander:

  • Pretenders, units owned by nation ids above 250, uniques, and #nohof-ers are not allowed
  • Score is Kills/5 + (Melee kills + number of deaths * 4) * 2 + Experience + Affliction score * 2

Affliction score is:

  • 1 for blind
  • 1 for crippled
  • 1 for dementia OR feebleminded (but not 2 for both)
  • 1 for mute
  • 1 for limp
  • 1 for weakness
  • 1 for battle fright
  • 1 for chest wound
  • 1 for never healing wound
  • 1 for lost weapon/bodypart
  • 1 for lost head
  • 1 for disease
  • 1 for soul slayed
  • 1 for each lost eye
  • 1 for each lost arm
user/loggy/hall-of-fame.txt · Last modified: 2021/08/30 23:12 by loggy