Loggy's Longdead and Soulless reverse engineering notes
If you don't have nationals, just use the fallback output.
The chances to pull from the "national pool" varies depending on the creation method:
Fallback (national roll failed)
Equal chance to: pick one of these 6; Longdead, Longdead, Longdead, Longdead, Longdead, Longdead
Jotunheim, Utgard
50% to use fallback,
EA Ermor, MA Ermor, Sceleria
50% chance to: pick Longdead Velite or Longdead Legionnaire,
Else: pick Longdead Triarius or Longdead Principe
MA Arcoscephale, MA Machaka, LA Arcoscephale
MA Ulm, MA Marignon, LA Marignon, LA Abysia
LA Ulm
EA Ulm
EA Vanheim, MA Vanheim, LA Midgard
EA, MA, LA C'tis
Equal chances to pick one of these 5; Longdead of C'tis, Longdead of C'tis, Longdead of C'tis, Longdead Warrior, Longdead Warrior
EA, MA, LA Caelum
Equal chances to pick one of these 4: Caelian Longdead, Caelian Longdead, Caelian Longdead, Caelian Longdead
Hinnom, Ashdod
Lanka, Kailasa, Bandar Log, Patala
2/7 chance to: pick one of these 3; Longdead Bandar, Longdead Bandar Warrior, Longdead Bandar Warrior,
1/7 chance to: pick one of these 3; Longdead Vanara, Longdead Vanara Warrior, Longdead Vanara Warrior,
Otherwise: use Longdead Markata
MA Man
The result of each soulless request depends on a few things:
The nation creating soulless
The province ID the soulless are being made in
A chance for national soulless
A chance for arming soulless
The number of corpses to subtract
Sources and values for national and arming rates for the above:
If there is a province ID associated with this creation:
Roll soulless ArmingChance, if successful proceed as making Lightly Armed soulless
Otherwise, if (Civilian corpses < Military corpses):
Armed Soulless upgrade chances:
If there wasn't a province ID, you always get Unarmed soulless
Default soulless:
National soulless:
EA, MA, LA Caelum:
Medium, Heavy:
EA Ur, MA Uruk:
Medium, Heavy:
Light, Medium, Heavy:
Becomes: any one of these 4; Soulless Nazcan Warrior, Soulless Nazcan Warrior, Soulless Nazcan Warrior, Soulless Nazcan Warrior
EA, MA, LA Atlantis:
75% chance to:
Medium, Heavy:
Medium, Heavy:
EA, MA, LA R'lyeh:
75% chance to:
Medium, Heavy:
Medium, Heavy:
EA, MA, LA C'tis:
Medium, Heavy:
Soulless Raw
Each soulless request depends on a few things:
The nation creating soulless
The province ID the soulless are being made in
Chance for national soulless
Chance for armed soulless
The number of corpses to subtract
Sources and values for the above:
Montag -3: 10% national, 100% armed
Montag -15: 25% national, 50% armed
"newunit" called with unit ID -1: 10% national, 100% armed, unknown if this is used
Battlesummon, damage -3: 10% national, 100% armed
Reanimator priests: 90% armed, national rate varies:
Rituals, effect number 10001 [regular summon units in local province, like Reanimation]: 100% national, 90% armed
Rituals, effect number 10037 [remote summon permanent units]:
Units: 10% armed, 10% national
Commander: 50% national, 90% armed
If there is a province ID associated with this creation:
Roll armed soulless chance, if successful proceed as making lightly armed soulless
Otherwise, if civilian corpses < armed corpses:
Proceed as if making lightly armed soulless.
In EA, there's a 25% chance to upgrade to medium armed soulless
In MA, there's a 50% chance to upgrade to medium armed, and if that succeeds there's a 25% chance (so a total 1/8) for heavily armed soulless
In LA, there's a 75% chance to upgrade to medium, and if that succeeds there's a 50% chance (so a total 3/8) for heavily armed soulless
If there wasn't a province ID, you always get unarmed soulless.
If this attempt is subtracting corpses, do that now. Unarmed soulless subtract civilian corpses, any kind of armed subtract military corpses.
Default soulless types:
Unarmed: Soulless#197
Light: Soulless Warrior#914
Medium: Soulless Warrior#915
Heavy: Soulless Warrior#2119
National soulless:
Jotunheim, Niefelheim, Utgard:
Unarmed: 50% chance to be changed to Soulless Giant#315
Light, Medium: 50% chance to be changed to Soulless Warrior#916
Heavy: 50% chance to be changed to Soulless Warrior#917
EA, MA, LA Caelum:
Unarmed: Changed to Soulless#317
Light: Changed to Soulless Warrior#2242
Medium, Heavy: Changed to Soulless Warrior#2243
EA Ur, MA Uruk:
Unarmed: 75% chance to be changed to Soulless Enkidu#2981
Light: 75% chance to be changed to Soulless Warrior#2982
Medium, Heavy: Changed to Soulless Warrior#2983
Unarmed: Changed to Soulless Nazcan#2707
Light, Medium, Heavy: Changed to any Soulless Nazcan Warrior#2708-27011 at equal weighting
EA, MA, LA Atlantis:
75% to…
Unarmed: Changed to Soulless of Atlantis#318
Light: Changed to Soulless Warrior#919
Medium, Heavy: Changed to Soulless Warrior#920
Unarmed: Soulless Shambler#2364
Light: Soulless War Shambler#2365
Medium, Heavy: Either Soulless War Shambler#2366-2367 at equal odds
EA, MA, LA R'lyeh:
75% to…
Unarmed: Changed to Soulless of Atlantis#318
Light: Changed to Soulless Warrior#919
Medium, Heavy: Changed to Soulless Warrior#920
Unarmed: Soulless Shambler#2364
Light: Soulless War Shambler#2365
Medium, Heavy: Soulless War Shambler#2366
EA, MA, LA C'tis:
Unarmed: Changed to Soulless of C'tis#319
Light: Changed to Soulless Warrior#921
Medium, Heavy: Changed to Soulless Warrior#922
Kailasa, Lanka, Bandar Log, Patala:
Roll a closed d7.
If unarmed soulless:
d7 result is 1-2: changed to Soulless Bandar#1716
d7 result is 3-5: changed to Soulless Vanara#1724
d7 result is 6-7: changed to Soulless Markata#1731
If d7 result was 1-2:
Light: Soulless Bandar Warrior#1717
Medium: Soulless Bandar Warrior#1718
Heavy: Soulless Bandar Warrior#2274
If d7 result 3-4:
If d7 result 5-7:
Light: Changed to Soulless Vanara Warrior#1725
Medium, Heavy: Changed To Soulless Vanara Warrior#1726