
Loggy's Longdead and Soulless reverse engineering notes



If you don't have nationals, just use the fallback output.
The chances to pull from the "national pool" varies depending on the creation method:

  • Effect 37 rituals, (remote summons, like Army of the Dead)
    • 50% chance of national longdead for Commander
    • 10% chance of national longdead for Troops
  • Effect 1 rituals, (summons, like Reanimation)
    • 100% chance of national longdead
  • Priest Reanimation order, chance depends on your nation:
    • MA Ermor, Sceleria:
      • 10% chance of national longdead
    • Niefelheim, Jotunheim, Utgard:
      • 25% chance of national longdead
    • Hinnom, Ashdod:
      • 50% chance of national longdead
    • Any other nation:
      • 75% chance of national longdead
  • Otherwise, there is a 10% chance to get nationals.


Fallback (national roll failed)

  • Equal chance to: pick one of these 6; Longdead, Longdead, Longdead, Longdead, Longdead, Longdead

Jotunheim, Utgard

  • 50% to use fallback,
  • Otherwise:
    • 50% chance for: Longdead Giant
    • Else: Longdead Giant


  • 50% chance to use fallback,
  • Otherwise:
    • 100% chance for: Longdead Giant

EA Ermor, MA Ermor, Sceleria

  • 50% chance to: pick Longdead Velite or Longdead Legionnaire,
  • Else: pick Longdead Triarius or Longdead Principe

MA Arcoscephale, MA Machaka, LA Arcoscephale

  • Equal chances to: pick one of these 3 Longdead, Longdead, Longdead Hoplite

MA Ulm, MA Marignon, LA Marignon, LA Abysia

  • Equal chances to: pick Longdead or Longdead

LA Ulm

  • 75% chance for: Longdead,
  • Otherwise: use fallback

EA Ulm

  • 85% chance to: pick Longdead or Longdead,
  • Otherwise: use Longdead

EA Vanheim, MA Vanheim, LA Midgard

  • 25% chance to: use Longdead,
  • Otherwise: use fallback.

EA, MA, LA C'tis

  • Equal chances to pick one of these 5; Longdead of C'tis, Longdead of C'tis, Longdead of C'tis, Longdead Warrior, Longdead Warrior

EA, MA, LA Caelum

  • Equal chances to pick one of these 4: Caelian Longdead, Caelian Longdead, Caelian Longdead, Caelian Longdead


  • Equal chances to: pick Nazcan Longdead or Nazcan Longdead

Hinnom, Ashdod

  • 50% chance to: pick one of these 3; Longdead Rephaite, Longdead Rephaite, Longdead Rephaite,
  • Otherwise: use fallback

Lanka, Kailasa, Bandar Log, Patala

  • 2/7 chance to: pick one of these 3; Longdead Bandar, Longdead Bandar Warrior, Longdead Bandar Warrior,
  • 1/7 chance to: pick one of these 3; Longdead Vanara, Longdead Vanara Warrior, Longdead Vanara Warrior,
  • Otherwise: use Longdead Markata

MA Man

  • 15% chance to: use Longdead,
  • Otherwise: pretend you are Berytos


  • 50% chance to: pick Longdead or Longdead,
  • Otherwise: use Longdead


Variables for Input

The result of each soulless request depends on a few things:

  • The nation creating soulless
  • The province ID the soulless are being made in
  • A chance for national soulless
  • A chance for arming soulless
  • The number of corpses to subtract

Sources and values for national and arming rates for the above:

  • Montag -3:
    • 10% national, 100% ArmingChance
  • Montag -15:
    • 25% national, 50% ArmingChance
  • "newunit" called with unit ID -1, unknown if this is used:
    • 10% national, 100% ArmingChance
  • Battlesummon, damage -3:
    • 10% national, 100% ArmingChance
  • Reanimator priests:
    • 90% ArmingChance, but national rate varies:
      • If Jotunheim, 50% national
      • If Utgard, 25% national
      • Any other nation:
        • Reanimator priest holy level is considered as 1 higher if ((closed d5 - 1) < number of friendly candles) in province,
        • National soulless rate = (reanimator priest's holy level * 8)%
  • Rituals, effect number 1 [summons, though there are no base game rituals that summon Soulless this way]:
    • 100% national, 90% ArmingChance
  • Rituals, effect number 37 [remote summons, like Carrion Reanimation]:
    • Units:
      • 10% national, 10% ArmingChance
    • Commander:
      • 50% national, 90% ArmingChance


  • If there is a province ID associated with this creation:
    • Roll soulless ArmingChance, if successful proceed as making Lightly Armed soulless
    • Otherwise, if (Civilian corpses < Military corpses):
      • Proceed as making Lightly Armed soulless
  • Armed Soulless upgrade chances:
    • In EA,
      • 25% chance to: upgrade Lightly Armed to Medium Armed soulless
    • In MA,
      • 50% chance to: upgrade Lightly Armed to Medium Armed, and if that succeeds:
        • 25% chance: to upgrade to Heavy armed soulless (total of a 1/8 chance)
    • In LA,
      • 75% chance to upgrade Lightly Armed to Medium Armed, and if that succeeds:
        • 50% chance: to upgrade to Heavy Armed soulless (total of a 3/8 chance)
  • If there wasn't a province ID, you always get Unarmed soulless
  • If this attempt is subtracting corpses, do that now.
    • Unarmed soulless subtract Civilian corpses
    • Any kind of Armed soulless subtract Military corpses


Default soulless:

  • Unarmed:
    • Soulless
  • Light:
    • Soulless Warrior
  • Medium:
    • Soulless Warrior
  • Heavy:
    • Soulless Warrior

National soulless:

  • Jotunheim, Niefelheim, Utgard:
    • Unarmed:
      • 50% chance to become: Soulless Giant
    • Light, Medium:
      • 50% chance to become: Soulless Warrior
    • Heavy:
      • 50% chance to become: Soulless Warrior
  • EA, MA, LA Caelum:
    • Unarmed:
      • Becomes: Soulless
    • Light:
      • Becomes: Soulless Warrior
    • Medium, Heavy:
      • Becomes: Soulless Warrior
  • EA Ur, MA Uruk:
    • Unarmed:
      • 75% chance to become: Soulless Enkidu
    • Light:
      • 75% chance to become: Soulless Warrior
    • Medium, Heavy:
      • Becomes: Soulless Warrior
  • Nazca:
    • Unarmed:
      • Becomes: Soulless Nazcan#2707
    • Light, Medium, Heavy:
      • Becomes: any one of these 4; Soulless Nazcan Warrior, Soulless Nazcan Warrior, Soulless Nazcan Warrior, Soulless Nazcan Warrior
  • EA, MA, LA Atlantis:
    • 75% chance to:
      • Unarmed:
        • Becomes: Soulless of Atlantis
      • Light:
        • Becomes: Soulless Warrior
      • Medium, Heavy:
        • Becomes: Soulless Warrior
    • Otherwise:
      • Unarmed:
        • Becomes: Soulless Shambler
      • Light:
        • Becomes: Soulless War Shambler
      • Medium, Heavy:
        • Becomes: either Soulless War Shambler or Soulless War Shambler
  • EA, MA, LA R'lyeh:
    • 75% chance to:
      • Unarmed:
        • Becomes: Soulless of Atlantis
      • Light:
        • Becomes: Soulless Warrior
      • Medium, Heavy:
        • Becomes: Soulless Warrior
    • Otherwise:
      • Unarmed:
        • Becomes: Soulless Shambler
      • Light:
        • Becomes: Soulless War Shambler
      • Medium, Heavy:
        • Becomes: Soulless War Shambler
  • EA, MA, LA C'tis:
    • Unarmed:
      • Becomes: Soulless of C'tis
    • Light:
      • Becomes: Soulless Warrior
    • Medium, Heavy:
      • Becomes: Soulless Warrior
  • Kailasa, Lanka, Bandar Log, Patala:
    • Roll a closed d7, then,
    • If unarmed soulless, and:
      • d7 result is 1-2:
        • Becomes: Soulless Bandar
      • d7 result is 3-5:
        • Becomes: Soulless Vanara
      • d7 result is 6-7:
        • Becomes: Soulless Markata
    • If d7 result was 1-2, and:
      • Light:
        • Becomes: Soulless Bandar Warrior
      • Medium:
        • Becomes: Soulless Bandar Warrior
      • Heavy:
        • Becomes: Soulless Bandar Warrior
    • If d7 result 3-4, and:
      • Light, Medium, Heavy:
        • Becomes: Soulless Markata
    • If d7 result 5-7, and:
      • Light:
        • Becomes: Soulless Vanara Warrior
      • Medium, Heavy:
        • Becomes: Soulless Vanara Warrior

Soulless Raw

Each soulless request depends on a few things:

  • The nation creating soulless
  • The province ID the soulless are being made in
  • Chance for national soulless
  • Chance for armed soulless
  • The number of corpses to subtract

Sources and values for the above:

  • Montag -3: 10% national, 100% armed
  • Montag -15: 25% national, 50% armed
  • "newunit" called with unit ID -1: 10% national, 100% armed, unknown if this is used
  • Battlesummon, damage -3: 10% national, 100% armed
  • Reanimator priests: 90% armed, national rate varies:
    • If Jotunheim, 50% national
    • If Utgard, 25% national
    • Any other nation:
      • Reanimator priest holy level is increased by 1 if (closed d5 - 1) < number of friendly candles in province
      • National soulless rate = (reanimator priest's holy level * 8)% national
  • Rituals, effect number 10001 [regular summon units in local province, like Reanimation]: 100% national, 90% armed
  • Rituals, effect number 10037 [remote summon permanent units]:
    • Units: 10% armed, 10% national
    • Commander: 50% national, 90% armed


  • If there is a province ID associated with this creation:
    • Roll armed soulless chance, if successful proceed as making lightly armed soulless
    • Otherwise, if civilian corpses < armed corpses:
      • Proceed as if making lightly armed soulless.
      • In EA, there's a 25% chance to upgrade to medium armed soulless
      • In MA, there's a 50% chance to upgrade to medium armed, and if that succeeds there's a 25% chance (so a total 1/8) for heavily armed soulless
      • In LA, there's a 75% chance to upgrade to medium, and if that succeeds there's a 50% chance (so a total 3/8) for heavily armed soulless
  • If there wasn't a province ID, you always get unarmed soulless.
  • If this attempt is subtracting corpses, do that now. Unarmed soulless subtract civilian corpses, any kind of armed subtract military corpses.
  • Default soulless types:
    • Unarmed: Soulless#197
    • Light: Soulless Warrior#914
    • Medium: Soulless Warrior#915
    • Heavy: Soulless Warrior#2119
  • National soulless:
    • Jotunheim, Niefelheim, Utgard:
      • Unarmed: 50% chance to be changed to Soulless Giant#315
      • Light, Medium: 50% chance to be changed to Soulless Warrior#916
      • Heavy: 50% chance to be changed to Soulless Warrior#917
    • EA, MA, LA Caelum:
      • Unarmed: Changed to Soulless#317
      • Light: Changed to Soulless Warrior#2242
      • Medium, Heavy: Changed to Soulless Warrior#2243
    • EA Ur, MA Uruk:
      • Unarmed: 75% chance to be changed to Soulless Enkidu#2981
      • Light: 75% chance to be changed to Soulless Warrior#2982
      • Medium, Heavy: Changed to Soulless Warrior#2983
    • Nazca:
      • Unarmed: Changed to Soulless Nazcan#2707
      • Light, Medium, Heavy: Changed to any Soulless Nazcan Warrior#2708-27011 at equal weighting
    • EA, MA, LA Atlantis:
      • 75% to…
        • Unarmed: Changed to Soulless of Atlantis#318
        • Light: Changed to Soulless Warrior#919
        • Medium, Heavy: Changed to Soulless Warrior#920
      • Otherwise…
        • Unarmed: Soulless Shambler#2364
        • Light: Soulless War Shambler#2365
        • Medium, Heavy: Either Soulless War Shambler#2366-2367 at equal odds
    • EA, MA, LA R'lyeh:
      • 75% to…
        • Unarmed: Changed to Soulless of Atlantis#318
        • Light: Changed to Soulless Warrior#919
        • Medium, Heavy: Changed to Soulless Warrior#920
      • Otherwise…
        • Unarmed: Soulless Shambler#2364
        • Light: Soulless War Shambler#2365
        • Medium, Heavy: Soulless War Shambler#2366
    • EA, MA, LA C'tis:
      • Unarmed: Changed to Soulless of C'tis#319
      • Light: Changed to Soulless Warrior#921
      • Medium, Heavy: Changed to Soulless Warrior#922
    • Kailasa, Lanka, Bandar Log, Patala:
      • Roll a closed d7.
      • If unarmed soulless:
        • d7 result is 1-2: changed to Soulless Bandar#1716
        • d7 result is 3-5: changed to Soulless Vanara#1724
        • d7 result is 6-7: changed to Soulless Markata#1731
      • If d7 result was 1-2:
        • Light: Soulless Bandar Warrior#1717
        • Medium: Soulless Bandar Warrior#1718
        • Heavy: Soulless Bandar Warrior#2274
      • If d7 result 3-4:
        • Light, Medium, Heavy: changed to Soulless Markata#1731
      • If d7 result 5-7:
        • Light: Changed to Soulless Vanara Warrior#1725
        • Medium, Heavy: Changed To Soulless Vanara Warrior#1726
user/loggy/longdead.txt · Last modified: 2023/01/04 07:48 by jonarbuckle