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Wind Ride research notes

My brief notes:

a5 vs golem 1 prov: 50% to drop in same for 20AN, 50% to move
a5 vs golem 2 prov: 50% to drop in same for 20, 50% to drop in next for 40, 0% to move
a5 vs arco scout 2 prov: 5% to drop in same for 12, 95% to drop in next for 25, 0% to move
a5 vs mtd cmdr 2 prov: 10% to drop in same for 15, 90% to drop in next for 30, 0% to move
a5 vs chariot + GoR 2 prov: 25% to drop in same for 17, 75% to drop in next for 35, 0% to move
a5 vs hoburg horticulturist 2 prov: 5% to drop in same for 10, 95% to drop in next for 20, 0% to move
a9 ^ is the same
a9 vs hoburg e3 is same
a5 vs hoburg a1e3 is 15% drop for 7, 85% move for 15
a5 vs hoburg a2e3 is 25% drop for 5, 75% move for 10
a5 vs hoburg a3e3 is 35% drop for 2, 65% move for 5
a5 vs hoburg a4e4 is 45 drop, 55 move, neither take any damage
a5 vs chariot a1: 35% drop for 15, 65% to move for 30

I GUESS it's time to go into friendly movement now

a5 vs chariot a1: 75% to move for 30, 25% drop for 15
a5 vs chariot a2: 75% to move for 25...

E4 gives 100% protection

No message for E4s or ethereals, and it 100% fails, EVEN FOR FRIENDLIES 
It does not seem to preferentially select a valid commander if there is one

Conclusions: spell parameters seem to be as follows:

Size Full drop damage Move chance
6 Can't be lifted, but I didn't test 0%
5 40 50%
4 35 75%
3 30 90%
2 25 95%
1 15 95%

Damage is simply AN magical (specmask is always 0x80)

Units with E4 or ethereal can never be lifted under any circumstances. The spell returns NO message in such situations (versus the whirlwind returned empty for unknown reasons)

If bodyguards are moved, they do not take the falling damage

I did not investigate how bodyguards are moved, though

If successfully pulled into the caster's province, no falling damage is dealt

Floating has no effect, but being a flyer completely negates the damage portion

A paths on the victim affect the above values by reducing pickup chance by 10% (unless friendly!) and damage by 5

Failing to pick up deals half the full damage, rounded down

My data, and the script I used to generate said data. I think I forgot to say that you need the -dd command line flag on the executable for the log file to be created, though.

user/loggy/windride.1588468096.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/05/03 01:08 by loggy