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EA Helheim, Dusk and Death


Helheim is a land of shadows, windswept moors and silent mountains. Here lies Gnipahålan, the Stone Cave, where the dead pass through on their way to Hel. The Hanged Kings, ancient Vanir who have hanged themselves to learn the secrets of Death, rule the land from their thrones in Helhalla. Helheim is inhabited by Vanir, a race of tall and innately magical beings who are able to trick mortals with their glamour. The Vanir of Helheim have sequestered themselves from the Vanir of Vanheim and have not been part of the great war with the giants. For ages they have been guiding the dead on their way to Hel in service of a dead god. Now a new God is arising and the old ways are changing. The Valkyries, guides of the dead, have become messengers of death and sacred warriors of the new God. Valkyries, the female Vanir of Helheim, are able to fly, a gift from the dead god they once served. Lesser beings are not held in high regard and their blood is sacrificed to sate the Awakening God. Unlike their cousins in Vanheim, the Vanir of Helheim are not shipwrights and sailors.

"[Helheim] sprung from old Norse myth. The Poetic Edda and some later tales, combined with general conceptions of Iron Age Scandinavia, are the main sources. Vanir, Aesir and Giants are ancient antagonists in these myths. The Aesir, being perceived as gods, have been made pretenders in Dominions. Not that Vanir weren't, but they seem less so than the Aesir in most instances. As with most nations of supernatural origin, it seems fitting that their magic fades with each passing age as humans become more and more numerous." -Illwinter

General Overview

Helheim is an alternate version of Vanheim, with high levels of Death magic and more-reliable Glamour magic instead of any Blood magic. It's an elf nation that can bog foes down with Dread and skele-spam. Recruit-wise, it's a bit more similar to later Vanheim than current Vanheim; or, in other words, less good at blitzing. Its mages generally have better focus in their paths than Vanheim's, but this also makes them more expensive, while their lack of Blood magic or Master Smiths gives them a more ordinary lategame.

National Features

Magic Access Alt. Access Unit Summary Core Abilities Buildings
death 44 (Rare 5)
glamour 33 (Rare 4)
earth 33
air 22
fire 11
holy 22
air 44water 22earth 33
fire 22air 44earth 33
air 44earth 33nature 22
air 44earth 33death 22
(req. air 44earth 33)
Flying Elf Vikings
Strong Thugs
No cheap mages
Flying Van sacreds
Sacred Van cavalry
Skilled Rider
True Sight
Standard Forts

Capitol Gems: 1earthgem4deathgem1glamourgem

National Special Features

Cold limit +1
Death limit +1
Magic limit +1

Prefers Cold Scale + 1

Blood Sacrifice: Priests can sacrifice a blood slave at a temple to help extend the dominion.


The roster is composed largely of elves, long-lived and glamoured units with high defense skill. The majority of Helheim's armies are therefore invisible on the map to most other players.

: Stealthy (65), Glamour


Sprite Unit Name Special Attributes Comments
Van Scout
Gold 55
Stealthy (75)
Mountain Survival
Forest Survival
Commentary here.
Gold 220
air 11glamour 11holy 11rp 99

Skilled Rider (4)
Commentary here.
Fay Horse
Poison Resistance (10)
Disease Resistance (100%)
Smart Mount (100)
True Sight
Commentary here.
Gold 255

Skilled Rider (4)
Spirit Sight
Commentary here.
Helhestur Sacred

Poison Resistance (10)
Disease Resistance (100%)
Smart Mount (100)
True Sight
Commentary here.
Gold 410
air 22death 11glamour 11holy 22rp 1313

Skilled Rider (5)
Commentary here.
Fay Horse See Above
Gold 270
Capital Only
earth 22death 22random1100%rp 1515
Darkvision (50%)
Mountain Survival
Commentary here.
Gold 310
Capital Only
air 11death 11glamour 11holy 11rp 1111

Skilled Rider (5)
Spirit Sight
Combat Caster
Commentary here.
Disahestur Sacred

Poison Resistance (10)
Disease Resistance (100%)
Smart Mount (100)
True Sight
Commentary here.
Gold 620
Capital Only
death 33glamour 22holy 22random1100%
rp 1717

Skilled Rider (5)
Spirit Sight
Commentary here.
Helhestur See Above


Sprite Unit Name Special Attributes Comments
Serf Warrior
Gold 8
Commentary here.
Gold 25
Commentary here.
Gold 25
Commentary here.
Gold 30
Commentary here.
Mounted Hirdman
Gold 50

Skilled Rider (3)
Commentary here.
Fay Horse
Poison Resistance (10)
Disease Resistance (100%)
Smart Mount (100)
True Sight
Commentary here.
Gold 45
Capital Only

Spirit Sight
Commentary here.
Gold 65
Capital Only

Skilled Rider (3)
Spirit Sight
Commentary here.
Helhestur Sacred

Poison Resistance (10)
Disease Resistance (100%)
Smart Mount (100)
True Sight
Commentary here.


Sprite Unit Name Special Attributes Comments
Sigrdriva - Hangadrottning
Earliest Arrival Turn (10)
air 11death 44glamour 22holy 22rp 1919

Spirit Sight
Skilled Rider (5)
Commentary here.
Disahestur Sacred

Poison Resistance (10)
Disease Resistance (100%)
Smart Mount (100)
True Sight
Commentary here.

National Spells



Summon Spell Unit Special Attributes Comments
Summon Valkyries
(Conjuration 6)
air 33death 11 and 1airgem

Valkyrie x 7

Spirit Sight
Commentary here.


Summon Spell Unit Special Attributes Comments
Sloth of Bears
(Conjuration 3)
nature 22 and 6naturegem

Great Bear x 15+
Mountain Survival
Forest Survival
Commentary here.
Awaken Draugar
(Conjuration 4)
death 22 and 12deathgem

Draug x 4
Resist Cold (25)
Resist Poison (25)
Cold Aura (3)
Fear (5)
Need Not Eat
Spirit Sight
Shapechanger Below HP (20) (Draug)
Commentary here.
Draug Shapechanger Above HP (25) (Draug)
Brood of Garm
(Conjuration 4)
nature 22 and 10naturegem

Jotun Wolf x 5
Resist Cold (15)
Fear (+5)
Berserker (+3)
Forest Survival
Snow Move
Commentary here.
Summon Dwarf of the Four Directions
(Conjuration 8)
air 44earth 33 and 62airgem

Dwarf of the North or
Dwarf of the South or
Dwarf of the East or
Dwarf of the West
air 44water 22earth 33rp 2323
fire 22air 44earth 33rp 2323
air 44earth 33nature 22rp 2323
air 44earth 33death 22rp 2323
Common Attributes:
Shock Resistance (22)
Darkvision (50%)
Master Smith (1-2)
Mountain Survival
Summons one of the four Dwarves of the Four Directions, powerful mages who have significant combat, ritual-casting and forging capabilities (air 44earth 33random2200% and Master Smith 1-2 (1: Water, Death. 2: Fire, Nature).
Also increases the likelihood of Hurricanes ravaging the world for each dwarf summoned. If all four dwarves are alive at once, the world is plunged into a Perpetual Storm and all battles will have Darkness over them; this is a somewhat roundabout manner to apply what amounts to two Global Enchantments at once, but the only way to dispel either effect is to kill one of them.

Magic Access

See Magic Access. These guides supplement the summaries at the top.

General Access


  • fire 11 on roughly every fifth Svartalf (capital only)
  • air 22 on Vanjarls
  • No Water magic
  • earth 33 on roughly every fifth Svartalf (capital only)


  • No Astral magic
  • death 44 on one-in-four Hangadrotts (capital only), death 11 on Helkarls off-capital
  • No Nature magic
  • glamour 33 on one-in-four Hangadrotts (capital only), glamour 11 on Vanherses off-capital


  • No Blood magic
  • holy 22 on Vanjarls


  • death 44glamour 22/death 33glamour 33: Dread spells, Unending Nightmare, Vengeance of the Dead
  • air 11death 33glamour 22: Wind of Death, Cloud of Death, Cloud of Dreamless Slumber, Wailing Winds, Foul Air, various summons
  • earth 33death 22/earth 22death 33: Eye Pendant, Shadow Brand, Blight, Hidden summons, Fields of the Dead, Poison Golems
  • earth 11death 33glamour 22/earth 22death 22glamour 11: Cave Kobolds (and Bluecaps)
  • fire 11earth 22death 22: Bane Fire, Skull of Fire, Magma spells (such as Magma Eruption)
  • air 11earth 22death 22: Rain of Stones, Knight's Barding, Brightmail Haubergeon

Detailed Access

Dwarves of the Four Directions

Summon Dwarf of the Four Directions gives dwarves that widen Helheim's path access, by having a 1/4 chance to provide fire 22, a 1/4 chance to provide water 22, and a 1/4 chance to provide nature 22. If all four enter the game, the world is plunged into Perpetual Storm and all battles will have Darkness, something Helheim performs better under than Vanheim. These are essentially non-native to Helheim, however. They require a air 44earth 33 mage and 62airgem; the cost to get those paths without a specially designed pretender is 135airgem (plus 10earthgem for Earth Boots) on a air 11earth 22death 22 Svartalf, but one dwarf can summon the rest. Just remember that Vanheim, Niefelheim, and Muspelheim, also get to summon these.


A fire 11 Svartalf (1 in 5) is the only recruitable source of Fire. It can make a Skull of Fire for fire 22, but will need a level of empowerment to climb the rest of the ladder (Flame Spirit, Flame Helmet, et cetera)… unless you get the Dwarf of the South, anyway, who can forge the Flame Helmet right away due to his Master Smith abilities.


A Vanjarl has air 22. This isn't enough to climb the ladder, requiring two Air empowerments for the Winged Helmet.


No native access. The Dwarf of the North has water 22 and Master Smith 1, however, so you could climb the rest of the ladder with him. You can even skip the Sea King in the chase for a Queen of Elemental Water, using the Staff of Elemental Mastery that all four directional dwarves can craft.

death 33 mages (Hangadrotts or Death Svartalves) can Summon Spectres for a 7 in 16 chance of at least water 11.


Each Svartalf has a 20% chance to have earth 33, bringing access up to earth 44 with the Earth Boots; if rushed, Construction 9 then offers the Orb of Elemental Earth for earth 55. You could then theoretically get a King of Elemental Earth for earth 66, but that would be Level 8 in another school, and Helheim isn't in a great position for spamming researchers.


No native access. earth 33death 11 (from the Earth Svartalf) can cast Hidden in Sand and Hidden Wasteland for a decent but expensive chance at getting an Astral level; the odds of getting astral 22 (and not a level lower) are 1-out-of-3 for Hidden in Sand, while the odds of getting at least astral 11 are 3-out-of-4 for Hidden Underneath, not including how Scales determine the number of mages the Rituals provide.

Alternatively, death 33 mages (Hangadrotts or Death Svartalves) can Summon Spectres for a 7 in 16 chance of at least astral 11; this is cheaper, and in a gem type Helheim has guaranteed income for.


death 44 on Hangadrotts (1 in 4) makes climbing Death simple. death 66 is a Skull Staff and a Skullface away.

EA Helheim can forge The Copper Arm and The Silver Arms to hold extra Death boosters, but the other boosters are artifacts that one should not expect to craft.


No native access. The Dwarf of the East has nature 22 and Master Smith 1, though, so one who rushes the dwarves can get nature 33 without much trouble; if they then rush The Tome of Gaia (an artifact), they can craft the Treelord's Staff for nature 66, nature 77 if they also use The Copper Arm.

Alternatively, a earth 22glamour 33 mage can Summon Gnomes for nature 22. An Earth Hangadrott with a Gossamer Veil and Earth Boots can do the job; the boots have to be crafted by a Svartalf, of course.


glamour 33 on Hangadrotts (1 in 4) means Helheim can attain glamour 44 through the Gossamer Veil. The Mirage Crystal (Glamour's other common booster) is exactly as complex to get as the Gnome, bringing glamour 55 into your grasp. Here's a little trivia: Hangadrotts couldn't wear boots in Dominions 5, since how mounted units were handled meant they were considered to never dismount, not even in labs.


No native access. It's not like bootstrapping into Blood is ruinous, however.


How to win as the nation. Feel free to use the following sections, or delete them, or change them.


Different expansion options.

Early Game

Early game options.

Mid Game

Mid game options.

Late Game

Late game options.

Example Pretender Builds

Format for putting a pretender build in.

Chassis: Awake Titan of Crossroads
Paths: astral 44death 55nature 77
Bless: MW/Arcane Finesse, Invuln 10, Regen.
Scales: Dominion strength6Turmoil2Productivity0Heat3Death1Misfortune2Magic3

Format for putting a pretender build in.

Chassis: Awake Titan of Crossroads
Paths: astral 44death 55nature 77
Bless: MW/Arcane Finesse, Invuln 10, Regen.
Scales: Dominion strength6Turmoil2Productivity0Heat3Death1Misfortune2Magic3


What are the nation's weaknesses?

See More

dom6/helheim-ea.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/07 15:34 by fenrir