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MA Phlegra, Deformed Giants


Phlegra is a kingdom of giants who have enslaved the much more numerous human population. The Gigantes of Phlegra are the descendants of the Gigantes of Mekone, who made war upon the gods of men. Punished for their sins the descendants of Mekone no longer appear as proud hoplites in gleaming armor, instead they are deformed and cursed with a violent temper. Since the fall of Mekone, the Gigantes resent pretending gods and religious faiths, and only the human population of the kingdom devote themselves to the awakening God. Phlegra is also the home of the sheep-herding Cyclopes, another tribe of giants. Like their predecessors the Gigantes of Phlegra have enslaved their neighbors and formed a kingdom under the rule of their Tyrants. Unscrupulous human mages have developed ways to serve the Tyrants by dominating less fortunate magically adept humans. Now human taskmasters and oppressors cause more fear in the populace than the Tyrants themselves.

"Mekone and its successors are inspired by giants of Greek myth. Described either as strong and proud hoplites, or in later times, as monstrous beings with serpent legs, the idea of a nation of giants that doesn’t follow the development of most other giant nations, with smaller and smaller giants in the later ages, started to take form. … I also wanted to incorporate the hubris of the giants and the Gigantomachia—the war against the gods—into the nation, which in turn created the backstory for the middle and late age versions of the nation.

Phlegra in the middle age is a nation that has lost most of its proud legacy. The Gigantes of Mekone are cursed for their hubris and are becoming physically and mentally afflicted. I also wanted to add shepherding cyclopes to the Elder Cyclopes of earlier times. At first, the nation felt a bit bland, but when I started to think on the slaves and the Phlegran society the idea of the oppressors and slave mages appeared. The feel of the nation took a whole new turn and the slave mage mechanics made for entirely new tactics not available to other nations." -Illwinter

General Overview

If you are considering picking this nation to play, what should you know?

National Features

Magic Access Alt. Access Unit Summary Core Abilities Buildings
fire 44 (Rare 5)
earth 33 (Rare 4)
air 22 (Rare 3)
water 22
death 22 (Rare 3)
nature 11
holy 11
Master Smith
fire 11air 22earth 22astral 33holy 33
death 11blood 11
(req. death 22 & GoR)
astral 11death 22nature 11
(req. death 33 & GoR)
Mostly Human Slave Soldiers
Cyclops Warriors
Few Gigante Warriors
No Sacred Troops.
Communion Slave
Communion Master
Giant Forts

Capitol Gems: 2firegem2earthgem1deathgem

National Special Features

Turmoil Limit + 1

Unrest: All provinces under the dominion of Phlegra will have their unrest increased every turn. Higher dominion strength in the province yields a greater increase in unrest. In a disciple game this will only have an effect if Phlegra is the Pretender God and then it will affect the disciples as well. Being a disciple of Phlegra will be difficult.

Magical Oppression: Like Pythium, Phlegra has innate Communion Slaves. These fellows typically have a magic path, unlike the Pythian equivalents, but this has a decent chance to mismatch with what the Masters possess. Phlegra also has innate Communion Masters, who automatically command these Slaves without the need for casting Communion Master (a spell they cannot cast anyway), and the nation also has a national item for providing the trait to other mages.

The Helotes make up most of Phlegra's manpower. These Size 3 humans are Slaves of greater beings, possessing a miserable 7 Morale, or 6 for the archers. Generations of martial servitude have changed the average helot's character, giving them an enormous 14 Combat Speed naked; the archers do not share in this, possibly of a more-dignified ancestry.
Phlegra's human commanders (and mages, and priests) are mostly not of helot stock, but are rather Trophimoi imported from neighboring realms. They are not slaves, but free(-ish) men who pursue the ancient Mekonean arts. Still, the climate of Phlegra is nerve-wracking for this lot, and most of them have 9 Morale.

Younger Cyclopes have rallied to Phlegra's banner, at the behest of the unrelated Eldre Cyclops smiths. Grace-wise, they are a far cry from the Gigantes of Mekone, but they fill largely the same role. The average Younger Cyclops is Size 6, and possesses 42 HP and 5 Natural Protection. He has 22 Strength, but is not particularly good at using it; 10 Attack Skill is low by giant standards, to say nothing of his 9 Defence Skill naked, his 7 Precision, and his lack of Discipline. He is soft but brave, showing 9 Magic Resistance but 13 Morale. Last but not least, he is energetic but a bit of a stumbler, possessing 2 Encumbrance, 16 Map Movement, and 17 Combat Speed naked.

National Units


Sprite Unit Name Special Attributes Comments
Cyclops Chieftain
Taskmaster (1)
Eyes (1)
Gluttony (1)
10 Gold Cheaper when active (Gigantomachia)
Commentary here.
Trophimos Commander
Taskmaster (2) Commentary here.
Shackled Mage
random1100%rp 55
Starting Affliction Chance (50%)
Communion Slave
Commentary here.
Cyclops Shepherd Shaman
nature 11rp 44
Supply Bonus (10)
Beast Master (2)
Eyes (1)
Gluttony (1)
Summon Allies (Great Mouflon x 2)
10 Gold Cheaper when active (Gigantomachia)
Commentary here.
Trophimos Priest
random1100%holy 11rp 99
Taskmaster (1)
Commentary here.
Trophimos Sage
random2200%holy 11rp 99
Taskmaster (1)
Commentary here.
Trophimos Oppressor
rp 1111
Taskmaster (2)
Communion Master
Commentary here.
Phlegran Tyrant
Capital Only
fire 33earth 22death 11random1100%
rp 1313
Fire Resistance (10)
Poison Resistance (5)
Berserker (+4)
Cause Unrest (+3 per month)
Taskmaster (4)
Gluttony (4)
Affliction Resistance (3)
Slaver Bonus (5)
Capture Slaves (Helote Warrior)
Combat Caster
10 Gold Cheaper when active (Gigantomachia)
Commentary here.
Elder Cyclops
Capital Only
fire 22air 11earth 22random1100%
rp 1717
Fire Resistance (15)
Resource Bonus (25)
Master Smith (1)
Eyes (1)
Mountain Survival
10 Gold Cheaper when active (Gigantomachia)
Commentary here.


Sprite Unit Name Special Attributes Comments
Helote Archer
Slave Commentary here.
Helote Warrior
Non-fort Recruit Available
Slave Commentary here.
Helote Soldier
Slave Commentary here.
Cyclops Warrior
Eyes (1)
Gluttony (1)
10 Gold Cheaper when active (Gigantomachia)
Commentary here.
Cyclops Hurler
Siege Bonus (5)
Eyes (1)
Gluttony (1)
10 Gold Cheaper when active (Gigantomachia)
Commentary here.
Gigante Warrior
Limited Recruitment: (2 per turn)
Fire Resistance (5)
Poison Resistance (5)
Berserker (+2)
Cause Unrest (+1 per month)
Minimum Leader Size (6)
Gluttony (4)
Affliction Resistance (2)
10 Gold Cheaper when active (Gigantomachia)
Commentary here.


Sprite Unit Name Special Attributes Comments
Phlegyas - Theurg Tyrant
Earliest Arrival Turn (10)
fire 11air 22earth 22astral 33holy 33rp 2121
Fortune Teller (5%)
Taskmaster (2)
Commentary here.



Summon Spell Unit Special Attributes Comments
Sow Dragon Teeth
(Enchantment 6)
earth 22 and 1earthgem

Spartae x 10
Cold Resistance (15)
Poison Resistance (25)
Formation Fighter (2)
Old Age
Poor Amphibian
Pierce Resistance
Magic Being
Need Not Eat
Does Not Heal Naturally
Spirit Sight
Commentary here.
Summon Spell Unit Special Attributes Comments
Cyclops Shepherd Shaman:
Summon Allies

Great Mouflon x 2
Cold Resistance (5)
Supply Bonus (5)
Mountain Survival
Procession of the Underworld
(Conjuration 5)
death 33 and 13deathgem

Lampad x 15
Invulnerability (15)
Supply Bonus (10)
Patrol Bonus (5)
Stygian Guide (75%)
Spirit Sight
astral 11death 22nature 11rp 1313 with Divine Name or Gift of Reason
Commentary here.
Summon Hound of Twilight
(Conjuration 5)
earth 22death 11 and 3earthgem

Hound of Twilight
Poison Resistance (15)
Darkvision (100%)
Fear (5)
Patrol Bonus (20)
Unsurroundable (2)
Spirit Sight
Eyes (4)
Commentary here.
Bind Keres
(Conjuration 6)
death 22 and 12deathgem

Ker x 3
Cold Resistance (15)
Poison Resistance (15)
Stealthy (40)
Fear (6)
Increases Unrest (1 per month)
Storm Immunity
Need Not Eat
Spirit Sight
death 11blood 11rp 99 with Divine Name or Gift of Reason
Commentary here.
Forge Brass Bull
(Construction 6)
fire 33earth 33 and 25firegem

Fire Resistance (25)
Cold Resistance (15)
Poison Resistance (25)
Shock Resistance (15)
Heat Aura (3)
Does Not Heal Naturally
Poor Amphibian Inanimate Slash Resistance Blunt Resistance Pierce Resistance Magic Being Need Not Eat Mindless Spirit Sight
Commentary here.

Other Spell and Item

  • Gigantomachia (Thaumaturgy 7)
    fire 44earth 44 and 60earthgem
    Commentary here.
  • Oppressors Headband (Construction 1)
    earth 33 and 15earthgem
    Commentary here.

Magic Access

See Magic Access. These guides supplement the summaries at the top.

An Elder Cyclops with air 22 or water 11 (1 in 4 for both) can make a Staff of Elemental Mastery or Staff of Elemental Mastery, which can be very helpful. Both versions are difficult to get to, though.

air 22earth 22 from the hero, Phlegyas - Theurg Tyrant, with boosters can create a Staff of Elemental Mastery.


fire 44 Phlegran Tyrant (1 in 4) is the best recruitable and also has death 11. It can create a Skull of Fire.


Both air 22 Trophimos Sage and Elder Cyclops (1 in 4 for all) are the highest MA Phlegra has. They don't have an Astral crosspath.

The hero, Phlegyas - Theurg Tyrant, has air 22 and can create the unique Tome of High Power.


water 22 Trophimos Sage (1 in 4) is the highest recruitable mage but doesn't have crosspaths. water 11 Elder Cyclops (1 in 4) and Trophimos Oppressor (1 in 2) have an Earth crosspath. With enough Water boosters, they can make a unique Orb of Atlantis.


Both earth 33 Elder Cyclops and Phlegran Tyrant (1 in 4 for both) are the highest recruitable mage but neither have helpful crosspaths.


No national access. The hero, Phlegyas - Theurg Tyrant, has astral 33, and can make a Coin of Meteoritic Iron, maybe a unique Tome of High Power, and with some boosters, the unique Atlas of Creation. Even more, a unique The Forbidden Light.

air 55fire 44, (hard to reach), can create The Magic Lamp for astral 33.


death 22 Phlegran Tyrant (1 in 4) is the strongest Death mage.

fire 11earth 33, (such as a Phlegran Tyrant), can forge The Copper Arm, which allows holding more Death boosters. Also, it's not hard to get to fire 33earth 33 for the unique The Silver Arms.


nature 11 Cyclops Shepherd Shaman is the only Nature mage recruitable.


No national access. earth 44 can cast Troll King's Court for a glamour 11.

death 33 can Summon Spectre for a 7 in 16 chance of at least glamour 11.

nature 33 can cast Forest Troll Tribe for a 1 in 4 chance of at least glamour 11.


No national access. death 22 can Bind Keres and nature 44 can Gift of Reason the Ker, the Ker will have blood 11.

nature 55 can Awaken Treelord for a 1 in 3 chance of blood 11.


How to win as the nation. Feel free to use the following sections, or delete them, or change them.


Different expansion options.

Early Game

Early game options.

Mid Game

Mid game options.

Late Game

Late game options.

Example Pretender Builds

Format for putting a pretender build in.

Chassis: Awake Titan of Crossroads
Paths: astral 44death 55nature 77
Bless: MW/Arcane Finesse, Invuln 10, Regen.
Scales: Dominion strength6Turmoil2Productivity0Heat3Death1Misfortune2Magic3

Format for putting a pretender build in.

Chassis: Awake Titan of Crossroads
Paths: astral 44death 55nature 77
Bless: MW/Arcane Finesse, Invuln 10, Regen.
Scales: Dominion strength6Turmoil2Productivity0Heat3Death1Misfortune2Magic3


What are the nation's weaknesses?

See More

dom6/phlegra-ma.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/19 06:00 by johnnydown