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The Gathering Sturm

The Gathering Sturm is a large modpack including far-reaching balance changes as well as entirely new nations for bot the Middle and Late Age as well as an overhaul of almost all Vanilla sprites. Few aspects of the game remain unaltered, with small quality of life additions to different ages, adjusted magic sites, items, weapons, new spells and new as well overhauled nations in every age. Casting preferences have also been updated based on Lucid's casting AI, but with a higher likelihood to choose AoE buff spells.

Downloading the Mod

An up to date version of the mod can be found on the Dominionsmods Forum.

Vanilla Sprite Overhaul

The Vanilla Sprite Overhaul can also be downloaded separately here.

dom5-gathering-sturm.1663112855.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/09/13 23:47 by sturm