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A Cursed unit is very unfortunate. A very specific set of rolls are weighted against their favor; these aren't combat rolls, however, which are affected by Cursed Luck instead. A typical curse basically emphasizes Murphy's Law; if something can go wrong, it probably will.

A Curse is most noticeable through Afflictions. Whenever damage is taken, the chance that it will cause an Affliction is increased by 15%. When the damage is caused by Disease, the chance is increased to 50%. Both apply before reducing traits, however.

A Cursed unit with Horror Marks on them is especially unfortunate. Horror Marks notify the Horrors beyond the Veil of a potential meal, and Horror Marks on a Cursed unit are essentially counted twice.

The latter two effects (Affliction chance through Disease and Horror attacks through Horror Marks) were given by Cursed Items in Dominions 5, but this is no longer the case. This is a positive for Cursed items, a fair amount of whom are also Tainted and also apply Horror Marks.

Sources of Curses

A couple of items curse their bearers, often on top of being cursed themselves. Curses can also be applied by Cursed Magic Sites, such as The Shattered Throne. Most Curses will come from mages, however:

  • The Curse spell requires glamour 11astral 11, since it's a (bad) luck effect. This is a Thaumaturgy.
  • The Spirit Curse spell requires death 11 and 1deathgem; it also affects only one guy, but the skill level is more common. It's a Conjuration.
  • The Doom spell requires astral 44 and 1astralpearl (or astral 33 and 2astralpearl), and it curses an entire army. It's an Alteration.
  • There are some remote Cursing Rituals, though most are national spells. The generic one is Baleful Star, which requires astral 33 and 7astralpearl, and which afflicts a random selection of units somewhere up to 7 provinces away.

Certain units curse their attackers; Curse Bestowers do it all the time, while Death Curse bearers only do it to whoever killed them. Both are resisted by Magic Resistance, with their Penetration determined by the trait.

Curse Removal

The only way to remove a Curse is through the Wish spell. Not even death removes it!

dom6/cursed.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/17 14:14 by fenrir