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Alteration is a school of magic. Its spells alter the real world directly.

This is a huge spell school, even slightly bigger than Enchantment. Aside from mere toughening spells (also known as "buffs"), there are ways to alter people for the worse, ways to alter appearances, and even ways to alter fate itself. One can even move the Moon with these spells. Whatever it is, though, Alterations are typically just as temporary as equivalent Enchantments.

Most Alterations can be cast Underwater, and the stat column will specifically note those that aren't.

For help understanding the tables, click here.

No Research Required

Spell Req Effect Stats
Air Shield air 11 A self-buff.
This makes an air bubble around you.
It'll block any single-target projectile
that isn't Armor-Negating!
Impossible Underwater
10 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Air Shield (80%)
Twist Fate astral 11 A self-buff.
Is Dominions deterministic?
Only in small bursts,
such as after casting this.
10 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Twisted Fate
(negates the next wound)
Hand of Dust death 11 Dusts a tiny area.
Technically, it's just a 1-range
single-target projectile spell,
so you're liable to miss with this in duels.
10 Fatigue
50% Casting Time
Range: 1 Square
AOE: One Target
6 AN Magic DMG (+1 per )
Poison Touch nature 11 One minute you're fine;
and the next,
someone's transmuted the inside of your shirt
into contact Poison.
Life isn't fair.
5 Fatigue
50% Casting Time
Range: 1 Square
AOE: One Target
10 AN Poison DMG (+5 per )

Alt 1

Spell Req Effect Stats
Distill Gold fire 11
A month of dilligent
There's gold in every rock,
don't you know?
+250 Gold
(Alchemical Ritual)
Charge Body air 11 A self-buff.
Suffuse yourself
in static.
This will prank
your next attacker
with DEATH!
5 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
When Hit in Melee: Discharge
20 AN Shock DMG (Attacker)
5 AN Shock DMG (Caster)
Earth Grip earth 11 An Earth classic.
The Earth will
suck someone down,
holding them there
until they push out.
10 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Range: 20 Squares
+5 Precision
AOE: One Target
Floating negates
Flying negates
Nonmagical Entrapment
(STR vs. 23 to break out)
Fists of Iron earth 11 Transforms your hands
into magic contraptions.
They'll auto-punch your foe
multiple times,
if magical enough!
20 Fatigue
50% Casting Time
Range: 1 Square
1 Punch (+1 per )
AOE: One Target
15 Blunt DMG (+STR)
Skeletal Body death 11 A self-buff.
Mummify yourself!
Don't worry,
it's only temporary.
20 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Spiritform negates
Pierce Resistance (50%)
Hand of Death death 22 Makes your hand "deadly".
Whatever that means,
it sure is effective.
5 Fatigue
50% Casting Time
Range: 1 Square
AOE: One Target
40 AN Magic DMG (+5 per )
Cat Eyes nature 11 A self-buff.
Lets you
see in
the dark
a little better.
5 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Low-light Vision
(50% Darkvision)
Eagle Eyes nature 11 A self-buff.
Improves your vision,
though not your
light contrast.
5 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Improved Precision
(+4 PREC)
Personal Barkskin nature 11 A self-buff.
Gives yourself rough,
bark-like skin.
Should your skin already be
better than tree bark,
the spell will have trouble
improving it.
5 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Spiritform negates
(+7 NAT PROT, up to 10,
or +1 if already 10 or higher)
(-5 Fire Resistance)
Personal Poison Resistance nature 11 A self-buff.
Alters your body
to resist Poison.
It's less effective than
the Enchantment…
5 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
+10 Poison Resistance
Blurred Body glamour 11 A self-buff.
Makes your appearance
cause migraines.
Rather than increase stats,
this lowers the stats
of attackers,
while they attack.
10 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Blur (Distracts Attackers)
On a Melee Hit Attempt:
True Sight negates
Blindness negates
-2 ATT (this attempt)

Alt 2

Spell Req Effect Stats
Burn fire 11 Sets someone on fire.
(Or, well, alters their state
to be "on fire".)
Rain will douse them.
Impossible Underwater
10 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Range: 30 Squares
AOE: One Target
Burn (Temporary 1dSize DMG/rnd.)
Resist Cold fire 11 A self-buff.
Opposes your body
to being cold.
Water Enchantments would
do it better, sure,
but that's another path!
10 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
+5 Cold Resistance
Personal Mistform air 22 A self-buff.
Make yourself misty!
This isn't Etherealness;
anything that goes through your form
will still hurt a little.
Colossal hits and magical damage
will end the spell,
to prevent you from coming apart.
There's also a 1% failure rate
against other stuff.
10 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Mistform (DR 25/)
When HP Damage is Taken:
Reduce it by 25, or to 1 point;
whichever lowers it by less.
Ended by the Following Hits,
after reducing their Damage:

- Hits that would otherwise do 25+ DMG
- Hits that would otherwise do 2+ DMG (1% chance)
- Magic Hits (even 0-to-1-DMG Hits)
Ice Shield water 11 A self-buff.
A slab of ice
will bob and swing
around you,
blocking roughly 50% of hits…
if they aren't Armor-Negating
or splash-damage abominations,
20 Fatigue
Underwater ONLY
100% Casting Time
Protective Force
(50% chance of +20 PROT)
Quicken Self water 11 A self-buff.
Makes you fast!
You'll act twice a round!
It doesn't speed spellcasting,
20 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Quickness (+2 ATT, +2 DEF, doubled rounds)
Resist Fire water 11 A self-buff.
Water doesn't burn,
so you'll be like that.
10 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
+5 Fire Resistance
Gooey Water water 22 Transmutes water into slime.
It doesn't drown fish;
it just makes them move slowly.
Each round, the Slimed
get a Magic Resistance check;
if this beats a 22 (with dueling DRNs),
the condition ends.
20 Fatigue
Underwater ONLY
100% Casting Time
Range: 35 Squares (+5 per )
+2 Precision
AOE: 5 Squares (+1 per )
Base Penetration: 11 ()
Slowed (-2 ATT, -2 DEF, halved rnds.)
-2 Attack Skill (on top of the above)
-2 Defence Skill (on top of the above)
Alchemical Transmutation earth 11
Honest-to-gosh Alchemy.
This doesn't make gold,
since that's a Fire metal,
but many silvery metals
are also nice.
+200 Gold
(Alchemical Ritual)
Armor of Achilles earth 11 Did Achilles ever go naked
due to his armor falling off?
Perhaps he did, in this universe.
What "Armor DMG" actually does
is not well understood.
40 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Range: 15 Squares
+3 Precision
AOE: 1 Square
10 Armor/Shield DMG
Personal Stoneskin earth 11 A self-buff.
Gives yourself rough,
stone-like skin.
This Barkskin "alternative"
has its own strengths
and shortcomings.
10 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Spiritform negates
Overrides Barkskin
(+10 NAT PROT, up to 15,
or +3 if already 13 or higher)
(-5 Cold Resistance)
Resist Lightning earth 11 A self-buff.
The Earth takes lots
of lightning, and so will you.
10 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
+5 Shock Resistance
Gift of Cheated Fate astral 11 Helps a square out.
The help is brief,
but re-appliable!
20 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Range: 10 Squares
AOE: 1 Square
Twisted Fate
(negates the next wound)
Weakness death 11 A little purple orb
that makes fellas weaker.
Good luck fixing this!
20 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Range: 25 Squares
+3 Precision
AOE: One Target
Base Penetration: 11 ()
3 Weakness (Reduces Strength)
(Ignores Air Shield)
Enlarge nature 22 Embiggens a square.
It comes with two upsides,
one downside, and one stat-change
whose badness depends on
the targets' original Size.
20 Fatigue
Range: 10 Squares
AOE: 1 Square
Spiritform negates
Enlarged (for the battle)
+1 Size
+30% HP (Current and Max)
+3 STR
-1 DEF
Mirror Image glamour 11 A self-buff.
Gives you Shadow Clones.
They do what you do;
uselessly, of course,
but they'll probably catch a sword
on your behalf!
FIXME (This was changed
from previous games, but without
full documentation on its effect.)
10 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Mirror Images (2 per )
(1 if you don't have levels)
When Hit in Melee:
Spirit Sight negates
Blindness negates
n = # of Mirror Images
N = n / (n + 1)
N chance the DMG is negated;
if 1+ DMG is negated,
one Mirror Image disappears
Blur glamour 11 Blurs a whole square.
It should be noted
that the effects are
visual, thus not working
on the Blind.
20 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Range: 20 Squares
AOE: 1 Square
Blur (Distracts Attackers)
On a Melee Hit Attempt:
True Sight negates
Blindness negates
-2 ATT (this attempt)

Alt 3

Spell Req Effect Stats
Inner Sun fire 11astral 11
A self-buffing ritual.
If a fella kills you,
you'll flash-bang them
with Pantokrator-tier sunlight!
Everyone knows how to close their eyes,
but the Undead and Demons
will have some issues.
Local (Self-Application)
The Undead cannot cast
Inner Fire
Light Explosion On Death
AOE: 35 Squares
Base Penetration: 11 ()
Demons only
Undead only
(Either one works)
15 AN Magic DMG
Cold Resistance fire 22 Inner toastiness.
This is enough to cover
Frost Clouds, in most cases.
20 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Range: 15 Squares
AOE: 1 Square
+5 Cold Resistance
Immolation fire 22 Become a giant sparkler!
According to the Mod Inspector,
mages won't use this off-script
unless they're in an Assassination battle.
Impossible Underwater
20 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Range: 0 Squares (Centered on Caster)
AOE: 7 Squares
12 AP Fire DMG (+1 per )
Protective Winds air 22 The winds will
curl around fellas.
This doesn't prevent breathing,
thank goodness.
Impossible Underwater
40 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Range: 15 Squares
AOE: 3 Squares (+1 per )
Air Shield (80%)
Mist air 33
A Battlefield Enchantment.
Thickens the air
with tiny bits of magic.
The air becomes opaque,
and an ideal medium
for Clouds to emulsify in.
Impossible Underwater
100 Fatigue
200% Casting Time
Battlefield Enchantment (Neutral)
Halves base Precision
Clouds no longer dissipate
Fire Resistance water 22 Inner coolness.
This is enough to cover
Heat Clouds, in most cases.
20 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Range: 15 Squares
AOE: 1 Square
+5 Fire Resistance
Freeze water 22 Makes fellas very cold.
There's no damage;
it just sets their states
to "frozen".
20 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Range: 25 Squares
Sure Hit
AOE: 1 Square
Freeze (Slowed, 2d6 Cold FAT/rnd.)
Personal Ironskin earth 11 A self-buff.
Gives yourself perfect,
metallic skin.
This Stoneskin "alternative" is powerful,
but it makes you more vulnerable
to common Armor-Negating DMG.
20 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Spiritform negates
Overrides Barkskin
Overrides Stoneskin
(+13 NAT PROT, up to 20,
or +5 if already 16 or higher)
(-5 Shock Resistance)
Earth Meld earth 22 First it Transmutes Rock into Mud.
Then it Transmutes Mud into Rock.
This is tiring for a reason!
60 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Range: 25 Squares
+3 Precision
AOE: 5 Squares
Floating negates
Flying negates
Nonmagical Entrapment
(STR vs. 23 to break out)
Lightning Resistance earth 22 Inner grounding.
This'll help against
the zaps of Air Elementals.
20 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Range: 15 Squares
AOE: 1 Square
+5 Shock Resistance
Body Ethereal astral 11 Makes fellas incorporeal.
This is like Blink
(from Dungeons & Dragons),
but without the 75% reduction
to the damage the fellas deal.
30 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Range: 10 Squares
AOE: 1 Square
(75% Mundanity Resistance)
Animate Tree nature 11 Makes plants "properly" alive
for a bit!
They'll be grateful enough
to mess with your foes actively,
instead of just being neutral roadblocks.
Impossible Underwater
20 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Range: 10 Squares
Sure Hit
AOE: 1 Square
Only affects Bushes & Trees
(These aren't in Wastes or Caves.)
Replaces Bushes with
Animated Bushes
(Same Size)
Replaces Trees with
Animated Trees
(Same Size)
Barkskin nature 11 Formerly called "Protection",
this spell lets fellas
avoid nasty cuts and bruises.
Even 2 AP Fire Damage
will benefit from the bark,
20 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Range: 10 Squares
AOE: 1 Square
Spiritform negates
(+7 NAT PROT, up to 10,
or +1 if already 10 or higher)
(-5 Fire Resistance)
Gift of Cat Eyes nature 11 Very helpful in caves,
this spell will scrape
2 off the typical -3 Darkness penalty.
20 Fatigue
Range: 15 Squares
AOE: 2 Squares (+1 per )
Low-light Vision
(50% Darkvision)
Mossbody nature 11water 11 Covers some fellas
in magical moss.
The moss is damp, soft,
and highly reactive.
The moss will eventually tire of helping,
dispersing in a cloud of spores.
Why isn't this an Evocation
or a Conjuration?
Because the caster has to
prep the target's skin!
20 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Range: 10 Squares
AOE: 1 Square
Spiritform negates
Mossbody (DR 15/)
Reduces DMG taken (75% chance)
- Doesn't affect Internal Damage.
- First, adds 5 Fire Resistance,
just against this Damage.
- Then, reduces DMG by 15 or to zero;
whichever lowers it by less.
D = (DMG taken / 15)
(calculated after Fire Resistance,
but before Damage Reduction)
D chance to "Pop"
after reducing the DMG taken:

Removes the trait
AOE: 4 Squares
1 AN Poison DMG
Torpor nature 22 Triggers hibernation
in some fellas.
It also adds some Fatigue,
just in case.
20 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Range: 35 Squares
Sure Hit
AOE: 1 Square
Base Penetration: 11 ()
Mindless negates
Undead negates
Inanimate negates
20 AN Magic FAT (+5 per )
Asleep (useless until harmed)
Displace Body glamour 22 A self-buff.
Offsets your image by a step.
Fellas will catch on quick,
but they'll have trouble
finding where you really are!
10 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Overrides Blur
Displacement (Fools Attackers)
On a Melee Hit Attempt:
True Sight negates
Blindness negates
-10 ATT (first attempt only)
-5 ATT (successive attempts)
Group Blur glamour 22 Blurs several squares.
Does not stack with
Displacement or Invisibility,
40 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Range: 20 Squares
AOE: 3 Squares (+1 per )
Blur (Distracts Attackers)
On a Melee Hit Attempt:
True Sight negates
Blindness negates
-2 ATT (this attempt)

Alt 4

Spell Req Effect Stats
Combustion fire 11 Sets some fellas on fire.
(Or, well, alters their states
to be "on fire".)
Snow will douse them.
Impossible Underwater
20 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Range: 30 Squares
AOE: 1 Square
Burn (Temporary 1dSize DMG/rnd.)
Lacerating Winds air 22 Japanese RPG wind magic.
This shapes air to be
mean and punishing!
Impossible Underwater
20 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Range: 45 Squares (+5 per )
+1 Precision
AOE: 5 Squares (+1 per )
5 Magic DMG (+1 per )
Mistform air 22 Makes a square foggy.
How will the fellas
stay distinct from each other?
20 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Range: 10 Squares
AOE: 1 Square
Mistform (DR 25/)
When HP Damage is Taken:
Reduce it by 25, or to 1 point;
whichever lowers it by less.
Ended by the Following Hits,
after reducing their Damage:

- Hits that would otherwise do 25+ DMG
- Hits that would otherwise do 2+ DMG (1% chance)
- Magic Hits (even 0-to-1-DMG Hits)
Liquid Body water 11 A self-buff.
Become a liquid!
Weapon attacks
won't matter all that much,
but your bones and muscles
are rigid for a reason!
20 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Spiritform negates
Liquid Body (Soft Fortitude)
Slash Resistance (50%)
Blunt Resistance (50%)
Pierce Resistance (50%)
+1 Affliction Resistance (1 gives ~50%)
-4 STR
-25% CS
Encase in Ice water 22 Freezes a square.
While in a block of ice,
fellas are protected,
but can't do a thing!
The ice lasts 10 rounds at most.
Underwater ONLY
20 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Range: 25 Squares
Sure Hit
AOE: 1 Square
Encased in Ice (Entrapped)
C = 10
+C Armor Protection
5 AN Cold FAT/rnd.
STR vs. (12 + C) to break out
On a Failed Breakout:
→ Take your roll and the opposing roll
→ Subtract C from the opposing roll
B = (STR roll) - (opposing roll)
→ If B ≤ 0, subtract 1 from C;
Otherwise, subtract B from C

If C ≤ 0, break out
Quickness water 22 Speeds a square.
The quick get twice
as many rounds as others!
This doesn't speed up
spellcasting, however.
20 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Range: 15 Squares
+1 Precision
AOE: 1 Square
Quickness (+2 ATT, +2 DEF, doubled rounds)
Slow water 22 Slows a square.
The slow don't just
move slower;
they also cast spells slower!
20 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Range: 30 Squares
Sure Hit
AOE: 1 Square
Base Penetration: 11 ()
Slowed (-2 ATT, -2 DEF, halved rounds)
Wolven Winter water 33
Do you need Cold?
Good news!
This ritual exists.
It's not without consequence,
but it's also "anonymous".
Range: 5 Provinces
Seas are immune
Cold Wave
+Cold3 (Scale Dump)
5% Popkill
Temper Flesh earth 11 A self-buff.
Temper yourself,
like iron or something!
This is another Fire counter;
such an unfortunate path.
20 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Spiritform negates
+5 Fire Resistance
Slash Resistance (50%)
Blunt Resistance (50%)
Pierce Resistance (50%)
Stoneskin earth 22 Stoneskin for fellas
other than yourself;
or yourself as well,
if you cast it on your square.
20 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Range: 15 Squares
AOE: 1 Square
Spiritform negates
Overrides Barkskin
(+10 NAT PROT, up to 15,
or +3 if already 13 or higher)
(-5 Cold Resistance)
Blight earth 22death 11
A provincial attack spell.
(Also known as a war crime.)
Strikes the soil,
causing a famine.
In these dark ages,
nations can only buy 120 Gold
worth of food
to bring to the victims.
Range: 5 Provinces (Enemy)
Seas are immune
Crop Blight
Max. 1/province/turn
+15 Unrest
5% Popkill
-120 Gold
Curse of Stones earth 33
With a red flash,
the Earth's weight
will seemingly lay on foes.
This expensive spell
is easily "dodged",
if only because the Earth
is far from smooth.
Cast it early
for the maximum effect.
300 Fatigue
200% Casting Time
100% Battlefield Spell (Enemies)
Base Penetration: 7 ()
The Curse of Stones
-25% CS
+3 ENC
+1d4 FAT whenever a unit changes position
Destruction earth 33 To be frank,
I have no idea
what this spell does.
Maybe the damage
gets a multiplier…
40 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Range: 30 Squares
+3 Precision
AOE: 6 Squares
5 Armor/Shield DMG
Stygian Skin death 11water 11 A self-buff.
Step 1: Make water.
Step 2: Make it
water from the Styx.
Step 3: Shower yourself.
If underwater, just do Step 2
and wave your hands a bit.
20 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Stygian Invulnerability
(Min. 15 Mundane NAT PROT)
Arouse Hunger death 33
Turns some guys
into ravenous Ghouls.
Which guys?
Well… layabouts.
Presumably one's made a
Commander, if you use this
as a remote attack.
Impossible Underwater
Range: 5 Provinces
Seas are immune
Ghoul x40 (+5 per )
Elemental Fortitude nature 11 A self-buff.
Elemental Resistance,
at least to the
main three elements.
Is Poison an element?
This spell says no.
10 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
+5 Fire Resistance
+5 Shock Resistance
+5 Cold Resistance
Group Barkskin nature 22 This already?
I struggle to
find a thing to say
about this.
40 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Range: 15 Squares
AOE: 3 Squares (+1 per )
Spiritform negates
(+7 NAT PROT, up to 10,
or +1 if already 10 or higher)
(-5 Fire Resistance)
Shrink nature 22 Growth is temporary,
but Shrinking?
That's forever.
Is shrinking bad?
In most cases, yes.
20 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Range: 20 Squares (+2 per )
AOE: 1 Square
Base Penetration: 11 ()
Spiritform negates
Shrunk (forever)
-1 Size
-30% HP (Current and Max)
-3 STR
+1 DEF
-2 MM
Swarm nature 22
This turns whatever critters
are closest into giants!
(By their standards.)
Shrimp and minnows
are changed instead.
100 Fatigue
125% Casting Time
Range: Closest Squares
20 Random Fellas (+2 per )
- Frog (land)
- Large Ant (land)
- Large Beetle (land)
- Large Spider (land)
- Dragonfly (land)
- Fish (Underwater)
- Large Shrimp (Underwater)
- Large Fish (Underwater, rare)
Twilight glamour 33
A Battlefield Enchantment.
Twilight in Dominions is weird!
This spell uses that
to the caster's advantage.
The caster and
their mage friends
will benefit greatly from this!
Impossible Underwater
100 Fatigue
200% Casting Time
Battlefield Enchantment (Neutral)
No effect in any Darkness value
other than zero

+glamour 11 pathboost
Skewed Perspectives
True Sight negates
Darkvision negates

Alt 5

Spell Req Effect Stats
Transmute Fire fire 22
Turn firegemFire Gems
directly into gold!
No base metals are involved.
Does this mean Alchemy's a sham?
No, shush, perish the thought!
+350 Gold
(Alchemical Ritual)
Cold Resistant Warriors fire 33
A Level-3 Resist.
Very nice to have.
100 Fatigue
125% Casting Time
Range: 15 Squares
AOE: 20 Squares (+1 per )
+5 Cold Resistance
Incinerate fire 33 Light a fire in their heart!
(Or, well, whatever cavity they have.
There's gotta be something, right?)
20 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Range: 30 Squares
Sure Hit
AOE: One Target
18 Internal Fire DMG (+2 per )
Solar Eclipse fire 33astral 11
Gives the Sun
a little spot.
What's the effect,
in Dominions?
Night-like Darkness, of course!
As for why it doesn't
work underwater… Um…
Separation from the Sun, I guess?
Impossible Underwater
100 Fatigue
200% Casting Time
Battlefield Enchantment (Neutral)
Sets Darkness to 3
(Other effects can make it higher.)
Arrow Ward air 33
The air will now
block enemy projectiles,
for many lucky fellas.
Impossible Underwater
40 Fatigue
125% Casting Time
Range: 15 Squares
AOE: 20 Squares (+1 per )
Air Shield (80%)
Storm air 44
A Battlefield Enchantment.
Alters the weather
to be very bad.
Imagine Level-2 Rain,
or Level-2 Snow!
Some like it a lot;
most don't, however.
Impossible Underwater
Impossible in Caves
100 Fatigue
200% Casting Time
Battlefield Enchantment (Neutral)
Halves base PREC
Interrupts 50% of Projectiles
(but only nonmagical ones)
Bans Flying
(Storm Immunity allows Flying)
Douses Burning units
Clouds dissipate 100% faster
In Heat0+:
Primarily-Fire spells that
can't be cast Underwater
cost 50% more Fatigue
Gift of Formlessness water 22 Gives fellas
indefinite forms.
Is this always good? No.
Is it good for line-holders?
Arguably, yes!
40 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Range: 10 Squares
AOE: 1 Square
Spiritform negates
Liquid Body (Soft Fortitude)
Slash Resistance (50%)
Blunt Resistance (50%)
Pierce Resistance (50%)
+1 Affliction Resistance (1 gives ~50%)
-4 STR
-25% CS
Fire Resistant Warriors water 33
A Level-3 Resist.
Quite nice to have.
100 Fatigue
125% Casting Time
Range: 15 Squares
AOE: 20 Squares (+1 per )
+5 Fire Resistance
Winter's Chill water 33 Makes many fellas cold…
from the inside out, anyway.
At least it's kinda gentle.
20 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Range: 25 Squares
Sure Hit
AOE: 5 Squares (+1 per )
Freeze (Slowed, 2d6 Cold FAT/rnd.)
Bone Melter water 33nature 22 Turns a square to goo,
particularly the bones.
Spirit Forms lack bones,
while the Ethereal hide theirs.
20 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Range: 25 Squares
+3 Precision
AOE: 1 Square
Base Penetration: 11 ()
Spiritform negates
Nonmagical Instakill
Ironskin earth 22 Give fellas
flawless skin,
as long as they don't mind
being extra conductive.
40 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Range: 10 Squares
+2 Precision
AOE: 1 Square
Spiritform negates
Overrides Barkskin
Overrides Stoneskin
(+13 NAT PROT, up to 20,
or +5 if already 16 or higher)
(-5 Shock Resistance)
Group Stoneskin earth 33 Stoneskin for many.
It's alright;
6 AP Cold DMG or more
will get through it, though.
40 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Range: 15 Squares
AOE: 3 Squares (+1 per )
Spiritform negates
Overrides Barkskin
(+10 NAT PROT, up to 15,
or +3 if already 13 or higher)
(-5 Cold Resistance)
Lightning Resistant Warriors earth 33
A Level-3 Resist.
Nice to know how to cast.
100 Fatigue
125% Casting Time
Range: 15 Squares
AOE: 20 Squares (+1 per )
+5 Shock Resistance
Maws of the Earth earth 33
Gives Gaia a mouth,
so she can crush some idiots.
After the bite, the mouth
reverts to being normal ground.
100 Fatigue
125% Casting Time
Range: 30 Squares (+5 per )
+3 Precision
AOE: 7 Squares (+1 per )
Floating negates
Flying negates
15 AP Magic DMG (+1 per )
Also: Nonmagical Entrapment
(STR vs. 23 to break out)
Shatter earth 33 Breaks a body.
The body must be lifeless;
otherwise, the forces of Earth
would feel guilty about it.
20 Fatigue
Range: 15 Squares
Sure Hit
AOE: One Target
Inanimate only
35 AN Magic DMG (+5 per )
On DMG: Limp
Limp (Halved CS)
Also on DMG: Cripple
Base Penetration: 11 ()
Crippled (CS capped at 2)
Baleful Star astral 33
A provincial attack spell.
Spins the Stellar Sphere
so that Maleficent,
the unluckiest of stars,
shines over some fellas.
Those closest get cursed.
Everyone else gets uppity.
Impossible Underwater
Range: 7 Provinces
An Ill Omen
Max. 1/province/turn
+Misfortune3 (Scale Dump)
+30 Unrest
Curses Units (10%)
Enfeeble death 22
Alters some fellas'
Strength scores
to be 2 points lower.
It's petty, but effective!
100 Fatigue
125% Casting Time
Range: 25 Squares
+3 Precision
AOE: 6 Squares (+2 per )
Base Penetration: 11 ()
2 Weakness (Reduces Strength)
Invulnerability death 33 A self-buff.
Reserves your flesh
for mortification by magic.
This works with Armor Protection,
but not Skin protection.
Liches have a similar thing
that's always active!
20 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Overrides Stygian Invulnerability
Lichlike Invulnerability
(Min. 25 Mundane NAT PROT)
Drain Life death 44 Some arithmetic;
adds to your HP,
by subtracting from another's.
10 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Range: 30 Squares
Sure Hit
AOE: One Target
Inanimate negates
14 AN Drain DMG (+1 per )
Blood Poisoning nature 22 A ranged Poison Touch.
Just imagine
having some of your blood
turned AB+ from far away!
I wouldn't go outside.
20 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Range: 30 Squares
Sure Hit
AOE: One Target
15 Internal Poison DMG (+2 per )
Gift of Cat Eyes nature 33
Preps many fellas
for cave combat.
Good for archers, mages…
Anyone, really.
100 Fatigue
Range: 15 Squares
125% Casting Time
AOE: 20 Squares (+1 per )
Low-light Vision
(50% Darkvision)
Mother Oak nature 55
A provincial Global Encahtnment.
Knights an oak tree,
like how I imagine Treelords
can be re-summoned
in different provinces.
Do they become Yggdrasil?
No, Yggdrasil is an ash tree.
Global Enchantment (Local)
+Growth2 (Adjusts the Base)
+10naturegem per turn
Nightfall glamour 33
A simulated sunset.
It only works with Twilight.
It also suppresses Twilight;
if the Nightfaller bites it,
Twilight resumes.
Impossible Underwater
100 Fatigue
200% Casting Time
Requires Twilight
Battlefield Enchantment (Neutral)
Sets Darkness to 3
(Other effects can make it higher.)
Stops working if Twilight is Dispelled
Shadow Warriors glamour 33
Blurs many squares!
Again, this is a
low-priority Glamour thingy,
like Barkskin to other skins.
100 Fatigue
125% Casting Time
Range: 20 Squares
AOE: 20 Squares (+1 per )
Blur (Distracts Attackers)
On a Melee Hit Attempt:
True Sight negates
Blindness negates
-2 ATT (this attempt)

Alt 6

Spell Req Effect Stats
Blindness fire 11 Ruins a fella's eyes.
The description says
it does this with a burst of light;
how does Alteration do that?
Perhaps it makes the pupils white, instead.
20 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Range: 20 Squares
Sure Hit
AOE: One Target
Blinded (-9 ATT, -9 DEF, & -9 PREC)
Boil fire 33water 11 Boiling part of the ocean?
Boiling part of the BOTTOM of the ocean?
No wonder only a master can cast this!
Underwater ONLY
20 Fatigue
Range: 30 Squares
Sure Hit
AOE: 1 Square
9 AN Fire DMG (+1 per )
Blizzard air 44water 33
A Battlefield Enchantment.
Force a Temperature in battle!
This spell can't work miracles;
it won't work in super-hot provinces.
It's a hybrid spell, really.
Already cold? Just cast Storm.
Do you need more coldness?
Just cast Wolven Winter.
Impossible Underwater
Impossible in Caves
Requires Heat0 or Heat1
100 Fatigue
200% Casting Time
Battlefield Enchantment (Neutral)
Sets Scales to Cold1
Also casts Storm for free
Frozen Heart water 11 The Cold version of Incinerate.
You don't have to hunt for a cavity,
so this spell is easier to cast!
It is weaker, though,
and it only hits hydrated organs.
20 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Range: 25 Squares (+5 per )
Inanimate negates
10 Internal Cold DMG (+2 per )
Manifest Vitriol water 22fire 11
Proof that Alchemy
isn't a total sham!
They can't make gold
from base metals, sure,
but they can make avatars of sulfur!
These fellas are mindless, magical,
and possessing corrosive purpose.
Impossible Underwater
Green Lion x1
Earth Gem Alchemy earth 22
Turn earthgemEarth Gems
into shiny metals!
Some of the metal is gold;
the rest is pawned off offscreen
in an inefficient, frustrating manner.
+300 Gold
(Alchemical Ritual)
Group Ironskin earth 33 Buffs up three squares, at least.
Excellent in most cases!
60 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Range: 15 Squares
+2 Precision
AOE: 3 Squares (+1 per )
Spiritform negates
Overrides Barkskin
Overrides Stoneskin
(+13 NAT PROT, up to 20,
or +5 if already 16 or higher)
(-5 Shock Resistance)
Iron Bane earth 33
The bane of iron, this spell gives it
a "durability" problem.
You could cast it underwater;
or you could wait a turn or two
before starting your battle.
100 Fatigue
150% Casting Time
100% Battlefield Spell (Neutral)
Rusty Equipment (brittleness)
(Only affects Iron gear!)
Iron Pigs earth 33nature 11
Permanent Ironskin!
No one will volunteer for this;
thus, this spell applies it to swine.
Impossible Underwater
Iron Pig x10 (+½ per )
Petrify earth 55 Makes fellas rock-hard.
They're effectively
until they battle ends;
or even afterwards, if their poor souls
can't adjust back to fleshiness.
They're made immobile, though,
so this may lengthen battles a bit.
40 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Range: 30 Squares
Sure Hit
AOE: 1 Square
Spiritform negates
Stone negates
Petrification (Statue'd)
Min. 20 Natural Protection
Slash Resistance (50%)
Pierce Resistance (50%)
This ends with the battle,
or upon Round 100.
When This Ends:
MR vs. 13 negates ()
Control astral 33
Want an Angel servant
as Arcoscephale?
Simple! Just Enslave one!
Even the really advanced ones
rely on simple strands you can pull.
100 Fatigue
125% Casting Time
Range: 25 Squares
Sure Hit
AOE: One Target
Base Penetration: 11 ()
Magic Beings only
Enslavement (Made your Pawn)
Rewrite Fate astral 44
Helps a bunch out.
It might stop
a sizeable evocation!
100 Fatigue
125% Casting Time
Range: 15 Squares
+5 Precision
AOE: 20 Squares (+1 per )
Twisted Fate
(negates the next wound)
Soul Vortex death 33 A self-buff.
Gives you a soul-sucking aura.
This is best for fellas
in big crowds, friendly or otherwise.
40 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Drain Aura (8)
Roughly 8 Times a Round:
Targets a random adjacent square,
or the caster's square.
The caster's Mount is immune.
Base Penetration: 11 ()
1 AN Drain DMG
Darkness death 44
Magical darkness,
like in D&D.
Why has it come so late?
Because some fellas really like this.
Impossible Underwater
400 Fatigue
275% Casting Time
Battlefield Enchantment (Neutral)
Sets Darkness to 6
Skeletal Legion death 44
Mummify others!
It's only temporary,
but it's still freaky…
It also affects spirits, somehow,
giving them spirit-y bones.
100 Fatigue
150% Casting Time
100% Battlefield Spell (Friendly)
Does not affect the caster,
except in Assassination battles.
Pierce Resistance (50%)
On Hit: Disease All Friendly
Base Penetration: 11 ()
Diseased (-10% HP/turn)
Transformation nature 22
A self-affecting ritual.
Roll the dice to see
if Nature bails you out!
Afflictions won't vanish,
but your salary might.
Your age resets, and you might
learn a thing or two!
Undead negates
Inanimate negates
Spiritform negates
Transform (random result)
Venomous Death nature 22death 11 Puts Asp venom in someone.
The oh-so-tiny snakebite
is actually stronger than this spell,
provided that it busts through armor,
but this spell disregards armor entirely.
20 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Range: 30 Squares
Sure Hit
AOE: One Target
25 Internal Poison DMG (+3 per )
On DMG: Decay
Base Penetration: 11 ()
Decaying (Age 5 years/rnd.)
Eagle-eyed Warriors nature 33
Gives everyone glasses.
How else will your archers hit stuff?
100 Fatigue
125% Casting Time
Range: 15 Squares
AOE: 20 Squares (+1 per )
Improved Precision
(+4 PREC)
Giant Warriors nature 33
Embiggens ten squares.
Dominions 6 lets you
enlarge Titans,
other than the Great Mother!
20 Fatigue
125% Casting Time
Range: 10 Squares
AOE: 10 Squares
Spiritform negates
Enlarged (for the battle)
+1 Size
+30% HP (Current and Max)
+3 STR
-1 DEF
Wooden Warriors nature 33
10 Protection
for over twenty guys.
100 Fatigue
125% Casting Time
Range: 15 Squares
AOE: 20 Squares (+1 per )
Spiritform negates
(+7 NAT PROT, up to 10,
or +1 if already 10 or higher)
(-5 Fire Resistance)
Gift of Displacement glamour 22 Displaces a whole square.
This must be annoying
for everyone else!
20 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Range: 10 Squares
AOE: 1 Square
Overrides Blur
Displacement (Fools Attackers)
On a Melee Hit Attempt:
True Sight negates
Blindness negates
-10 ATT (first attempt only)
-5 ATT (successive attempts)
Invisibility glamour 33 A self-buff.
Removes your image altogether.
The Genies invented this, probably!
It lasts until you get hurt;
presumably, the bruise/scratch isn't hidden.
10 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Overrides Blur
Overrides Displacement
Overrides Mirror Image
Unseen (Temp. Invisibility)
On a Melee Hit Attempt:
True Sight negates
Attacker swings Blindly (-9 ATT)
When Attacking Someone Else:
True Sight negates
Defender dodges Blindly (-9 DEF)
Unseen ends when DMG is taken.
Mirage glamour 44
A province enhancement Ritual.
A fake fort!
A castle of air!
An elaborate ruse!
Even Scouts are confused!
This'll get a laugh out of
besieging forces, hopefully.
Range: 4 Provinces (Friendly)
Duration: 1 (+3 per glamourgem)
(Or until the province changes Hands)
Adds a fake Fort

Alt 7

Spell Req Effect Stats
Phoenix Pyre fire 22 A self-buff.
Makes you half-Phoenix.
Die, and you'll return!
You'll even self-immolate.
This is exhausting,
but it can trigger many times
in a single battle!
Impossible Underwater
20 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Phoenix Pyre
On Death:
Triggers on your "last" life,
if you have under 100 Fatigue.
First, you explode.
- Range: 0 Squares (Centered on Caster)
- AOE: 50 Squares
- 10 AP Fire DMG
Then, you come back.
- Random Teleport
- Resurrect
This exhausts you.
- F = 30 + (exploding 1d20)
- Gain F FAT
Arrow Fend air 33
Say "no" to arrows!
How do you breathe
air this thick?
This was an Enchantment
in the previous games.
Impossible Underwater
100 Fatigue
150% Casting Time
100% Battlefield Spell (Friendly)
Air Shield (80%)
Fog Warriors air 44
MORE Mistform!
A spell like this
sorta dominated the last game,
back when Evocations
weren't well-liked.
100 Fatigue
125% Casting Time
Range: 15 Squares
AOE: 20 Squares (+1 per )
Mistform (DR 25/)
When HP Damage is Taken:
Reduce it by 25, or to 1 point;
whichever lowers it by less.
Ended by the Following Hits,
after reducing their Damage:

- Hits that would otherwise do 25+ DMG
- Hits that would otherwise do 2+ DMG (1% chance)
- Magic Hits (even 0-to-1-DMG Hits)
Crawl water 33
It's the Slowening!
Lay this on an army
to limit their offensive output.
100 Fatigue
125% Casting Time
Range: 30 Squares
Sure Hit
AOE: 6 Squares (+2 per )
Base Penetration: 11 ()
Slowed (-2 ATT, -2 DEF, halved rounds)
Prison of Sedna water 33
Freezes many squares!
It only freezes squares
with units, however.
Odd, isn't it?
Underwater ONLY
100 Fatigue
125% Casting Time
Range: 25 Squares
Sure Hit
AOE: 6 Squares (+2 per )
Encased in Ice (Entrapped)
C = 10
+C Armor Protection
5 AN Cold FAT/rnd.
STR vs. (12 + C) to break out
On a Failed Breakout:
→ Take your roll and the opposing roll
→ Subtract C from the opposing roll
B = (STR roll) - (opposing roll)
→ If B ≤ 0, subtract 1 from C;
Otherwise, subtract B from C

If C ≤ 0, break out
Wave Warriors water 33
Gives many fellas
indefinite shapes.
You might as well go wide,
100 Fatigue
125% Casting Time
Range: 15 Squares
AOE: 20 Squares (+1 per )
Spiritform negates
Liquid Body (Soft Fortitude)
Slash Resistance (50%)
Blunt Resistance (50%)
Pierce Resistance (50%)
+1 Affliction Resistance (1 gives ~50%)
-4 STR
-25% CS
Ice Walls water 55
A fort-enhancing Ritual.
Spray water on the walls,
and freeze it with magic.
It works, I swear!
Why doesn't it work Underwater?
Because ice floats.
FIXME the Modinspector
seems to say the spell
works up to Heat2
Impossible Underwater
Local (Fort)
Ends in Heat0 or hotter temperatures
(Or if the Fort changes Hands,
or if the Caster's Mind fails)
W = 500 x Cold
If W < 0, make it 0
Boosts Wall Integrity by W,
unless the Walls are Breached

Walls will block Ethereal units.
Sea of Ice water 66
A Global Enchantment.
Forget the ocean!
Nothing interesting
is down there, anyway.
This spell caps it in ice;
picture Antarctica or Greenland,
but even less hospitable!
It also freezes lakes and rivers,
because why not.
Global Enchantment
Breaks all Land-Sea Province Connections
Until Dispelled

Coastal provinces won't be Coasts
for the purpose of Rituals:
- Bans Trade Wind
- Bans Tidal Wave
- Bans Lost Land
Also Freezes Fresh Water
- Makes all Rivers Crossable by everyone
- Disables Fresh Water's effect on Population growth
- Negates Wrath of the Sea
Marble Warriors earth 33
White skin for all!
Or black skin,
if it's that kind of marble.
Or maybe swirly skin.
100 Fatigue
125% Casting Time
Range: 15 Squares
AOE: 20 Squares (+1 per )
Spiritform negates
Overrides Barkskin
(+10 NAT PROT, up to 15,
or +3 if already 13 or higher)
(-5 Cold Resistance)
Iron Walls earth 55
A fort-enhancing Ritual.
Transmutes walls into Iron;
magical iron, even!
This doesn't last super long,
but it won't randomly stop
in the summer.
Local (Fort)
Duration: 1 (+1 per earthgem)
(Or until the Fort changes hands,
or until the Caster's Mind fails)
Boosts Wall Integrity by 2000,
unless the Walls are Breached

Walls will block Ethereal units.
Doom astral 44
The bane of
physical gods.
This guarantees problems
for their souls,
and the souls of everyone
in their acquaintance.
100 Fatigue
150% Casting Time
100% Battlefield Spell (Enemy)
Cursed (+15% Affliction chance)
Will of the Fates astral 55
Has the Fates decide
that your army is good
for one disaster.
Does this block Doom?
200 Fatigue
175% Casting Time
100% Battlefield Spell (Friendly)
Twisted Fate (negates the next wound)
Enchanted Walls astral 55
A fort-enhancing Ritual.
Assigns the "magic" tag
to a fort's walls.
Some low-level magic items
are made in this manner,
by the way;
maybe that explains this spell's
weakness and long duration.
Local (Fort)
Duration: 1 (+3 per astralpearl)
(Or until the Fort changes hands,
or until the Caster's Mind fails)
Boosts Wall Integrity by 100,
unless the Walls are Breached

Walls will block Ethereal units.
Bone Grinding death 77
This crunches bones,
with an unusual preference
for the lower ones.
It only bends the calcium
of this world, however.
100 Fatigue
150% Casting Time
100% Battlefield Spell (Caster)
3 AN Nonmagical DMG
Also: Battlefield Limp
50% Battlefield Spell (Caster)
Base Penetration: 11 ()
Limp (Halved CS)
Also Also: Battlefield Cripple
50% Battlefield Spell (Caster)
Base Penetration: 7 ()
Crippled (CS capped at 2)
Curse of the Frog Prince nature 22 Ribbit's a fella.
What will they do now?
20 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Range: 25 Squares
Sure Hit
AOE: One Target
Base Penetration: 11 ()
Mindless negates
Undead negates
Inanimate negates
Spiritform negates
Transform (Frog)
Creeping Doom nature 33
Extra spam!
This is what,
seven squares of fellas?
That's still sizeable!
Impossible Underwater
100 Fatigue
125% Casting Time
Range: Closest Squares
70 Random Fellas (+5 per )
- Frog (land)
- Large Ant (land)
- Large Beetle (land)
- Large Spider (land)
- Dragonfly (land)
Oaken Army nature 44
Formerly "Mass Protection",
this spell guards all friends
by making them gross-looking.
300 Fatigue
200% Casting Time
100% Battlefield Spell (Friendly)
Spiritform negates
(+7 NAT PROT, up to 10,
or +1 if already 10 or higher)
(-5 Fire Resistance)
Army of Shades glamour 44
Blurs everyone!
You might as well
cast this;
it's the widest-reaching
Glamour buff of this sort.
200 Fatigue
175% Casting Time
100% Battlefield Spell (Friendly)
Blur (Distracts Attackers)
On a Melee Hit Attempt:
True Sight negates
Blindness negates
-2 ATT (this attempt)
Immaculate Fort glamour 55
A fort-enhancing Ritual.
Potemkin's your village!
(Err, your fort.)
It'll be nice to visit and live at,
and it won't show any damage!
That will confuse besiegers.
Local (Fort)
Duration: 1 (+1 per glamourgem)
(Or until the Fort changes Hands,
or until the Caster's Mind fails)
-5 Unrest/turn
Halves Siege Strength against this Fort
Walls will block Ethereal units.

Alt 8

Spell Req Effect Stats
Conflagration fire 22 Sets many fellas on fire.
(Or, well, alters their states
to be "on fire".)
It could be useful!
Impossible Underwater
20 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Range: 30 Squares
Sure Hit
AOE: 10 Squares
Burn (Temporary 1dSize DMG/rnd.)
Flameflesh Army fire 44
A Level-4 Resist,
formerly known as
"Warriors of Muspelheim".
200 Fatigue
175% Casting time
100% Battlefield Spell (Friendly)
+5 Cold Resistance
All-consuming Pyre fire 55
Spontaneously combust!
Generally, mages won't
use this outside of
Assassination battles,
unless told to.
100 Fatigue
125% Casting Time
Range: 0 Squares (Centered on Caster)
AOE: 40 Squares
20 AP Fire DMG (+2 per )
Army of Mist air 55
EVEN MORE Mistform!
This will block…
one spell,
and many more melee hits!
300 Fatigue
200% Casting Time
100% Battlefield Spell (Friendly)
Mistform (DR 25/)
When HP Damage is Taken:
Reduce it by 25, or to 1 point;
whichever lowers it by less.
Ended by the Following Hits,
after reducing their Damage:

- Hits that would otherwise do 25+ DMG
- Hits that would otherwise do 2+ DMG (1% chance)
- Magic Hits (even 0-to-1-DMG Hits)
Quickening water 22
There shall be many!
Pray that the foes
don't cast Wind of Death!
100 Fatigue
125% Casting Time
Range: 20 Squares
AOE: 9 Squares (+1 per )
Quickness (+2 ATT, +2 DEF, doubled rounds)
Liquify water 44 Turn fellas into goo!
It's a strong spell,
but one that most fellas can
partially resist.
20 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Range: 30 Squares
Sure Hit
AOE: 3 Squares
Base Penetration: 7 ()
Spiritform negates
Nonmagical Instakill
Also: Cripple
Base Penetration: 15 ()
Spiritform negates
Crippled (CS capped at 2)
Frostflesh Army water 44
A Level-4 Resist,
formerly known as
"Warriors of Niefelheim".
200 Fatigue
175% Casting time
100% Battlefield Spell (Friendly)
+5 Fire Resistance
Ground Army earth 44
A Level-4 Resist,
always named this.
200 Fatigue
175% Casting time
100% Battlefield Spell (Friendly)
+5 Shock Resistance
Iron Warriors earth 44
The best Iron spell.
There are other
metal spells, though,
in the next level.
200 Fatigue
150% Casting Time
Range: 15 Squares
+2 Precision
AOE: 20 Squares (+1 per )
Spiritform negates
Overrides Barkskin
Overrides Stoneskin
(+13 NAT PROT, up to 20,
or +5 if already 16 or higher)
(-5 Shock Resistance)
Marble Army earth 44
This came quick!
100% stone stuff,
for all your protective needs.
300 Fatigue
200% Casting Time
100% Battlefield Spell (Friendly)
Spiritform negates
Overrides Barkskin
(+10 NAT PROT, up to 15,
or +3 if already 13 or higher)
(-5 Cold Resistance)
Wizard's Tower earth 44
Makes a fort!
It's not great
for city stuff,
but it'll do
when you need
strong walls
or quick Commander Points.
Range: 4 Provinces (Friendly)
Fort negates
Wizard's Tower
Crumble earth 55
Undoes a fort's walls,
or at least tries to.
It may maim the locals!
It's a bit Earthquake-like,
but it's not an Evocation.
Range: 4 Provinces (Fort)
Does 400 Wall Damage (+50 per )
Also: Crumbling Infrastructure
Targets half of those inside the fort
(Not Patrollers or Besiegers)
DEF vs. 3d6 negates (Exploding, No Parry)
3 AP Blunt DMG
Arcane Domination astral 77
One of those
"flex" spells,
that you pop with
a massive overkill.
This flips a whole army,
if they're all magical.
700 Fatigue
300% Casting Time
100% Battlefield Spell (Enemy)
Base Penetration: 7 ()
Magic Beings only
Enslavement (Made your Pawn)
Disintegrate death 22 Turns a fella into dust.
How is this so easy to cast?
I don't know.
It even transmutes spirits,
if only long enough
to punt them down under.
10 Fatigue
100% Casting Time
Range: 30 Squares
Sure Hit
AOE: One Target
Base Penetration: 11 ()
Polymorph nature 33
Circe cast this once!
This spell is especially
handy if you're underwater,
since piggies lack gills.
That seems a bit
war-crime-ish, though.
FIXME is the
underwater result
any different?
200 Fatigue
150% Casting Time
Range: 25 Squares
+5 Precision
AOE: 10 Squares (+2 per )
Base Penetration: 11 ()
Mindless negates
Undead negates
Inanimate negates
Spiritform negates
No Friendly Fire
Transform (Boar)
Army of Giants nature 55
Embiggens your army.
Leverage the bigness
against your vile foes!
300 Fatigue
200% Casting Time
100% Battlefield Spell (Friendly)
Spiritform negates
Enlarged (for the battle)
+1 Size
+30% HP (Current and Max)
+3 STR
-1 DEF
Displaced Warriors glamour 44
Displaces a small-ish army.
What about the squares?
I don't think the terrain
is also displaced.
100 Fatigue
125% Casting Time
Range: 15 Squares
AOE: 20 Squares (+1 per )
Overrides Blur
Displacement (Fools Attackers)
On a Melee Hit Attempt:
True Sight negates
Blindness negates
-10 ATT (first attempt only)
-5 ATT (successive attempts)
Eternal Twilight glamour 88
A Global Enchantment.
Worldwide Twilight
shouldn't be possible;
but alas, this is Dominions.
The odd blend-o'-light
kneels to your God,
but will otherwise be
mischievous and capricious.

FIXME The death
mechanics are inferred
Global Enchantment
Deep Seas are immune
Caves are immune
+Magic1 (Adjusts the Base)
For each Hostile Unit:
MOR vs. 10 negates
(Easier check in Crowded Provinces)
MR vs. 10 negates
(Easier check in Crowded Provinces)
Outside your Dominion, and/or
within Hostile Provinces:

-10% Income
-20% Resources
In Battle: Twilight
No effect in any Darkness value
other than zero

+glamour 11 pathboost
Skewed Perspectives:
True Sight negates
Darkvision negates

Alt 9

Note that, in standard games, you research only one of these game-changers at a time.

Spell Req Effect Stats
Army of Gold earth 55fire 11
It's like Ironskin,
but significantly better.
There are no extra downsides!
300 Fatigue
200% Casting Time
100% Battlefield Spell (Friendly)
Spiritform negates
+5 Fire Resistance
Overrides Barkskin
Overrides Stoneskin
(+13 NAT PROT, up to 20,
or +5 if already 16 or higher)
(-5 Shock Resistance)
Army of Lead earth 55astral 11
This covers Magic
Resistance too, which
famously counters AN stuff!
300 Fatigue
200% Casting Time
100% Battlefield Spell (Friendly)
Spiritform negates
Magic Resistance (+4 MR)
Overrides Barkskin
Overrides Stoneskin
(+13 NAT PROT, up to 20,
or +5 if already 16 or higher)
(-5 Shock Resistance)
Army of Bronze earth 66
The best defense
is a good offense,
alongside a good defense!
300 Fatigue
200% Casting Time
100% Battlefield Spell (Friendly)
Spiritform negates
Extra Strength (+4 STR)
Overrides Barkskin
Overrides Stoneskin
(+13 NAT PROT, up to 20,
or +5 if already 16 or higher)
(-5 Shock Resistance)
Time Stop astral 66
even effects!
The caster remains fine,
though effects on them
are also slowed.
Like in a certain anime,
a well-timed Time Stop
from another caster
may cut the early bird's fun.
FIXME is the
round counter
also slowed?
100 Fatigue
125% Casting Time
100% Battlefield Spell (Neutral)
Duration: ~10 Rounds
"Battlefield ticks" take 10x longer, slowing:
- Projectiles
- The arrival of certain spells
- Clouds (both DMG and dissipation)
- Aura applications
- Most Battlefield Enchantments
- Per-round effects on every unit
Also Slows Units other than the Caster
Base Penetration: 11 ()
-9 Attack Skill (against the not-Slowed)
-9 Defence Skill (against the not-Slowed)
All actions are 10x slower
(Effectively "Slowed", but 5 times stronger)
( Also slows Innate Spellcasting)
Dispelled if another Time Stop is cast
Arcane Decree astral 66
A Global Enchantment.
Fill a Global slot
with a ban on touching Global slots.
This will definitely generate praise.
This ban is self-protecting, too,
in case you were worried.
Global Enchantment
R = Half this Enchantment's Overcast
When a foe casts a Dispel,
or a new Global Enchantment,
reduce its Overcast by R
Wish astral 99
Imagine a high fantasy game
without Wishing.
That would SUCK!
This edits the past to get you
something in the present,
though certainly not subtly.
Be careful when choosing
whether or not to be vague.
Some of the Things to Wish for:
- A specific unit (not a commander) or item
- Remove Curse
- Gems: firegemairgemwatergemearthgemdeathgemnaturegemglamourgem x25
- Blood: 250bloodslave
- Dominion: 20 Dominion Candles
- Magic Power: +1 to all paths (max. 10)
- People: Everyone from a random Province
- Kill [a nation's] Pretender:
— 50 AN Shock DMG
— 25 mundane, 12-DMG troop attacks
Soul Slay ( MR vs. 16 negates, )
- Armageddon:
20% Popkill (all provinces)
— 15 AP Magic DMG (20% of all units)
Utterdark death 99
A Global Enchantment.
Darkness for everyone!
It's darker than
typical darkness!
Frankly, the effect
isn't very noticeable
in already-dark places,
where it's basically overkill.
It's so dark that
various dark realms
bleed into the world…
Or perhaps those realms
are pulled here?
Global Enchantment
Overrides Dark Skies
Overrides Eternal Twilight
Negates Second Sun
Overrides Theft of the Sun's
negative effects

Sets Darkness to 6
Each Turn: Attacks Four Hostile Provinces
Random armies invade random provinces:
- Fiend of Darkness x?
- Shade Beast x1 & Shade x?
- Shade Lord x1, Shadow Soldier x?, & Shade x?
Also: Sightless Peasants
Deep Seas are immune
Caves are immune
-90% Income
-90% Resources
Awaken Forest nature 55
An army of Bushes!
(Or trees, in Forests.)
Trees are serious problems
when given this spell to work with!
Impossible Underwater
200 Fatigue
150% Casting Time
50% Battlefield Spell (Friendly Half)
Only affects Bushes & Trees
(These aren't in Wastes or Caves.)
Replaces Bushes with
Animated Bushes
(Same Size)
Replaces Trees with
Animated Trees
(Same Size)
Army of Rats nature 55
Neuters an army.
This is a rare
army-neuterer that's quite hard
to resist.
400 Fatigue
225% Casting Time
100% Battlefield Spell (Enemy)
Base Penetration: 15 ()
Spiritform negates
Shrunk (forever)
-1 Size
-30% HP (Current and Max)
-3 STR
+1 DEF
-2 MM
On DMG: Mousiness
Battle Fright (-5 Morale)
dom6/alteration.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/25 14:11 by fenrir