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Fire is an Elemental path of magic. Among the four Elements, it governs plasma/flux and supports heat. Its kings govern fire's appearance and heat, with its burning nature having fallen to Death's hands.

Of the four Elements, Fire is the easiest to Evoke and the hardest to Alter. In Thaumaturgic tradition, the path is choleric, resembling a more-negative sort of activity. In the Way of Five Elements, it is dynamic and emotional.

Like Water, Fire remains mostly consistent across the three Ages, though not quite as so. The great Fire Mages of ancient times leave an indelible mark in the legends and psychology of Mankind, resulting in the path "spreading out" and being nurtured across the realms. God-like "firepower" is even present in the Late Ages, unlike with Air, Earth, Nature, and Glamour, though not right at the start of a Late-Age game.

Fire Spells

Fire burns. It can do this in a variety of ways, however, and it does have a few tricks; these include bolstering Attack Skill and disorienting foes.

Fire is the element-of-choice for Fire's damaging spells, of which there are many. Fire is typically Armor-Piercing, so it ignores half of the target's Protection. Likewise, Fire Resistance may pose an issue, but it rarely comes in quantities needed to negate them.

The four Elements have a variety of checks and balances against each other, even against themselves. Likewise, Fire is rather-infamously countered by itself, Water, and Earth. Water in particular has counters for most of its tricks, including the infamous Rain (which Air can also use); fortunately for Fire Mages, the counterspells are also largely negated in their countering, and Dominions 6 nerfed Rain quite a bit.

Pure Fire

Skill Level Early Research (0-3) Middle Research (4-6) Late Research (7-9)
fire 11 (a dabbler) Burning/Spark Projectiles
Lesser Alchemy
Melee Fire Damage
Personal Fire Resistance
Limited Burning
Personal Cold Resistance
Lesser Fire Entrapment
Lesser Fire Elementals
Personal Fire Shield
Lesser Burning
Limited Blindness
fire 22 (average) Lesser Long-Ranged Fire Damage
Lesser Short-Ranged Fire Damage
Lesser Fire Arrows
Limited Prowess-Boosting
Lesser Cold Resistance
Mid-Ranged Fire Damage
Lesser Fire Resistance
Limited Rage
Tiny Combat Snakes
Fire Drakes
Hot Jellyfish
Lesser Prowess-Boosting
Greater Alchemy
Greater Fire Resistance
Big Hot Snakes
Explosive Extra Lives
Greater Long-Ranged Fire Damage
fire 33 ("mastery") Long-Ranged Fire Damage Fire Entrapment
Greater Fire Elementals
Fire Spirit-Lions
Greater Cold Resistance
Fire Damage Sniping
Showering Fire
Greater Fire Arrows
Greater Prowess-Boosting
fire 44 ("god-like") Blinding the Eyes of God
Ranged Army-Burning
Weaponized Unrest
Battlefield Heat
Fire Elemental Spam
Supreme Fire Arrows
Domes of Fire
Supreme Cold Resistance
Supreme Fire Resistance
fire 55 Utilizing Energy
Ringing Forts with Fire
Battlefield Fire Showers
Fire Kings
Greater Self-Exploding
Greater Ranged Army-Burning
Supreme Fire Damage
fire 66 Gem Generating Anti-Undead Global
fire 77
fire 88 Making Another Sun


The following effects have Fire as the primary path.

  • Fire/Air: Burning Clouds, and Heat-Dumping for distant provinces.
  • Fire/Water: Boiling small portions of the ocean.
  • Fire/Earth: Terracotta soldiers, fire-spewing Iron Gryphons, Scorpion Beasts, and Volcanic Eruptions.
  • Fire/Astral: "Solar" magic, such as Solar Eclipses, unusual flames, and giving yourself an Inner Sun.
  • Fire/Death: Nothing with Fire as the primary path, unfortunately.
  • Fire/Nature: Fire Ants and Furies/Erinyes.
  • Fire/Glamour: Nothing with Fire as the primary path, unfortunately.

Indirect Magic

A Fire Mage with fire 33 has 5 points of Fire Resistance, due to their greater attunement with that path. One with fire 44 or higher has 10 points of Fire Resistance, instead.

Having the fire inside of you causes you to "burn out" a little quicker; each level reduces the unit's Max Age by an additive 5%. This doesn't apply to Demons, Undead, or Inanimates.

Lastly, aside from the typical 10 points of Magic Leadership per level, Fire Mages get 10 points of regular Leadership as well. The fire makes them far more noteworthy.

Path Boosting

There are eleven items that boost Fire, but five are Artifacts, and only three require Fire as one of the forger's paths. The Skull of Fire requires fire 11death 11 and Construction Level 7, the Flame Helmet requires fire 44 but only Construction Level 5, and one form of the Staff of Elemental Mastery requires fire 44water 44 and Construction Level 7.

Summon Phoenix Power is the path-boosting spell for Fire. It requires fire 22.

dom6/fire.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/30 03:28 by fenrir