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Air is an Elemental path of magic. Among the four Elements, it governs the intangible gases. Its three queens govern clouds, storms, and lightning.

Of the four Elements, Air is fairly easy to Evoke; easier than it is to Alter, at least. In Thaumaturgic tradition, the path is sanguine, resembling a more-positive sort of activity. In the Way of Five Elements, it is filled with determination.

Air received significant changes in Dominions 6, with Glamour receiving all of its command over the unreal. Regardless, Air is the least understood of the four Elements in the Early Ages, and it remains that way for the other two. The great Air Mages of olden times go from conquerors in the Early Ages to isolationists in the Middle Ages, and few of them sire worthy successors. By the Late Ages, average capability with Air declines beneath even that of Blood, though there are signs of grand discoveries beyond the game's scope.

Air Spells

Air has a fair number of tools. There are several summoning spells, but most of the options deal with battlefield movement, the weather, Missile Combat, and/or direct damage.

Shock is the element-of-choice for Air's damaging spells. This is an Armor-Negating element, typically with either a limited range or a limited "area-of-effect" compared to spells of other elements. There are also "wind" spells that deal damage, albeit against full Protection.

The four Elements have a variety of checks and balances against each other, even against themselves. For Air, the biggest counter for its Precision spells are other Air spells, such as Air Shield, Mist, and Storm. For the damage-reducing spells, magical projectiles (such as those from Fire and Water) ignore or disable them. For the damaging spells, Earth provides Shock Resistance, along with standard Protection that helps against the "wind" spells.

Pure Air

Skill Level Early Research (0-3) Middle Research (4-6) Late Research (7-9)
air 11 (a dabbler) Personal Air Shield
Melee Shock Damage
Limited Stunning Gusts
Personal Floating
Personal Shock Resistance
Personal Precision Boosting
Personal Swiftness
Combat Hawks
Path-Boosting in Storms
Personal Flying
Fatigue Sniping
Lesser Air Elementals
Limited Range-Boosting
air 22 (average) Personal Mistform
Lesser Long-Ranged Shocking
Lesser Close-Ranged Shocking
Hawk Invasions
Lesser Air Shield
Stunning Gusts
Combat "Magic Missile"
Lesser Flying
Lesser Shock Resistance
Storm Drakes
Magic Wind Attacks
Lesser Mistform
Magic Phase Movement
Lesser Floating
Greater Precision-Boosting
Lesser Chain Lightning
Greater Range-Boosting
Greater Shock Resistance
air 33 ("mastery") Battlefield Precision-Reducing
"Magic Missile" Assassinations
Province-Terrorizing Storms
Greater Long-Ranged Shocking
Greater Air Elementals
Lightning Spirit-Hawks
Massive Eagles
Army Precision-Boosting
Chain Lightning
air 44 ("god-like") Obvious Patrol-Boosting
Death Gem Harvesting
Battlefield Storms
Coastal Income-Boosting
Supreme Range-Boosting
Air Elemental Spam
Supreme Air Shield
Greater Mistform
Ranged Army-Shocking
Greater Flying
Supreme Shock Resistance
air 55 Commander-Pulling
Worldwide Storms
Battlefield Lightning Strikes
Domes of Air
Utilized Good Moods
Worldwide Dark Clouds
Air Queens
Supreme Mistform
Supreme Flying
Hectic Gem Generators
air 66 Supreme Chain Lightning

Air Crosspaths

These are the crosspath effects with Air as the primary path.

  • Air/Fire: Nothing with Air as the primary path, unforutnately.
  • Air/Water: Battlefield Blizzards that make it Cold.
  • Air/Earth: Watchers, Patrolling statues that throw lightning bolts at foes.
  • Air/Astral: Tornadoes that drain Magic and Elemental Gems from the world.
  • Air/Death: Corpse Constructs, Flesh Golems based on Frankenstein's Monster.
  • Air/Nature: Amphipteres, winged snakes.
  • Air/Glamour: Nothing with Air as the primary path, unfortunately.

Indirect Magic

An Air Mage with air 33 has 5 points of Shock Resistance, due to a better attunement with Air and its chosen weapon. One with air 44 or higher has 10 points of Shock Resistance, instead.

Other than 10 points of Magic Leadership per level, that's it. The Magic Leadership isn't immensely significant for Air Mages, but someone has to have it to prevent the almighty Air Elementals from routing.

Path Boosting

Air has nine items that boost it. Three are Artifacts. Only two of the non-Artifacts are fairly straightforward to craft, and these both come at Construction Level 5; these are the Winged Helmet (air 44) and the Horn of Storms (air 55).

Air has an Air-boosting spell, Summon Storm Power, but it only works after Storm or Blizzard has been cast. Air Mages can (and will) cast it even if a Storm/Blizzard isn't up yet.

dom6/air.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/27 20:12 by fenrir