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Death is a Sorcerous path of Magic. It's considered "dark magic", due to its association with darkness (and other unpalatable things); its reputation is similar to Blood, which was excised in Dominions 6.

Death mirrors Nature, which is associated with life, in many respects. The energies it pulls on often come into conflict with the light magic of Astral. It also pulls upon things from a world derivative of our own, like Glamour, but these things are often more "real".

Considered foul and fearsome, Death takes a while to disseminate through the world of man. Much of the masters of the Early Ages learned their arts directly from the Underworld, where most of the dead congregate, and very few of them are human. The arts transfer poorly between different cultures, resulting in many of the disasters that set up the Middle Ages. Death is always present in one way or another, however; and in almost every faction with a history of loss or decline, there are dabbling Death Mages to call upon the past.

← This is the icon used in Dominions 5, by the way. It sees more use in guides.

Death Spells

Death has a somewhat long list of spells, though many have similar effects. A wide array of summons is available to even average Death Mages, though deathgemDeath Gem efficiency and Fatigue efficiency come with higher power or research.

Death's damaging spells deal in non-elemental forces, and quite a few have debilitating side effects. While Magic Resistance helps against most of them, a few spells punch through even a successful throw, either halfway or entirely.

Death also has some spells tailored against the Undead. Of course, most Undead are summoned by Death Mages. Astral and Nature offer Undead counters, too, but with not quite as much reach or ease.

Pure Death

Skill Level Early Research (0 - 3) Medium Research (4 - 6) Late Research (7 - 9)
death 11 (a dabbler) Lesser Death-Touching
Expensive Cursing
Personal Pierce Resistance
Lesser Dead-Raising
Limited Anti-Undeath
Fear "Damage"
Lesser Undead Leaders
Fatigue Bombing
death 22 (average) Scout-Summoning
Greater Death-Touching
Undead Elite Summoning
Undead Leaders
Shadow Attacks
Dead-Raising (Skellies)
Lesser Mage-Summoning
Calling Death Angels
Lesser Zombifying
Greater Dead-Raising
The Extra-Life Ritual
Greater Weakness
Greater Shadow Attacks
Undead Enslavement
Finger of Death
death 33 ("mastery") Ghost Dogs
Remote "Ghouling"
Zombie Elephants
Greater Fear "Damage"
Personal Invulnerability
Undead Horsemen
Weakening Clouds
Close-Ranged Soul-Sucking
Greater Anti-Undeath
Mass Corpse Mobilization
death 44 ("god-like") Greater Undead Leaders
Ranged Life Drain
Mass Pierce Resistance
Fatigue Carpet-Bombing
Grim Reapers
Mummification Ritual
Friendly Zombifying
Quick-Action Plagues
death 55 Remote Leprosy Outbreaks Death Angel Assassinations
Greater Zombifying
Traveling via the Nether
Population Killing
Remote Cavalry Raids
More Undead Elites
Supreme Dead-Raising
death 66 Stealing Sorrows as Gems
death 77 Killing Everyone Slowly
Mass Bone-Breaking
Undead Army Enslavement
Dead God Unboxing
death 88
death 99 Absolute Darkness

Every school of Magic has something for Death, even later on in the Research.


These will list effects with Death as the primary path.

  • Death/Fire: Bane Fire, a foul flame that ignores Fire Resistance and causes Decay.
  • Death/Air: Highly lethal winds and clouds, and giant zombie eagles.
  • Death/Water: Stygian water that confers Invulnerability, underwater genocide, and giant zombie turtles.
  • Death/Earth: Golems that irradiate nearby fellows to death, and rapid dead-raising in battle.
  • Death/Astral: Nothing that Astral isn't the primary path in, unfortunately.
  • Death/Nature: Nothing that Nature isn't the primary path in, unfortunately.
  • Death/Glamour: Nothing that Glamour isn't the primary path in, unfortunately.

Indirect Magic

A Death Mage with death 33 or higher does a better job at holding themselves together while old, resulting in fewer age-related Afflictions. One with death 44 or higher no longer fears death, and thus has +10 Morale.

The Undead benefit greatly from knowing Death Magic, at least if they wish to stick around longer than the standard 500 years. Each level of skill lets them extend the spells keeping them together by another 50%, in an additive manner.

Last but not least, each level of skill in Death Magic provides 50 points of Undead Leadership. It does not provide any Magic Leadership; perhaps it's a matter of different energies, or maybe Magic Beings don't have the same souls as most "creatures".

  • This sort of Leadership also lets Death Mages command Demons.

Path Boosting

There are nine "generic" items that boost Death, four of which are artifacts. Three of the others require paths other than Death to craft, leaving the Skull Staff (with death 22 and Construction 5) and the Skullface (with death 55 and Construction 7). A death 22 mage with the Skull Staff can always summon a death 33 mage upon reaching Conjuration 7. This situation leaves Empowerment, rushing for artifacts, or begging as the ways to close the gap and acquire a Skullface.

Unlike every other path (except for technically Holy), Death does not have a spell that can boost itself in battle. Power of the Spheres (an Astral spell) and Hell Power (a Blood spell) can both do it, however.

dom6/death.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/30 15:36 by fenrir