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Pretender Titles

The "Pretenders of the World" screen (F4, or in the Statistics menu) includes the name of each Pretender for the nations in your game. Clicking on the name brings up the national info screen; at the bottom of National Features, the Pretender's name is listed along with a list of titles; these titles give accurate information about the paths of the Pretender and the scales of the nation.

Number of Pretender Titles

The number of pretender titles depends on dominion according to the formula: (dominion score + n) / 2, rounded down and with n being a random number between 0 and 2 (see link below).

From the number of titles, you can thus estimate the dominion score:

Titles Dominion
1 1-3
2 2-5
3 4-7
4 6-9
5 8-10
6 10

Pretender Title Requirements

You can use the Epithet Explorer to find the requirements for certain Pretender titles.

Pretender Title Requirements
# of Every Flame Fire >= 5; Unknown: 2
# of Flames Fire >= 4; Unknown: 2
# of Fires Fire >= 6; Unknown: 2
# of Ashes Fire >= 4; Death >= 4
# of Fires of the Earth Fire >= 4; Earth >= 4
# of Volcanoes Fire >= 4; Earth >= 4
# of Magma Fire >= 4; Earth >= 4
# of Brilliance Fire >= 4
# of Fever Fire >= 4; Death >= 4
# of the Desert Sun Fire >= 4; Scale Heat >= 3; Scale Death >= 1
# of Heavenly Fires Fire >= 4; Astral >= 4
the Brilliant God Fire >= 4
the Everburning One Fire >= 4
the Loyal Master Fire >= 4; Scale Order >= 2; Male
# of the Dawn Fire >= 4; Dominion: 8
Feeder on Impurity Fire >= 4
the Burning Soul Fire >= 4
# of Light Fire >= 9
# of the Sun Fire >= 9; Astral >= 4
Regent of the Sun Fire >= 9; Astral >= 4
# of Volcanic Fire Fire >= 5; Earth >= 3
# of Spring and Sunlight Fire >= 4; Scale Growth >= 2; Nature >= 4
# of Penitential Torture Fire >= 4; Scale Order >= 1
Enemy of Darkness Fire >= 4
Eater of Filth Fire >= 4
Devourer of Sins Fire >= 4
the Great Sun of Life Fire >= 4; Nature >= 4
# of Air Air >= 4
# of Clouds Air >= 4; Unknown: 16
Rider of the Clouds Air >= 4; Unknown: 16
# of Mists Air >= 4; Water >= 1
Holder of the Windbag Air >= 4
# of the Winds Air >= 4; Unknown: 1
# of the Wind and of the Hoe Air >= 3; Scale Production >= 1; Scale Growth >= 1; Unknown: 1
# of the Scorching Winds Air >= 4; Unknown: 1; Scale Heat >= 2
# of the Freezing Winds Air >= 4; Unknown: 1; Scale Cold >= 2
# of the Four Winds Air >= 6; Unknown: 1
# of the North Wind Air >= 4; Scale Cold >= 1; Unknown: 1
# of the South Wind Air >= 4; Scale Heat >= 1; Unknown: 1
# of the East Wind Air >= 4; Scale Turmoil >= 1; Unknown: 1
# of the West Wind Air >= 4; Scale Order >= 1; Unknown: 1
# of the Black Wind Air >= 4; Scale Death >= 1; Death >= 2; Unknown: 1
# of the Desert Wind Air >= 4; Scale Heat >= 1; Fire >= 1; Unknown: 1
# of Thunder and Lightning Air >= 4; Scale Turmoil >= 2
# of the Thundershowers and of the Plow Air >= 4; Water >= 3; Scale Growth >= 1
the Pillar that is Purity Air >= 4; Scale Order >= 3; Dominion: 6
Reaver of the Skies Air >= 4; Scale Turmoil >= 3
Warrior in the Gale Air >= 4; Scale Turmoil >= 3
Supreme Messenger Herald of the Gods Air >= 5; Unknown: 19
Messenger of Gods Air >= 4; Unknown: 19
# of Illusion and Masquerade Air >= 4; Scale Magic >= 0
# of Storms Air >= 7; Scale Turmoil >= 1
Maker of the Storms Air >= 7; Scale Turmoil >= 1
# of Heaven Air >= 9; Astral >= 4; Scale Order >= 2
# of the Sky Air >= 9
Sky of all the People Air >= 6
! who Mounts the Clouds Air >= 5
Great Hurricane of the Heavens Air >= 6
# of the Breath of Life Air >= 5; Astral >= 4
# of Wind on the Waters Air >= 4; Water >= 2; Unknown: 1
the Breathmaker Air >= 4; Nature >= 4
Bull of the Storms Air >= 3; Earth >= 3
the # of the Power of the Air Air >= 7
the Great Deceiver Air >= 5; Scale Turmoil >= 1
the One Far Above Air >= 6
# of Water Water >= 4
the # Knowing the Waters Water >= 4
# of Deadly Waters Water >= 4; Scale Death >= 2
# of Fishermen Water >= 2
Harvester of Sailors Water >= 3; Death >= 3
Friend of Sailors Water >= 3; Air >= 3
Divine Inspector of Canals Water >= 1; Scale Order >= 1; Scale Production >= 1
# of Navigation Water >= 3; Astral >= 3
# of Rivers Water >= 4
# of Rain Water >= 4
the Boiling Spirit Water >= 4; Fire >= 4
Beverage Water >= 4; Nature >= 4
# of the Raging Seas Water >= 4; Scale Turmoil >= 2
# of the Eternal Sea Water >= 4; Astral >= 4; Scale Magic >= 2
# of the Waves Water >= 4
# of Frost Water >= 4; Scale Cold >= 2
# of Ice Water >= 4; Scale Cold >= 2
# of Winter Scale Cold >= 2
the Long Winter Scale Cold >= 2
# of the Winter Realms Scale Cold >= 3; Water >= 4
# of the Frozen Waste Water >= 4; Scale Death >= 3; Scale Cold >= 3
Turner of the Flood Water >= 4
# of the Ocean Underneath Water >= 4; Earth >= 4
Keeper of the Water Dead Water >= 4; Scale Death >= 2
# of the Oceans Water >= 9
# of Primordial Waters Water >= 9
# of Primeval Depths Water >= 9
# of all Sources of Water Water >= 6
the Sea Mother Water >= 6; Female
the Whirlpool Water >= 5
Ruler of the Ocean Water >= 4; Air >= 2
Mother of Fishes Female; Water >= 4
Opener of the Wells Water >= 4
Smotherer of Life Water >= 4; Death >= 4; Female
the Embracer Water >= 4; Female
Lady of Embracing Water >= 4; Female
She who Embraces Water >= 4; Female
! who Strangles Water >= 4; Scale Death >= 1
! who Shoots Forth Water >= 4; Scale Growth >= 1
! who Runs like an Arrow Water >= 3; Air >= 3
Patron of Smiths Earth >= 4; Scale Production >= 2
the Divine Smith Earth >= 7
# of Forgiving Earth >= 3
the Coppercaster of the Gods Earth >= 3; Fire >= 2
# of Bricks Earth >= 2; Fire >= 2
# of the Foothills Earth >= 2; Unknown: 13
# of the Soil Earth >= 2; Scale Growth >= 1; Unknown: 13
# of the Stony Ground Earth >= 2; Unknown: 13
# of Mountains Earth >= 4; Unknown: 13
# of Metals Earth >= 4
# of Inventions Earth >= 4; Unknown: 8
the Inventor of Science Earth >= 4; Scale Drain >= 2; Unknown: 8
# of the Crafts Earth >= 4
# of Earthquakes Earth >= 6
the Earth Monster Earth >= 6
the Armorer Earth >= 4
the Unmoving Master Earth >= 4; Immobile; Male
the Unshakable Earth >= 4; Scale Order >= 2
# of Tremors Earth >= 4; Scale Turmoil >= 1
# of Might Earth >= 4; Unknown: 10
# of Strength Earth >= 4; Unknown: 10
the Personification of Strength Earth >= 4; Strength: 28; Unknown: 10
the Fortifier Earth >= 4
the Hammer of Gaia Earth >= 9
the Mountain Lord Earth >= 4; Male; Unknown: 13
Guardian of Existence Earth >= 4; Astral >= 4
! Who Seals the Gates of Death Earth >= 4; Death >= 4
Patron of Artisans Earth >= 2; Scale Magic >= 1
the Hungry Earth Earth >= 4; Blood >= 4
the Maker of Mountains Earth >= 7
# of the Forges Earth >= 4; Fire >= 4; Scale Production >= 2
! Who Tempers the Spirit Earth >= 4; Astral >= 4
Earth Mother Earth >= 9; Female
the Rock Earth >= 4; Unknown: 14
# of the Rock Earth >= 4; Unknown: 14
the One who Contains Everything Dominion: 8; Earth >= 6
# of the Mountain Springs Earth >= 3; Water >= 3
# of the Greater Earth Earth >= 6
Protector of the Holy Mountain Earth >= 4
# of Dirt Earth >= 4
! who is on the Mountain Earth >= 3; Death >= 3
the Great Potter Earth >= 2; Water >= 2; Fire >= 2; Scale Production >= 1
Warrior Against the Sun Death >= 4; Not Immobile
# of Darkness Death >= 6; Unknown: 5
the Shadow Over All Death >= 6; Unknown: 5
! Who Loves not the Light Death >= 6; Scale Death >= 3
# of Shadows Death >= 4; Air >= 4
# of Disease Death >= 4
! who Gave Birth to Death Death >= 9; Female
# of the Dead Death >= 6; Unknown: 17
Guardian of the Dead Death >= 4; Unknown: 17
# of Famine Death >= 4; Scale Death >= 1
# of Plagues Death >= 5; Scale Death >= 2; Unknown: 16
Mother of the Plague Death >= 5; Scale Death >= 2; Unknown: 16; Female
# of Pestilence Death >= 4; Scale Death >= 1
# of Death and Rebirth Death >= 4; Scale Growth >= 2
# of Decay Death >= 4; Scale Death >= 1
# of Corruption Death >= 4; Nature >= 4
# of the Night Sky Death >= 4; Astral >= 3; Air >= 3
the Eternal Judge Death >= 4; Scale Order >= 3
the Watcher of the Gallows Death >= 4
# of Dark Magics Death >= 4; Scale Magic >= 2
the King at the Crossroads Death >= 4; Male
the Lady at the Crossroads Death >= 4; Female
# of Terror Death >= 4
the Harvester Death >= 4
# of Untimely Death Death >= 4
# of Suicides Death >= 4
the Terror of the Tomb Undead: 1
the Lurker in the Crypt Undead: 1
the Collector of Souls Undead: 1; Scale Magic >= 1; Dominion: 7
Guide of Souls Death >= 4; Scale Order >= 0
Star of the Dead Death >= 4; Astral >= 4; Fire >= 4
the Personification of Death Death >= 9; Unknown: 3
# of Death Death >= 9; Unknown: 3
# of the Afterlife Death >= 9; Scale Order >= 1; Unknown: 4
# of the Underworld Death >= 9; Earth >= 9; Unknown: 4
the Dead and Undying God Death >= 9; Undead: 1; Male
The dead and Undying Godess Death >= 9; Undead: 1; Female
# of Darkness and Destruction Death >= 7; Scale Death >= 2; Unknown: 5
Patron of Necromancers Death >= 4; Scale Order >= 0
the Grey One Death >= 4; Astral >= 4
the One Always at the Shoulder Death >= 4
the Shadow Death >= 4
the Pockmarked Savior Death >= 4; Scale Order >= 1
Gatherer of the Dead Death >= 4
Friend of the Dead Death >= 3; Nature >= 3
the Stealer of Corpses Death >= 1
Persecutor and Destroyer of Youth Death >= 5; Scale Death >= 1
# of the City of the Dead Scale Order >= 1; Death >= 6
Foremost of the Westerners Death >= 4; Astral >= 2
# of Eclipses Astral >= 5; Scale Misfortune >= 1; Scale Magic >= 1
the Evening Star Astral >= 5
the Morning Star Astral >= 5
Divine Scribe Astral >= 1; Scale Magic >= 1
Crystallizer of Dreams Astral >= 6; Scale Magic >= 3
the Maker of Moons Astral >= 6; Earth >= 6; Nation: 88
the Maker of Moons Astral >= 6; Earth >= 6; Nation: 92
Father of Horrors Astral >= 9; Blood >= 9; Male
Most Evil Mind Dominion: 9; Blood >= 4; Astral >= 4
# of Insanity Astral >= 4; Scale Turmoil >= 1
Protector from Insanity Astral >= 4; Scale Drain >= 2; Scale Order >= 1
# of the Void Astral >= 6; Scale Drain >= 3
Shining Boat of Heaven Astral >= 4; Water >= 2; Unknown: 3
# of the Barge of Heaven Astral >= 4; Water >= 2; Unknown: 3
Opener of the Ways Astral >= 5
# of Fortune Astral >= 4; Scale Luck >= 3; Unknown: 5
Keeper of the Celestial Records Astral >= 4; Scale Order >= 1
# of Arcane Mysteries Astral >= 4
Lord of Luck Astral >= 4; Scale Luck >= 3; Male; Unknown: 5
Lady of Luck Astral >= 4; Scale Luck >= 3; Female; Unknown: 5
# of Stellar Lights Astral >= 4
the Afterthought Astral >= 4
# of Dreams Astral >= 4
# of Astral Fires Astral >= 4; Fire >= 4
Dispenser of Fate Astral >= 4; Scale Order >= 2
# of the Celestial Bodies Astral >= 4
# of the Heavenly Fires Astral >= 4; Fire >= 4
Guardian of the Tablets of Destiny Astral >= 7
# of Destiny Astral >= 7; Unknown: 6
# of Fate Astral >= 8; Unknown: 6
Director of the World Astral >= 7; Unknown: 6
! Who Holds the Fate of All Astral >= 9; Dominion: 8; Unknown: 6
# of Immortal Wisdom Astral >= 6; All Sorcery >= 1; Unknown: 18
! who Gave Birth to Fate Astral >= 9; Female
! who Gave Birth to Time Astral >= 9; Female
the Undeceivable God Astral >= 4; Male
the Baleful Eye Astral >= 4; Scale Death >= 2
Pivot of the Universe Dominion: 9; Astral >= 9
the Creator of all Life and Existence Dominion: 9; Astral >= 7; Nature >= 4
Maker of Everlasting Worlds Dominion: 9; Astral >= 7; Earth >= 4; Nature >= 4
# of the Pole Star Astral >= 6
# of Men Astral >= 6
# of the Sacred Eye Astral >= 5
Creator of the Calendar Astral >= 4; Scale Order >= 2
the Far Traveler Astral >= 3
! who Confuses the Way Astral >= 4; Scale Sloth >= 1
! who Makes Clear the Way Astral >= 4; Scale Production >= 1
the Persuasive One Astral >= 1
the Fate of the World Astral >= 7
# of Doors and Beginnings and Endings Astral >= 5
Guardian of the Bridge Astral >= 4; Earth >= 2
the Face Painted with Bells Astral >= 4
Star of the Sea Water >= 4; Astral >= 4
the Brilliant One in the Sky Fire >= 4; Astral >= 4
Light Fire >= 4; Astral >= 6
# of the Healing Arts Nature >= 4
# of Nature Nature >= 4
the Carpenter of the Insides Nature >= 4
the Goddess of Birth Nature >= 4; Scale Growth >= 2; Female
the Womb Nature >= 4; Scale Growth >= 2; Female
the Mother of All Children Nature >= 4; Scale Growth >= 2; Female
# of Growth Nature >= 4; Scale Growth >= 1; Unknown: 12
# of Fertility Nature >= 5; Scale Growth >= 2
# of the Forest Nature >= 4; Scale Growth >= 0
# of Animals Nature >= 4
# of Vegetation Nature >= 4; Scale Growth >= 3
# of Verdure Nature >= 4; Scale Growth >= 2
# of Grasses Nature >= 4; Scale Growth >= 2
# of Plants and Trees Nature >= 4; Scale Growth >= 0
the Howler Nature >= 4; Scale Turmoil >= 2
the Wild Bull who has Lain Down Nature >= 4; Scale Growth >= 1; Scale Sloth >= 1; Male
Fecund Breed Nature >= 4; Scale Growth >= 3; Male
# of the Wild Cows Nature >= 4; Scale Turmoil >= 1
# of the Dying Forests Nature >= 4; Scale Death >= 2
the Unsleeping God Nature >= 4; Male
the Unsleeping Goddess Nature >= 4; Female
# of the Wildlife Nature >= 4
# of Beauty and Charm Nature >= 4; Air >= 1; Female
# of Poetry and Song Nature >= 4; Scale Order >= 65535
the Creator of Wine Nature >= 4; Scale Sloth >= 2
# of Revelry Nature >= 4; Scale Turmoil >= 2
# of the Hunt Nature >= 4
Herder of Men Nature >= 4; Scale Turmoil >= 1
# of the Blessed Lands Nature >= 6; Scale Growth >= 3
Patron of Herbalists Nature >= 3
Healer of the Lands Nature >= 6; Earth >= 4
First Born of Gaia Nature >= 9
Patron of Berserkers Nature >= 4; Scale Turmoil >= 1
The Hidden One Nature >= 4
# of the Forest that Thirsts Nature >= 4; Blood >= 4
He Who Felled the First Tree Nature >= 4; Scale Order >= 3; Male
# of the Eternal Forest Nature >= 9; Scale Growth >= 0
# of Birds and Parrots Nature >= 2; Air >= 2; Scale Heat >= 1
the Essence of Fertility Nature >= 9; Scale Growth >= 3
the King of Berries Nature >= 1; Scale Cold >= 1; Male
Lady Precious Green Nature >= 4; Female
# of all Young and Growing Things Scale Growth >= 3; Nature >= 4
Personification of Youthful Vitality and Violence Scale Turmoil >= 1; Nature >= 4; Scale Growth >= 1; Not Lifeless
the Old Old One Nature >= 4; Astral >= 4
Bringer of Abundance Nature >= 4; Scale Growth >= 2
# of Eloquence Nature >= 3; Scale Order >= 0
the Leaflord Nature >= 3; Male
# of Insects Nature >= 3
the Divine Shepherd Nature >= 2
# of Horses Nature >= 3
# of Hunting Scale Growth >= 1; Nature >= 4
# of the Spring Nature >= 4; Scale Growth >= 1
# of Flowers and Spring Scale Growth >= 3; Nature >= 4
Midwife of the Gods Female; Scale Growth >= 1; Nature >= 6
Gardener of Happiness Scale Growth >= 1; Nature >= 4; Scale Luck >= 1
the One who Purifies Everyone by the very Utterance of His Name Dominion: 7; Scale Growth >= 2; Nature >= 6
of Forbidden Love Scale Growth >= 1; Scale Turmoil >= 1; Nature >= 4
the Queen that Hungers Blood >= 4; Undead: 1; Female
the Death Caused by Lust Blood >= 4; Nature >= 4; Female
# of Immortal Evils Blood >= 4; Undead: 1; Female; Dominion: 8
Eater of Children Blood >= 4
the Evil Prince Blood >= 1; Male
the Evil Princess Blood >= 1; Female
Patron of Human Sacrifice Blood >= 4
# of Blood Blood >= 4; Unknown: 10
# of Blood and Perfume Blood >= 4; Nature >= 2; Unknown: 10
# of Pain Blood >= 4
Sovereign of Sin Blood >= 4; Scale Order >= 1
Lord of Flies Blood >= 4; Nature >= 2; Male
Enemy of Infants Blood >= 1
the Power Perverse Blood >= 4; Scale Magic >= 2
# of Taint Blood >= 4; Nature >= 4; Scale Magic >= 2
# of Suffering Blood >= 4
Bane of Men Blood >= 4
the Leech Blood >= 4
the Leeching Darkness Blood >= 4; Death >= 4
the Bloodlusting Lord Blood >= 6; Male
Seducer of Life Blood >= 4
# of Evil Blood >= 6; Scale Death >= 1; Scale Turmoil >= 1
Mother of Demons Blood >= 6; Nature >= 4; Female
God of Unnatural Lust Blood >= 4; Nature >= 4; Male
Goddess of Unnatural Lust Blood >= 4; Nature >= 4; Female
the Infernal Sovereign Blood >= 5; Fire >= 5
Drinker of Blood Blood >= 3
Lord of Kokytos Blood >= 6; Water >= 4; Scale Cold >= 3; Male
# of the Abyss Blood >= 9; Scale Turmoil >= 2; Dominion: 8
# of Horrors Blood >= 7; Astral >= 7; Scale Magic >= 3
the Man Eater Blood >= 3
Tamer of Demons Blood >= 4
Tower of Strength Blood >= 4
Lord of Madness Male; Blood >= 3; Astral >= 3; Scale Turmoil >= 3
Left Hand of Knowledge All Sorcery >= 1
# of Wisdom All Sorcery >= 2; Unknown: 18
the Mighty One of Words of Power All Path >= 1; Male
# of the Elements All Element >= 3
! who is Crowned with Wisdom All Sorcery >= 1; Unknown: 18
Master of Magic All Path >= 1; Male
Mistress of Magic All Path >= 1; Female
# of Rainbows All Element >= 1; Nature >= 1
# of Witchcraft All Sorcery >= 1; Female
! who has Infinite Power All Path >= 1; Astral >= 8
the Vessel of Might Dominion: 6; Unknown: 10
Exalted Above and Below Dominion: 6; Astral >= 4; Death >= 4
King of Kings Dominion: 5; Male
the Most High Dominion: 6
August # Dominion: 8
Lord of Fear and Trembling Dominion: 8; Male; Fear: 10
Father of Gods Dominion: 9; Male; Unknown: 19
Mother of Gods Dominion: 9; Female; Unknown: 19
Prince of Majesty Dominion: 9; Male; Awe: 1
Queen of Majesty Dominion: 9; Female; Awe: 1
God of Invincible Power Dominion: 10
God of Gods Dominion: 10; Male; Unknown: 19
the Beginning and the End Dominion: 10; Unknown: 19
He who Is at the Center Dominion: 7; Male
the God above All Dominion: 10; Male
# of Many Names Dominion: 8
# of this World Dominion: 7
# who Knows All Things Dominion: 7; All Sorcery >= 1
the Destroyer Scale Turmoil >= 3; Death >= 0
Patron of Thieves Scale Turmoil >= 1; Unknown: 0
# of Beggars Scale Turmoil >= 0; Scale Sloth >= 3; Unknown: 15
Patron of Beggars Scale Turmoil >= 0; Scale Sloth >= 1; Unknown: 15
# of Fraud and Theft Scale Turmoil >= 1; Unknown: 0
Patron of Injustice Scale Turmoil >= 3; Scale Misfortune >= 1
# of Tyrants Scale Turmoil >= 1; Scale Death >= 0; Scale Misfortune >= 1
# of Insolence Scale Turmoil >= 1
# of War Scale Turmoil >= 3; Dominion: 5; Unknown: 5
Bringer of War Scale Turmoil >= 3; Unknown: 5
the Lover of War Scale Turmoil >= 2
the Angry Face Scale Turmoil >= 3
# of Chaos Scale Turmoil >= 3
# of Turmoil Scale Turmoil >= 3
# of Spontaneity Scale Turmoil >= 1
# of Unexpected Pleasure and Sorrow Scale Turmoil >= 3
Enemy of Reason Scale Turmoil >= 3; Scale Magic >= 3
the God with Backward Feet Male; Scale Turmoil >= 3; Scale Sloth >= 1
Patron of Liars Scale Luck >= 1; Scale Turmoil >= 2
# of Mischief Scale Turmoil >= 1
Bringer of Discord Scale Turmoil >= 2
# of Bloodshed and Conflict Scale Turmoil >= 3
the Enemy of Both Sides Scale Turmoil >= 1
the Two Scale Turmoil >= 2
She of Two Faces Scale Turmoil >= 2; Female
# of Two Faces Scale Turmoil >= 2
# of Civilization Scale Order >= 3; Scale Production >= 2
Gate of Peace Scale Order >= 3
# of the Open Road Scale Order >= 2
Patron of Merchants Scale Order >= 1
the Divine Architect Earth >= 4; Scale Production >= 2; Scale Order >= 2
# of the Hierarchs Scale Order >= 3
# of Order Dominion: 5; Scale Order >= 3
# of Patience Scale Order >= 1; Scale Production >= 0
# of Discipline Scale Order >= 1; Scale Production >= 1
# of Ostentatious Ornament Scale Order >= 3; Scale Production >= 3
the Fountainhead of Order Scale Order >= 3; Dominion: 8
# of Wealth and Power Scale Order >= 2
# of Writing and Speech Scale Order >= 1; Scale Production >= 0
Friend of All Scale Order >= 1; Scale Growth >= 0; Scale Luck >= 0; Scale Magic >= 0
Patron of the Rich Scale Order >= 1; Unknown: 13
God of the City Scale Order >= 2; Male
Commander of Truth Scale Order >= 1; Unknown: 14
Patron of Arbitrators Scale Order >= 2
Protector of Oaths Scale Order >= 3; Unknown: 14
Guardian of the Law Scale Order >= 2
the Kindly One Scale Order >= 1; Scale Luck >= 1
# of Excellence Scale Order >= 3
the Beloved Father Scale Order >= 1; Scale Luck >= 0; Scale Growth >= 0; Male
the Symbol of Unification Scale Order >= 2
Great Defender Scale Order >= 1
# of Marriage Female; Scale Order >= 1; Scale Growth >= 0
# of Chastity Female; Scale Order >= 3
the Peacemaker Scale Order >= 1
Destroyer of Demons Scale Order >= 1; Demon: 0; Fire >= 4
# of the Harvest Scale Growth >= 1
the Giver of Food Scale Growth >= 2
Giver of Life Scale Growth >= 3
Nourisher of the Fields Scale Growth >= 1
# of Fruit Trees Scale Growth >= 2
# of Vultures Scale Death >= 2
# of the Scorched Earth Scale Death >= 2; Scale Heat >= 2
# of Hope Scale Turmoil >= 0; Scale Luck >= 1
Patron of Outcasts Scale Turmoil >= 1; Scale Luck >= 1; Unknown: 15
Patron of Heroes Scale Turmoil >= 1; Scale Luck >= 1; Unknown: 15
Guide of Heroes Scale Turmoil >= 0; Scale Luck >= 0; Unknown: 15
the Compassionate Scale Order >= 1; Scale Luck >= 2
Goddess of Mercy Scale Luck >= 1; Female
# of Gambling Scale Luck >= 2; Unknown: 11
Patron of Gamblers Scale Luck >= 1; Unknown: 11
Bestower of Good Gifts Scale Luck >= 1; Scale Order >= 0
Bringer of Misfortune Scale Misfortune >= 2
She Who Opened the Box of Woe Scale Misfortune >= 3; Female
Enforcer of Misfortune Scale Misfortune >= 3; Scale Order >= 3
the Narrow Face Scale Production >= 1
Giver of Riches Scale Growth >= 1; Scale Production >= 1; Unknown: 13
# of Greed Scale Production >= 3; Scale Death >= 1
the Teacher of Philosophy Scale Order >= 0; Scale Magic >= 0
# of Education and Science Scale Magic >= 2; Scale Order >= 1
# of Love Unit Id: 1343
Cow of Plenty Unit Id: 2466; Nature >= 4
Wish Unit Id: 2466; Astral >= 6
Mother of all Cows Unit Id: 2466
the Fire of Hatred Nation: 13
# of the Wastes Nation: 13
the Raging # Nation: 13
Enemy of Man Nation: 13
the Fire of Hatred Nation: 45
# of the Wastes Nation: 45
the Raging # Nation: 45
Enemy of Man Nation: 45
Lord of the Smouldercone Nation: 45; Male
Lord of the Smouldercone Nation: 71; Male
the Raging # Nation: 71
# of the Deeps Nation: 83
the Basalt # Nation: 83
Master of the Coral Towers Nation: 87; Male
Mistress of the Coral Towers Nation: 87; Female
# of the Deeps Nation: 87
Eater of the Lands Nation: 87; Water >= 9
the Pearled # Nation: 85; Astral >= 2
Mother of Pearls Nation: 85; Astral >= 4; Female
Harvester of Sailors Nation: 86; Death >= 4
# of Stormy Coasts Nation: 86; Air >= 4
the Proud Emperor Nation: 36; Male; Unknown: 16
# of the Emerald Throne Nation: 36
# of the Spheres Nation: 36; Astral >= 4
the Eternal Emperor Male; Nation: 36; Unknown: 16
# of the Fay Nature >= 4; Nation: 38
the Once and Future King Nation: 37; Not Immobile; Male
Lady of the Lake Nation: 37; Water >= 4; Female
Mistress of Avalon Nation: 37; Female
# of Iron and Machines Nation: 39; Earth >= 4
# of the Swamp Nation: 15
the Serpent Mind Nation: 15
Lord of Poison Nation: 15; Nature >= 4; Male
# of Choking Moisture Nation: 47; Nature >= 4; Water >= 4
the Entombed # Nation: 73; Undead: 1
# of a Thousand Stars Nation: 33; Astral >= 4
# of Time Nation: 33; Astral >= 9
the Savior Nation: 6
the Shroud Nation: 6
the Eternal Emperor Male; Nation: 34
Enemy of Life Nation: 34
the Adversary Nation: 34
Soul of Darkness Nation: 34
the Stillness of Death Nation: 34; Undead: 1
the Eternal Emperor Male; Nation: 34
Master of the Seraphim Nation: 46; Male
Mistress of the Seraphim Nation: 46; Female
the Storm Herald Nation: 46; Air >= 6
the Blizzard King Nation: 46; Male
# of the Morning Nation: 40; Scale Order >= 0
Marshal of the Host Nation: 40; Scale Order >= 0; Fire >= 4; Astral >= 4
# of Justice Nation: 40; Fire >= 4; Scale Order >= 3
Soldier of the Sun Nation: 40; Fire >= 4; Astral >= 4
Bright Sun of Justice Nation: 40; Fire >= 4; Scale Order >= 3
the King Unjust Nation: 65; Blood >= 4; Scale Turmoil >= 1; Male
the Fallen # Nation: 65; Blood >= 4
the Beast Nation: 16
the Beast # Nation: 48
# of the Wild Nation: 48
# of the Gallows Nation: 21; Death >= 4
the Hanged God Nation: 21; Death >= 4
Hangatyr Nation: 21; Death >= 4
Father of Ages Nation: 20; Male
Mother of the Vanir Nation: 20; Female
Father of Ages Nation: 50; Male
Mother of the Vanir Nation: 50; Female
Fimbultyr Nation: 22
Lord of Niefel Nation: 22; Male; Scale Cold >= 2
Lady of Niefel Nation: 22; Female; Scale Cold >= 2
the Hunger Without Thought Nation: 88
the Lurker at the Threshold Nation: 88
He Who Should not be Named Nation: 88; Male
the Key to the Gate Nation: 88
the Hunger Without Thought Nation: 92
the Lurker at the Threshold Nation: 92
He Who Should not be Named Nation: 92; Male
the Key to the Gate Nation: 92
She of the Jade Skirt Female; Scale Growth >= 0; Nation: 0; Water >= 1
Jaguar King Nation: 12; Male
the Bloody Mistress Nation: 12; Female
the Eater of Hearts Nation: 12
Patron of Cannibalism Nation: 12
the Twisted Obsidian One Death >= 4; Nation: 12
# of the Obsidian Blade Nation: 12
the Obsidian Butterfly Female; Not Lifeless; Nation: 12; Death >= 4
the Lawgiver Nation: 41; Scale Order >= 2
the Corn # Scale Growth >= 1; Nation: 41
She of the Jade Skirt Female; Nation: 41; Water >= 2
Minister of the Celestial Bureaucracy Scale Order >= 3; Nation: 42; Astral >= 4
Minister of the Five Elements Nation: 42; All Element >= 3; Nature >= 3
Minister of the Eight Winds Nation: 42; Air >= 4; Unknown: 1
God of Luck Through Hard Work Nation: 42; Scale Order >= 3; Scale Luck >= 1
God of Luck Through Hard Work Nation: 67; Scale Order >= 3; Scale Luck >= 1
God of Luck Through Hard Work Nation: 10; Scale Order >= 3; Scale Luck >= 1
the Rice # Nation: 10; Scale Growth >= 1
the Rice # Nation: 67; Scale Growth >= 1
the Rice # Nation: 42; Scale Growth >= 1
the Rice # Nation: 69; Scale Growth >= 1
# of Medicine Nation: 33; Scale Growth >= 1; Unknown: 14
# of Medicine Nation: 60; Scale Growth >= 1; Unknown: 14
# of Medicine Nation: 42; Scale Growth >= 1; Unknown: 14
# of Medicine Nation: 10; Scale Growth >= 1; Unknown: 14
# of Medicine Unit Id: 1348; Scale Growth >= 1; Unknown: 0
# of Medical Arts Nation: 33; Scale Growth >= 1; Unknown: 14
# of Medical Arts Nation: 60; Scale Growth >= 1; Unknown: 14
# of Medical Arts Nation: 42; Scale Growth >= 1; Unknown: 14
# of Medical Arts Nation: 10; Scale Growth >= 1; Unknown: 14
# of Medical Arts Unit Id: 1348; Scale Growth >= 1; Unknown: 14
the Summer Lord Nation: 43; Male
the Heart of Darkness Nation: 43; Death >= 4
# of Spiders Nation: 43
the God in the Mountain Nation: 43; Earth >= 4; Male
the Goddess in the Forest Nation: 43; Nature >= 4; Female
the Wheel Nation: 53; Astral >= 4
# of the Apes Nation: 53; Astral >= 0
the Wheel Nation: 25; Astral >= 4
# of the Apes Nation: 25
the Wheel Nation: 78; Astral >= 4
# of the Apes Nation: 78
the Hunger Below Nation: 17; Death >= 4
the Maker of the Seal Nation: 17; Astral >= 6
the Obsidian Mind Nation: 17; Death >= 4; Earth >= 4
# of Opulent Halls Nation: 17
# of Opulent Halls Nation: 44
the Golem # Nation: 44; Lifeless
# of the Tombs Underneath Nation: 70; Death >= 4
# of the Bakemono Nation: 54
# of the Oni Nation: 27
# of the Date Clusters Nation: 29; Nature >= 4; Scale Growth >= 3; Unknown: 12
House of the Date Clusters Nation: 29; Nature >= 4; Scale Growth >= 3; Unknown: 12
# of the Date Clusters Nation: 56; Nature >= 4; Scale Growth >= 3; Unknown: 12
House of the Date Clusters Nation: 56; Nature >= 4; Scale Growth >= 3; Unknown: 12
the Lamenting # Nation: 29
the Lamenting # Nation: 56
# of Near and Close
the Self Created Master Immobile; Male; Lifeless
Sword of Balance
the Awesome
Symbol of Unchallenged Victory
the Invincible and Ever
Patron of Soldiers
Patron of Languages
# of Courage
# of Agriculture Scale Growth >= 2; Unknown: 12; Scale Order >= 1
Patron of Farmers Scale Growth >= 1; Unknown: 12; Scale Order >= 0
the Unforgiving #
Councilor of Gods Unknown: 19
# of the Cold North Scale Cold >= 3
# of the Frozen Marches Water >= 3; Nature >= 3; Scale Cold >= 3
# of Gluttony Scale Sloth >= 2; Scale Growth >= 1
He Who Waits Scale Sloth >= 2; Male
Grand Vizier of the Lands of Woe Scale Death >= 2; Scale Turmoil >= 2; Dominion: 8
the Night Hag Undead: 1; Female
Duke of Hell Demon: 1
Fiend of the Wounding Spear Demon: 1
Monster of Confusion and Disorder Demon: 1; Scale Turmoil >= 3
# of Silence Scale Order >= 1; Death >= 1
# of Desire and Grace Female
Lady of the Obscure Female
Lady of the Creamery Female; Scale Growth >= 1
the Great Leap Forward Scale Order >= 0

Disciple Titles

Disciple Title Requirements
the Mouth of
the Voice of
the Will of
the Fist of
the Herald of
the Messenger of
the Chaplain of
the First General of
the First Minister of Nation: 42
the Eternal Bookkeeper of Nation: 42
the Right Hand of
the Left Hand of
! who is Always Behind
Firstborn of
the First Follower of
the Second Follower of
the Son of Male
the Daughter of Female
! who Aided
! who Saw
! who Heard
! who Betrayed
the Guardian of the Servants of
the Most Devout Follower of
the Most Eloquent Follower of
the Most Important Follower of
the Joy of Female
the Seed of Male
the Housekeeper of
! who Walks Before
Guardian of the Vestibule of
Vanquisher of the Enemies of
First Soldier of the Empire of Not Immobile
Foremost of
the Flame of Fire >= 3
! who Carries the Flame of Fire >= 3
the Light of Fire >= 3
the Wrath of Fire >= 3
the Breath of Air >= 3
the Keeper of the Storm of Air >= 3
the Keeper of the Flood of Water >= 3
the Boatkeeper of Water >= 3
the Wallkeeper of Earth >= 3
the Hammer of Earth >= 3
the Anvil of Earth >= 3
the Forester of Nature >= 3
the Dark Hand of Death >= 3
the Shadow of Death >= 3
the Star of Astral >= 3
the Bright Mind of Astral >= 3
the Slaver of Blood >= 3
the Spirit of the Fear of Astral >= 3; Death >= 3
the Judge of Fire >= 3
pretender-titles.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/30 18:54 by dude