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Damage is mostly used to reduce the hit points of a unit in an attempt to kill them. It is applied as a result of successful attacks and combat spells. It has a number of possible types and additional modifiers, all of which are indicated on the details window for each weapon or spell. The actual damage inflicted is the result of the damage roll minus the defender's protection roll, both of which are DRNs. A wide range of abilities and spell effects may alter the damage calculation in some way both before and after this protection roll.

The different damage types have a variety of properties besides simply reducing the victim's hit points. An instance of damage can have additional properties such as being magic damage, being armor piercing or negating, which are not specifically tied to the damage type. For example, many fire evocations tend to inflict magical armor piercing fire damage. This means that ethereal targets cannot avoid the damage (as it is magical), that protection is reduced by half (due to the armor piercing property), and that fire resistance applies due to the fire component.

A weapon that inflicts multiple types of physical damage, usually both slashing and piercing, will choose randomly between them.

The following table briefly describes the damage types:

Blunt damage

Blunt resistance, reduces damage by half after Protection

50% more damage against a target's head, after protection, and 25% more damage for the purposes of breaking shields.

Slashing damage

Slashing resistance, reduces damage by half after Protection

Inflicts 25% more damage after protection, and 50% more damage for the purposes of breaking shields. Will sever limbs or heads when hitting them if the damage inflicted exceeds 50% of the target's hit points.

Piercing damage

Piercing resistance, reduces damage by half after Protection

Reduces the target's protection by 20% for the purposes of calculating damage. This should not be confused with the armor piercing damage.

Untyped damage

Piercing resistance, reduces damage by half after Protection

Has no inherent strengths but is not countered by any physical resistance either.

Fire damage

Fire resistance reduces damage by the amount listed

May cause the target to become set on fire.
A unit that is burning loses 1d(size) health each turn until the fire goes out (a die with a number of sides equal to the size of the unit, so for a Size 6 unit it would be 1d6). This roll cannot explode and there is no opposing protection roll.

The chance of the fire going out is:
25% + (fire resistance x2) + (cold scale x5) +100% if it is raining.

All fire have a minimum of 1% chance of being extinguished. If the province has heat scales instead, this is treated as negative cold.


| Cold damage | Cold resistance, reduces damage by the amount listed | May cause the target to become frozen.
It will then take additional fatigue damage until it thaws. A unit that is freezing takes 2d6 additional fatigue points of fatigue damage each turn until it thaws.

The chance of thawing is:
25% + (cold resistance x5) + (heat scale x6) + (cold resistance)

Cold vulnerability counts as negative cold resistance. Units with 5 or more cold resistance, units with heat auras, and ethereal units will never freeze.
Cold scales work like heat scales for burning: if it’s cold in the province, the chance of thawing is reduced by the scales. |

Shock damage Shock resistance, reduces damage by the amount listed May cause the target to become stunned.
Chance for Stun = 5% + (percentage of hit points lost from this hit) / 2
Stun prevents the affected unit from taking any action for one round.
Poison damage Poison resistance, reduces damage by the amount listed Unlike the other damage types, the hit point reduction from the damage is applied over time.
Acid damage None May rust the target's weapon or armor.
Salt damage None Inflicts no damage on units without Salt Vulnerability, but may still stun other units.

Damage can also have a number of additional properties:

Name Overview
Armor Negating Completely ignores the target's protection. Depending on the damage type, effects such as elemental and physical resistances still apply.
Armor Piercing Reduces the target's protection by 50%. This stacks with piercing damage for a combined reduction of 60%.
Fatigue Damage Adds to the target's fatigue instead of lowering their hit points, though hit point damage from excessive fatigue will apply. Elemental resistances count double against this type of damage.
Magical Damage The damage is considered from a magical source. Etherealness and invulnerability do not apply.
Life draining Restores the attacker's hit points by half the damage inflicted, and fatigue by double the damage inflicted. Inanimate units can steal life, but not have life stolen from them.
Partial life drain As the above, but is capped at 5 points of life draining.
Paralysis damage Rather than dealing hit point damage, the damage is instead converted into some number of rounds of paralysis. Repeated applications of paralysis deal small amounts of hit point damage.
Soul Slaying This applies the same effect as the soul slay spell.
damage.1631620884.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/09/14 12:01 by naaira