Debug Mod
The debug mod is a mod intended for debugging the behaviour of Dominions 5. It removes level restrictions for all spells and magic items. In addition, the mod introduces five new spells to help debug. The new spells are (1) Super Wish, (2) Super GoR, (3) Super Divine Name, (4) Contact Debug Sensei and (5) Eyes of Debug. Make sure that you take an awake pretender with at least one point in astral so you can contact the Debug Sensei.
Super Wish - Research 0, Astral 1, one pearl - you get to cast wish as per this page
Super Divine Name - Research 0, Astral 1, one pearl - turns a unit into a commander as the spell Divine Name. Specifically it works on mindless units.
Super Gift of Reason - Research 0, Astral 1, one pearl - Turns a unit into a commander as the spell Gift of Reaons. Only works on units with a mind.
Contact Debug Sensei - Research 0, Astral 1, one pearl - creates a human mage with 9 in all paths that also generates 10 pearls a turn.
Eyes of Debug - Research 0, Astral 1, one pearl - same as Eyes of God.
If used in combat, the Debug Sensei will cast any spell in the game without research. This will make combat simulation useless if you send them into a fight.
The mod sets all research to level zero, which may not be helpful. Maerlande has created a variation of the mod that removes it, which can be found
The Dominions 3 version of the debug mod was made by ryo_akashi, and has been edited many times since. Credit to all authors.