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Battlefield Enchantment

Battlefield enchantments are spells that create an ongoing effect that affects the entire battlefield until the caster leaves the battlefield by any means. Typically this occurs through death or retreat, but can more rarely happen through returning or becoming banished to another plane.

These generally require gems, a lot of fatigue, and high paths, but can be extremely powerful. Some battlefield enchantments do continual damage to all units of a particular type; these are particularly powerful if your army is resistant or immune but the enemy's army is not. Examples of these include Rigor Mortis, Foul Vapors, Fire Storm, and Wrathful Skies.

Battle Enchantment Paths Gems Research Effect
Light of the Northern Star astral 33 2astralpearl Conjuration 4 +1 Astral to all astral mages on the battlefield.
Howl nature 33 3naturegem Conjuration 5 Every 320 ticks, there is a 1 in 12 chance that wolves appear at the edge of the battlefield. 1d3 are summoned if the provinces is neither a forest nor a mountain. 1d6 are instead summoned in forests and mountains. The wolf die rolls can explode.
Shark Attack water 33 3watergem Conjuration 6 Every 320 ticks, there is a 1 in 24 chance to activate. Every activation adds 1 to a hidden counter. Checks every unit in the battle that is not inanimate, not undead, not a Shark, and that has less hitpoints than their maximum. Has a (25 - (counter * 2))% chance to spawn a Shark at either edge of the battlefield, in line with the wounded unit. There is a 50% chance to spawn a Small Shark instead. Every time the spell is cast, the counter is reset, but this does not allow the spell to be cast again while it is already active.
Solar Eclipse fire 33astral 11 1firegem Alteration 5 The battlefield becomes dark, applying darkness penalties of -3 to attack, defence, and precision.
Darkness death 44 4deathgem Alteration 6 The battlefield becomes dark, applying darkness penalties of -6 to attack, defence, and precision.
Rain water 22 1watergem Evocation 2 It starts to rain on the battlefield. Heat aura effect is reduced, Fire magic fatigue is doubled. Creatures on fire are very likely to stop burning quickly. If cast in cold it snows instead, which does not double fire magic fatigue.
Mist air 33 1airgem Evocation 3 Base precision is halved, rounding down.
Storm air 44 1airgem Evocation 4 Flight is prevented for all creatures without storm immunity or storm power. 50% of weapon-based missiles are not fired (unless the weapon can be used underwater). All creatures without storm immunity or storm power have their precision halved. Also applies Rain.
Wrathful Skies air 55 2airgem Evocation 6 Strikes 0.3% of the battlefield with 15 AN shock damage every 320 ticks. Storm doubles the area struck. Expected hits per tile per round: 7%
Wailing Winds death 44air 11 2deathgem Evocation 6 Strikes 5% of the battlefield with a strength 1 Fear effect every 320 ticks. Does not affect friendlies.
Rain of Stones earth 33air 11 1earthgem Evocation 7 Every 320 ticks, strikes 1% of the battlefield with falling stones that inflict 5 non-magical capped blunt damage to a creature in the affected square. Additionally hits 10% of squares containing units for 5 non-magical blunt damage, which may miss all units in the square as per usual ranged attack calculations.
Fire Storm fire 55 3firegem Evocation 7 Strikes 3% of the battlefield with 6 AP fire damage every 320 ticks. Expected hits per tile per round: 70%
Acid Storm water 44fire 11 3watergem Evocation 7 Strikes 3% of the battlefield with 4 AP acid damage every 320 ticks. Expected hits per tile per round: 70%
Astral Tempest astral 55 2astralpearl Evocation 8 Every 320 ticks: Strikes 2% of the battlefield with 1 AN magic damage, negated by MR. Additionally strikes 4% of the battlefield with 100 Interrupt damage, that does not affect Mindless creatures and can be negated by passing a MR check. Expected hits per tile per round for damage: 7%. Expected hits per tile per round for interrupt: 14% (NOTE: these percentages vs hit rates disagree by a factor of 15. Not sure which one is off so I can't fix it.)
Meteor Shower earth 55astral 44 3earthgem Evocation 9 Every 320 ticks, each square has a 3/4000 chance to have a meteor dropped on it, inflicting 150 magical blunt damage. Expected hits per tile per round: 1.74%
Quagmire water 44 1watergem Enchantment 5 Creatures without swamp survival have -1 attack, -1 defence, +2 encumbrance, and -20% combat speed.
Friendly Currents water 33 1watergem Enchantment 5 Friendly creatures gain +4 combat speed and -2 encumbrance, enemies suffer -4 combat speed and +2 encumbrance.
Foul Vapors nature 33water 11 1naturegem Enchantment 5 Strikes 1% of the battlefield with 5 AN poison damage every 320 ticks. Expected hits per tile per round: 23%
Rigor Mortis death 44 3deathgem Enchantment 6 Strikes 3% of the battlefield with 10 AN fatigue damage every 320 ticks. Undead and inanimate beings are unaffected. Approximately 7 fatigue a round per tile.
Relief nature 55 1naturegem Enchantment 6 Strikes 6% of the field every 320 ticks. Friendly units lose DRN+1 fatigue. Approximately 3.8 fatigue reduction per round.
Heat from Hell fire 44 2firegem Enchantment 6 Strikes 3% of the battlefield with AN fire fatigue damage every 320 ticks. The amount of damage dealt is 5+Heat scale, -3 if raining. Does nothing if Grip of Winter is also active. Approximately 1.4, 3.5, 5.8 fatigue per round fatigue per round in cold 3, neutral, and heat 3 respectively (with no resistances).
Grip of Winter water 44 2watergem Enchantment 6 Strikes 3% of the battlefield with AN cold fatigue damage every 320 ticks. The amount of damage dealt is 4+Cold scale, +2 if it is snowing and a storm is present. Does nothing if Heat from Hell is also active. Approximately .7, 2.8, 4.9 fatigue per round in heat 3, neutral and cold 3 respectively (with no resistances).
Solar Brilliance astral 55 3astralpearl Enchantment 7 Every 320 ticks: 5% of the battlefield must make an easy MR check or become blinded. 5% of the battlefield is struck for 5 AP damage if Undead or Demonic, with an easy MR check to negate. Expected hits per tile per round: 117%. Removes the effects of darkness while active, and causes dark power attribute bonuses to be applied as penalties instead. Cannot be used in caves, underwater or during assassinations at night unless a unit with the localsun property is present.
Mists of Deception air 66 2airgem Enchantment 8 Applies the effects of Mist if not already present. Every 320 ticks, for each level of Air magic of the caster, there is a 1 in 24 chance to spawn a random phantasm at a random point on the battlefield. There is a 90% chance that the phantasm is a Phantasmal Warrior or Phantasmal Wolf, and a 10% chance that the phantasm is a Phantasmal Beast or Phantasmal Knight.
Fields of the Dead death 55earth 22 1deathgem Enchantment 9 Every 320 ticks, there is a 1 in 6 chance to trigger. Reanimates up to a DRN of corpses as soulless, with a 100% chance for armed soulless if there are available corpses. There is a 10% chance for national soulless to be spawned.
Demon Cleansing water 55 1watergem Enchantment 9 All demons on the battlefield take double damage, applied before protection.
The Ravenous Swarm nature 33 1naturegem Thaumaturgy 5 Every 5120 ticks (or 1.46484375 times a round), selects a random undead target. If a target had previously been selected, will always be picked in preference to another random undead creature. If there are no undead, any random creature is selected, and as with the undead targets, it will prefer to attack the same target continuously. Inflicts 7 AN nonmagical damage, which is multiplied by 3 if the target is undead or a demon.
Growing Fury nature 44 1naturegem Thaumaturgy 5 Affects the battlefield every 320 ticks. All friendly units with an inherent berserker value, or those whose current hit points are lower than their maximum immediately go berserk. Other friendly units have a flat 5% chance instead. As with usual berserking, this does not affect most mounted units, Mindless units, or Slave Vessels.
Soul Drain astral 55death 55 5astralpearl Thaumaturgy 8 3% of the battlefield suffers 2 AN magical life steal every 320 ticks. Magic resistance avoids the damage. Inanimate creatures are unaffected by this spell. Expected hits per tile per round: 70%
Blood Rain blood 33 3bloodslave Blood 7 All units on the battlefield suffer -4 morale.
Divine Channeling holy 55 All friendly holy 11 priests gain +1 holy level.
Dance of the Morrigans (EA Fomoria) death 55air 22 4deathgem Conjuration 8 Every 320 ticks, there is a 1 in 24 chance to activate. Every activation adds 1 to a hidden counter. Checks every unit in the battle that is not inanimate, not undead, not a Morrigan, and that has less hitpoints than their maximum. Has a (10 - (counter * 2))% chance to spawn a Morriganat the location of the wounded unit. Every time the spell is cast, the counter is reset, but this does not allow the spell to be cast again while it is already active.
The Ark Caused by the presence of the The Ark artifact in battle. Strikes 3% of the battlefield every 320 ticks. All units affected make a MR check. Sacred units, prophets, or pretenders belonging to Ark's owner are entirely unaffected, even upon failing this. All other units that failed their MR check are struck for 2 AN magical damage. Additionally, there are 20% chances, rolled independently of each other, that each struck unit becomes diseased and blinded without further MR checks1).

Whilst not technically battle enchantments, the presence of the following Global Enchantments act as if they were battle enchantments:

Global Enchantment Paths Gems Research Effect
The Eyes of God astral 55 50astralpearl Enchantment 5 Active only in its caster's dominion. Every 320 ticks, strikes 6% of the battlefield. Affected enemy illusory creatures must make a MR check or take 999 AN magical damage.
Foul Air death 55air 11 75deathgem Thaumaturgy 6 Active only in land provinces. Every 320 ticks, applies disease to any unit in battle whose current hit points are less than their maximum, and that are not demonic or inanimate.
Analysis of the Dominions 5.51b executable
battle-enchantment.txt · Last modified: 2023/01/15 19:43 by loggy