Every game of Dominions 5 is played on a map, which defines the look, geography, and provinces. The map can be hand-made, or randomly generated by the game or another tool.
For a single-player campaign, you usually care less about map balance and more about interesting features and beautiful images. For a multi-player game, balance is often a top concern. Multiplayer maps often need to wrap around in order to not give players advantageous corner starts.
Hand-made maps can be downloaded from the Steam Workshop. As it might be difficult to browse, and there are many maps that are not balanced for multiplayer, this page contains a curated list of common multiplayer maps. Just like mods, maps are auto-downloaded when you connect to a direct-connect game server, so only the game host needs the map.
: make a sweet table or something for the below list, or maybe a template that includes stuff like number of players. (also consider in which way these lists should differ from the Steam workshop – only in being curated?)
: should also list a couple common complaints about each maps, to nuance and not make it seem like just a list of "the good maps".
The game has a built-in random map generator, which is rarely used for multiplayer games. Reasons include imbalanced starting positions and cap circles, many underwater provinces, and risk of starting on a small island. The Random Map NoStart Setter tool can make these maps more sensible for multiplayer games.
MapNuke is the current state-of-the-art of random map generation. It is used by most multiplayer games and is under active development. The second random map generation tool is Cartographic Revision, which also produces playable multiplayer maps.
: write something about what to consider when tweaking the random maps
* Biddyn * Snerdryn * Hexawyr * Edowyn * Lucid's Atlas
Here is a collection of smaller maps scraped from the Clockwork Hounds servers which are mostly appropriate in size for blitzes and duels.
Available for download here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1j0xgJR6fSyosgdj-Rj6-hJvW0jQSiqBE
: host the maps on the server?
: download the maps from 7th's google drive and upload them here
: if maps have designated throne sites, give the number of thrones for the map
Barony of bears - 74 land provinces
Bat country "fixed" - 65 land provinces
Cage fight - 66 land provinces
Chalice of Ilmatar - 89 land provinces
Coast of goats - 52 land provinces
Desert flower - 58 land provinces
Grigionia - 118 land provinces
Jumaleisson - 61 land provinces
Merrormoor - 75 land provinces
Motherland by Executor? named in honor of Maerlande?
85 land provinces
Murkymoor - 47 land provinces
Rampaging roaches by Elmokki
78 land provinces
Sengoku - 69 land provinces
SS5 - 80 land provinces
Streamlands by Elmokki
93 land provinces