As the name implies, the independents comprise stationary factions with no affiliation to a god or nation. At the beginning of a game, all provinces except for the players' starting provinces are populated by independent forces, though these are not visible on the first turn. This makes "blind" first turn expanding (into an unknown independent force) a potentially risky move. Independent provinces never have any province defense, nor do they regain troops that have been killed. The independent types that spawn at the beginning of the game are representative of the units that will be present in a player's province defense in that province, as well as what they are able to recruit, unless they're Undead or Phantasmal.
Throne provinces are guarded by stronger independents, with higher throne levels having stronger guardians and possibly neutral Pretender chassis. While not limited to thrones, stronger independents may spawn with random magic items and gems, meaning that taking such provinces is often more complicated than the larger quantitity of chaff they have. Note that mages in Throne provinces do regain their gems after each battle.
Barring upkeep, independent forces are subject to the same checks that any player army is: underlying disease or horror marking magic sites will afflict them, as will disease caused by starvation. Additionally, they experience the full effects of any magic items they might have, including items such as a Soul Contract spawning devils every turn. Independents do not patrol for any reason, therefore there is no risk to stealthy commanders in their provinces.
Independent forces can also be created through random events in which they will attack the controlling player's forces stationed there, and perhaps take back control of the province. Should they beat patrolling forces in a fort, independents will never storm a castle, no matter how long they siege it. Independent owned provinces do not experience random events. Should an independent priest bless independent sacred troops, nothing will happen (this is probably a bug).
The spells known by independent mages may be set one of two ways: many chassis have predefined research levels, and will be able to cast spells of all research schools, including modded spells, up to this level. Others have a hardcoded list which they are able to draw from. For a full list of these, see this subpage.
List common independent types on land and underwater, what pd they generate, what they allow you to recruit.
Mundane Independents
Mundane independents represent the common folk of the Dominions universe, who lack the magic of their more gifted contemporaries and instead defend their land with good old iron and steel (occasionally supported by the local wizard, if you are unlucky). They become more common in the later ages as magic wanes and the weird and wonderful independent types begin to lose their influence.
Later age mundane independents are also much more dangerous than their early age counterparts, wielding harder-hitting weapons and wearing tougher armor. For some specific examples:
From any province defended by mundane independents you will be able to recruit whatever units were defending it, and any province defense you set up will be made up of those units. You may also be able to recruit a generic Priest for blessing small numbers of sacreds.
Early Independents
The rest of the independent types are those who are more in tune with magic, such as tribespeople, druids and sometimes the magical entities themselves. They are far more common in the early age, and for the most part become rarer in later ages as the overall strength of magic declines and is eclipsed by mundane technology. These "early" independents vary significantly in threat level, some being Militia-level pushovers and others capable of annihilating unprepared expansion parties. Some are quite valuable for the mage recruits they provide, which can easily give a nation access to paths it is otherwise unable to use. They generally become less common the later the age. They can be organized into several subgroups:
Provide brief descriptions of threat level and notable recruits. Images might be nice as well
Misc: these do not fit into any particular subgroup.
Force consists of Barbarians with great swords and Barbarians with mauls, led by 2-3 Barbarian Chiefs and 0-1 Barbarian Lord. Suitable terrain: plain, forest, highland, mountain, waste. Common in EA and MA, in LA they remain common in forests and wastes, becoming uncommon elsewhere. Barbarian Lords cannot be recruited in barbarian provinces.
There are two kinds of druids:
Woodhenge Druid commands a Woodsman Blowpipe squad, always accompanied by a second Woodhenge Druid with a Vine Man squad or by a Woodsman squad with no Druid, but rarely by both. Woodhenge Druids are common in Swamps and uncommon in Forests of all ages. Vine Men cannot be recruited, and PD is led by a basic Commander.
Bloodhenge Druids, their less common cousins, always gather in groups of five. Their troops consist of Woodsman Blowpipes and either a few Dark Vines or a Vine Man group plus some results of their Cross Breeding experiments. They are found in the same terrain and have the same recruitment options and PD as their less bloody brethren, and, as such, cannot be recruited.
At times, a Druid province may be occupied by a handful of Forest Trolls and a single Troll Shaman. Recruitment/PD is identical to the previous indie type.
Come in three kinds:
First one consists of Burgmeister Guards and Hoburg Crossbows, led by 2 Hoburg Champions, and is found uncommonly in MA and LA farms. Hoburg Militia may be recruited as well. Burgmeister Guards are not a part of PD.
Second one is just a bunch of Hoburg Militia, but they are led by a Horticulturist and a Hoburg Priest. Also found in farms, but this time in EA and MA. PD led by a Priest.
Third kind is a few Burgmeister Guards, Hoburg Crossbow and dreaded Hog Knights, commanded by a Burgmeister, a Horticulturist and a Hoburg Priest. Found only in LA (in farms, as usual). Burgmeister cannot be recruited, but Hoburg Militia, Hoburg Champions and even commander version of Hog Knight can be. PD is one such Hog Knight leading Militia and Crossbows.
Fir Bolg Militia, Fir Bolg Warriors and Fir Bolg Slinger, all led by a single Fir Bolg Champion. EA Farm exclusive, and uncommon even there and then. No warriors in PD.
Lizard Warriors and, possibly, Crocodiles, led by 1-2 Shamans. Common in swamps and forests (not so common in LA forests). Crocodiles cannot be recruited.
Atavi Infantry, Atavi Archers, Markata and Markata Archers, all led by Atavi Chieftains. Forest-exclusive, monkeys are common in EA, uncommon in MA and are no longer found in the wild in LA. Markatas (both kinds) are sometimes absent. Markata Archers cannot be recruited.
Raptors and a few Caelian Soulless, led by an indie Harab Seraph. Found only in MA Highlands, where they wait for their LA return. Soulless, certainly, cannot be recruited.
A single indie type with many variations. Found in all land terrain types, except Farms, and in all ages. Every specific variation is pretty rare, but all together they have a decent chance to be encountered. Undead provinces always have low population. Recruitment and PD consist of Slingers and Commander (replaced by Cavemen in Caves). Possible variations include:
A Mound King leading Ghouls and various standard Longdead.
A mounted Mound King leading a Longdead Horseman troop.
Ghouls and Soulless.
Possessed Corpse with a force of Ganas and Pisachas.
A Wight Mage, protected by Longdead Horseman cavalry led by a Mound King, Mound King bodyguards and a bunch of Soulless.
Hatchet Bear Tribe Warriors and spear/javelin Bear Tribe Warriors, led by a Barbarian Chief and a Bear Tribe Shaman. Highlands and forests only, uncommon in LA. No Barbarian Chief recruitment.
Bone Tribe Hunters and Bone Tribe Beast Hunters, led by 1-2 Bone Tribe Head Hunters and a Bone Reader. Can be found in highlands, wastes and forests. The most dangerous of the tribes, they are common only in EA forests, and become completely extinct by LA. PD led by a Head Hunter, not a Bone Reader, though both may be recruited.
Deer Tribe Warriors and Deer Tribe Archers, led by a Barbarian Chief and a Deer Tribe Shaman. Frequent plains, mountains and forests. Become uncommon in LA. No Barbarian Chief recruitment.
Horse Tribe Cavalry led by Horse Tribe Chiefs. Can be commonly found in plain, mountain and waste provinces. Become uncommon in LA, except in wastes.
Jaguar Tribe Warriors and Jaguar Tribe Slingers, led by a Jaguar Tribe Priest. Inhabit swamps and forests. Dwindle in LA in the latter.
Lion Tribe Warriors and Lion Tribe Archers, led by a Lion Tribe Witch Doctor. Find them on plains, mountains and in forests. Uncommon in LA.
Wolf Tribe Warriors and Wolf Tribe Archers, led by a Barbarian Chief and a Wolf Tribe Shaman. The most common tribe: plains, forests, highlands, mountains and even wastes are their homes. In LA, remain common in wastes. No Barbarian Chief recruitment.
Amazons: One Priestess and one Sorceress, leading some Amazons of the corresponding clan and a handful of that clan's sacred units. Leaders often possess magic items. Least uncommon in EA. All can be recruited, PD is led by a Priestess.
Crystal Sorceress, Crystal Priestess, archer Amazons and Pegasus Riders (who, obviously, can fly). Live on Plains and Mountains.
Garnet Sorceress, Garnet Priestess, fire-resistant Amazons and Gryphon Riders (once again, guard your rear). Waste-exclusive.
Jade Sorceress, Jade Priestess, boring Amazons and Jade Maidens. Found in Forests and Swamps.
Onyx Sorceress, Onyx Priestess, better-armored Amazons and scary Nightmares. Never leave Highlands.
Mages: This category encompasses various human spellcasters protected by standard human troops. All these indie types have the same recruitment list: Militia, Archer, Light Infantry, Commander, Priest and a common Scout. PD consists of Militia and Archers led by a Commander. As you can see, mages themselves cannot be recruited.
Either a single Cloud Mage with a lieutenant Commander, or two such Mages under a guidance of a Wind Master. They lead Light Infantry and Archers, and have a few Heavy Infantry bodyguards. Can be found in Plains, Highlands and Mountains of all ages.
Either an Azure Initiate or an Azure Mage, with a retinue of Light Infantry led by a Commander. Initiate is also accompanied by some Militia, while Mage is followed by one Jotun Axeman and another Commander. Found in Farms and Swamps.
One Necromancer and his servants, both human (Commander leading Light Infantry and Militia) and undead (Mound King and a Longdead Horseman squad). Found in Wastes and Caves. In the latter case, recruitment list and PD consist of Cavemen.
Either a single Conjurer plus a Commander, Archers and Heavy Infantry, or two Conjurers led by a Circle Master, with a mix of ring mail Archers and plate Archers, a mix of scale mail Heavy Infantry and chain mail Heavy Infantry, two Commanders and some risen Longdead. Reside in Wastes and Highlands.
Two of them, a blue Wizard and a red Wizard, a single War Minotaur and some weak human troops: a Commander, Slingers, Militia with no shield and Militia with one. Farms only.
Just one Pyromancer, actually. Also a Commander leading some Militia and Light Infantry. Only ever found in Wastes.
Caves: these independents mostly appear in caves.
Two flavors:
Cave-dwelling Bakemono-Sho are accompanied by a few Ko-Oni and a Bakemono Shaman. Common in all ages. Recruitment list and PD consists only of Bakemono-Sho and Bakemono Chief.
Highland Bakemono-Sho also have some Bakemono Archers amidst their ranks, who can be recruited and are a part of PD. Uncommon, and no longer encountered in LA.
A Demon Priest guiding some Ko-Oni. Uncommon in MA and LA. In EA they are common in Caves and can be sometimes found in Highlands. Both Ko-Oni and Demon Priests can be recruited.
A Caveman tribe led by a Caveman Champion. Common Cave dwellers in all ages, they are sometimes found in EA Wastes as well.
Lava-born Commander commanding some Lava-born. Only common in EA.
Pale Ones and a Pale One Commander. Common in all ages.
A flock of Zotz led by an unskilled indie Camazotz. Common in all ages. Even without any blood magic Camazotz keep their Blood Searcher bonus.
Some Troglodytes, led by a Troglodyte Lord. Common only in EA. Lords cannot be recruited. Unexpectedly, PD consists of Cavemen.
Cynocephalian Hunters and Cynocephalian Warriors plus a Cynocephalian Chieftain and a Cynocephalian Shaman. In EA they are common, and sometimes take residence in Highlands and Wastes. In MA they are uncommon, and Cave-only. Seem to be totally extinct in LA. Indie Cynocephalians have somewhat worse equipment than their Ind-civilized brethren, but cause no unrest. Indie Shamans are non-heretical and have a wider range of crosspaths.
Sea: these independents mostly appear in the Sea. Some of them (Ichtyids and Shamblers) can be found in coastal land provinces as well. Deep Sea and Gorge have the same list of indies. Most of underwater indie types are Tritons:
Tritons armed with nothing but knives, led by a Triton Commander. Uncommon in MA and LA Deep Sea, common otherwise.
Spear-wielding Tritons, Triton Guards and a couple of Triton Commanders. Always common in shallow Sea, but become uncommon in Deep Sea after EA. Knife Tritons can also be recruited.
Triton Troopers, Triton Guards and, as usual, two Triton Commanders. Only found in MA and LA. Common in shallow Sea, uncommon in Deep Sea.
A small number of Shark Knights, accompanied by Triton Troopers and 2 Triton Commanders. Uncommon in MA and LA, not found in EA.
A few Triton Knights plus some Triton Troopers and a single Triton Commander. In EA they are common, but absent in Deep Sea. Later they are uncommon, but found in all underwater provinces. Triton Guards can be recruited as well.
2 Triton Commanders leading Shark Tribe Tritons. In EA they are common in all Seas, in MA they are no longer found in Deep Sea, in LA they become uncommon.
Shark Knights and Shark Tribe Tritons, led by 2 usual Triton Commanders. Exclusive to EA shallow Sea, but common under these conditions.
Turtle Tribe Tritons and 2 Triton Commanders. Just like Shark Tribe, common in EA everywhere, leave Deep Sea by MA, uncommon in LA.
An Amber Clan Priest leading Amber Clan Tritons and Amber Clan Guards. Sometimes an Amber Clan Mage joins them. Common in EA, uncommon later. PD led by a priest.
A number of significantly rarer independent types exist. Unlike the above, local recruitment province defense for these provinces will not include their natural defenders, rather another type of defender will be chosen instead. These provinces have commanders with forced names, additional magic paths, and pre-assigned items, some of which cannot be obtained through other means. There is however a chance that they will generate with additional items.
The significance of these provinces is typically in the sites they guard or the items that their defenders carry. In any case, these types of defenders are mostly more dangerous than other provinces. Notably, some rarity 5 magic sites which generate naturally have these special defenders. These are highly unusual, and it is rather likely that a map may generate without any of these sites. It has been observed that these population types can also be throne defenders if their site spawns in a throne province.
Despite some of these involving named commanders, this does not stop duplicates appearing on the same map. They may however have slightly different magic paths due to random rolls on their chassis.
Site | Commanders | Example Units | Observed terrains | Notes |
Bolivar's Tower of Reflections (Search ![]() | Bolivar Wise, Illusionist: ![]() Grisman, Illusionist: ![]() | 3 Swordsman 5 Phantasmal Warriors 3 Maceman | Plains, Highland, Mountain | The two illusionist commanders have the obfuscate ability, making this province often appear empty or with very few swordsmen or macemen. |
Holy Crypt of Anre (visible) | Anre, Eternal Knight: Flambeau, Crown of Command, Girdle of Might | 5 Eternal Knights 39 Heavy Infantry 11 Knights | Plains, Mountains | |
The Queen's Galley (search ![]() | Queen Andromea, Wailing Lady: Astral Serpent | 10 Ghosts | Sea (not deep) | |
Mine of the Cyclops (visible) | Arges, Elder Cyclops: Hammer of the Mountains, Copper Plate Brontes, Elder Cyclops: + ![]() Steropes, Elder Cyclops: Midget Masher, Dancing Shield | 4 Gigante Hoplites 3 Lochos | Highland | The Hammer of the Cyclops is an unforgeable two handed weapon which grants +1 master smith. |
Starke's Ice Cave (search ![]() | Starke, Ice Druid, ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Jotun Herse | 1 Ghost 15 Jotun Spearman 3 Winter Wolf | Highland | The Vial of Frozen Tears is an unforgeable miscellaneous booster for Water and Death. |
Surakid's Tower (search ![]() | Surakid, Spectral Mage, ![]() ![]() ![]() Arundel, Longdead Legionnaire, Enchanted Sword, Hydra Skin Armor, Horror Helmet Elias, Longdead Legionnaire, Bone Armor, Amulet of Antimagic | 15 Longdead | Highland | |
None | Antatus, Golem, ![]() | 2 Stone Monstra 28 Living Statues | Plains | These units appear unrelated to any magic sites. |
None | Satina, Sorceress, ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Sorceress | 22 Burgmeister Guard 1 Crusher \ 15 Earth Gnomes 1 Fall Bear | Forest | The Robe of the Sorceress is an unforgeable robe which grants +1 to all paths of sorcery. Some unusual units can be recruited from this province: Hoburg Militia, Hoburg Crossbow (even in EA), Hoburg Champion, and Burgmeister Guard. |
Troll Pit (search ![]() | Skallhögg, Troll King: Elf Bane, Lead Shield, Green Dragon Scale Mail, Girdle of Might Villvacke, Vaetti: Knife of the Damned, Berserker Pelt, Slave Collar | 5 Trolls 42 Vaetti 3 Wyverns | Highland | This province has some highly unusual local recruits available: Chief, Vaetti, Wolf Rider, Troll. Trolls can be recruited here even without searching the province for the Troll Pit. |
Jungle Temple (search ![]() | Ninhadi, Lamia: Fenris' Pelt, Enchanted Sword Unu'ishimma, Lamia Queen ![]() ![]() ![]() | 10 Horned Serpents 20 Lamias | Forest | As well as having a hidden site, one of the commanders carries Fenris' Pelt, an artifact. |
None | Solaris, Paladin: Sun Armor, Sun Sword, Sun Helm, Sun Shield Ignatius, High Priest ![]() | 17 Flagellants 8 Knight of the Chalice | Farmland | All the Sun items carried by Solaris are unforgeable. Unusually, if this appears in EA it is still possible to recruit the Longbowman (as well as Knights) from this province, which is otherwise very difficult in the era. |
The Primal Forest (visible) | Dumuzi, Annunaki of Growth and Rebirth ![]() ![]() ![]() Annunaki of Love and War ![]() ![]() ![]() | 2 Kithaironic Lions 50 Vine Man 5 Vine Ogres 13 Woodland Spirits | Forest | |
Desert of Ptah (visible) | Ptah, Divine Mummy ![]() ![]() ![]() Nuptamon, Giant Mummy: Wraith Sword, Copper Plate | 3 Mummy 2 Behemoths 50 Longdead 1 Scorpion Beast | Waste | The Crown of Ptah is an unforgeable item. If obtained it cannot be removed, but it allows its wearer to cast Control the Dead. |
Halls of the Dead (search ![]() | Katafagus, Master Lich ![]() ![]() ![]() Shattermouth, Bane | 100 Longdead 3 Mummy | Waste, Cave | These defenders have a chance to spawn where the Halls of the Dead do. The site can spawn independently of them, too. The Crown of Katafagus is an unforgeable item that cannot be removed but allows its wearer to summon mummies. |
Catacombs (search ![]() | Mobar, Lich ![]() Reaver, Bane: Horror Helmet, Champion's Skull | 50 Soulless 100 Longdead 5 Wights | Waste | These defenders have a chance to spawn where Catacombs do. The site can spawn without these defenders, too. Reaver's Champion's Skull will typically mean that he enters the hall of fame on about turn 3 if this site is present on the map. |
Cave of Ghouls (search ![]() | Gore Jaw, Ghoul: Blacksteel Tower Shield, Blacksteel Sword, Blacksteel Helmet, Blacksteel Full Plate | 57 Ghouls | Cave, Waste | These defenders have a chance to spawn where Caves of Ghouls do. The site can spawn without these defenders, too. The most important feature here is the named commander: randomly named commanders will never be named Gore Jaw. |
Cave of Dark Rites (search ![]() | Kekon, Harvester of Sorrows ![]() | 10 Fiend of Darkness 33 Shades 30 Shade Beasts | Cave | These defenders have a chance to spawn where the Cave of Dark Rites does. The site can spawn without these defenders, too. These defenders look very like a more common cave independent type: the harvester of souls is the distinguishing feature. The province population will likely be very depleted due to the harvester having the reaper trait. |
The Iron Caverns (search ![]() | Ar, Unfrozen Mage ![]() ![]() ![]() Eo, Unfrozen Lord: Bone Armor, Amulet of Antimagic | 6 Unfrozen 26 Unfrozen Warriors | Cave | These defenders have a chance to spawn where The Iron Caverns are. The site can spawn without these defenders, often in other terrain types. |
The Doom Cloud (search ![]() | Pazuzu - Lord of the Plague Wind: Bane Blade, Weightless Tower Shield | 32 Longdead 8 Storm Demons | Waste | These defenders have a chance to spawn if The Doom Cloud spawns in a waste. |
None | Yiaia, Starspawn ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Ichtyid Lord | 5 Ether Warriors 22 Ichtyid 14 Ichtyid Warriors | Coast | The treasure here is the Ring of Sorcery. |
None | Get-Ola, Chimera: Carcator the Pocket Lich | 25 Draconians | Highland | The pocket lich is an artifact. This province has some highly unusual local recruits available: Chief, Vaetti, Wolf Rider, Troll. |
Earthroot Tower (search ![]() | Troll King | 8 Trolls 1 Troll Moose Knight 2 War Trolls | Highland | This province has some highly unusual local recruits available: Trolls, War Trolls, Troll Moose Knights, and most importantly the Troll King for a mere 200 gold. |
None | Tott'ush, Shaman ![]() ![]() | 1 non-commander Shaman 25 Slave Warriors | Swamp | The slave warriors have a 50% chance to not always present, making this a very easy province to take with only two shamans in it. Additionally, Tott'ush carries a large amount of gear to loot. |
None | Tulsa Doom, Shaman ![]() ![]() 1 Shaman | 36 Slave Warriors | Swamp | |
None | Oberführer, Hoburg Hero: Shortsword, Blacksteel Helmet, Blacksteel Full Plate Burgmeister Hoburg Priest Horticulturist | 14 Burgmeister Guard 3 Hoburg Crossbows 16 Hog Knights | Farmland | Oberführer carries the unforgeable Shortsword, a two handed weapon which inflicts double damage to larger beings. This province allows the recruitment of Hoburg Militia, Burgmeister Guard, Hoburg Champions, and (even in EA) Hoburg Crossbows. |
None | Shark Bane, Sea King: Wave Breaker | 5 Kraken 14 Sea Trolls | Sea | Unique, but unremarkable. |
None | Ogul Voidmaster, Hydromancer: Robe of the Sea, Spell Focus 2 Initiate of the Deep 1 Sea Father | 5 Amber Clan Guards 1 Amber Clan Triton 3 Shark Knights 1 Triton Trooper | Sea | Unique, but unremarkable. |
None | Shul Uzuz, Mind Lord | 2 Shamblers 10 Slave Trolls | Gorge, Deep Sea | Unique, but unremarkable. |
None | Tiamat, Wyrm ![]() ![]() | 10 Sea Serpents | Gorge, Deep Sea | Unique, but unremarkable. |
None | Lucidor, Adept of Pyriphlegeton: Fire Brand Commander: Ring of Fire Priest Warlord | 5 Abysian Infantry 20 Light Infantry 1 Salamander | Plains, Mountain, Waste | Easily mistaken for a common light infantry province. |