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Province Attributes

When a province is selected, you can see its attributes in a box in the upper left corner of the screen, provided that you have some way of gaining this information (either through scouts or the proximity of friendly provinces). If you don't have any way to gather this information, all you'll get is the map number of the province. You'll always be able to tell which type of terrain a province has, even if it is on the opposite side of the map. Most information about a province will be unavailable unless you actually own it (it is friendly to you, displaying your national flag).

If you have dominion over a province, you will be able to see its income and name, even if you do not control it. Once you have scouted a province, the province name is remembered and you can always see it even if you do not have friendly units in it. For more information about how much information you will receive on any given province, see Scouting and Scrying on page [37]. The province attributes shown in the main province screen break down as follows:

Terrain type

Terrain is shown in the upper right of the province info box. It is very important to determining how valuable that province will be in terms of income, resources, supply, and magic sites. Farmland tends to have high population (and therefore income) but low resources and few magic sites. Mountains tend to be just the opposite. Mountains, forests, swamps, caves and especially wastes are more likely to contain magic sites. Terrain also allows or restricts multi-province movement. See the section on Movement.

There is a major distinction between land and underwater provinces. Underwater provinces cannot be entered by units without a special ability that allows it (such as amphibious, aquatic, or water-breathing), they do not contribute resources to fortresses on land and cannot be crossed by flying units. Units with sailing may cross water provinces, but may not remain there at the end of a turn.

EFFECTS TO BE DISCUSSED/PRESENTED: (in table format or other options)

  • Movement Cost
  • Province number (in map files)
  • Corresponding population number modifier

Note: Mountains / Highlands need to be clarified: illwinter switched in some patch how it worked ( Border mountained are now mountaines, and Moutains became Highlands. TO BE CONFIRMED PLEASE)

Province Type Population modifier Map Movement cost Magic sites probability modifier ID (modding)
Plains Base Pop 3 0 0
Forest -25% 5 + 128
Swamps -70% 7 ++ 32
Waste -75% 5 + 64
Mountains -50% no modifier + 4194304
Highlands -40% 6 0 16
Farms +50% no modifier - 256
Fresh waters +20% no modifier 0 8
Cave -60% 6 + 4096
Cave Forest -20% ? ? ?
Sea 25-100% of base pop 5 0 4
Deap Sea 25-100% of base pop ? ? 2048
Gorge -25% ? ? ?
Kelp Forest +25% ? ? ?


Population determines income, and is affected by many factors: Growth/Death scales, patrolling, dominion, pillaging, and random events. The population in a province sets the base income from that province:

We should list all factors that modify population number in a province and the maths behind

  • Unrest reduction 1 point = -10pop
  • Pillage
  • Raid
  • Dominion Scales

The population has an effect on:

  • Income
  • Recruitment points

Capital Population

See Capital.


A province contributes its income rating to the owner's treasury every turn. Income accumulates in the treasury. The number shown is after all modifications. Income is determined by multiple factors, including population, dominion scales, fortress administration, and unrest. The basic formula is

  • Income base = Population / 100.
  • Modified Income = (Population / 100) * (dominion scale modifiers) * (1 +fort administration / 200).

If the province has unrest, this number is Final

  • Income = Modified Income / (1 + (unrest * 0.02).

If a province cannot trace an unbroken line of friendly provinces back to a friendly fort, it does not produce income that turn. Taxation requires communication.

Note: Speaking of taxation, note that while the process of income collection is referred to as taxation here, there is no explicit "taxation" mechanism or button in the game. This is a change from previous Dominions games, where you could set the level of taxation in each individual province. This is no longer the case. Taxation back then was not so easy.

Full income formula FLOOR(FLOOR(FLOOR(FLOOR(FLOOR(FLOOR(FLOOR(population/100+sites_events)(1+admin/200))(1+order_mod))(1+growth_mod))(1+prod_mod))(1+heat_mod))/(1+0.02unrest))


The resource value of a province, representing raw materials needed to make weapons and armor. Resources are reduced by unrest, like income. Resources are collected by forts from neighboring provinces. A province only produces half of its potential resources for use in that province unless it contains a fort. The number shown is the number actually being produced, not the potential.

Note that in the capsule screen, resources are displayed as hammers. As a province’s resources are allocated to recruitment, the hammers in the capsule screen are progressively greyed out.

Resource availability in a province is reduced by unrest according to the formula

  • Resource % = 100 / (100 + unrest)

Thus, an unrest level of 100 means a province produces only one half of its normal resources. Furthermore, no units may be recruited in a province with an unrest level of 100 or greater.

Building a fort in a province greatly increases the number of resources available there. A fort draws resources from adjacent owned provinces according to it's administration rating. If multiple forts draw from a single province first the relative allocation for the province itself is reduced to feed all forts, if they draw >100% the contribution to each is reduced proportionally to not make the province "magically" produce more resources.


  • Say a province produces 10 resources. That means its resource potential is 20 resources. A fort in an adjacent province with administration rating draws 30% of those to itself. 50% + 30% is still below 100% so no shortage here, that means the province stil produces 10 resources and the fort gets a bonus of 6 resources.
  • 2 forts with 40% Admin are adjacent to a province which (without the forts) would produce 100 resources, so has 200 resource potential. 40%(fort) + 40%(fort) + 50%(province itself) = 130%, so the allocation of resources to the province itself get's reduced to 20%. That means the province produces 40 resources and both forts get an additional 80 resurces.

Resource amount is affected by (list):

  • Province type
  • Unrest
  • Forts and some magic sites
  • Special units
  • Dominion Scale (Order/Turmoil/Productivity/Sloth)

Resource has an impact on:

  • Units recruitment
  • Fort strategic location (forts gather nearby ressources)
  • Shields repair



Dominion Scales

For more details, see Scales.

Scale Name Effects per scale
Order scalesOrderIncome +3%, Unrest reduction +1%, Recruitment points +10%, Resources +3%, Events -2%
Turmoil scalesTurmoilIncome -3%, Unrest reduction -1%, Recruitment points -10%, Resources -3%, Events +2%
Productivity scalesProductivityIncome +3%, Resources +15%
Sloth scalesSlothIncome -3%, Resources -15%
Heat scalesHeat
Cold scalesCold
Growth scalesGrowthIncome +2%, Supplies +10%, Population increases each turn by 0.2%
Death scalesDeathIncome -2%, Supplies -10%, Population decreases each turn by 0.2%
Luck scalesLuckEvents +5%, Luck +10%
Misfortune scalesMisfortuneEvents +5%, Luck -10%
Magic scalesMagic+1RP for all mages, spells in battle cost 10% less fatigue
Drain scalesDrain-1RP for all mages, spells in battle cost 10% morefatigue


Unrest in a province causes a variety of effects, which are detrimental in most situations. In particular, province Income and Resources are reduced.

For more details, see Unrest.


Supply Usage


For more details, see Province Defense.


province-attributes.1660027509.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/08/09 06:45 by nunda