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2020/03/17 00:02
References for:
EA Agartha, Pale Ones
MA Agartha, Golem Cult
EA Arcoscephale Golden Era
LA Arcoscephale, Sibylline Guidance
MA Arcoscephale, The Old Kingdom
MA Asphodel, Carrion Wood
MA Bandar Log, Land of the Apes
LA Bogarus, Age of Heroes
EA C'tis Lizard Kings
LA C'tis, Desert Tombs
EA Caelum, Eagle Kings
MA C'tis, Miasma
MA Bandar Log, Land of the Apes
MA Bandar Log, Land of the Apes
EA C'tis, Lizard Kings
EA Caelum, Eagle Kings
MA Eriu, Last of the Tuatha
Inspiring Leaders
MA Machaka, Reign of Sorcerors
EA Ubar, Kingdom of the Unseen
EA Ur, The First City
EA Yomi, Oni Kings
MA Eriu, Last of the Tuatha
LA Erytheia, Kingdom of Two Worlds
LA Gath, Last of the Giants
Darkwolf's Good Turn Habits
MA Ind - Lady Knights of Great Feminie
MA Ind - Little Horned Men of Piconye
LA Jomon, Human Daimyos
EA Kailasa, Rise of the Ape Kings
EA Machaka, Lion Kings
MA Machaka, Reign of Sorcerors
LA Marignon, Conquerors of the Sea
MA Marignon, Fiery Justice
EA Marverni, Time of Druids
MA Mictlan, Reign of the Lawgiver
MA Na'Ba, Queens of the Desert
MA Nazca, Kingdom of the Sun
EA Oceania, Coming of the Capricorns
MA Oceania, Mermidons
EA Pangaea, Age of Revelry
Maven's Guide to EA Pangaea
LA Pangaea, New Era
MA Pangaea, Age of Bronze
Alternative start pages
Old front page 1
LA Pythium, Serpent Cult
EA Rus, Sons of Heaven
EA Sauromatia, Amazon Queens
EA Therodos, Telkhine Spectre
EA Ubar, Kingdom of the Unseen
LA Ulm, Black Forest
Unit Abilities
EA Ur, the First City
MA Uruk, City States
MA Vanarus, Land of the Chuds
EA Vanheim, Age of Vanir
MA Vanheim, Arrival of Man
EA Xibalba, Vigil of the Sun
EA Yomi, the Oni Kings
MA Ys - Morgen Queens
map-movement.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/30 00:03 by dude