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EA Sauromatia, Amazon Queens


Sauromatia is a nation based on Herodotus' accounts of the Scythian peoples in The Histories. Here Scythians, Amazons, Sarmatians, and Androphags are described with their strange traditions and unsavory practices, and the book is a splendid source for any modder seeking inspiration for a new nation. Grave goods, archaeological findings, and Osprey military books have given the nation further life. Finally, Witch Kings and elements of the Pythian predecession (serpents, swamps, and hydras) were added to the Androphags to make the nation more sinister and Dominion-esque. -Illwinter

Sauromatia is a nation of nomadic warrior tribes ruled by women. Men and women fight side by side and all prominent tribes are ruled by warrior queens. This is a legacy of the Sauromatians merging with the Amazon tribes in times past. The Amazons leaders were not accepted, because they were not warriors, but they influenced the Sauromatians, and women warriors gained power and prestige. Only the tribe of the Androphags has totally rejected the notion of female leadership. The Androphags are ruled by ancient Witch Kings who introduced cannibalism and man flaying to the Sauromatians. The Androphags also use hydras from the Marshes of Pythia in warfare.

General Overview

Sauromatia is a nation of cavalry. Its incredibly-good early-game troops are offset by its incredibly-weird Magic paths and nonexistent infantry. There is no cheap filler in Sauromatia: your core playstyle will revolve around doomstacks of a few dozen horseys (more over time), quickly sweeping over poorly-defended provinces, dine-n'-dashing off the pillaged wealth, and rushing the heck back to lose as few horseys as possible. Your life revolves around the horse. Other than that, Soothsayers (the 90% that have astral 11) can sustain their Communion Master Enaries or their (much more expensive) Sabbath Master Witch Kings, and Hydras are always an option for the memes.

National Features

Race Military Magic Access Priests Buildings
Tattooed humans
Light and medium raiding cavalry
Poison-using Archers
Efficient and strong heavy cavalry
Sacred Serpent Riders
death 44 (rare 5)
nature 22 (rare 3)
blood 22 (rare 3)
astral 11
water 11 (uncommon, rare 2)
air 22astral 22death 44nature 44
air 33water 22death 44
death 44nature 11blood 33
Weak (holy 11)
Blood Sacrifice
Standard Forts(Fortress)
Light Cavalry w/o Forts

Capital Special Sites

FIXME add the site pics

Swamps of Pythia The Bitter Stream The Enchanted Isle The Great Cauldron
Enables recruitment of Hydra Tamer, Hydra, and Hydra Hatchling Enables recruitment of Oiorpata.
Generates 1watergem3deathgem per turn.
Generates 1naturegem per turn. Enables recruitment of Manflayer, Witch King, Androphag, and Androphag Archer
Generates 2bloodslave per turn.


Sauromatia favors cavalry and archers; their line infantry are unexceptional.

Get magic tattoos: most units have which give bonus combat speed and defense skill in addition to invulnerability on already tough and fast units. Your foot troops and most of your sacred lizard riders get the which grants better MR.


Sprite Unit Name Special Attributes Comments
Stealthy (50)
Mountain Survival
Forest Survival
Regular average scout.
Fortune Teller (10%)
Old Age (55/50)
Can be recruited without a lab which makes for a cost efficient researcher in high magic scales. They only have one magic level but astral 11 is a mage path that have good uses in battle despite it's low level.
+ foreign Rec
Inspirational (1)
Pillager (3)
Magic Horse Tattoo (1)
Basic 60 leadership commander on horse, recruitable without a fort.
Sauromatian Manflayer
Inspirational (1)
Pillager (5)
Magic Horse Tattoo (2)
Rarely a reason to get these; you have abundant leadership from Warrior Sorceresses.
Warrior Priestess
holy 11
Pillager (5)
Magic Horse Tattoo (2)
Warrior Sorceresses can do everything they can, and are not much more expensive. These priestesses can be recruited two at a time, however, and do not require a lab.
Warrior Queen
Pillager (10)
Magic Horse Tattoo (3)
A huge leader, but if you need that, Witch Kings or Warrior Sorceresses are also mages.
Spirit Guide
death 11 7
Spirit Sight
Your cheapest mage. Not very useful in battle, but efficient researchers. Has access to Wrath of the Ancestors later on.
astral 11death 22nature 11 13
Spirit Sight
Supply Bonus (10)
Fortune Teller (10%)
Exceptionally versatile communion mages, capable of generating frightening amounts of skellispam. Beware their low morale though.
Warrior Sorceress
nature 11holy 11random1100% 9
Magic Horse Tattoo (1)
Magic Snake Tattoo (2)
Combat Caster
An incredibly versatile unit; these provide useful paths and crosspaths, cast Awaken Tattoos, bless troops, lead troops, and serve as surprisingly effective light thugs.
Hydra Tamer
Capital Only
Resist Poison (15)
Beastmaster (+2)
Swamp Survival
Cheapest way to lead hydras without accidentally dying to them. Can also swim over rivers with them or Androphags.
Capital Only
Inspirational (1)
Magic Snake Tattoo (2)
Swamp Survival
Most upkeep efficient leader who still gives the best morale bonus Sauromatia can get, but competes with Witch Kings for capital recruitment and Sauromatia rarely runs out of leaders. Can lead Androphags over rivers but can't bless them.
Witch King
Capital Only
death 33nature 11blood 11random1100%
Resist Poison (15)
Fear (8)
Magic Snake Tattoo (2)
Swamp Survival
Your big cap mage; one of the best death mages in the game. Capable of randoming D4. They can blood hunt (if inefficiently); they can join sabbaths; they can cast giant death spells in battle – and they do it all on a reasonably durable and mobile chassis.


Sprite Unit Name Special Attributes Comments
Sauromatian Archer
Magic Snake Tattoo (1) Composite bows are pretty good for Early Age. More efficient at sieging than your cavalry.
Androphag Archer
Capital Only
Magic Snake Tattoo (1) Cap-only and expensive in rec points. Sometimes the poison is worthwhile.
Sauromatian Amazon
Magic Snake Tattoo (1)
Your cavalry is more efficient in a stand-up fight, and you can generate blockers with Horde of Skeletons. Still, these are solid line infantry with tattoos active against many things.
+ foreign Rec
Pillager (1)
Magic Horse Tattoo (1)
Mounted archers; sometimes this is useful, but more often if you're paying for the horse you want it in melee smashing things.
+ foreign Rec
Magic Horse Tattoo (1) Very fast light cavalry recruitable outside forts; can be useful in expansion or as light flankers.
Sauromatian Raider
Pillager (1)
Magic Horse Tattoo (1)
Raiders but with extra armor.
Sauromatian Lancer
Magic Horse Tattoo (1)
Medium cavalry comfortable in both melee and at range – but not as efficient as Cataphracts in melee or foot archers at range.
Sauromatian Cataphract
Magic Horse Tattoo (2)
Very good heavy cavalry for Early Age, reaching 20 defense with Tattoos active; hit quite hard with their heavy lance and broad sword. Pound for pound your most efficient melee troop.
Hydra Hatchling
Capital Only
Regeneration 10%
Fire Vulnerability (10)
Resist Poison (25)
Poison Cloud (4)
Unsurroundable (2)
Blunt Resistant
Pierce Resistant
Cold Blooded
Swamp Survival
Hazardous to mix with other troops without poison resistance. Has some uses as early expansion units in a retreat strategy, leaving behind clouds that will kill the chasing independents.
Recruit Max 1/turn
Capital Only
Regeneration 10%
Fire Vulnerability (10)
Resist Poison 25
Poison Cloud 8
Fear 5
Unsurroundable 4
Blunt Resistant
Pierce Resistant
Cold Blooded
Swamp Survival
Can be used in combination with a high morale commander and fluffing. In general not often recruited due to their high upkeep and danger to your own troops.
Capital Only
Magic Horse Tattoo (1)
Magic Snake Tattoo (1)
Excellent light cavalry sacred, strong even with a light bless.
Capital Only
Magic Snake Tattoo (1)
Swamp Survival
Dying Shape(Serpent)
More expensive than Oiorpatas, trading speed and defense skill for a little more strength, and ride on a mount with a lot more hp and a fatiguing poison bite.

The mount survives when the rider is killed, leaving after the battle but maintaining the bless until then.


Excellent national heroes; Kirke is a healer (healer 4 disease healer 4 with Worthy Heroes) with air and astral 22. Delgnat is your best water mage and also gives you air access. Skogu is a giant blood/death mage, saving you empowers to get into higher blood.

Sprite Unit Name Special Attributes Comments
Kirke - Pharmakeia
Hero turn arrival Limit: (10)
air 22astral 22death 44nature 44 29
Resist Poison (7)
Supply Bonus (40)
Stealthy (65)
Healer (1)
Delgnat - Partholonian Sorceress
Hero turn arrival Limit: (10)
air 33water 22death 44 23
Resist Fire (-5)
Resist Cold (15)
Resist Shock (5)
Resist Poison (25)
Supply Bonus (10)
Homesick (20%)
Iron Vulnerability (1)
Poor Amphibian
Skögu - Man Eater FIXME
Hero turn arrival Limit: (5)
death 44nature 11blood 33 21
Resist Poison (15)
Fear (14)
Magic Snake Tattoo (2)
Swamp Survival
Supply Bonus (10)


Magic Access

Sauromatia has national access (discounting 10% randoms) to water 11astral 11nature 22death 44blood 22. With boosters up to Construction 6, they can reach water 22astral 11nature 33death 66blood 22. You will generally empower Blood anyway; this allows you to forge Armor of Twisting Thorns and from there a Moonvine Bracelet, getting you to nature 55. This is enough to summon a Faery Queen giving you air access.

Death 6 is enough to cast nearly anything other than Tartarian Gate off of your national recruits, which makes Sauromatia one of the strongest Death nations in the game.

Limited Earth access can be had through Spectral Mages, but in general Earth, Fire, and (until Conjuration 8) Air access will come through your pretender or indies. One of the Heliophagi (summonable at Blood 8) has fire 44, breaking you into Fire fully.

National Spells

  • Call Ancestor: Conj 1, death 11. ( Ancestral Spiritx1) This gives your Spirit Guides something to do. It's not a very *strong* something, though.
  • Wrath of the Ancestors: Conj 7, death 11 1deathgem. ( Ancestral Spiritx20+[2/lv]). Improved Call Ancestor, giving you a large pile of Ancestral Spirits for a death gem. Against things without AoE (and especially without magic weapons) this can be a good tarpit. Memeblesses like Death Explosion or weapons can be funny on these, but this is more of a meme than a gamewinning move.
  • Daughter of Typhon: 5 2 Conj 9 for 30. ( Hydra - Daughter of Typhon). Gives you a big immortal hydra. At Conjuration 9, though, this is more of a meme than a national centerpiece.
  • Awaken Tattoos: 1 1 Ench 3. This is a remarkably useful buff castable by any Warrior Sorceress, boosting your troops' MR or Defense and giving them Invulnerability 10. Your Cataphracts have Defense 20 (counting shield parry) with this active, and the Invulnerability makes them quite resilient to nonmagical attacks.

Combat Magic

Sauromatia is a nation with diverse combat magic, with Soothsayers, Enaries, Witch Kings, and Warrior Sorceresses all playing different roles. They are a nation with strong communions, which deserve their own section.

As a communion nation with access to all sorcery paths, you have access to a lot of powerful battlefield buffs: Mass Protection, Relief, Mass Regeneration, Antimagic, Light of the Northern Star, Will of the Fates, and even Darkness and Rigor Mortis when appropriate.

Soothsayers are cheap and cheerful astral 11 mages. They can serve as cheap point-buffers for Luck, Body Ethereal, and Cheat Fate, can cast Paralyze or Mind Burn with Light of the Northern Star active, or can cast massed Soul Slay or Enslave Mind as part of a communion. They are natural communion slaves, but you should take extreme care using them as slaves to Witch Kings or Enaries, whose off-path casting risks burning them out.

Enaries are versatile. They can cast Horde of Skeletons a few times on their own, but they come into their own in communions, either on their own or with Soothsayers, where they can cast impressive amounts of high-level death magic.

Witch Kings are your centerpiece cap-only mages. All are at least death 33, with some reaching death 44, and so can cast all but the most powerful Death spells. They can skellispam, cast multiple Shadow Blasts, or put up Darkness and Rigor Mortis to support a major skellispam army. All of them are communion-capable, but they don't always *need* a communion since their base death path is so high.

Those that roll nature 22 are your highest communionable nature mages. They can cast big nature buffs, although if you have a decently large communion, giving a Thistle Mace to an Enarie and letting him do it can save your Witch Kings for other jobs. They can cast Wooden Warriors and Mass Protection without a communion when needed.

Those that roll water 11 are not terribly stand-out. However, they are your only access to water in communions, so if you need big water spells, this is your only national source.

Finally those that roll blood 22 can enter sabbaths without falling asleep immediately outside of magic scales, giving you faster access to big blood buffs like Rush of Strength more readily, or cast spells like Life for a Life.

Warrior Sorceresses have four main roles. The first two are straightforward: as the only priest you'll recruit in large numbers, they will be blessing sacreds. The randoms can enter a sabbath and cast Divine Blessing. Additionally they are your only commander who can cast Awaken Tattoos.

The third role is as straightforward battle casters. They are your only non-cap sources of nature 22 (useful for Wooden Warriors and other nature buffs, particularly with a Thistle Mace) and (useful for Mossbody and sometimes for Frozen Heart).

Their fourth role is as light thugs. They combine useful buffing paths, particularly those that roll water, with high base stats and mobility. Alone or in combination, they can buff each other or other thugs and make an outsized impact on the battlefield with basic gear, whether that is chopping up PD as raiders or as high-impact army thugs with Quickness/Quicken Self, Mossbody, Protection, Elemental Fortitude, Awaken Tattoos, or whatever other buffs are useful in the situation – plus Body Ethereal and Luck from the Soothsayers. Those that roll are most useful in this role.


Sauromatia is a premiere communion nation.

The simplest communions you can make are pure Soothsayer communions casting mass Soul Slay or Enslave Mind. The masters in such a communion can have a lot more impact with Eye of the Void and/or Spell Focus.

Adding Enaries as masters to this sort of communion can be dangerous, since they tend to cast Horde of Skeletons offscript, fatiguing the slaves quickly. But a few Enaries as masters can add buffs like Personal Regeneration, Elemental Fortitude, Twist Fate, Personal Luck, and Invulnerability. If you want mostly astral magic, don't hesitate to have Enaries as slaves to Soothsayers. It is not the most efficient use of Enaries, but it allows them to contribute to a Soul Slay communion without going off script and burning it out.

Enarie-centric communions (with Enaries as both masters and slaves) can be effective too, of course. These can generate a frightening amount of Horde of Skeletons, which can destroy armies not prepared for it.

It is always helpful to have at least one Witch King or Warrior Sorceress join a communion as a master. They can then cast Reinvigoration to clear slaves' fatigue, which can greatly extend a communion's endurance.

Ritual Magic

Sauromatia is one of the few nations that has recruitable death 44 access. This allows them to cast big late-game spells like Manifestation, Well of Misery, Lichcraft, and Summon Wraith Lord without pretender help.

The have access to lower-level Death spells as well; they can get good use out of Pale Riders, Summon Spectre (which can get you earth access), and even occasionally Behemoth. They can cast Summon Mound Fiend, but generally do not need even more death mages.

Magic Items


Power Curve

Sauromatia has excellent expansion with either scales troops and lightly blessed Oiorpata, supplemented by foreignrec Lancers, or with heavier blesses on Oiorpata. Can build forts without labs and start making Soothsayers, giving an early research push. Good early targets are Alt 4 for Luck and Body Ethereal and Enchantment 3 for Awaken Tattoos, followed by Enchantment 5 for Horde of Skeletons.

Sauromatia is a premier communion skellispam nation and can dominate midgame battles with Horde of Skeletons, Relief, and Rigor Mortis. They have access to Foul Vapors and large communions with Soul Slay. Enchantment 5 is a significant powerspike for them; in some cases, so are Thaum 5 (Soul Slay) and Thaum 6 (Enslave Mind).

Sauromatia has access to lategame death summons like Wraith Lord and Lich, along with Well of Misery, without pretender help. They are not a prime blood nation like Mictlan, but they can establish a decent blood economy and access things like Vampire Counts with Curse of Blood and blood uniques if need be.

Their early and midgame strength allows them to take good scales, giving them more toys and research in the late game.

Breaking into air and earth is a necessary step which a pretender can help greatly with. Otherwise your route to Air is through your national heroes or Faery Queens, and you will have to get Earth from indies or from 1/4 of Spectral Mages.

As a human communion nation of nonsacred mages, they are *intensely* vulnerable to battlefield and stack wipes like Murdering Winter and Fire Storm. You will have to play carefully around these spells in the lategame.

Expansion Strategies

If you start with Alt 1 expanding with 4-5 Oiorpata and a Warrior Sorceress doing Barkskin Blessing attack closest with the Oiorpata on guard commander will kill most EA indies, but watch out for archers/lizards. For this reason combining Dom 6 with Magic 3 can be very powerful on Sauromatia as it allows you to recruit one expansion party per turn starting very early.

Example Pretender Builds

Tlagnoj's Semi-Scales
This build is meant to fill the holes in Sauromatias lineup while also taking advantage of its otherwise nice troop and mage lineup with a bit of scales. If you feel like you won't recruit many Soothsayers to take advantage of the magic scales fully switch it for production. Luck can also be switched with temp or production preferably also pumping up dominion to 6.

Chassis: Imprisoned Monolith
Paths: earth 66astral 44nature 44
Bless: Bless: 2xStr, MW, +15 PR, LLV.
Scales: Dominion strength5Order3Productivity0Heat3Growth3Luck3Magic3

Tlagnoj's Cold Rainbow
Oiorpata's take a regular rainbow pretty good. Let opponent nations in game decide between elemental resistances or stats. Don't use it if your game is packed with EA cold nations, use if you are tired of every build having H3. If you want to be a bit more sweaty go with Heat 3 and get air 44 instead of water 55 and grab Swift+SR.

Chassis: Imprisoned Grey One
Paths: fire 33air 33water 55earth 33astral 55death 44nature 33blood 33
Bless: Bless: FR/AS, SR/Swift, CR+Winters Gift+DS, Str, SS+MW, 3xUD, 15PR, Str.
Scales: Dominion strength6Order3Sloth1Cold3Growth3Luck0Magic0

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sauromatia-ea.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/09 04:19 by johnnydown