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LA Ragha, Dual Kingdom


"Ragha was added in the Caelum patch for Dominions 4. I had played with ideas on a dual Caelian/Abysian nation earlier on, but it wasn't until I started to remake Caelum that those ideas bore fruit. Of the Caelian nations it is probably the one most heavily influenced by history and myth. Since the nation was developed with Zoroastrianism in mind the mage-priests of the nation, dasturs and athravans, became an integral part of the nation and not something that was added ad hoc. The heat/cold preferences of the nation made it a bit difficult to evaluate and balance, but I'm very fond of the concept thematically. The fact that the nation is based on centuries of Persian history and two different dominions nations, gives it more traits than most nations." – Illwinter

Ragha is a dual kingdom of fire and ice, rage and serenity. Half of the population are Abysian descendants from the isolated colony of Tur, and half the population are Airyan refugees from Caelum. Tur was a distant and prosperous Abysian colony founded after a successful military campaign against the giants of Ashdod. But the war with Ashdod had been taxing and the colony was cut off from the kingdom by a Arcoscephalean campaign through the fertile lands previously conquered from the giants. For centuries Tur was left alone and an independent kingdom formed. Then came the Caelians. A great host of iceclad warriors descended upon the Turan armies on the plain of Ragha in the mid of winter. The Turan Shah realized that Tur could not stand up to the Caelians for long. Tur was on the brink of destruction when the attacks suddenly stopped. Civil war had broken out in Caelum and the campaign was aborted. Instead Caelian refugees and deserters settled on the plain of Ragha. Airyan Seraphs approached the Turan Shah and peace was negotiated. When the Harab Seraphs of Caelum attacked, the Airyas were saved by the gryphon riders of Tur. This sealed the truce and a strange alliance was formed. Ragha is now a society of two peoples united out of necessity. During winter the Airyas reign and during summer the Turans reign. Even faith has evolved to mimic the legacy of the two peoples. Two different groups of beings are adored and worshipped. But this is starting to change. The One True God has arisen. The peoples of Ragha suffer less from hot or cold climates than other nations.

General Overview

Still Needed.

As a common trend of powerful nations, they are dangerous early on with powerful expanders to coast you through the early game, then transition to strong magic late game.
Getting powerful sacred Gryphons and have Caelum-line summons to break them into all magic paths.

National Features

Ragha consists of two races, the Turans from Abysia and the Airyas from Caelum. This gives them a mixed roster of heat and cold units. All of their Airyan troops and the Turan sacreds are flying.

Special Race Attributes Military Magic Access Priests Buildings
Neutral Temperature
Cold Resistant (15)
Ice Weapons and armor

Fire Resistant(10) (some 15)
Wasteland Survival
Mountain Survival
Flying Infantry
Varied Cavalry
Trampling Elephants
Gryphons in Heat
Heavy Ice in Cold
In Heat1 or warmer:
fire 33
death 11 (uncommon 2)
blood 11 (uncommon 2)
air 11 (uncommon)
water 11 (rare)
astral 11 (rare)
In Cold1 or colder:
air 33
fire 11 (uncommon 2)
water 11 (uncommon 2)
astral 11 (uncommon 2)
death 11 (rare)
blood 11 (rare)
Hero: blood 33 (one)
National Summons:
water 22 (Requires astral 22water 11)
air 33astral 22 (Requires astral 33)
Others covered below
Average Priests (holy 22)

One national +holy 11 Item

Summons covered below

Fravashi Guardian Spirits
Standard Forts
Temples cost 800 .
  • Mismatched Temperature Scales have only half of their normal effect on Ragha's income.
  • Only fire 11 is guaranteed on the mages you get in Neutral Temperature, with level 1 in everything else being Uncommon.
  • Ragha receives 1firegem for each Temple in a province with a Fort, Though no more than their Pretender's Dominion strength.
  • Priests have a [(10% * Priest level) + (1% * friendly Dominion strength)] chance of having a Fravashi join them in battle.
    • The Fravashi is a Sacred, Flying, and Magic air 11astral 11 fella. He possesses Etherealness and a substantial amount of Awe to help against physical attackers. He also has high Fire Resistance, Shock Resistance, and Magic Resistance for handling enemy spells, and a relatively-high HP score that will typically attract spells and projectiles.
    • Ragha's Priest Summons are explicitly disqualified from having Guardian Spirits, coming from Heaven (or Hell) themselves.

Capital Special Sites

Mountain of the Everburning Caverns Lake Urmia
* Enables recruitment of:
* Zhayedan Spahbed
* Zhayedan
* Enable recruitment of :
* Iceclad Zhayedan

Notable Units

Your national troops are divided between the Heat-resistant and mounted Turans and the Cold-preferring and flying Airya. You get a default roster of basic troops from both sides, which is actually pretty decent, but your better troops and mages are locked between Heat scales heat and Cold scales cold scales.

Although Illwinter intended the nation to alternate recruitment depending on the yearly seasons, it's actually a better strategy to focus one temperature scale for your main recruitment, while finding/making pockets of the opposite later in the game for later game diversity. Even if the flying shock troops aren't a draw, picking a temperature gives you additional turns where you can recruit the level 4 and level 6 mages.

The Turans, descedants of Abysians, are traditionally armored for the late age with their armor and cavalry. Favoring them grants you access to the powerful Zhayedans, some of the strongest sacred troops in-game, though these are quite pricey.

The Airya, exiles from Caelum, have flying troops with Magic Weapons and Ice Protection. Their troop lineup is not as good as the Turans, but the ability to fly grants lots of map and battlefield utility. In extremely cold provinces, the Iceclad Zhayedans are some of the best-protected troops in-game, though they might require more of a Bless. Having flying mages is pretty neat, too.


Sprite Unit Name Special Attributes Comments
Airya Scout
Stealthy (55)
Resist Cold (15)
Ice Protection (1)
Supply Size (2)
22 Map Movement on wings.
Being a scout is nice, too.
Resist fire (10)
mountain survival
wasteland survival
Sure, the Paighan-Salar is a generic 60-leadership leader, but he's cheap and inoffensive.
He has that nice Humanbred Abysian bulk, too.
Airya Spahbed
Resist Cold (15)
Ice Protection (2)
Supply Size (2)
20 Map Movement and 60 Leadership on wings.
Being decently cheap is a bonus.
Turan Spahbed
Resist fire (15)
mountain survival
wasteland survival
The Turan Spahbed has 80 Leadership, the most you'll find on an out-of-the-box Raghan.
This is enough to apply the Line, Double Line, and Sparse Line formations.
He's also a competent fighter, being a knight stat-wise.
Airya Shah
cold recruitment(1)
holy 11 Sacred
Resist Cold (15)
Ice Protection (2)
Supply Size (2)
The Shahs are Priest-Kings with 80 Leadership each. The Airya one has wings, of course, so he could lead and bless a detachments of Zhayedans deep into enemy lines. He also has full slots and pretty-decent stats for a Raghan Airya, so you could attempt to make him a thug.
Turan Shah
Heat recruitment(1)
holy 11 Sacred
Resist fire (15)
mountain survival
wasteland survival
The Turan Shah is a priest, a leader, and a knight, all rolled into one.
You pay a premium for that threesome, but it's still cheaper than the Zhayedan Spahbed.
He also has the same Map Movement, disregarding terrain.
Zhayedan Spahbed
Capital Only
Heat recruitment(1)
Resist fire (15)
mountain survival
wasteland survival
Dying shape(Turan Gryphon)
Speaking of which, the Zhayedan Spahbed is a Gryphon-riding "Immortal" with 80 Leadership and item slots. He even has more Magic Resistance than other Turans, because he's so awesome. He can't bless himself, but that's nothing a Flask of Holy Water can't fix.
Note that the Zhayedan Spahbed can be dismounted in battle, just like the other Gryphon-riders, but that the Turan Gryphon is not going to remain a commander.
Heat recruitment(0)
fire 11holy 11random1100% 9
Resist fire (15)
mountain survival
wasteland survival
The Karapan, or "Ritualist", is one of the two national mages you can acquire in neutral Temperature. Aside from the lack of wings, he differs from his competition with his chance of having blood 11 (for Blood Hunting and Summon Imps) or death 11 (for the hunt for ).
The Karapan is a standard Turan Abysian (with a max age of 43, compared to his starting age of around 35), so he has decent survivability but rather-poor aim. air 11 Karapan can rectify the latter with Aim, and/or can play around it with wide-AOE spells like Sulphur Haze (which will require at least a firegem). Turan troops don't mind poorly-aimed clouds of sulphur.
cold recruitment(0)
fire 11holy 11random1100% 9
Resist Cold (15)
Supply Size (2)
The Athravan, or "Fire-Keeper", is the Karapan's competition. Aside from the wings (which are VERY important), he differs from the Karapan with his chance of having water 11 (for Geyser and Frozen Heart) or astral 11 (for cheap Communions and the hunt for ).
The Athravan is a standard Raghan Airyan (with a max age of 48, compared to his starting age of around 39), so he has decent aim but rather-poor survivability. astral 11 Athravan can rectify the latter with Twist Fate or Personal Luck. Given their mobility, Precision, and paths, Athravan are an okay choice for Evocation spam, though the Evocations won't be very punchy without Gems.
cold recruitment(1)
fire 11air 11water 11holy 22random1100% 13
Resist Cold (15)
Supply Size (2)
The Zaotar is an upgraded Athravan, queueable only in provinces with a temperature of Cold1 or colder; compare this to the Athravan, who is available as long as the province isn't Heat1 or hotter.
While not your most gold-efficient option for Research, every Zaotar has at least some use on the battlefield. fire 22's get Sulphur Haze and (with a little prep) Falling Fires. air 22's get Lightning Bolt, Thunder Ward, Gift of Flight, and (for an airgem each) Thunder Strike. water 22's get Winter Ward, Green Lion summoning through Manifest Vitriol, and (with a watergem each) wide-reaching spells such as Acid Rain and Freezing Mist. astral 11's get Communions and Power of the Spheres, which add the possibility of Astral Fires and Solar Eclipse.
Heat recruitment(1)
fire 11death 11blood 11holy 22random1100% 13
Resist fire (15)
mountain survival
wasteland survival
The Dastur is an upgraded Karapan, queueable only in provinces with a temperature of Heat1 or hotter; compare this to the Karapan, who is available as long as the province isn't Cold1 or colder.
What the Dastur lack in Precision and cheapness, they make up for with their guaranteed paths; blood 11 makes them your spammable Blood Hunters and your Sabbath puzzle pieces, while fire 11death 11 makes them able to craft the Skull of Fire. The air 11 Dastur can mount Sabbaths to cast Wailing Winds and Wind of Death; the latter of these isn't a great idea for Dastur, though, since most of them will be old already (with a max age of 43 and an average starting age of 46).
fire 22's, death 22's, and blood 22's have their uses as well, even on guys who can't aim; the fire 22's can always spend 2firegem to Summon Fire Elementals, for example, and your Temples sweat firegem.
Airya Seraph
cold recruitment(1)
air 33water 11astral 11random1100%
Resist Cold (15)
Resist Shock (5)
old age(60/50)
Supply Size (2)
The Airya Seraph holds to the ancient Airyan ways, or at least those from the Middle Ages. He is your only mage who starts with astral 11, and therefore your only mage who might have astral 22, which becomes astral 33 with the Starshine Skullcap and higher with Astral combat tricks.
Keep an eye out for those astral 22's; they can Call Ahuranis, summoning water 22 Disease Healers. The Ahuranis aren't ideal to have around in battles with your Fire mages or your flyers, since they always make it Rain (though Rain becomes Snow in Cold scales, which is somehow better for Fire mages), but they're crucial for keeping your very old geezers around; your Seraphs will typically start 33% past their Old Age date, and that makes Disease a looming threat every winter.
As for the other paths, air 33 is super good. It provides free Thunder Strikes, standard-priced Air Elementals, and double-priced Storms. The 10% random doesn't add much that you lack (if you're not Cold3), but you can always surprise your foes with Wrath of Pazuzu or Nether Darts.
Turan Sorcerer
Heat recruitment(1)
fire 33death 11blood 11random1100%
Resist fire (30)
heat Aura (6)
old age(46/32)
mountain survival
wasteland survival
The Turan Sorcerers have all three of the Late Abysian Anathemants' magic traditions, but they're not sacred. They are pure-blooded Abysians, though, so they might want other commanders to keep their Blood Slaves at a safe distance. They're also crucial for summoning Ragha's "saints".
Turan Sorcerers, due to their random path, are actually around 52 years old. They're so old by pure-blooded standards that the math around their Old Age is a bit warped. On the bright side, they have the perfect paths for handling this problem; fire 33 lets them use the Pyre of Catharsis to burn off the Diseases they'll surely get each winter, death 11 lets them use the Twiceborn Ritual to continue as Wight Mages, and blood 11 lets them spam Rejuvenate to beat back the clock in an aggressive fashion; and if you let the Sorcerer get mangled by Disease first, then there's always Blood Feast for rectifying that, at the cost of becoming a public menace.
Let's not discount the randoms, either. air 11 Sorcerers can cast Breath of the Desert to apply Heat Scales anywhere they wish; if you do this on your lab, you'll have extra turns for recruiting Sorcerers! (Oh, and Dastur too, if that province has a Temple.) The 10%'s are interesting, too.


Sprite Unit Name Special Attributes Comments
Resist fire (10)
mountain survival
wasteland survival
Would make good siege chaff but Airya is more efficient and mobile being cheap flyers.
Can be situationally used if facing lots of fire attack rather than cold, and do have more base prot then Airya Light Infantry when in heat.
Turan Infantry
Resist fire (10)
mountain survival
wasteland survival
Decent line holder and has a javalin that can be buffed.
Turan Heavy Infantry
Resist fire (10)
mountain survival
wasteland survival
Has better armor for not that much more resources, preferable if not using Javalin buffing shenanigans.
Airya Archer
Resist Cold (15)
Supply Size (2)
Flying Composite bow. Ok for mobility, but not the best when in an archer fight in the late age.
Airya Light Infantry
Resist Cold (15)
Ice Protection (1)
Supply Size (2)
Great troops that will see use all game.
Flyers with Magic weapons will always have their uses as back-row attackers and light raiders.
The downside is that they lose prot in heat but only affect your casualties rates, not your Commander killing rates.
Airya Infantry
Resist Cold (15)
Ice Protection (1)
Supply Size (2)
Turan Horse Archer
Resist fire (10)
mountain survival
wasteland survival
Ragha has good archer cavalry / knights. They have composite bows that's more something is can do before they charging the enemy.

Horse Archers are Horse Archers, Not as cheap as Aira Archer but can be used as the light attacker.

Turan Cavalry is Medium Cavalry and is better-armored Horse Archers, able to take archer attacks and then charger with its two attacks.

Savaran are your heavy knights, with Cataphract's being easier to produce and the Guards have the best prot and do well to protect your wizards from Assasins.
Turan Cavalry
Resist fire (10)
mountain survival
wasteland survival
Savaran Cataphract
Resist fire (15)
mountain survival
wasteland survival
Savaran Guard
Resist fire (15)
bodyguard (2)
mountain survival
wasteland survival
Turan War Elephant
If you're not expanding with Zhayedans, a trampling Elephant can make quick work of indies.
Not effective against players who understand how to make Elephants flee over your own dudes.
Iceclad Zhayedan
Capital Only
Cold recruitment(1)
Resist Cold (15)
Ice Protection (2)
Supply Size (2)
Opposed to the Heat recruitable Zhayedan. They are sacred Airya infantry with a lot of prot when it's cold.
Definitely don't have the same shock and awe of a Gryphon.
Capital Only
Heat recruitment(1)
Resist fire (15)
mountain survival
wasteland survival
Wounded shape(Turan Gryphon)
One of the most Powerful Recruitable Sacreds in-game.
Flying Knights with high strength Gryphon mount with two attacks, with a Gryphon Dying shape so the enemy has to carve through a bigger HP pool before a Zhayedan is down for the count. The gryphon gets a rider back for free at the capital.
The reason you would rarely see anyone not tank Heat scales on Ragha.
Word to the wise: good Idea of don't put all your Gryphons in one Basket.


Sprite Unit Name Special Attributes Comments
Zahak - Fatherslayer blood 33holy 11 11
Resist fire (15)
Resist Poison (15)
regeneration (10%)
Gluttony (5)
Blood Searcher (1)
Kills Population (20 per month)
unsurroundable (2)
mountain survival
wasteland survival
A master of blood that will eat people. Not as bad as Hinnom were they recruit cannibals on mass, but they were true giants.
His best use is gathering blood slaves, and empower him to cast big blood rituals.


National Spells


Animal Summons

Requires finding a nature mage and boosting them to nature 22 or trying to find the right Yazad. both are a long process and you probably move on to Easer to make Longdead or later summon to fill your chaff.

  • Ambush of Tigers: nature 22 Conj 3 for 10naturegem (summon Tigerx10+[lv]). Fast moving chaff with a Claw and bit attack.
  • Herd of Buffaloes: nature 22 Conj 3 for 10naturegem (summon Buffalox5+[lv/2]). a Tempting Magic sponge to draw fire off your troops. Also can be dangrous melee potental being two attacks Beserker Tramplers.
  • Herd of Elephants: nature 22 Conj 3 for 25naturegem (summon Elephantx5+[lv/2]). summon Pressous nature gems for War Elephant then more plentiful gold (how some things are so inverted in the late age).
Daevas Summons

Ragha is well suited at summoning these demons.

  • Call Daevas: death 22fire 11 Conj 5 for 15deathgem (summon Daevax6). May need some Protection fluffing, but for addtional shock troopers to your Zhayedans. Probaly only get for situations then usual summoning recruitment as saveing the gems to spam the national mages will grant you greater utility.
  • Call Jahi: death 33fire 11 Conj 5 for 15deathgem (summon Jahix1). Succubus spy with Death gems. Have better use of Death gems but you may want to gleam more info from your enemy.
  • Call Yata: death 33fire 22 Conj 6 for 40deathgem (summon Daeva of Shooting Starsx1, Daeva of Frost and Snowx1, Yatax1, or Pairikax1). Summons upkeepless Death mages. Realy good when you get the Daeva of Shooting Stars to break you into the Yazads for more magic diversity.
  • Call Greater Daeva: death 44fire 22 Conj 8 for 60deathgem. Unique summonable mages that Gets you into High death and Blood, while going into Earth.
Yazatas Summons

You don't have that good in astral like the rest of Caelum but you have national ways to climb so you often don't need a pretender with astral. Unless forming a particular army spending astral pearls on the summons are your best investment.

  • Summon Yazatas: astral 22 Conj 5 for 15astralpearl (summon Yazadx6). Your bird Shock troopers that can operate in a Thunder Strike army and are well servivable.
  • Call Ahurani: astral 22water 11 Conj 5 for 12astralpearl (summon Ahuranix1). not much use other then the fastest option you have to cure Airya Seraphs of Deasises and they can lead troops underwater for raids.
  • Call Celestial Yazad: astral 44 Conj 6 for 40astralpearl (summon Yazad of Firex1, Yazad of Justicex1, Yazad of the Starsx1, Yazad of the Skyx1, Yazad of Waterx1, Yazad of the Earthx1). mportent summons for magic diversity, in clibming Astral, Water, Earth, and Nature. the Yazad of the Earth is importnet in making Troll Kings and making nature boosters.
  • Call Fravashi: astral 33 Conj 7 for 30astralpearl (summon Ancestral Fravashix1). a upkeep-less Air mage if you have the pearls to burn.
  • Parting of the Soul: death 11air 11 thaum 6. Spell some Turan can Know. an alternate Paralyze and Shadow Blast. Less range and more Fatiguing for also summoning 3 Black Hawks. Better when your Turan is solo, no gems, with his pants down than in scripted battle. (FIXME do mages cast this off-script?)

Magic Access

FIXME What magic path/mages define your nation, what can you level, e.g., thunderstriking, astral, elementals, earth buffs, blood, what is recruitable anywhere and good, what are some summons you are likely able to get and are useable

The main recruitable magics are your Turans with their Fire, Death, Blood, and some air while the Airya Master Air with Water, Astral, and Some fire. The Higher-ups can also dabble a little in the other's magic.

You get 3s in Fire and Air, and 2s in the rest, but You are actually very diverse because of your national summons, getting you into many different endgames.

Your Turans summon the Daeva to get Lots of death mages.

This will lead you into the Yazatas for access to Nature, Earth, and Greater Astral.

You have a pool were most of your Summons come out of soo to cut down on the randomness, here are some spells to get more wizards you need:

  • Elemental Royalty, Naiad, Kokythiad, Golem, Faery Queen, Troll King, Wraith Lord, Litch,

Combat Magic

FIXME What is the best spell you can use in combat. What spells the best support your national lineup, Is their weakness that you need to fix? Any tricks you should be aware you have?

They have two styles of casting.

Turans use fire, death, and blood with some air for crosspaths. Being very Fire resistant, Don't mind casting big AOE Fire attacks like Fire Storm, Heat from Hell, and Sulpher Haze. They can expand with Summoning Fire Elementals and Longdead. when fighting Supercombatens, Turnans can use Banefire, Shadow Bolt, and Incinerate.

Airya Use Strong Air, and Water, Astral plus some Fire. They are great Thunder Strikers, and Summon Air Elementals. By turning of most flying Storm boost your air spells. They also can cast Acid spells.

Ritual Magic

FIXME What is the best ritual you could cast. Are there any globals you want up, any units you should be summoning? Are there any Generic rituals few nations can cast?

If you take a Zhayedan blessing, you can so use Tartarians.

Magic Items

FIXME Do you have any National items(Construction Level, Price, and required Paths). Any unique generic items few other nations can forge? What item would be useful on your unit lineup (non-standard recommend thug gear)?

Stone Idol Expensive, but a way to remove dominion from your dedicated cold/heat spots required to unlock the other half of your nation.

National Items

  • Crown of the Shah: Const 2, fire 11air 11, 5firegem5airgem. Can only be worn by Shahs. Boost users max army size for all unit types, boost users Holy level by 1 and can cast Fanaticism well worth the 10 gems.


FIXME do you have a game plan? Anything you should always be working toward? Any National weaknesses?


FIXME What kinds of scales dose your nation like? Do they require any to function? Any blesses your sacreds would like? Do you desperately need an awake expander? Examples of Pretenders?

Early Game

FIXME How to expand, potential pitfalls and how to get around them, obvious weakness strength, how much do you have to focus on war/infrastructure

Mid Game

FIXME what is the first big research rush, what is the first big powerspike, where do you shift recruitment to? what are the big magic diversity issues, are there particular globals you should gun for

Late Game

FIXME How do you close out the game if you are in it, is the high-level research stuff you can do uniquely well, does your nation fall off, aka do you have to force things to conclude swiftly

ragha-la.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/09 05:10 by johnnydown