"Man is one of the first nations conceived in the Dominions universe. The nation is a conglomerate of medieval English and Arthurian concepts spiced with some fantasy elements from Ars Magica and the books of Robert Jordan. The Irish/Northumbrian monastic tradition, Anglo-Saxon society, and Welsh longbowmen are all inspirational sources. Later on, the nation turns towards scholarship paired with dark tidings. The mood in the movie Sleepy Hollow is a nice comparison. In Dominions 4 steps has been taken to accentuate the influence of invading barbarians reminiscent of the Angles and Saxons. It is not difficult to see an early Ulm or a similar nation in the Logrian backstory." - illwinter
The realm of Man is a feudal kingdom. Their kingdom was established by conquering a race of tall and magically powerful beings known as the Tuatha. When the Tuatha were destroyed, their magic was taken by the Witches of Man. They helped Man to grow in power and influence, but with the great magic came a great Curse and the Witches dwindled in number and magic left the kingdom. To contain the Curse, the Old Magic was banned and a scholarly order of Magisters replaced the Witches of Avalon and their wild ways. The infantry of Man has evolved since the Age of Avalon and the crossbow is common, but knights and longbowmen still make up a large part of the armies. The Wardens of Avalon have escaped the Curse and are the only remnant of the Old Ways.
The Elves are seemingly gone, and the Nature Magic they once used has started to act up. Man has thus totally upended its Magic game to avoid things getting any worse, though the country hasn't benefitted all that much from that. The chorus is gone, the communions are tougher to build, and the castles are now taller to compensate. In a way, Man has become something like yesterday's Ulm, though with worse troops and more magic variety; even Man knows it can't abstain from Magic entirely.
Race | Military | Magic Access | Priests | Buildings |
Humans Neutral Temperature | Versatile Infantry Crossbows Knights Sacred Stealthy Hvy. Crossbowmen | 2 (uncommon 3) 1 (uncommon 2) 1 (uncommon 2) 1 (uncommon) 1 (uncommon) Mundane Researchers Summons: 2, 1 (25, 25% each) Hero: 12 | Average (2) | Castles Starts with a Grand Citadel Masons |
Capital Income: 2, 2
The Curse on Man is somewhat minor, and doesn't actually happen in Man Proper. Sometime after your tenth turn (there's about a 5% chance of it happening each turn), you get a rumor about the "Old Ways" still being a thing in a province neighboring your capital, starting an event chain where a girl will be found with the Old Magic; you can either send a Magister of Theology to the province to kill the girl for a Mistletoe Garland, or send a Magister Arcane to cautiously follow the girl into the woods. Through searching, your Magister Arcane can be assassinated by a Werewolf and/or a Vine Ogre, find a single Glen of Verdant Greenery that gives 1 a turn, and/or get a Handful of Acorns. Eventually he'll find and recruit the girl, as a Daughter of Avalon with 11100%; the ultimate cost of this is 10% of the local units being cursed, and/or the province itself being cursed with a literal Cursed Lands site, which will curse 2% of the local units each turn. This event chain happens in multiple steps, and might even repeat in the same province (but never in a different province). It also increases Magic and Growth scales, while killing the girl decreases them.
The capital of Man has chosen to suppress the "Old Ways" to suppress the Curse; for this reason, Man loses Nature Gems, Earth Gems, and Astral Pearls at a slightly-faster rate than other nations with Drain Scales (when it has those scales), through random events.
The Forest of Avalon | |
Enables recruitment of: Lord Warden Warden Produces: 2 per turn 2 per turn |
Sprite | Unit Name | Special Attributes | Comments |
Royal Forester 40 8 1 | Stealthy(55) Ambidextrous(1) Patrol Bonus(5) Forest Survival | A Scout that doubles as a cheap Patroller. | |
Castellan 70 22 1 | Your standard milquetoast Leader. | ||
Judge 70 1 1 | 125% 25% Patrol Bonus(20) Mundane Researcher | Your Overseer commander, Good at patrolling. can be made without a lab, and you do want a few to hopefully get that Death random. Helps They are only one rec point each. |
Magister of Theology 60 1 1 | 1 Sacred Inquisitor | National Priest. Can bless your Wardens during expansion. | |
Bishop 70 1 2 | 2 Sacred Old Age(55/50) | Older Priest, better at the blessing, Banishing the unholy, and boost others bravery. | |
Magister 95 1 2 | 150% 50% 25% 7 Stealthy(40) Siege Bonus(15) Castle Defence Bonus(15) Spy Mundane Researcher Mason | This Guy Read lots of books and became multitalented(all the book smarts) He builds your Grand Citadels, Spy on enemies, and further your magic research. Don't need a lab to make, but need one to spend the research points. |
Magister Arcane 170 1 2 | 211150% 13 Old Age (63/50) Mundane Researcher | Your main mage, Creating communions of old men with 4 to 5 paths. Having Earth in the mix counteracts that Encumbrance with Summon Earthpower |
Lord Warden 120 31 1 Capital Only | Sacred Stealthy(40) Forest Survival Combat Caster | Commander of your Wardens stealth raids, and also a 80ld to make lines. |
Sprite | Unit Name | Special Attributes | Comments |
Spearman 10 9 9 | Unchanged from the Middle Ages, which sucks since they were mediocre back then. | ||
Longspear 10 13 9 | Slightly better armor than their shorter-Spear peers, as if that's a condolence to their generic stats. | ||
Axeman 10 11 9 | Half-decent Medium Infantry with weird equipment choices. | ||
Heavy Axeman 10 19 9 | Axemen in sorta-Heavy Infantry form. | ||
Light Archer 10 4 9 | You have many improvements over these guys, but these guys are still the cheapest.. | ||
Crossbowman 10 9 9 | Light Archers with the standard Ranged weaponry kit of the Age (a Crossbow and semi-passable armor). | ||
Tower Guard 12 23 14 | Castle Defence Bonus(1) | Man has a lot of these "mixed" troops that can serve either in the melee or at range. Having Crossbowmen that won't die to enemy fire is neat, too. | |
Forester 12 7 14 | Stealthy(55) Forest Survival Patrol Bonus(1) Ambidextrous(1) | Meant to join the Royal Foresters or the Lord Wardens in whatever they're doing, but probably not strong enough for the Late Ages. | |
Longbowman 12 11 14 | Crossbowmen are probably a better investment, unless you plan on using Flaming Arrows. | ||
Defender 16 27 23 | Castle Defence Bonus(2) | +1 Tower Guards. | |
Warden 26 31 31 Capital Only | Sacred Stealthy(40) Forest Survival | Even the Wardens have Crossbows now. Gosh. There aren't many Sacred ranged attackers, so you can take advantage of the Farshot Bless and nefarious weapon blesses with these guys. Defenders will be better at range in most situations, however. Not counting the lack of shields, these guys are still your best infantry. |
Tower Knight 40 51 46 | Mounted | Pretty-decent Knights, though you should carefully consider when to use them (seeing how your Crossbowmen might do a number on them accidentally). |
Sprite | Unit Name | Magic | Special Attributes | Comments |
Bernlad - Green Knight | Regeneration (10%) Stealthy (40) Recuperation Forest Survival Mounted | A Light thug chassi. | ||
Lord Ruthven - Vampire Lord Hero turn arrival limit: 5 | 12 11 | Regeneration (10%) Fire Vulnerability (-5) Resist Cold (15) Resist Poison (25) Darkvision (100%) Stealthy (40) Seduction Invulnerability (25%) Slash Resistant Blunt Resistant Causes unrest (0.5) Population Killer (10) Need not Eat Undead Flying Cannot Pass Rivers Immortal | Gets a Vampire Lord early on if lucky. quickest way to break into blood without a pretender. |
This section is the longer version of the 'Magic Access' column in National Features. List which paths the nation has access to, what level in each path and the maximum level attainable with common boosters. Avoid discussing in too much depth as much of the information is already covered in MelficeBelmont's Boosting and Access Guide. The length of this section will vary greatly depending on the nation, and does not have to be formatted in the same way as the example below. Some explanation may be required for more complicated boosting methods (e.g. commanderifying a unit with hidden paths). What exactly these paths can be used for can largely be explained in later sections, but pointing out good crosspaths works well in this section too. Mention communion access if applicable.
The dogs are copied directly from MA Man - write original descriptions to account for differences in viability/use between ages, perhaps?
Discuss the top few generic spells that most increase a nation's combat power or synergize with national strategies. These will generally be early-to-mid game spells since individual spells matter much more during those periods of the game. Some examples are Foul Vapors for MA C'tis, Horde of Skeletons + Sabbath Master/Sabbath Slave for the Niefelheim line of nations, Mother Oak for the Pangaeas, Wailing Winds access, etc. For broader advice on magic use, link to Not-Lola's Basic Magic Use Guide.
This is also a good place to point out notable magic weaknesses, such as a lack of nature access making a nation vulnerable to Foul Vapors.
List and describe any unique national items or discounts in this section, discuss and compare with similar generic items. Also discuss generic items that are useful and accessible for the nation. These may include:
This is probably the most difficult section to get consensus for. Describe how strong the nation is during expansion, the early, mid and late game, and what makes it strong/weak at each of those points. This should give readers an idea of where the weaknesses of a nation lie (if they have not been shown already) and when to take advantage of a nation's strengths.
List some example expansion strategies here. If a strong bless or pretender is required then leave the specifics for the pretender section.
List some example pretender builds. Try to use the following format to keep authorship and pretender design rationale clear.
Nations | |
Early Ages | Arcoscephale • Ermor • Ulm • Marverni • Sauromatia • T'ien Ch'i • Machaka • Mictlan • Abysia • Caelum • C'tis • Pangaea • Agartha • Tir na n'Og • Fomoria • Vanheim • Helheim • Niefelheim • Rus • Kailasa • Lanka • Yomi • Hinnom • Ur • Berytos • Xibalba • Mekone • Ubar • Atlantis • R'lyeh • Pelagia • Oceania • Therodos |
Middle Ages | Arcoscephale • Ermor • Sceleria • Pythium • Man • Eriu • Ulm • Marignon • Mictlan • T'ien Ch'i • Machaka • Agartha • Abysia • Caelum • C'tis • Pangaea • Asphodel • Vanheim • Jotunheim • Vanarus • Bandar Log • Shinuyama • Ashdod • Uruk • Nazca • Xibalba • Phlegra • Phaeacia • Ind • Na'ba • Atlantis • R'lyeh • Pelagia • Oceania • Ys |
Late Ages | Arcoscephale • Pythium • Lemuria • Man • Ulm • Marignon • Mictlan • T'ien Ch'i • Jomon • Agartha • Abysia • Caelum • C'tis • Pangaea • Midgård • Utgård • Bogarus • Patala • Gath • Ragha • Xibalba • Phlegra • Vaettiheim • Atlantis • R'lyeh • Erytheia |