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EA Tir na n'Og, Land of the Ever Young

Early Age Tir na n'Og, or TNN as it's often referred to, is a nation of Elf-like humanoids derived from Irish mythology, particularly The Book of Invasions (Lebor Gabála Érenn). This text describes the mythic past of the country before humans arrived, with successive waves of supernatural peoples invading the island and coming into conflict. Of these, perhaps the most famous were the Tuatha de Danann, the "tribe of the goddess Danu." In the Dominions world, they are called the "Tuatha." The Tuathan form the elites of TNN, ruling alongside their lesser descendants, the Sidhe. The bulk of the populace is composed of Fir Bolg, lesser by far than their Elvish overlords but still superior to normal humans.

General Overview

EA Tir na n'Og boasts many strengths. They are an archetypal "Elf nation" possessing highly skilled elite troops who can use Stealth and Glamour to pull off surprise attacks and Raids, as well as capable and cost efficient thugs. While they lack the blood access of their Norse counterparts, they wield potent Air and Nature magic and have much more cost-efficient research than is typical for Elves. Their Fir Bolg troops also give them a reliable cheaper option for chaff once the prevalence of late game spells makes pricey elves a liability on the battlefield. In summary, TNN is less of a blunt instrument than the likes of the Vanir, requiring finesse. They specialise in controlling the flow of combat through Stealth, Assassination, and Raiding. Their main weaknesses are the high cost of their best troops, the lack of magic diversity–being largely restricted to Air and Nature–and their Elven unit's weakness to ranged attacks.

National Features

Special Race Attributes Military Magic Access Priests Buildings
High DEF (13 vs. 10)

Fir Bolg (Half-Elves):
+1 STR, +3 MR, & +1 MOR
(vs. standard Humans)

Tuatha & Sidhe (Elves):
No Movement penalty & reduced chance of starving in Forests Forest Survival
Can move through enemy lands undetected Stealth (65)
Can't be scouted in friendly lands, might avoid their first wound Glamour
Bonus to the attacker's Damage roll if they hit with an Iron weapon Iron Vulnerability (1)
% decrease in the penalty for fighting in the dark Darkvision (50)
+4 MR (vs. standard Humans)
Sidhe: +2 STR & +2 MOR
Tuatha: +3 STR & +3 MOR
Bronze Gear
Superhuman Light Infantry
Expensive but Evasive Raiders
(some on horseback)

BlessablesSacreds with Magic Weapons
air 44 (Rare 5)
nature 33 (Rare 4)
water 22
earth 11 (Uncommon, Rare 2)

Heroes: fire 33
Average (holy 22)
Can move through enemy lands undetected Stealthy

Capital Special Sites

Tir na n'Og Mag Mor
Enables recruitment of Ri, Tuatha Sorceress, and Tuatha Warrior
Generates 3airgem per turn.
Generates 1earthgem2naturegem per turn.

National Units

TNN offers several excellent troop options. Most notable are the superhuman Fir Bolg who are armed with various weapons, the elite Glamoured Sidhe and cap-only Tuatha sacreds. There is a lack of ranged troops (aside from weak slingers), but most of their units carry javelins in addition to their melee weapons. Their cavalry is restricted to commanders.


Sprite Unit Name SpecialAttributes Comments
Fir Bolg Scout
Stealthy (50)
Mountain Survival
Forest Survival
A basic scout who happens to be a Fir Bolg and wields a javelin rather than the standard bow. Recruitable from any fort and has the stat benefits from being a Fir Bolg, but still unsuited for combat. Best used purely for scouting, and only recruited if indy scouts cannot be found.
Fir Bolg Champion
A basic commander with 60 leadership. Not usually worth wasting a fort turn for, since indy commanders can serve much the same role, and you have much better leaders available. Does have higher leadership than ordinary commanders, but at a higher cost.
Baobhan Sidhe
air 22 9
Assassin (1)
Stealthy (85)
Darkvision (50%)
Iron Vulnerability(1)
Spell Singer
Forest Survival
One of TNN's most useful mages, the Baobhan Sidhe provides reliable A2 access for a reasonable price, as well as being a Glamoured, Stealthy, Assassin. En masse, they can be used as part of a Thunderstrike battery, with a higher A mage casting Storm to allow the A2s to boost using Storm Power. As assassins they can terrorise enemy commanders, casting air evocations or, with a few gems, summoning air elementals. Very few non-thug commanders can survive an air elemental assassination, making them some of the best assassins in the game and a strength of TNN. However, they are neither sacred nor cost efficient for research, so not ideal for a research corps. A very good unit, nonetheless.
Fir Bolg Druid
air 11random1100% 9 A cheap, low level Fir Bolg mage, perfect as a cost efficient researcher and utility ritualist/item forger. Hardly spectacular, but efficient research on an elf nation isn't exactly common, so the Fir Bolg druid is still an asset. Neither Stealthy, nor Glamoured, nor sacred, and mostly unsuited to combat. In a pinch, the research corps can be drafted as one use Thunderstrikers by eating gems. With enough druids this can be very damaging and catch the enemy off guard, but it is very gem inefficient and only useful in emergencies or as a last resort.
Sidhe Champion
air 11nature 11holy 11 9
Stealthy (65)
Darkvision (50%)
Iron Vulnerability(1)
Spell Singer
Forest Survival
A decent sacred Sidhe commander, with 80 leadership, Stealth and Glamour. Not much use as a mage or researcher, given the price, but useful for leading troops and getting better formations in battle, along with blessing sacreds. Would be a consideration for thugging, except you have the Sidhe Lord who make much better candidates.
Bean Sidhe
air 11water 11nature 11random1100% 13
Stealthy (65)
Darkvision (50%)
Spell Singer
Iron Vulnerability(1)
Forest Survival
A mid-level supporting mage, Bean Sidhe are notable for their wider variety of available paths than is common on your other mages. This makes them decent choices for site searching early on. Each random has its use: the Air ones can be thunderstrikers, the Nature ones get access to N2, the Water ones are your best W access and can be used to break into that path, while the Earth ones are your best bet for site searching. While lacking Holy magic, they are sacred and thus can be used to build temples. Making a few of these can be useful, since all except the E randoms have long term utility, though they are superseded in most combat roles by other mages.
Sidhe Lord
air 22nature 11holy 22 11
Stealthy (65)
Darkvision (50%)
Spell Singer
Iron Vulnerability(1)
Forest Survival
A decent commander, A2 caster, and great thug all in one, Sidhe lords are a very valuable addition to TNN's roster. With 80 leadership they can serve as effective commanders, and their air magic lets them join Thunderstrike batteries, though they are very expensive for serving these roles. Their real niche is as one of the most cost-effective thugs in the game. With a Frost Brand, Vine Shield and a cast of Mistform on themselves they can take on most pd without trouble due to their crazy high defense skill, and can also take advantage of any bless you may have. Their Stealth and Glamour also makes it trivial for them to disengage while raiding and escape from retaliation. A2 opens up Cloud Trapeze allowing Sidhe lords to parachute behind enemy lines and hit undefended provinces from unexpected directions. With a more sizeable investment of gear, maybe adding armour or some gems to cast Personal Regeneration, they can take on tougher targets. However, care should be taken not to spend too many resources on a disposable thug, as they lack the HP and Prot to survive long term against determined opponents. Offensive wars should ideally be started with an alpha strike of these thugs used to hit as many provinces as possible. Side lords make TNN a top tier nation for raiding if deployed correctly.
air 22nature 22holy 22random1100%
Stealthy (65)
Darkvision (50%)
Spell Singer
Iron Vulnerability(1)
Forest Survival
While impressive on paper, the Ri are best avoided. They're very expensive, cap-only and any role they could play is already better filled by other commanders. Capable of getting A3 or N3 from their 100% random, they could provide higher-level magic support, but Tuatha Sorceresses can get even higher paths for almost the same price. In theory, they could serve as an upgrade to the Sidhe Lord thug, but they suffer from the same frailty and their higher paths provide little extra benefit while taking up capital recruitment turns (not to mention gold) that could be better spent on a sorceress. It's almost impossible to justify recruiting a Ri except for flavor purposes.
Tuatha Sorceress
air 33nature 22holy 22random1100%
Stealthy (65)
Darkvision (50%)
Spell Singer
Iron Vulnerability(1)
Forest Survival
Cap-only and slow-to-recruit, Tuatha Sorceresses are Tir na n'Og's most powerful mages. Providing reliable A3 and N2 access, they can reach A4 and N3 via randoms and are your go-to caster for high-level air and nature spells. Even the E and W randoms can, with a few extra A gems, serve as the centerpiece of a thunderstrike battery by casting Storm, and the A4 variety opens up access to the usually hard to reach air boosters. High air paths also bring with them quality troop buffs (Arrow Fend, Mass Flight, Fog Warriors etc), while the N randoms bring Howl and Mass Protection among others. Sorceresses are expensive but definitely worth the cost, and your cap should be recruiting as many of them as resources allow.


Tir na n'Og's troop roster contains excellent options for both chaff and elites, in addition to a nice sacred. Their units share some characteristics, mainly due to being of similar race. The majority of the roster is filled by Fir Bolg, who are essentially slightly boosted humans. Fir Bolg are superior to standard human troops across the board, with better HP and MR, +1 Strength, notably higher Defence Skill, and higher max age. Fir Bolg also come equipped with a variety of weapons. The Sidhe and their Tuatha ancestors make up the elites and all possess Stealth, Glamour, Forest Survival and 50% Darkvision. These elites also have overall better stats than the Fir Bolg. A notable weakness is their Iron Vulnerability.

Sprite Unit Name Atribut Comments
Fir Bolg Militia
A cheap and cheerful militia, these inferior to your other available troops in every respect except price. Lacking in armour, they are not as survivable and also cannot be relied on to deal damage. They are Fir Bolgs, however, and thus superior to most other militia type units, so shouldn't be dismissed altogether. In particular, their defense skill is high for their cost, giving them a role as cheap blockers, or as a mass recruit for late game fights where having bodies capable of taking buffs is more important than the quality of those troops.
Fir Bolg Slinger
TNN's only dedicated ranged unit, the slinger is unimpressive. Their projectile attack has low range and does little damage, and you lack the necessary magic to make use of massed weak projectiles (ie: Flaming Arrows). With some strength buffs their damage could be increased to useful levels, but this is probably not worth the effort. Fills a niche as resource-cheap, easily massable siege chaff.
Fir Bolg Warrior
Fir Bolg warriors are solid light infantry and can be reliably used for expansion or to fill out armies not intended for Stealth. They come in two varieties: armed with either an axe or spear, and carrying a javelin. Both axe and spear units benefit from the boosted stats of a Fir Bolg, making them remarkably effective for their cost, with higher def skill allowing them to outperform most other light or medium infantry. Their greatest weakness is the lack of armour. 7 prot and no helmet puts them firmly in the "light infantry" camp, and while def skill can make up for this in melee, it can't protect them from projectiles which remain a vulnerability despite their shield. The axe wielders trade a point of def skill and the chance to repel for extra damage, and are an attractive choice over the spear wielders unless you're only looking for chaff. The extra defence of the spears probably makes them a better choice of chaff.
Sidhe Warrior
Stealthy (65)
Darkvision (50%)
Iron Vulnerability(1)
Forest Survival
Sidhe warriors are an expensive unit - comparable in resources and rec points to Fir Bolg warriors, but almost twice the gold cost, with only a small boost in stats compared to them. Their value comes in their stealth and glamour, making them much more fearsome in melee combat and making them invisible on the strategic map. While their stats may be a small improvement on those of Fir Bolg, they're a cut above regular troops and can take on much larger numbers of basic infantry and come out on top. As TNN a key choice is whether to focus on Fir Bolg troops, sacrificing Stealth for greater numbers, or to go for an all Elf build for your armies with Sidhe and Tuatha making up the troops. This latter alternative opens the possibility of a fully stealthed, invisible main army that can outmaneuver your opponent's forces and potentially give a decisive strategic advantage by. You can use this to, for example, decapitate an opponents infrastructure by unexpectedly striking their capital while their armies are too far away to lend support. The strengths of this approach should be obvious, but its drawbacks are the relatively high gold cost of the Sidhe troops who would serve as the frontlines in such a build, resulting in smaller armies with lower siege strength that are just as vulnerable to projectiles and evocations as much cheaper troops. As the game progresses, they may end up being replaced by cheaper options as the battlefield becomes an increasingly more dangerous place for any troop to set foot, and mass troop buffs make numbers more important. Nevertheless, the strategic options that Sidhe warriors provide make them a crucial unit in TNN's roster.
Tuatha Warrior
Stealthy (65)
Darkvision (50%)
Iron Vulnerability(1)
Forest Survival
TNN's cap only sacred, the Tuatha warrior is a very solid unit and a strength of the nation. While they can't compete with the very best sacreds other EA nations offer, they are vastly superior to most other troops, with even higher strength, attack and defence skill than Sidhe. They wield magic weapons as well, giving potentially very valuable utility against certain targets. Their main weakness is the same as the Sidhe's–a vulnerability to ranged attacks, which ignore def skill and glamour–and only average prot. Their HP is also only slightly above human levels, making them fairly fragile outside of melee combat. Their high price reflects their quality, and still makes them a good deal, though it exacerbates the problem of their relative frailty. Tuatha warriors clean up most troops without much difficulty, with weaker candidates often struggling to deal any return damage at all. They're strong enough to be worth the cost even discounting a bless, and can be used as part of expansion or as the elite of an all stealthed Elf army. As far as blesses go, while big incarnates such as quickness or ethereality can feel terrifying, in practice the most cost effective approach is usually to either try to curb their vulnerability to projectiles and evocations (resistances/prot boosts) or lean into their strengths with a selection of minor stat boosts (att skill/def skill/blood surge etc). While not exceptional compared to some other sacreds, Tuatha warriors are still excellent and a key part of TNN's overall lineup.


Sprite Unit Name Abilities Comments
Lugh - Long Handed fire 33air 33nature 22holy 33 21
+1 to new magic paths
Awe (5)
Shock Resistance (5)
Fire Resistance (20)
Fire Shield (13)
Siege Bonus (20)
Sailing (999/3)
Supply Bonus (20)
Darkvision (100)
Forge Bonus (1)
Spell Singer

Summons & Freespawn

Sprite Unit Name Comments
Cu Sidhe
Requires nature 22
7 units per cast
TNN's only summonable unit, the Cu Sidhe is a size 3 sacred Elvish dog. Their prot and MR are surprisingly high for animals, and their higher HP and decent damage attack can mitigate their low attack density. Their high combat speed also means that they can keep pace as bodyguards for Sidhe Lords that are running into combat. However, they remain a questionable use of N gems in most situations, lacking the glamour and high def skill which makes your other Elf troops strong, and still possessing all the same weaknesses. If you're running a heavy bless, access to summonable sacreds from a fairly gem and mage-turn efficient spell can give them a role, but they are probably best avoided.


Magic Access

Highest single paths:

air 44 on Tuatha Sorceresses - air 66 with accessible boosters (Winged Helmet + Bag of Winds).

nature 33 on Tuatha Sorceresses, and Ri - nature 44 with a Thistle Mace.

water 22 on Bean Sidhe - water 44 with accessible boosters (Water Bracelet + Robe of the Sea).

earth 11 on Fir Bolg Druids, Bean Sidhe, Tuatha Sorceresses and Ri. Despite getting 1earthgem cap site income, there's no easy path to climb higher outside of pretender paths or empowerment.

Notable crosspaths:

nature 22water 11 on Tuatha Sorceresses (and Bean Sidhe with a Thistle Mace or extra gems) for casting Foul Vapors.

water 33nature 11 on Bean Sidhe with a W booster for casting Contact Naiad and Naiad Warriors.

Combat Magic

Spells To support its army, TNN mages can summon air / water / earth elementals (Evo3-7) as well as Swarm (Alt4/7).

For larger armies recruit a Sorceress to cast Storm (Evo5) and use Summon Storm Power (Conj2) Sidhe Lords, A2 Bean Sidhe, and Sidhe Champions to cast Lightning Bolts or Air Elementals and Thunder Strike (Evo4).

Water mages can use Frozen Heart (Alt6) to kill elites / heavy armor, buff troops with Quickness / Wave Warriors / Fire Resistance and with a nature cross path Bone Melter (Alt5, aoe1 kill vs MR) can delete squares.

Earth mages can Earth Boots or Earth Power and gems to buff with Legions of Steel / Strength of Giants and disable enemy iron equipment with Rust Mist (Evo2) / Iron Bane (Alt6).

N2 Bean Sidhe can spam Swarm (Alt4) to put up some distracting blockers, buff troops with Wooden Warriors (Alt5) or poison enemies with Breath of the Dragon / Poison Cloud (Evo4-5).

For big battles consider using Howl (Conj5), Wind Guide (Alt4), Darkness (Alt6, with Kokythiad and LLV bless), Rain (vs fire) / Mist / Storm (Evo2-5) and Foul Vapors (Ench5, with PR bless).

Ritual Magic

Mother Oak: Great for increasing your Nature gem income. Get this up by mid game to ensure you have a sustainable stream of Nature gems to support your wars.

Perpetual Storm: Cloaks the whole world in a storm. Allows you to cut Storm from your combat castings, saving you fatigue and gems in the long-run. The spell also randomly spawns hurricanes which can be a positive or a negative depending on the how RNG treats you and your enemies.

Magic Items

FIXME Do you have any National items(Construction Level, Price, and required Paths). Any unique generic items few other nations can forge? What item would be useful on your unit lineup (non-standard recommend thug gear)?

National Items

Shillelagh: Const 2, nature 11, 5naturegem. Provides Luck and a Sprite servant; the former will keep the holder from dying 75% of the time, while the latter will dump heaps of Fatigue on foes in Assassination attempts.

Gossamer Cloth: Const 2, air 22nature 11, 8airgem4naturegem. Your army is reported as significantly smaller, making an army of Green Lions hidden among the report of Fir Bolgs.

Strategic Guide

Disclamer: With the rapidly changing meta of the game, any advice given here is subject to change. I strongly advised trying everything in SP before applying to your multiplayer games.

Original Post: All Nations Guide

Early Game

Use expansion parties of ~6-8 Tuatha Warriors or ~25 Fir Bolg led by a Champion. Combine these for harder provinces. Two Sidhe Lords without equipment can conquer weak to medium indy provinces. Elephant (Trample) and Shaman / Tribe provinces (Tangle Vines) should be avoided. Alternate recruitment of Champions and Firbolg Druids until you build your first fort on turn 7/8. Once you have better income, recruit Sidhe Lords instead of Champions and Bean Sidhe instead of Druids. Site search with Bean Sidhes and research either Conj5 for Powers and Air Elementals or Conj3 + Evo5 for Storm and Thunder Strike first depending on whether neighbors have a Magic Weapons or Shock Resistance bless. With an awake Earth pretender, Const2 first for Owl Quills + Dwarven Hammers is also an option; otherwise, it requires too many air gems that will be needed in your wars.

Mid Game

Mid game is TNN's strongest phase. Be more aggressive than usual and press your advantage with powerful Air & Nature magic, and heavy raiding with Sidhe Lord to win the game early or get an overwhelming advantage for the late game. Key research objectives are Conj5 for Powers / Elementals, Evo5 for Storm / Thunder Strike, Alt7 for Wooden Warriors / Mother Oak / Marble Warriors / Mass Protection / Fog Warriors, and Ench4 for Cloud Trapeze / Seeking Arrow. Mother Oak (Alt5, N5) and Perpetual Storm (Evo6, A5) are good globals to put up.


An important tool for winning is to Raid as many provinces per turn as possible with Sidhe Lord or a Champion led Tuatha Warrior squad to quickly take all of their provinces. Sidhe Lords are excellent raiders with Bless / Barkskin / Air Shield / Mistform / Personal Regeneration (Flight / Elemental Fortitude). Later, they can Cloud Trapeze (Ench4) into enemy hinterlands or to cut off enemy armies' retreat paths. They can be used with minimal equipment (Frost Brand) but are even better with a Vine Shield, armor (Kithaironic Lion Pelt / Armor of Knights), and a repelling Dancing Trident. Likewise, Baobhan Sidhe used as assassins are tough to hit with normal weapons, and if you can make Shroud of the Battle Saints for them, they also profit from your bless. Baobhan Sidhe are excellent with retinue items (Handful of Acorns, later Bottle of Living Water) and gems for air elementals. Seeking Arrow (Ench3) can kill human-sized non-Stealth commanders (8 AN +DRN damage, 38% to kill 10 HP). Call of the Winds and Call of the Wild (Conj3) can be effective against weak province defense but are quite expensive.

Example Pretenders

Chassis: Imprisoned Frost Father
Paths: fire 33air 33water 44earth 33astral 44death 33nature 33blood 44
Bless: 10 FR, +10 SR, +5 CR, +2 Def,
+3 Strength, Spirit Sight, +2 MR
2×Undying, +15 PR, Blood Surge
Scales: Dominion strength5Order2Productivity1Cold1Growth0Misfortune1Magic3

Frost Father
An example of an imprisoned statresist bless to help your sacreds and thugs remain viable throughout the game. The resists mean that thugs do not have to invest in resist items and can focus on other items.
From Johnny's guide

Strategy Guides

tir-na-n-og-ea.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/09 04:24 by johnnydown