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MA Caelum, Reign of the Seraphim


Caelum is a magocracy of winged humanoids who inhabit the highest mountain peaks. In ancient times, there were three Caelian clans led by semi-divine beings known as Yazatas. The Raptor clan was accepted by the Yazatas even though they were held responsible for the corruption of Catharsis. When the Harab Seraphs of the Raptor clan began to study dark magic once more, the purifying flames were tainted and Catharsis became Anthrax, King of Banefires. As a result many of the Seraphines died from a wasting disease and their sacred task was abandoned. The Harab Seraphs were condemned and civil war broke out. The Raptor Clan was banished and scattered across the world. The last of the Eagle Kings disappeared and were replaced by the High Seraphs of the Airya clan. The Seraphs are administrators, judges and temporal leaders of Caelum. They are masters of Air magic and craft the magical ice that Caelians use instead of regular metal. The ice tempers with lower temperatures and the heavy ice armor is more durable in cold climates than in warmer ones. All weapons crafted from the ice are magical and capable of harming magical beings. The Airyas live in the coldest mountain peaks and are unaffected by low temperatures. They are thin and light. Spire Horn Caelians are less resistant to cold but have partial resistance to lightning. Since the fall of the Harab Seraphs more of them have turned to martial occupations. The Caelians are skilled archers and prefer hit-and-run tactics, even though they do have some heavy troops, such as huge Mammoths.

Caelum was originally a purely fictional nation of winged humanoids living atop the coldest mountain
peaks. Later development has gifted them with Zoroastrian traits. In a Dominions 4 patch, the nation’s
backstory was remade and more Zoroastrian traits, summons, and spells were added to the nation. The
backstory of a primordial was between Daevas and Yazatas along with concepts of the pollution of the
sacred flame merged with earlier ideas of Catharsis/Anthrax. We also added some new guardian spirit
mechanics based on Zoroastrian concepts of the soul.

General Overview

Middle-Age Caelum is the original flying nation. All of your units can fly, except for your capital-only troops and your woolly mammoths. Your Spire Horn troops can even fly through storms. On the other hand, their wings make your formations less-dense than those of most nations of guys with their stats.

Your sacreds are capital-only, relatively-fragile, and unable to fly. They're still stronger than your other troop lineup, however.

You can recruit lots of cheap mages that each serve an important purpose other than research, but you're also able to recruit your best mages from any of your frozen forts. The unique Ice Citadel at the capital makes Caelum one of the few nations in this age with 3 commander points, making it easier to amass mages from turn one.

National Features

Race Military Magic Access Priests Buildings
Prefers Cold 3
Size 3 w/ Wings
+1 PRE & -1 DEF vs. Humans
Airya Caelians:
Cold Resistance 15
-1 HP & STR vs. Humans
+2 MR vs. Humans
Spire Horn Caelians:
Cold Resistance 5
Shock Resistance 5
Storm Immunity
+1 MR vs. Humans
Magic Gear
For teh Airya! Ice Protection
Flying Infantry
Some Wingless
(Infantry & Archers)
( Some Sacred)
air 33 (uncommon 4, rare 5)
water 22 (uncommon 3, rare 4)
astral 11 (uncommon, rare 2)
death 11 (uncommon, rare 2)
fire 11 (20%)
Heroes: death 22
Weak (holy 11)
Hero: holy 22

Guardian spirits: Priests have a (10% * holy level + 1% * friendly candles in province; negative if hostile) chance of summoning a free Fravashi in battle.

National summons like the Ancestral Fravashi are spirits themselves, and thus lack guardian spirits.
Ice Citadel
- Starting fort
- Melts in Heat
- Up to 3 commander points
- Administration value affect by temperature
Ice Castles
- Melts in Heat
- Builds in only 4 months
- Up to 2 Commander Points
- Administration value affected by temperature

Your Dominion spreads Cold Scales to adjacent provinces, by the way. The chance is around 20% (FIXME).

Capital Special Sites

Citadel of Frozen Crystal

Enables recruitment of

Blizzard Warrior

Temple Guard

Produces 3airgem2watergem per turn

Raven's Vale

Enables recruitment of


Notable Units

High Seraph
The star of Caelum's roster. These poweful members of the magocracy will lead your armies and your god to victory. Since they are so high up on the magocracy they have to time to study other paths of magic therefore have the most diversity of all your mages.

Ice Crafter
The newcomers of the magocracy. While not as proficient in water magic as the High Seraphs, their knowledge of ice-crafting is unique and highly prized. While not serving the magocracy they create help create additional resources turning high-pop low-resource provinces into industrial juggernauts.

Blizzard Warrior
A shadow of their former winged glory that can no longer keep up with their winged brethren on the move. Nevertheless, these sacred heralds of frost are still threat on the battlefield with their magical ice bows. Those who are not accustomed to the snow will suffer with each volley.

The mighty protectors of Caelum lands, donned in ice cold armor that is comparable to Ulmish blacksteel. Just make sure they stay out of the heat so that their armor doesn't melt.

Temple Guard
Mindful that wings hinder them on the ground, Caelum's elite soldiers sacrifice their wings to become the one thing Caelum lacks - dedicated defenders. Highly-skilled sacred infantry - and better armoured than ever - the Temple Guard know Caelum has many weapons, but only one shield.


Sprite Unit Name Special Attributes Comments
Caelian Scout
Stealthy (55)
Resist Cold (5)
Resist Shock (5)
Ice Protection (1)
storm immunity
Supply Size (2)
Flying scout with ice gear. Not as useful as Seraphines, but cheaper and much, much faster than normal scouts.
Airya Noble
Resist Cold (15)
Ice Protection (2)
Supply Size (2)
High precision (13). Wields ranged weapon spam like Bow of War
Storm General
Resist Cold (8)
Resist Shock (8)
Ice Protection (2)
Supply Size (2)
Storm Immunity
Main Troop carrier. Useful for +1 morale to troops and sometimes line formations which make flying units walk at the start of combat, like a regular front line.
holy 11random020%
Resist Cold (15)
stealthy (65)
Supply Size (2)
Prophet Shape (Seraphine)
Sacred stealthy priests. Better than your actual scouts. Can help move troops around. Cheap in resources, especially for expansion parties. Has a 20% chance of getting fire 11, which breaks Caelum into fire magic.
Spire Horn Seraph
air 11 7
Resist Cold (5)
Resist Shock (5)
storm immunity
Supply Size (2)
Cheap research mage. Best for crafting Owl Quills. Can be used to spam Phantasmal Warriors or more if someone casts Storm, allowing Summon Storm Power.

With the high precision of Spire Horns and their storm immunity, they are by far the most accurate Caelians for casting Lightning Bolt during storms.
Ice Crafter
water 11 7
Resist Cold (15)
Ice forging (4)
forge bonus (1)
Supply Size (2)
Caelum's most useful cheap mage. Can provide max 12 Resources resources in 3 Cold scales cold provinces per mage.
Can craft Ice Sword, Ice Lance and Ice Helmet for 3watergem gems, or 1watergem with a Dwarven Hammer. Ice Aegis gets a discount to a minimum of 5watergem.

Water is easily boosted with Water Bracelets, and even without it they can spam Frozen Heart.
Caelian Seraph
air 22water 11 11
Resist Cold (15)
Prophet Shape (High Seraph)
Supply Size (2)
Mid-line Battle-mage. Can cast Auspex for air sites. Typical combat spells include Lightning Bolt, Orb Lightning, Wind Guide, or Thunder Strike with Summon Storm Power.
High Seraph
air 33water 22random1100%
Resist Cold (15)
Resist Shock (5)
Prophet Shape (High Seraph)
Supply Size (2)
Powerful Battle-mage that can be recruited outside the capital. Has a 1/4 chance of getting air 44. Can also reliably get astral 11 or death 11 for magic diversity, but it is not enough to break into Caelum's national summons.

water 33 allows reasonable access to frost spells and fatigue plays. MA Caelum's ubiquitous cold resistance and normal 3 Cold scales dominion helps.

They can export cold beyond your dominion with Wolven Winter to help ice protected units. Powerful combat spells include Thunder Strike, Storm, Wrathful Skies, Phantasmal Army, and Grip of Winter.


Sprite Unit Name Special Attributes Comments
Spire Horn Militia
Resist Cold (5)
Resist Shock (5)
Supply Size (2)
Pretty bad for combat duty, even early on. Die at an alarmingly rapid rate in battle. Unlike all other Spire Horn units, they have no storm immunity. Militia still has a role in cheap bodies for patrolling and sieges.
Spire Horn Archer
Resist Cold (5)
Resist Shock (5)
storm immunity
Supply Size (2)
Cheap archer. Flying does not offer any particular advantages to archery in Dominions 5. Die extremely quick in melee.
Spire Horn Warrior
Resist Cold (5)
Resist Shock (5)
storm immunity
Supply Size (2)
Early game expansion units. Flying lances give all-or-nothing outcomes as they hit critical mass, so test and err on the safe side. Fall off mid game due to weak stats, then reappear later as storm flyer and shock resist let them fight alongside lightning spam. 18 piercing damage on the charge can crack harder targets than you'd expect.
Airya Light Infantry
Resist Cold (15)
Ice Protection (1)
Supply Size (2)
Could make up the bulk of your army in cold dominion, since they're decent units and fairly priced.
Airya Infantry
Resist Cold (15)
Ice Protection (1)
Supply Size (2)
Resist Cold (15)
Ice Protection (2)
Supply Size (2)
Really good alternative to the lighter infantry but vastly more expensive. Easily worth the gold once you have enough resources. Unreliable in Heat, but in Cold 3 you get an Ulm-tier 23 prot.
Storm Guard
Resist Cold (8)
Resist Shock (8)
Ice Protection (2)
Storm Immunity
Supply Size (2)
Flying heavy infantry. Can be really useful. Less protection than Iceclad, but they have more strength and can fly in storms.
Resist Cold (15)
Excellent early game expansion units, as they'll rip through indies. Expensive in gold and low magic resistance.
Capital Only
If you're going to have a non-flying batallion of units these are your guys. Can absorb a frontline charge without immediately dying and do a good deal of damage. Have these guys run up first with the mammoths, and flying units holding then attacking.
Temple Guard
Capital Only
Resist Cold (15)
Ice Protection (2)
Non-flying bodyguards. They're sacred, so they're your front line bless-able units and can take and also deal a good deal of damage. Mixing them in with Wingless helps at forming a bigger front line. Alternately, high dominion (7+) coupled with Ice Crafters can make Temple Guard armies more feasible.
Blizzard Warrior
Capital Only
Resist Cold (15)
Ice Protection (1)
Situationally useful sacred archers with limited mobility. Can fatigue out titans or elites without significant cold resistance, regardless of size or armour. Flaming Arrows does not work on their frost bows. The Flaming Weapons bless, however, works, as does any other weapon bless.


Sprite Unit Name Magic Special Attributes Comments
Caelos - Sacred One holy 11 Sacred
Resist Cold (15)
Ice Protection (2)
Not a particularly useful as Caelum's national commanders have greater mobility. Caelos may find some use defending the home front with a less mobile, harder hitting, army to relieve forts under siege.
"Caelos is the Commander of the Temple Guard. He gave up his wings after losing his Iceclads in a battle against infidels. The event ignited his religious fervor and he has since fought harder and braver than any of the Storm Generals against the enemies of the faith. He was recently promoted to the status of commander. His fanaticism has given him priestly training otherwise restricted to women. Caelos combines Sacred and Good Leadership, but cannot fly."
Zaelinys - Harab Seraphine death 22holy 22 9 Sacred
Stealthy (40)
Resist Cold (15)
This is what allows Caelum to break into death magic. If you are lucky, you can definitely use her the death national summons
"Zaelinys is one of the few descendants of the Harab Seraphs remaining in Caelum. Her ancestors aided the High Seraphs against the Raptor Rebellion and have served the Seraphs with their dark magic. Zaelinys has learned the dark arts of her family, but has also trained in the temple as a Seraphine."


Magic Access

One of MA Caelum's weakest magic paths. Realistically the Seraphine has the highest path at fire 11 (very uncommon). However if you do get lucky and get some fire magic sites it only takes 30firegem to get fire 22. However doing this will definitely deplete your fire gem reserves. The only way to get higher fire magic is to Call Celestial Yazad, Call Amesha Spenta, Call Yata, and Call Greater Daeva.

The High Seraphs have the potential to get air 55 (very rare). Having air 44 or air 55 is really still really good. If you still want to boost your air magic without empowering you have two non-relic options, both of which are extremely expensive. The Winged Helmet for 25airgem and the Bag of Winds for 40airgem, both at Constr4, for the total cost of 65airgem. Therefore the highest non-combat air mage you can have, without relics, is an air 77.

The High Seraph have the potential to get water 44 (very rare). Again having a water 33 is still very good but it doesn't hurt to have a water 44. If you still want to boost, you have two non-relic options which is not as expensive as air magic. Robe of the Sea for 15watergem at Constr4 and Water Bracelet for 5watergem at Constr6, both of which can reduced by least 1 thanks to Ice Crafters. Therefore the highest non-combat water mage you can have, without relics, is water 66.

Yet another one of MA Caelum's weakest paths. Only the High Seraph has a chance to be recruited with astral 22. You can have in craft a Starshine Skullcap for 10astralpearl to get astral 33. The only way to get higher astral magic is to cast Call Celestial Yazad, Call Amesha Spenta, Call Yata, and Call Greater Daeva.

Another one of MA Caelum's weakest paths. Again the High Seraph is the only unit that has a chance of being recruited with death 22. With a Skull Staff for 10deathgem you can bump that up to a death 33. However death magic is arguably easier to get magic paths via empowerment since you have access too Raven Feast if you are having difficulty finding death sites. The only way to get higher death magic is to Call Yata and Call Greater Daeva, or with generic summons like Hidden in Snow and Streams from Hades.

National Spells

Astral spells

  • Call Ahurani: astral 22water 11 Conjuration 5 for 12astralpearl (Ahurani x1)
    A Disease healer who starts land combat with Rain. She can be thugged-out to deal with underwater indies or plague unsuspecting ocean-dwellers. She has ludicrous underwater regeneration and flies in sea battles.
  • Summon Yazatas: astral 22 Conjuration 5 for 15astralpearl (Yazad x6)
    Kind of a waste and you should save your astral gems. But, if you do have enough astral gems they make for excellent shock troops. Opinions vary, and for those who use them, Yazad can help justify a bless.
  • Call Celestial Yazad: astral 44 Conjuration 6 for 40astralpearl
    Summons 1 of 6 Yazads that are discussed in depth in a separate article below.
  • Call Fravashi: astral 33 Conjuration 7 for 30astralpearl (Ancestral Fravashi x1)
    Good air magic and astral magic. The Fravashi has holy 33 so he can be used to claim thrones, and bless sacred-heavy armies. They make reasonable solo combatants, and can communion up to holy 55.
  • Call Amesha Spenta: astral 55 Conjuration 8 for 60astralpearl
    Summons 1 of 6 unique Spenta that are discussed in depth in a separate article below.

Death spells

  • Parting of the Soul: death 11air 11 Thaumaturgy 1
    A good anti-thug spell that paralyzes a target as well as summons 3 Black Hawks. This particular spell seems like it is geared more for EA and LA Caelum as the only death mage is the expensive High Seraph.
  • Call Jahi: death 33fire 11 Conjuration 5 for 15deathgem (Jahi x1)
    Can seduce important commanders, kind of a waste since you would want to save your death gems for other magic.
  • Call Daevas: death 22fire 11 Conjuration 5 for 15deathgem (Daeva x6)
    Another spell that is kind of a waste of gems. However if you need to spend some death gems while getting decent units go ahead and cast this spell. Opinions vary, and for those who use them Daevas can help justify a bless.
  • Call Yata: death 33fire 22 Conjuration 6 for 40deathgem
    summons 1 of 2 Yata that are discussed in depth in a separate article below.
  • Call of the Drugvant: death 44fire 11 Thaumaturgy 7 for 15deathgem
    A remote attack ritual that sends several bandits and a host of Daevas as well as increase unrest.
  • Call Greater Daeva: death 44fire 22 Conjuration 8 for 60deathgem
    Summons 1 of 6 unique Daeva that are discussed in depth in a seperate article below.

Nature spells

  • Herd of Elephants: nature 22 Conjuration 3 for 25naturegem (Elephant x5 + 1/2 extra levels)
    Actually useless since you can recruit mammoths.
  • Herd of Buffaloes: nature 22 Conjuration 3 for 10naturegem (Buffalo x5 + 1/2 extra levels)
    Ok if you want berserk animals
  • Ambush of Tigers: nature 22 Conjuration 3 for 10naturegem (Tiger x10 + extra levels)
    Out shined by your birdmen. Used as fast movers to attack flanks.

More Details in Caelum-Line Summons

Notable Generic Magic

Discuss the top few generic spells that most increase a nation's combat power or synergize with national strategies. These will generally be early-to-mid game spells since individual spells matter much more during those periods of the game. Some examples are Foul Vapors for MA C'tis, Horde of Skeletons + Sabbath Master/Sabbath Slave for the Niefelheim line of nations, Mother Oak for the Pangaeas, Wailing Winds access, etc. For broader advice on magic use, link to Not-Lola's Basic Magic Use Guide.

This is also a good place to point out notable magic weaknesses, such as a lack of nature access making a nation vulnerable to Foul Vapors.

  • air 22 Caelian Seraph & Spire Horn Seraph + Storm Power
    • Wind Guide - Alteration 4 for 1airgem
      Gives all of you units +5 precision to help land their ranged attacks. Best used before low precision spells like Orb Lightning.
    • Lightning Bolt - Evocation 2
      The bread and butter of Caelum. Excellent against thugs and armored units. Damage scales with higher air magic
    • Orb Lightning - Evocation 5
      Helps clear low hp units. Does not discriminate and may cause friendly fire. Damage does not scale with higher air magic.
    • Thunder Ward - Enchantment 5 for 1airgem
      Cast on units that don't have shock resistance or give your existing units additional shock resistance.
  • air 33 High Seraph
    • Mist - Evocation 3 for 1airgem
      Counters ranged play, just keep in mind that the penalty is indiscriminate and will effect your ranged. Can be combined with Storm to make most ranged projectiles useless.
    • Thunder Strike - Evocation 4
      Does Lightning Bolt but better. Just keep an eye on fatigue as the cost to cast is 50.
    • Hurricane - Evocation 4 for 5airgem
      On its own the spell won't do much and is a waste of gems. However, when you cast this on a capital followed up with a Raven Feast to turn air gems into death gems with a ratio 5:8. This is a better ratio than alchemy at a 1:4.
    • Chain Lightning - Evocation 9
      Does Orb Lightning but better by sending out x3 projectiles. Will maul chaff units but is locked behind endgame magic. Damage does scale with air magic
  • air 44 High Seraph
    • Raven Feast - Conjuration 5 for 3airgem
      A versatile spell helps break into death paths. This spell can be cast on provinces you don't own and turns the unburied corpses in that province into death gems. Additionally stops plagues in a province. Cast this spell after a large battle or after a disaster to get the most death gems possible. Also great for punishing nations who take death scales.
    • Storm - Evocation 5 for 1airgem
      A key spell that triggers storm power, allows for Summon Storm Power, causes 50% of projectiles to miss, and, without Storm immunity, halves precision and prevents flight. This spell can be combined with Mist to punish ranged units/spells and can be combined with Wrathful Skies to double the amount of lightning strikes.
  • air 55 High Seraph
    • Wrathful Skies - Evocation 6 for 2airgem
      Good but indiscriminate. The larger the army, the more damage it will do. Combine with Storm to double the lightning strikes.
    • Perpetual Storm - Evocation 6 for 70airgem
      Very situational, casting this will cause some one to eventually dispell or assassinate the caster. However, good for you mages to cast Summon Storm Power.
    • Gale Gate - Thaumaturgy 8 60airgem
      Provinces have a chance of getting hit with a hurricane. Will pay for it self in 3 turns.


  • water 22 Ice Crafter + Water Booster & Caelian Seraph + Water Booster
    • Rain - Evocation 2 for 1watergem
      Will turn into snow in cold provinces, which is not as good as actual rain. But if you do get rain, you've effectively shutdown fire magic.
  • water 33 High Seraph
    • Wolven Winter - Alteration 4 for 5
      Great for spreading cold and setting provinces up for your invasion. The setup spell for Murdering Winter.
    • Freezing Mist - Evocation 3
      Another Caelum classic. An aoe spell that can cause up to 50 fatigue damage making it easier for your troops to finish the enemy off. Combine with other fatigue spells to put an enemy armies unconscious. Combine with other fatigue spells to make an enemy armies unconscious.
    • Falling Frost - Evocation 5
      Another great aoe spell to help deal with troops en masse. Deals fatigue damage to those who live. Combine with other fatigue spells to make an enemy armies unconscious.
    • Sailors' Death - Thaumatugry 3
      Great against thugs and troops, decent against SC. Requires multiple mages to be effect. Keep in mind that this only effects those with lungs and no gills.
  • water 44 High Seraph
    • Grip of Winter - Enchantment 6
      Great when dealing with large armies who don't have cold resistance. Combine with other fatigue spells to make an enemy armies unconscious.
  • water 55 High Seraph + water boosted
    • Murdering Winter - Evocation 7 for 40watergem
      The bane of human hp nations but costly. Brutally effective in cold 3 provinces and a great followup to Wolven Winter

Magic Items

National Discount Items

Note: All of the following items will have a further discount of 1 more watergem with an Ice Crafter. The cheaper items can even go all the way to the minimum price of 1 gem with a Dwarven Hammer.

  • Ice Lance - water 11 Construction 0 for 4watergem
    Niche piercing weapon, giving a charge bonus for flyers or mounted commanders and good for repelling anything shorter than a spear.
  • Ice Sword - water 11 Construction 0 for 4watergem
    With +3 to the defense skill you can give your commanders a fighting chance in close combat.
  • Ice Helmet - water 11 Construction 2 for 4watergem
    Good for giving your mages a helmet, especially indies who lack Airyan/Spire Horn cold resistance.
  • Ice Aegis - water 22 Construction 2 for 8watergem
    When in cold dominion, this shield improves whatever armour is being worn in addition to a large increase in defense.

Items to look out for

  • Coral Blade - water 11 Construction 2 for 5watergem
    Highly recommended. Adds 8 hit points and causes bleeding on hit. The first benefit can save a frail High Seraph (particularly a valued variant). Both benefits are excellent for Ahurani going on marine raids. The +2 attack & defence is nice.
  • Trueshot Longbow - air 11 Construction 2 for 5airgem
    Good to give to Airya Nobles so they can do something. Not a high priority.
  • Eye of Aiming - air 11 Construction 2 for 5airgem
    Kind of a waste but slightly memey. Really makes your spells land on the enemy.
  • Owl Quill - air 11 Construction 2 for 5airgem
    A free +6 researcher. Lets you meet research goals on time. Definitely high priority.
  • Thunder Bow - air 22 Construction 4 for 10airgem
    Kind of memey and expensive but lets your Airya Nobles join in on the lightning slinging fun. Very thematic and satisfying to watch en masse.
  • Robe of the Sea - water 33 Construction 4 for 15watergem
    Good for boosting water magic. You wont be invading the sea anytime soon (unless going straight for Ahurani).
  • Winged Helmet - air 44 Construction 4 for 25airgem
    Good for boosting air magic. Not terribly needed since your mages already have high air magic.
  • Bag of Winds - air 55 Construction 4 for 40airgem
    A cheaper empowerment for higher air magic or for those who already have Winged Helmet
  • Water Lens - water 11 Construction 4 for 5watergem
    Great for combat gem economy and water ritual range.
  • Water Bracelet - water 11 Construction 6 for 5watergem
    Apparently the cheapest magic booster in the game, and now cheaper thanks to Ice Crafters. Great help for casting Wolven Winter or Freezing Mist. Also expands your Ice Crafter's repertoire.
  • Bow of War - air 11 Construction 6 for 5airgem
    Great for Airya Nobles en masse against light armor. Very memey but very cool to watch.
  • Staff of Storms - air 55 Construction 6 for 40airgem
    Ultimate goal for air magic and has a high priority. Casts Storm start of battle so you can have Summon Storm Power at the start of script. Just make sure to not lose it.
  • Tempest - air 55 Construction 8 for 40
    Does Staff of Storms but looks cooler. Give to your highest level air mage to free cast Thunder Strike.
  • Amulet of the Doppelganger - Construction 8 for 10airgem
    Makes a Seraphine irresistible and boosts their already good stealth. Just make sure to give them something in case the seduction fails


Power Curve

This is probably the most difficult section to get consensus for. Describe how strong the nation is during expansion, the early, mid and late game, and what makes it strong/weak at each of those points. This should give readers an idea of where the weaknesses of a nation lie (if they have not been shown already) and when to take advantage of a nation's strengths.

Expansion Strategies

List some example expansion strategies here. If a strong bless or pretender is required then leave the specifics for the pretender section.

Example Pretender Builds

List some example pretender builds. Try to use the following format to keep authorship and pretender design rationale clear.

A perfectly balanced god that allows Caelum to summon most of their national summons. astral 22 gives you Starshine Skullcap, astral 22earth 22 gives Crystal Coin, fire 11death 11 gives Skull of Fire. Since the demilich is immortal, you don't have to worry about calling your god back. Also, the demilich can cast Teleport to help break enemy positions. Finally, with scales, your armies will drown the enemy in birdmen all the while having multiple forts recruiting High Seraphs to decimate any resistance.

Chassis: Imprisoned Demilich
Paths: fire 11earth 22astral 33death 44
Bless: Withering Weapons Scales: Dominion strength6Order3Productivity3Cold3Growth3Luck2Magic1

Yazad King
Every strength has a cost; an advantage often incurs a weakness. This Yazad King has scales optimised for MA Caelum's armoured troops; the Storm Guard, Iceclad and Temple Guard. They will be fewer, but they will be resilient. The Yazad's high dominion allows robust sacred recruitment and icy influence - good for ice-crafted armour. His 'Wind Walker' bless speeds both the fast, versatile Seraphine, and earth-bound Temple Guard. High defence skill complements the Guard's parry with their sturdy Ice Aegis. Every strength has cost, and this Yazad King forgoes magic diversity. He could sleep long to master great magics, but that would mean abandoning his children. — Murderous Titanium Puffin, The 2022/05/26 03:24

Chassis: Dormant Yazad King
Paths: air 55water 66astral 22
Bless: Wind Walker, Defence Skill (x2) Scales: Dominion strength7Turmoil2Productivity2Cold3Growth2Luck0Magic0

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caelum-ma.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/09 04:42 by johnnydown