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MA Eriu, Last of the Tuatha


In the Lebor Gabála Érenn (also known as the Book of Invasions or the Invasion Cycle), there are six peoples who take Ireland. The first were the Cesairians, followers of one of the sons of Noah (from Noah's Ark), who were submerged with the Great Flood. The second were the Partholonians, who defeated a race of destructive gods known as the Fomorians but were then wiped out by a plague in a single week. The third were the Nemedians, who defeated the Fomorians four times but were then devastated by another plague, reduced to vassals of the Fomorians that were destroyed in a rebellion. The fourth were the Fir Bolg, who enjoyed independence for only 37 years; the fifth group, the Tuatha de Danann ("the tribe of the goddess Danu"), then swept in with supernatural powers and vassalized the Fir Bolg, contesting control of the island with the Fomorians until the legendary Lugh settled things for the Tuatha. The sixth and final group were the Milesians, the "modern Irish", who subdued the Tuatha's magic and then divided Ireland with them; the Milesians got the surface, while the Tuatha got the underside of Ireland and retreated to their new dominion through burial mounds known as "Sidhe".

Eriu (literally the Irish name for Ireland) is the Kingdom of the Milesians. In the Dominions version of things, the Sidhe (permanent residents of the under/otherworld in Irish mythology) were the noble descendants of the Tuatha and the direct Lords of the Fir Bolg, while the Tuatha preferred to stay on their favorite island, Tir na n'Og. When the Milesians arrived, they overwhelmed the Sidhe all at once, and the Tuatha failed to save the day with a heroic countercharge. Most of the surviving Tuatha fled to either Tir na n'Og or Ker-Ys, both of which vanished without a trace – Ker-Ys disappeared under the waves, but Tir na n'Og disappeared from the world altogether. The Milesians tried conquering Tir na n'Og instead of cleaning up, so the Sidhe and the last Tuatha that remained with them disappeared into faery lands underground through the mounds of ancient kings. The Fir Bolg were abandoned, of course, but the Milesians were firm in their position and interbred with their new vassals. Unlike the Witches of Man, the Milesians were unable to secure any of the Magical secrets of their conquered foes; luckily for them, the Sidhe have been encouraged to return to the world by a new Pretender, and the last of the Tuatha have followed them out.


Although much of the old Tir' na n'Og units are only found in their capital, They are still an archetypal "elf nation" possessing highly skilled elite troops who can use stealth and glamour to pull off surprise attacks and raids, as well as capable and cost-efficient thugs. While they lack the blood access of their Norse counterparts, they wield potent air and nature magic and have much more cost-efficient research than is typical for elves. Their Fir Bolg and Milesian troops also give them a reliable cheaper option for chaff once the prevalence of late-game spells makes pricey elves a liability on the battlefield. In summary, like TNN, Eriu is less of a blunt instrument than the likes of the Vanir or other nations, requiring finesse and specializing in controlling the flow of combat through stealth, raiding, and now also Diplomacy with your power dwindled compared to Tir' na n'Og. Their main weaknesses are the high cost of their best troops which are mostly Cap only, The mediocrity of other units, and the lack of magic diversity, being largely restricted to air and nature, along with the fragility of their elven units when faced with ranged attacks.

National Features

Special Race Attributes Military Magic Access Priests Buildings
Milesien: Humans +1MR, and +25 Max-Age.
Fir Bolg: +3HP, +1Str, +3Def, +1 Moral, +3 MR Vs standard Humans

Tuatha & Sidhe(Elves): Stealthy, Glamour, High Def, Iron Vulnerability.
Superhuman Light Infantry
Humman Medium Infantry

Expensive but Hard to hit Elven Raiders
Air (4, Rare 5)
Nature (3, Rare 4)
Water (2, Rare 2)
Earth (1, Rare 2)
Strong Priests
(Strong Sacred Raiders)
Temple Cost: Gold 200
Standard Forts

Capital Special Sites

FIXME add the site pics

Mound of Ancient Kings
Enables recruitment of Bean Sidhe, Tuatha, and Daoine Sidhe
Generates 3airgem2naturegem per turn.



Sprite Unit Name Special Attributes Comments
Milesian Scout
Gold 25
Stealthy (50)
Mountain Survival
Forest Survival
Pretty much indy scouts. Get actual indy scouts if you can instead of spending fort turns on these.
Milesian Monk
holy 11
Indy priests but slightly cheaper in exchange for taking up a fort turn.
Fir Bolg Champion
Better than an indy commander in almost every way but still not particularly impressive.
Milesian Champion
Better than an indy commander in almost every way but still not particularly impressive.
nature 11rp 77
Stealthy (50)
Spell Singer
Forest Survival
Spies and also the best lab rats Eriu has. Not particularly amazing as mages, especially compared to Man's chorus Bards.
Sidhe Champion
air 11nature 11holy 11rp 99
Stealthy (65)
Darkvision (50%)
Iron Vulnerability(1)
Spell Singer
Forest Survival
Too expensive to be good at research and much worse as a thug compared to the Sidhe Lord. Can serve as hard-to-kill army commanders.
Bean Sidhe
Capital Only
air 11water 11nature 11rp 1313random1100%
Stealthy (65)
Darkvision (50%)
Spell Singer
Iron Vulnerability(1)
Forest Survival
Solid mages and for a very reasonable cost. Sadly cap only. Relative to Tuatha they are worse air and nature mages but more reliable Foul Vapors casters and better at fishing for earth randoms.
Sidhe Lord
air 22nature 11holy 22rp 1111
Stealthy (65)
Darkvision (50%)
Spell Singer
Iron Vulnerability(1)
Forest Survival
Extremely good thugs, solid battle mages, and good leaders but very expensive. As thugs they can cast Mistform, Blessing, and Barkskin and use gems for Personal Regeneration and Enlarge. As combat mages they can Summon Air Elementals and use Storm Power to spam Thunder Strike. All Sidhe Lords can Cloud Trapeze.
Capital Only
air 33nature 22holy 22rp 1717random1100%

Stealthy (65)
Darkvision (50%)
Spell Singer
Iron Vulnerability(1)
Forest Survival
Tuatha are powerful air and nature mages and Eriu relies on them to cast Storm for big battles and to put up large nature battle field-wide spells. Can serve as heavy thugs but are not cost-effective relative to Sidhe Lords.


Sprite Unit Name Attribute Comments
Milesian Slinger
Essentially an indie slinger. Not typically worth recruiting compared to the Fir Bolg Slinger.
Milesian Spearman
Eriu version of the indie Heavy Infantry. Fir Bolg are superior in every way as line holders except that this unit has head armor.
Milesian Longspear
Similar to the regular spearman but with a longer spear. Without high attack they won't get many repels. Possibly useful against low morale Indies and animal chaff but Fir Bolg are simply better.
Milesian Swordsman
Eriu version of sword wielding indie Heavy Infantry with the dubious honor of being Eriu's highest prot troop. Not worth taking Prod over Sloth to get these thoroughly average troops.
Fir Bolg Slinger
Unlike the Milesian version, this slinger is worth recruiting. With high morale and 12 precision, they will win archery duels against low prot archers and even crossbows. Useful during expansion against tribes and lizards but falls off in mid game without easy access to Flaming Arrows.
Fir Bolg
Fir Bolg have higher than human stats and are superior in every way other than their lack of hats. Compared to TNN, Fir Bolg are weaker in the Middle Age due to power creep; their foes have significantly-better armor. They still have amazing Defense for guys that fit three to a square, but Harassment penalties will still be an issue. On that end, you have two choices; the Axemen will finish battles (or die) quicker, while the Spearmen will drag battles out longer with slightly-higher Defense and decent Repelling power (not to mention that initial Javelin volley).
Fir Bolg
Daoine Sidhe
Capital Only
Stealthy (65)
Darkvision (50%)
Iron Vulnerability(1)
Forest Survival
Remember TNN's non-sacred elite option? Now it IS your sacred, wiping some of its benefits.
Oh well, it's not like you have Tuatha troops anymore.
Their stats are a small upgrade over the Fir Bolg (literally +1 in the offensive areas), and they have helmets. The premium on them mostly comes from the Glamour, which effectively doubles their chance to avoid melee attacks until they take damage once. Without the Shield Parry, the Sidhe's Defense is 11 instead of 15; this means their Glamour isn't very long-lasting against units with high-power attacks (25 or so, based on the Shield's damage reduction and the Sidhe's armor) or Armor-Negating chicanery. Being Stealthy means you can choose your battles more effectively with them, though, hitting soft spots in the enemy.
A Damage-boosting Bless will put their attack skill to work, while an evasion-boosting bless (even Twist Fate) can make them more-formidable line-holders for whatever magic you have planned.


Eriu has some pretty-ridiculous heroes, considering how average most of the faction is.

Sprite Unit Name Abilities Comments
Ferdiad - Fir Bolg Hero Berserker (+5) When's the last time you've seen a unique hero who's worse than their multihero counterpart?
Anyway, Ferdiad is odd for having normal Defense while Berserked. He also has 17 Strength and 20 Attack while Berserked.
Cu Chulainn - Hero Awe (3)
Fire Resistant (15)
Fire Shield (8)
Berserker (+8)
Mounted Berserker
An insane Trampler who still has 15 Defense while Berserked. He's the only Mounted unit who can go Berserk, by the way.
His ludicrous Defense, Awe, and Fire Shield all make him a more-effective Trampler than most, at least at surviving; however, he doesn't have the HP of an Elephant, nor the size.
Consider putting actual armor on him.
Tuan - Last Partholonian
Minimum arrival turn: 10
air 22water 11death 44rp 2929
Stealthy (65)
Darkvision (50%)
Spell Singer
Iron Vulnerability (1)
Adept Researcher (+10)
Calling Tuan "game-changing" for Eriu might be a stretch, but he's the star of the hero line-up.
Virtually undetectable on the strategic map, immortal, and boasting Wailing Winds access without any extra gems or boosters; he can even cast Stygian Rains with a Water Bracelet.
He even passes the threshold for summoning other Immortal Death-casters, if you have the gems to spare.
Scathach - Trainer of Heroes air 33death 22rp 1515
Shock Resistance (5)
Stealthy (65)
Darkvision (50%)
Spell Singer
Fortune Teller (15%)
Scathach is like Tuan, but with less magic in exchange for innate flight.
You also have to be more careful with her, since she's not Immortal.
Lastly, she's a better fighter than Tuan, but easier to instakill due to her lower Magic Resistance.
If you don't need her, set her in your capital so she'll keep the bad events off of it.
Fianna Sacred
Inspirational (+1)
Size-3 stats on a Size-2 fellow, owing to their Fomorian ancestry.
Aside from that, they're like un-mounted Knights of the Stone or Bogatyrs; an excuse to not recruit new troop-leaders if you haven't gone Misfortune3.

Summons & Freespawn

Sprite Unit Name Comments
Cu Sidhe
Requires nature 22
7 units per cast
Eriu's only summonable unit, the Cu Sidhe is a size 3 sacred elvish dog. Their prot and MR are surprisingly high for animals, and their higher hp and decent damage attack can mitigate their low attack density. Their high combat speed also means that they can keep pace as bodyguards for Sidhe Lords that are running into combat. However they remain a questionable use of N gems in most situations, lacking the glamour and high def skill which makes your other elf troops strong, and still possessing all the same weaknesses. If you're running a heavy bless, access to summonable sacreds from a fairly gem and mage-turn efficient spell can give them a role, but they are probably best avoided.


Magic Access

Highest single paths:

air 44 on Tuatha - air 66 with accessible boosters (Winged Helmet + Bag of Winds).

nature 33 on Tuatha - nature 44 with a Thistle Mace.

water 22 on Bean Sidhe - water 44 with accessible boosters (Water Bracelet + Robe of the Sea).

earth 11 on Bean Sidhe and Tuatha - Earth Boots come at earth 22, just in case you're curious.

Notable crosspaths:

nature 33water 11 on Tuatha (and on Bean Sidhe with a Thistle Mace or extra gems) for casting Foul Vapors.

water 33nature 11 on Bean Sidhe with a W booster for casting Contact Naiad and Naiad Warriors.

Notable Generic Magic

Spells To support its army, Eriu mages can summon air / water / earth elementals (Evo3-7) as well as Swarm (Alt4/7). For larger armies recruit a Sorceress to cast Storm (Evo5) and use Storm Powered (Conj2) Sidhe Lords, A2 Bean Sidhe and Sidhe Champions to cast Lightning Bolts or air elementals and Thunder Strike (Evo4). Water mages can use Frozen Heart (Alt6) to kill elites / heavy armor, buff troops with Quickness / Wave Warriors / Fire Resistance and with a nature cross path Bone Melter (Alt5, aoe1 kill vs MR) can delete squares. Earth mages can Earth Boots or Earth Power and gems to buff with Legions of Steel / Strength of Giants and disable enemy iron equipment with Rust Mist (Evo2) / Iron Bane (Alt6). N2 Bean Sidhe can spam Swarm (Alt4) to put up some distracting blockers, buff troops with Wooden Warriors (Alt5) or poison enemies with Breath of the Dragon / Poison Cloud (Evo4-5). Earth mages, with Earth Boots or Earth Power and gems, can buff allies with Legions of Steel and Strength of Giants, while disabling enemy iron equipment with Rust Mist (Evo2) / Iron Bane (Alt5). For big battles consider using Howl (Conj5), Wind Guide (Alt4), Darkness (Alt6, with Kokythiad and LLV bless), Rain (vs fire) / Mist / Storm (Evo2-5) and Foul Vapors (Ench5, with PR bless).

Magic Items

List and describe any unique national items or discounts in this section, discuss and compare with similar generic items. Also discuss generic items that are useful and accessible for the nation. These may include:

  • Thug gear (if the nation has good thugs)
  • Research boosters (particularly if the nation needs help researching or is already very good at researching)
  • Other items that synergize with the nation (e.g. Dwarven Hammers for MA Ulm)

National Items

National Discount Items

Generic Items

Strategic Guide

Disclamer:With the rapidly changing meta nature of the game, thoses advices can be wrong, i strongly adviced to try everything in SP before

Original Post: All Nations Guide

Power Curve

This is probably the most difficult section to get consensus for. Describe how strong the nation is during expansion, the early, mid and late game, and what makes it strong/weak at each of those points. This should give readers an idea of where the weaknesses of a nation lie (if they have not been shown already) and when to take advantage of a nation's strengths.

Mid-game is Eriu's strongest phase. Be more aggressive then usual to press your advantage with powerful air & nature magic and heavy raiding with Sidhe Lords to win the game early or get an overwhelming advantage for the late game. Key research objectives are Conj5 for Powers / Elementals, Evo5 for Storm / Thunder Strike, Alt7 for Wooden Warriors / Mother Oak / Marble Warriors / Mass Protection / Fog Warriors and Ench4 for Cloud Trapez / Seeking Arrow. Mother Oak (Alt5, N5) and Perpetual Storm (Evo6, A5) are good globals to put up.

An important tool for winning is to raid as many provinces per turn as possible with Sidhe Lords or Champion-led Daoine Sidhe to quickly take all of their provinces. Sidhe Lords are excellent raiders with Bless / Barkskin / Air Shield / Mistform / Personal Regeneration (Flight / Elemental Fortitude). Later, they can Cloud Trapez (Ench4) into enemy hinterlands as well as cut off retreats of enemy armies. They can be used with minimal equipment (Frost Brand) but are even better with a Vine Shield, armor (Kithaironic / Knight) and a repelling Dancing Trident. Call of the Winds and Call of the Wild (Conj3) can be effective against weak province defense but is quite expensive.

Expansion Strategies

List some example expansion strategies here. If a strong bless or pretender is required then leave the specifics for the pretender section.

Use expansion parties of ~6-8 Daoine Sidhe or ~25 Fir Bolg led by a Champion to expand, combine them for hard provinces. Two Sidhe Lords without equipment can conquer weak to medium indy provinces, Elephant (trample) and Shaman / Tribe provinces (Tangle Vines) should be avoided. Alternate recruitment of Champions and Firbolg Druids until you build your first fort starting on turn 7/8. With more money recruit Sidhe Lords instead of Champions and Bean Sidhe instead of Druids. Site search with Bean Sidhe and research either Conj5 for Powers and Air Elementals or Conj3 + Evo5 for Storm and Thunder Strike first depending on whether neighbors have a Magic Weapons or Shock Resistance bless. With an awake Earth pretender, Const2 first for Owl Quills + Dwarven Hammers is also an option, otherwise it requires too many air gems that will be needed in your wars.

Example Pretender Builds

List some example pretender builds. Try to use the following format to keep authorship and pretender design rationale clear.

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Strategy Guides

eriu-ma.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/09 04:39 by johnnydown